American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 587 Take action to stop

At the critical moment, there was a flash of lightning, and Superman and Green Lantern disappeared.


The Kryptonian was about to chase the Flash, who was running away with Superman and Green Lantern, when two heat rays hit him hard, sending him flying and sliding on the ground.

By the time the Kryptonian got up, the Flash had disappeared. The two Kryptonians had no choice but to restrain Fiora and prevent her from leaving here.

Fiora had an indifferent look on her face and struck without mercy, preparing to kill the two Kryptonians in the shortest possible time.

In the base, the Flash returned with Superman and Green Lantern, and Zatanna hurriedly stepped forward to check on the two.

After a moment, Zatanna said: "The situation is very bad, Mr. Wang. Next, I have to help them get rid of the curse. I may not worry about other things."

"No problem, just focus on exorcising the curse."

Andrew nodded, and everyone looked a little ugly. As soon as it started, the two main players, Superman and Green Lantern, were lost, and Fiora and Zatanna were also restrained. This battle may not be as easy to fight as imagined.

At this time, Cyborg shouted: "Indigo appeared. Through the Internet, she caused many electrical appliances to explode, causing fires and affecting many people."

"It's clear they want to spread our forces."

General Calvin's holographic projection appeared, and he said: "Although it is a bit cruel, I suggest that the superheroes do not go out, Nick is more important."

"Your suggestion is a bit late. The Flash has already set off to save people."

Andrew spread his hands and everyone burst into laughter. This was very Flash.

"Cyborg, let's join forces to stop that blue woman."

Tony shouted, Cyborg nodded, and then the two started a war with Indigo on the Internet, and Indigo's speed of detonating electrical appliances was greatly reduced.

Before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, Alice reported: "BOSS, there are a lot of zombies in the city and they are biting people everywhere."

At the same time as Alice reported, a large number of holographic projections popped up from Andrew's mobile phone, and on the street, only withered zombies were chasing after the fleeing people.

People bitten by zombies will quickly become shriveled up and die tragically on the spot.

What's worse is that moments later, their corpses rise from the ground and join the pursuit of the people.

This is not a zombie virus, it is simply Ammanette controlling the corpses. She controls all the corpses in the city.

The people were frightened, screamed wildly, and ran away. The bustling Los Angeles quickly turned into hell.

"Annaite is controlling the zombies. These zombies are like worker bees, helping her absorb life force. The more people die, the stronger her magic power becomes."

Zatanna yelled, "In the end, she could even destroy entire cities with sandstorms."

"Now we're in trouble."

Everyone looked solemn, wondering whether they should go to the city to save people.

Going to the city to save people will lead to the base defense being empty and Nick being robbed. If they don't save people, Ammanet will become stronger and stronger as time goes by. In addition, if they don't save people, they will have a bad conscience.

"I have never wanted to kill someone so much. She went too far."

Neptune cursed, and Iron Man said: "I will immediately lead the Iron Suit Legion to stop the zombies. Neptune, you come with me, Cyborg, continue to deal with that Indigo, don't let her blow up the entire Los Angeles."

Batman, Wonder Woman, you stay at the base. "

Andrew also said: "General Calvin, send most of the soldiers and agents into the city to deal with the zombies, and also ask the police to fully cooperate.

Alice, search the whole city for traces of Ammanette and be sure to find her as soon as possible. "

"Okay, all soldiers and agents, follow Iron Man's instructions."

General Calvin hesitated and nodded. Then, Iron Man and Aquaman led a large number of soldiers and agents to the city to destroy the zombies.

With the help of these people, the situation immediately improved greatly. However, there were too many zombies, and new zombies would continue to be born. It was not that simple to kill them all.

Alice mobilized cameras all over the city to look for Annet, but unfortunately, found nothing.

This is not surprising. The other party has Indigo and will definitely be prepared for this in advance.

"Batman, Wonder Woman, be prepared. If nothing else happens, Anmanet and the others are coming soon."

Andrew shouted to the others: "Nick, don't worry too much, we will protect you."

Nick didn't answer. His expression was dull. It was obvious that Ammanet was casting a spell on him.

