American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 584 Development

General Calvin was a little surprised. He asked Andrew: "Mr. Wang, where did you find this magician? He looks very powerful."

"Found it on the street."

Andrew said: "General, I know what you are worried about. Don't worry, she is different from the previous witch. She can be trusted. I am not Amanda, and I will not take risks."

"That's good."

General Calvin nodded. He trusted Andrew. After all, he was also a hidden member of the Justice League.

After a while, Zatanna found the clue. She closed the book and said, "I need to check on the person inside. Things may be a little bad."

"No problem, General Calvin, inject Nick with anesthetic and put him into a deep sleep."

Andrew said, General Calvin did not object, and soon, three sturdy men rushed into Nick's room. Before Nick could struggle, he was pressed on the bed, and then something stabbed into his body.

Soon, Nick fainted. After the three tough men left, Zatanna walked into the ward and cast irony magic, and a complex magic circle appeared over Nick.

As the magic circle rotated, wisps of black energy emerged from Nick's body. Then, the black energy formed a ferocious human face and let out a low roar towards Zatanna.

Zatanna retreated sharply, and at the same time, the magic circle collapsed. Everyone present, except Andrew, felt like they were almost dead.

"It is indeed Seth, the God of Death."

Zatanna did not dare to test any more and left the room with an ugly face. Then, she said: "Mr. Wang, it is not easy to be a magic consultant for your Justice League. I met the true God as soon as I started. To be honest, I regret it now. "

"It's not easy, especially since we don't have a salary yet."

Andrew nodded in agreement, and Zatanna was speechless. Are you trying to drive away employees?

Andrew asked: "What exactly happened?"

"A long time ago, there was a princess named Ammanet in Egypt. She was both civil and military and was the heir to the Pharaoh."

Zatanna introduced: "Unfortunately, the Pharaoh later had a son, and Ammanet was deprived of his status as heir. She was very unwilling to sacrifice to Seth, the God of Death, to obtain the magic power of death.

Then, Ammanet killed her father and brother, prepared a ritual, and wanted to summon the god of death. Fortunately, her actions were stopped in time by the guards and priests.

In the end, Ammanet was mummified and sealed. In order to prevent her from being discovered, the priests also deliberately sealed her in the Middle East.

The coffin dug by the wanted aliens was her coffin. She came back, and Nick was the carrier of death, which is why he could be resurrected.

When Ammanet pierces Nick's body with the Hades dagger, death will come to Nick. I don't need to say more about what he will do at that time. "

"It will destroy the world. It is indeed another world-destroying crisis."

General Calvin couldn't help but sigh, the earth is also suffering from too many disasters, isn't it?

"Don't be so nervous."

Andrew smiled and said, "As long as we protect Nick and prevent Anmanette from getting him, we can prevent death from coming."

"Although this is indeed the case, Ammanette can interfere with and control Nick. Moreover, her magic power is very powerful. It is not easy at all to protect Nick."

Zatanna said: "In addition, Nick's strength will continue to grow stronger as time goes by."

General Calvin asked: "Exactly how powerful is her magic?"

"According to records, she can summon sandstorms that cover the entire city."

Zatanna replied: "In addition to that, she can also control corpses and turn them into puppets for her own use."

Everyone frowned. This was not easy to deal with. What was even worse was that there were a group of wanted aliens around Ammanet.

At this time, the senior member of the Sky Eye Society next to General Calvin asked: "If we kill Nick, can we prevent the arrival of death?

He was able to resurrect this time because his body was intact. If we threw him into molten iron or sulfuric acid, he would not be able to be resurrected. "

Sacrificing one person to save the whole world is a great deal for the Sky Eye Society.

Andrew glanced at the other party speechlessly. How could a person with the Heavenly Eye be so virtuous?

Zatanna was a little dissatisfied. She snorted and said, "In that case, Ammanette will find the next carrier."

The senior members of the Sky Eye Society didn't care about Zatanna's attitude. He asked, "In other words, not only can we not kill Nick, but we also have to protect him?"

