American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 590 Sneak Attack

At this time, a voice sounded in Midnight's ear: "Midnight, I am Wonder Woman's boyfriend and the father of the financial backer behind Constantine. I want to negotiate a deal with you."

"The boyfriend who claims to be very low-key, but is actually not low-key at all?"

Father Midnight was stunned. He stepped back and asked in a low voice: "Why would a big shot like you get involved with Zha Kang?"

"Because this matter involves world security. I don't know what the devil's specific plan is, but it must be related to the life and death of the world."

Andrew replied: "Midnight, are you really willing to leave the world and wander in other dimensions?"

Of course Father Midnight doesn't want to. The human world is much better than other places. Unless he has no choice, he definitely wants to continue to stay in the human world. There are so many beauties and fine wine, don't they smell good?

"Help Kang, help us, the Justice League, save the world."

Andrew continued: "I don't know how much benefit the devil has given you, but I can double it, whether it's money or magic resources."

Father Midnight complained: "So arrogant? To be honest, your tone doesn't sound like a positive person at all."

"This is America, isn't it natural for superheroes to have money?"

Andrew said: "Midnight, tell me your decision?"

"Can you, the Justice League, win?"

Father Midnight thought for a while and asked. He just wanted to be on the side of the winner. The passionate voodoo magician back then had turned into an old fried dough stick under the polish of time.

Andrew said proudly: "Of course, when have I ever lost?"

"You have a strong tone, but you have never lost. I am willing to put my treasure on you."

Father Midnight said: "I will help Zha Kang, but I will not fight tooth and nail. I will only give him a chance to escape. In addition, you have to pay the money, no matter how little you lose."

"Don't worry, that little money is not worth my cheating to you."

Andrew smiled and broke off the contact.

"Sixty million dollars is that kind of money? Poverty limits my imagination."

Father Midnight complained. He glanced at the battle ahead and quietly retreated into the back room. Then, he used magic to put a sterling silver cross into the water tower of the firefighting facility.

This cross has a very powerful function, it can turn ordinary water into holy water. As we all know, demons are afraid of holy water.

"If you want to survive in this world, your brain is the most important. You can start choosing a yacht."

Father Midnight smiled and said, after a while, the flames generated by the battle caused the fire sprinkler head to activate. Then, a large amount of holy water fell from the sky. The demons screamed, and the disguise on their bodies quickly disappeared, revealing the green demon body.

Constantine, who was in danger, was stunned. At this moment, Andrew's voice rang in his mind: "Hurry up and run away with Angela. Iron Man is ten kilometers away. Go find him and he will protect you."

"You did it?"

Constantine was very shocked. Mr. Wang’s ability was too great, right?

Of course, Constantine wasted no time and escaped from the bar by blasting open the wall with his tentacles.

Midnight's father's eyelids twitched, my tavern.

The demons chased him out immediately. Constantine used nanoparticles to form a simple steel suit, held Angela in his arms and soared into the sky, and quickly fled to the location of Iron Man.

Seeing this, the demons climbed into cars and helicopters and chased them as fast as they could.

Because of the raging zombies, there are not many pedestrians in the city now. They are all hiding in the buildings, which is very suitable for racing.

On the other side, Andrew told Tony the matter, and he said: "Protect Angela and never let the devil take her away. We will deal with Anmanette as soon as possible."

"Is this a world-destroying crisis car crash? Tsk tsk, this is even more unlucky than our universe. In just one year, the disaster progress has surpassed that of our universe. It's gratifying."

Tony complained, and at the same time, he summoned the steel suits to rush over to help. After their cleanup, the number of zombies in the city has been greatly reduced.

"The scene in this world will be bigger than the main universe in the future, and there may be a cosmic war."

Andrew said: "By the way, you also need to take care of Constantine. He has a soft spot for you. He even planned to sell himself to you in exchange for money for medical treatment."

"...Fake, isn't it your fault?"

Tony couldn't help but curse: "I will join forces with the devil in a while to kill that guy named Constantine."

Andrew said: "It's up to you, don't say this, remember, don't be careless, the man behind the scenes is very powerful."

Tony nodded: "Understood."


Seeing Constantine escape and rendezvous with Iron Man, Gabriel couldn't help but cursed, what a bunch of losers, even if Constantine escapes even if he catches the turtle in the jar.