Everyone looked at each other and felt a little solemn. The opponent this time was really difficult to deal with.

"The wind is a bit noisy tonight."

At the same time, in the church, Gabriel sensed movement and used magic to look down at the city. She was a little surprised when she looked at the flames and black smoke that kept coming out.

With Gabriel's ability, he quickly figured out what was going on in the city. His eyes lit up. This seemed to be a good opportunity. The Justice League had no time to pay attention to them now.

"Whether it's death coming or mammon coming, it's the same to me."

Gabriel thought for a while and ordered: "Plan in advance to kill two of Constantine's friends and apprentices, force Angela to lift the seal, and find the real murderer.

In addition, let all mixed-blood demons gather in the mental hospital to prepare for the arrival of Mammon. "

"Yes, great archangel."

A voice full of ridicule responded, and Gabriel snorted coldly. How could a bunch of dirty ants understand His greatness?

Then, Gabriel sensed that outside the city, a dull-looking Mexican was holding a bronze gun head and slowly approaching Los Angeles.

"Ride into the city by car. When the holy spear pierces Angela's belly, Mammon will come to the world."

Gabriel ordered, and the puppet nodded numbly, got into the car that had been prepared, and quickly drove to the mental hospital.

This bronze gun head, called the Spear of Longinus, is famous in Catholicism - it is the gun that killed Jesus. It is stained with the holy blood of Jesus and possesses vast divine power.

Following Gabriel's orders, a group of hybrid demons attacked Constantine's station. Although they were successfully repelled in the end, Constantine's apprentice Chas and two good friends were all killed by the hybrid demons.

"Devil, I want you to die!"

Constantine yelled angrily, and Angela clenched her fists tightly. These people all sacrificed for her.

"When I was a child, like my sister, I could see all kinds of ghosts. Later, I didn't want to be regarded as mentally ill, so I told others that I couldn't see anything. Gradually, I really couldn't see anything. "

Angela said to Constantine: "Constantine, help me restore my abilities. By then, I should be able to find clues about those hybrid demons, avenge Chas and the others, and at the same time, figure out the truth of all this."

"You have to think about it, once you take this step, you can't look back."

Although Constantine was angry, he did not lose his mind. He said: "You notice the ghost, and the ghost will notice you."

"I've thought about it. In fact, I should have done this a long time ago."

Angela said firmly: "I want those demons to pay the price, and I want to free my sister from hell."

"Okay, I'll start right away."

Constantine nodded. It is not difficult to help Angela restore her magic power. As long as she is forced into a desperate situation, she will awaken. Of course, the premise is that she is willing to unblock herself.

If Angela herself doesn't want to, even if she is killed, she will not regain her magic power.


Gabriel nodded with satisfaction, then, he raised his right hand, ready to cast magic: once Angela regains her magic power, he will immediately transfer Angela to a mental hospital and let Mammon come.

At this moment, Gabriel looked ahead in shock, what the hell is this?

Inside the station, Constantine suddenly clenched his fist and hit Angela hard on the face with a single punch. Angela was knocked unconscious on the spot and fell to the ground.

Angela looked confused before she fell into coma, why did John hit me?

Gabriel was also confused. Why did Constantine suddenly knock Angela out and restore her magic power as promised?

Constantine himself was equally confused, why did I knock Angela unconscious?

"No, it's not me."

Constantine suddenly reacted. Just as he was about to speak, Andrew's voice sounded in his mind:

"Don't talk, just think in your head. Yes, I was controlling your body just now. This is the first time."

It was Andrew who knocked Angela unconscious. The previous arrangement on Constantine was successfully used.

"Why did you knock Angela out? Angela must restore her magic power. Only in this way can we find those hybrid demons and avenge my friend."

Constantine asked dissatisfied: "Also, those demons obviously have a big conspiracy, and we must stop them."

Andrew said: "Didn't you realize? You were cheated."

Constantine said: "Yes, I was tricked by you. You took control of my body before the operation started. And, obviously, you have been monitoring me before."

"It's going to happen sooner or later anyway, so what if it's earlier?"