Zatanna nodded firmly: "Yes, we must protect Nick."

"Although Nick is not a good person, his crime will not lead to death."

Andrew shook his head and said: "Annaite will definitely come to Nick. We will set up traps in the base and wait for her and others to come. They are very strong, but we in the Justice League are not weak either."

General Calvin did not object. He nodded and said: "At present, this is the only way to do it. The military and the Sky Eye Association will help deal with Ammanet and aliens."

Andrew asked again: "Zatanna, is there any way you can keep Nick awake and not be controlled by Ammanet?"

"I'll try my best."

Zatanna said: "However, don't have high expectations. Ammanette has divine power, and I am just an ordinary magician."

"You are too self-effacing. You are not an ordinary magician."

Andrew glanced at Zatanna's sinful chest, which was obviously heavyweight, and said, "Zatanna, I'm sorry to trouble you this time."

Zatanna was overjoyed when she heard this, and said, "Saving the world is also my responsibility. I can't ask you to save me every time?"

"I think the superheroes will definitely be willing to save you."

Andrew smiled and said: "I will immediately notify the Justice League and ask them to come over as soon as possible to help.

Also, General Calvin, when Nick wakes up, send someone to tell him the details and ask him to cooperate with us. "

General Calvin nodded and said, "Okay, I will transfer the Suicide Squad and Frege over to defend the base together."

Then, Andrew contacted the Justice League and told the story.

"We must not let Ammanette get Nick."

Batman immediately said: "I'll rush over right away. Also, Mr. Wang, please introduce me to the magic consultant. I have many magic questions to ask her."

"me too."

Tony said: "By the way, I want to ask that Nick, if he is willing to be my experimental subject? The carrier of the god of death, this must be studied carefully, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"Wow, the mad scientist shows up."

Andrew complained, saying: "We can't anger Nick, we need his cooperation."

Tony said: "Don't worry, I won't anger him. If you ask me to study it once for one million, I believe he will agree and even ask me to study it a few more times."

Batman added: "If you don't agree, I can add another million."

"Two big dog owners."

The rest of the Justice League complained at the same time, and Andrew shook his head and asked everyone to come over.

Then, Andrew called Atomic Man Cai Ruian: "You come to the base to ambush and use it as a trump card."

Atom immediately agreed: "No problem, I'll be there right away. Speaking of which, I'm also very interested in people who can keep resurrecting themselves."

"Nick is miserable. Uh, no, he made a profit. In the future, he will be able to get rich just by being studied."

Andrew complained secretly, and then he called another Flash who had the job of being 'researched'.

"Barry, come here too. The research will be suspended for a few days."

Andrew said: "Besides, you don't have to think about how to pay me back all day long. I have already developed the speed bullet, which can easily be sold for hundreds of millions."

"Sure enough, it's easy for scientists to make money."

The Flash looked envious. Of course, Mr. Wang's ability to make money is his business, and it is his own business to pay back the money.

The Flash hesitated for a moment and asked for help: "Mr. Wang, my father has been released from prison, but people around him still think he is a murderer and point fingers at him. He is very unhappy. Is there anything you can do to help him? ?”

"It's a small matter, just find a superhero to support him."

Andrew said: “Of course, the Flash will definitely not do it, maybe his identity will be revealed.

I asked Diana to go over and do a few tricks, and then use the Lasso of Truth to clear your father's name in front of others. "

"That's great, Mr. Wang, thank you."

The Flash was very excited. Mr. Wang was so awesome that he easily figured out a solution that he couldn't think of.

After explaining the Flash, Andrew put down the phone, touched his chin and pondered. Seth, the god of death, was nothing, but if nothing unexpected happened, the plot of Constantine would probably follow.

After all, cosmic consciousness is always pushing behind.

"The God of Death, Gabriel, Lucifer, Mammon, plus the Kryptonians who are eyeing..."

Andrew thought to himself: "It seems like we have to fight a tough battle. Fortunately, I have always been tough."