"The one who has always been against me is indeed the Justice League."

Gabriel snorted coldly. She looked at the base, a faint light flashed in her eyes. Perhaps, she should help a bunch of Ammanettes.

Mammon and the God of Death, no matter which one comes, they all teach mankind a lesson anyway.

God prefers humans, and humans are arrogant and must be taught a lesson. Only in this way can they understand how great God is.

"Of course, the focus is still on Mammon."

Gabriel thought for a while and said to Mammon in hell: "Use Angela's sister to pull Angela into a dream and let her awaken her magic power in the dream. Then, you control her to escape to the mental hospital."

Mammon's reincarnation must be in a mental hospital. Only there can it be hidden from heaven and hell.

They did a lot of tricks in the mental hospital, and Angela's sister also committed suicide there.


Mammon didn't talk nonsense and agreed directly. He didn't know why Gabriel helped him, but that was not important. The important thing was to go to the human world.

As long as you go to the human world, Tammon has the final say in this world. As for the old guy Lucifer, he has passed his time.

In the base, the battle is going on in full swing. Cyborg fights Indigo on the Internet, Wonder Woman fights Axeman, Batman fights space aliens, and Zatana fights Ammanette.

Nick looked nervously at the battles around him. The results of these battles would be directly related to his life or death.

What kind of devil do you want to be? I'm a millionaire now. Wouldn't it be nice to be a rich man?

Andrew glanced at Nick, his eyes flashing slightly. He had done a lot of tricks on Nick. Even if death really came, they would not lose.

Of course, Nick didn't know about this.

"If it doesn't come, it's better not to come. When death comes, I have to turn over the cards again. There are only a few hundred cards in total."

Andrew shook his head and whispered to everyone through the communicator: "Everyone, speed up as soon as possible. This one is over, and there will be the next one. I don't know how long it can drag on."

"Is there another one?"

Diana, Batman, The Flash and others are all confused at the same time. Can a world-destroying disaster lead to double happiness?

What is going on in this world, and can it still get better?

"It seems that we are really going to speed up."

Diana took a deep breath and forced the axe-man away with a sword. Then, she raised her hands and struck the guarded silver bracelet fiercely.

Ax Man knew Wonder Woman's trick and immediately raised his axe. Then, a large number of energy tentacles emerged from the axe, forming a shield in front of him.

Boom, a huge shock wave erupted from the protective silver bracelet. The ax man's body moved backward quickly, but he did not suffer any damage. Most of the impact energy was swallowed up by the energy tentacles.

Then, the energy tentacles returned to the axe, and the axe lit up with a dazzling energy light.

"Wonder Woman, give it back to you."

The axe-man shouted, and a barrel-thick beam of light struck Wonder Woman from the axe.

Wonder Woman held her shield in front of her, and was knocked back continuously. The wall behind her was completely broken, and two deep marks were left on the ground.

At this moment, a figure appeared out of thin air beside the axe-man. He raised his sword and cut off the axe-man's right arm holding the axe.

Bang, the axe-man's arm fell to the ground along with the axe. The axe-man screamed and backed away. Then, the ax shook violently and tried to fly back to the axe-man's hand.

"Don't even think about it."

Wonder Woman's clone wielded the mantra lasso and tied it to the axe. Then, she stepped on the ax under her feet. The axe struggled hard, but was unable to compete with Wonder Woman's power.

At the same time, Wonder Woman, who had been blown away before, suddenly rushed to Ax Man's side and slashed the Vulcan Sword hard towards Ax Man's head.

"You haven't become stronger, you just absorbed the power of the axe. Do you think I can't notice it?"

Wonder Woman sneered, and Ax Man hurriedly backed away. He shouted in disbelief: "Why are there two of you?"

Ax Man has been guarding against Diana's phantom magic, but he never expected that there would be two Wonder Women. This is unscientific.

In fact, there is only one, and the other is Diana's clone. She wears Queen Anna's suit, and her strength is almost the same as Diana's.

"Ask in hell."

Wonder Woman swung the Vulcan Sword continuously, and a large number of wounds quickly appeared on the Ax Man's body.

"help me."