Andrew said: "Constantine, you are a smart man, calm down now and think carefully, have you been cheated?"

Constantine was stunned when he heard this, and then he lowered his head and thought carefully. After a moment, he said with an ugly face: "Everything that happened before was indeed a bit too coincidental.

It was obvious that there was someone behind the scenes who was taking advantage of me. The question was, what was he trying to do? "

"I don't know what the person behind this is trying to do, but it definitely has something to do with Angela."

Andrew said: "Annaite is wreaking havoc across the city, and the Justice League has no time to deal with it at the moment.

Constantine, next, you have to delay the mastermind until we finish dealing with Ammanet. "

"Ammanette, wreaking havoc across the city?"

Constantine was stunned and said: "No wonder the mastermind behind the scenes is starting at this time. At this time, you, the Justice League, have no time to stop him."

"As long as you understand."

Andrew said, at this moment, Angela suddenly flew back uncontrollably, even the wall was knocked down by her, but it was Gabriel who summoned Angela from the air.

The seal Angela had placed on herself has been unlocked. It will not be difficult to restore her magic power. In other words, there is no need for acting anymore, and there is no need for the bastard Constantine.


Just as Constantine was about to catch up, a large number of nanoparticles suddenly appeared in his palm, forming a silver tentacle to grab Angela.

Unfortunately, Gabriel's magic was too strong, and Constantine and Angela were dragged towards the window.

Andrew snorted, and three clusters of nanoparticles appeared behind Constantine. Then, the nanoparticles penetrated the clothes and formed three silver tentacles embedded in the wall next to them, resisting Gabriel's magic.

Constantine couldn't help complaining: "How much did you put into my body? Is my body a garbage dump?"

Andrew said lightly: "Not much, just an arsenal."

"An arsenal? Isn't that much? Also, why don't you tell me something?"

Constantine was speechless. Although his body is indeed a bit like a garbage dump, is it too much for you to install an arsenal?

By the way, can my body be so fake? Can it fit into an arsenal?

Constantine was a scammer, but unfortunately he encountered an even bigger scammer.

Seeing that Angela was stopped, Gabriel increased his magic output, and the walls around the tentacles quickly cracked and collapsed.

"Why are you still standing there? Cast a spell quickly to break the magic on Angela."

Andrew shouted that he couldn't take action himself. The control of the nanoparticles just now was all done by Alice.


Constantine put his hands together and cast dispelling magic on Angela.

Constantine is a casual cultivator. The advantage is that he knows a little bit of all magic, but the disadvantage is that he really only knows a little bit. Therefore, his magic failed and Angela was still flying backwards.

"You are really unreliable."

Andrew complained, and then, a large number of nanoparticles rushed out from Constantine's chest, forming two propellers, spraying flames, and brought Constantine and Angela back to where they were.

"What kind of look is this?"

Looking at the two thrusters on his chest, Constantine's face was filled with embarrassment. Also, is this still his own body? Does it have everything?

Seeing that there was nothing he could do, Gabriel reluctantly dispersed the magic. He looked at the station in the distance, his face a little ugly.

Obviously, someone is helping Constantine. The problem is that Gabriel cannot take action personally. He is not the only boss in heaven. If he takes action personally, other bosses will be alerted.

However, Gabriel can show up at the mental hospital, where there is a magic circle that can hide everything.

"We can only send in half-blood demons."

Gabriel thought for a while and ordered: "Balthazar, take the mixed-blood demon to kill Constantine and grab Angela. Be careful, Constantine is a bit weird."

"No problem, don't worry, no matter how powerful he is, he is only one person and can't defeat us."

Balthazar didn't waste any time and immediately led the hybrid demons to set off. Well, they didn't just flapping their wings, but took cars, helicopters and other means of transportation.

These hybrid demons have lived in human society for many years and have long been accustomed to using human methods.

At the station, Alice controlled the tentacles to gently put Angela down, and then Andrew said to Constantine: "The test has just begun. If nothing else happens, demons will come to snatch people soon.

Constantine, the Justice League has no time to deal with this matter now. You have to protect Angela and prevent her from being snatched away by the devil. "

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