In the London underground mausoleum, the Egyptian princess Annet opened a Crusader's coffin, took out a ruby ​​​​from it, and placed it on top of the Hades dagger she had found earlier.

"The weapon of death is complete."

Ammanet looked excited. When she left the coffin, she was a mummy. After that, the Ax Man found many living people for her to absorb. Now, she is no different from when she was alive.

There are a lot of strange words on Ammanet's face and body, which are divine words, and her magic power comes from these words.

The axe-man asked in confusion: "Why are your things in the tomb of the Crusaders?"

"I don't know, but I have a sense of them, the sacrificial dagger, and the ruby ​​that contains the will of the god of death."

Ammanet said: "As long as I pierce the weapon of death into the chest of the carrier, death will come to the world. At that time, I will gain eternity."

"The problem is, the Death Carrier was snatched away by the Justice League."

The axe-man asked: "Can you change the carrier?"

"Not before he dies."

Ammanet said: "A mere mortal cannot stop me. I know where the carrier is. You ask your people to take me there, and I will snatch the carrier back."

"A mere mortal? Your Highness, times have changed."

The Ax Man took out a tablet and said: "Let's first popularize common sense in this world, so as not to send you to your own door and be easily solved by the Justice League."

"No matter how times change, my God will still be invincible."

Ammanette snorted coldly. At this moment, the scene of Flash saving people appeared on the screen. Looking at the flashing figure, Ammanette's expression became solemn.

"I didn't expect mortals in this era to be so powerful."

After a while, Ammanet said: "You are right, I should first understand the current common sense, how to use this thing?"

Seeing that Ammanette was not blindly arrogant, the ax man nodded with satisfaction. He did not want to have a pig teammate.

Needless to say, the Death Carrier must be snatched away, but how to snatch it must be carefully planned.

The Justice League has never been easy to deal with.

At night, Constantine, who looked very depressed, got out of the taxi of his half-apprentice Chas Chandler. Then, he said to Chas: "Don't wait for me, you go back first."

After saying that, Constantine closed the car door and strode towards the church in front. Chas rolled his eyes. It seemed that he would not be able to collect the taxi fare today.

Chas shook his head and continued to drive a taxi to make money and learn magic, which was quite expensive.

Constantine pushed open the heavy church door and was about to walk inside. At this moment, a voice came from behind: "Wait a minute, don't close the door."

Constantine ignored it. He let go of his hand and walked towards the fireplace in front.

After a moment, the door was pushed open again. It was a beautiful-looking lady with a heroic spirit. She was policewoman Angela.

Angela glared at Constantine's back with dissatisfaction and walked towards the priest next to her.

Angela's twin sister committed suicide in a mental hospital a few days ago. According to teachings, people who commit suicide cannot enter heaven, so she came to beg the priest to let her sister have a Catholic funeral.

Constantine ignored the people behind him. He walked up to a blond figure and said, "Gabriel."

The blond figure turned around, and there was an indistinguishable and heroic man, none other than the Archangel Gabriel.

Of course, it is not the true body, but the descending body. According to the agreement between God and Lucifer, the true bodies of angels and demons cannot enter the human world.

Constantine came to Gabriel with a simple purpose: to ask if he was qualified to go to heaven.

During the day, Constantine went to the hospital for a check-up, and the doctor sentenced him to death on the spot. It was obvious that the very low-key Wonder Woman boyfriend was not playing tricks on him. He was really about to die.

"Constantine, you can't go to heaven."

Gabriel shook his head and said, "I told you a long time ago that you can't go to heaven by expelling devils. The conditions for going to heaven are all written in the Bible."

The disappointed Constantine couldn't help but cursed: "Gabriel, you are so disgusting. I have done so much for heaven, and I have long been enough to go to heaven."

Gabriel was not angry. He said, "Constantine, everything you do is for yourself. People like you can't go to heaven."

"I'm going to heaven, I'm never going to hell."

Constantine cursed, turned around and left. On the other side, Angela also left disappointed, and the priest rejected her.

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