Ax Man asked the space alien for help. The space alien, who was embarrassed by Batman's trap, heard this and immediately prepared to teleport to Ax Man and rescue him.

Batman's eyes flashed and he activated a device. The space alien's figure flashed and returned to the original place.

"Why is this happening? Why does my spatial ability fail?"

The expression on the space alien's face changed drastically. At this moment, a bullet roared at a hundred times the speed of sound, instantly piercing the defensive cover and penetrating the chest of the space alien.

The space alien fell down with a deep sense of disbelief - he was not dead, but was seriously injured and fell into a coma.

"I was asked to send you a message."

Batman put down the collapsed pistol and said: "The same move cannot be used a second time in front of him."

Apparently, Batman used a space-disruption device developed by Andrew.

Not long after the space alien fell, the axe-man was beheaded by Wonder Woman with a sword. The consciousness in the axe was filled with shock and anger, bursting out with powerful magical energy, lifting Diana's clone and fleeing away.

Diana's clone immediately gave chase, but the ax quickly disappeared without being caught.

After killing the axe-man, Diana returned to the hall. She took a look at the situation and rushed towards Ammanette with Batman.

"It's all rubbish."

Seeing that all her companions had failed, Ammanet's face turned extremely ugly. She shouted loudly, and the magic power in her body exploded. The entire base was shaking, and many houses even collapsed.

A lot of dust fell on the heads of Andrew and the three of them, and Jenny and Nick were left disgraced.

Jenny turned her head and glanced at Andrew, very surprised, why was there no dust on him at all? This unscientific.

Immediately afterwards, giant khaki hands emerged from the ground and grabbed hard at Diana, Batman, and Zatanna.

Diana swung the sword of Vulcan and split the giant hands one by one, while Batman kept dodging. He cursed in his heart, I hate magic.

Zatanna used dispel magic to dispel the giant hands one after another, turning them back into clay.

Zatanna shouted: "It's useless, Ammanette, you lose."

“God never loses.”

Ammanet sneered, and at this moment, a flash of lightning suddenly appeared on the screen, forming a blue figure in the air, and stabbed a dagger into Cyborg's steel body from behind.

This dagger contained strange power, and Cyborg's system immediately shut down. He turned back and looked at the blue indigo in disbelief.

Why did the promised cyber war turn into a physical body and be eliminated?

A fake Internet war in which both sides compete in computer technology on the Internet.

Real online battles, jump out of the screen and kill your opponents with one blow.

"Your skills are good. Let's play again next time, if you have another time."

Indigo smiled slightly, let go of the dagger, and quickly rushed towards Nick. Their family, once the host of Kryptonians, could not only survive in the network, but also had strong combat power.

Ammanette immediately threw the Hades Dagger to Indigo - as long as the Hades Dagger penetrated Nick's body, death would come without her having to take action herself.

Indigo grabbed the Dark Dagger and stabbed Nick like lightning. Nick had a dull look on his face and didn't know how to dodge.

The audience couldn't help but cover their mouths. They obviously won, but why did it suddenly become like this?

At this critical moment, Indigo was suddenly knocked away by a powerful force, hit the wall and fell, and the Ming Dagger also fell to the ground with a bang.

This wasn't over yet. Then, Indigo's head was hit by a huge force, and the entire back of his head sank into the wall.

The one who took action was naturally the Atom Man Cai Ruian. He was wearing a nano-suit specially designed by Andrew, which not only had the function of invisibility, but also exerted great power.

"Finally it's my turn to play."

Atom flew away from Indigo's head, activated his thrusters, and hit her forehead hard again.

At this moment, a bolt of lightning erupted from Indigo's head, and Atom was knocked away. Then, Indigo locked eyes with Atom and slapped him with a strong wind.

Atom quickly avoided it. Not only was he small, but he was also fast. It was not that easy to hit him.

Seeing this, Indigo controlled the lightning to shoot at Atom one after another. Atom snorted, stepped back, and fired micro bombs at Indigo.

Indigo rolled to avoid it and fought fiercely with Atom.

The audience breathed a sigh of relief. Although they didn't know what happened, the enemy's conspiracy was foiled.

At this time, there was a bang, and a figure fell from the sky. It was Fiora. As for the two Kryptonians, she had already dealt with them.

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