American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 575 War breaks out

"Diana rushed in from the front."

Andrew smiled and said, "But she used Queen Anna's face."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then laughed. Even if Queen Anna said she didn't do it, no one would believe it.

Andrew said: "Without further delay, old Batman, you contact Cyborg immediately. When we are ready, we will head to Europe immediately."

Everyone nodded: "Okay."

Andrew continued: "Barry, go talk to Superman and see if he is willing to go to the battlefield. If he is not willing, we will not force it. Superheroes should not force others."

"I understand and I will tell him everything and let him make his own decision."

Barry nodded. Although he was a little afraid of seeing the other party, he must be responsible for what he did.

European North Sea, Atlantis sea base.

Sea King Arthur looked at Orm wearing a mask and asked: "Is everything ready?"

In this world, after Orm was defeated by Arthur, he became Arthur's subordinate. He also hated the Amazons because Queen Anna killed Mera.


Orm nodded and said: "The army has been gathered and can land on New Paradise Island at any time."

"Very well, inform everyone that we will set off early tomorrow morning. The scouts will be sent out tonight. I will kill those she-wolves and avenge Mera."

Arthur gritted his teeth and said that he was full of guilt for Mera. If he hadn't cheated on her, Mera would not have died.

"A decisive battle tomorrow?" Om was stunned: "Isn't it a bit too hasty?"

"My intuition tells me that a decisive battle is best tomorrow. Humans and Amazons must have discovered that we are gathering. The longer we delay, the more prepared they will be."

Arthur said: "Tomorrow, I will leave Karason to guard the Neptune device. Humans will definitely come to sneak attack the base."

Orm did not object, he said: "With Karason's strength, coupled with our army, it is enough to protect the Sea King device."

"In addition, let scientists install a quantum remote control system on the Neptune device. If we win, everything will be easy to say."

Arthur said: "If we lose the battle, we can only activate the Neptune device, otherwise, humans and Amazons will not let us go.

Race wars are inherently life-or-death battles. "

Orm nodded and said: "No problem, I will let the scientists design the remote control system overnight."

Arthur exhaled. He looked in the direction of Paradise Island in the distance and said, "Everything will have to wait until tomorrow."

On New Paradise Island, Anna is wiping her Vulcan Sword. She is full of regrets about her falling in love with Neptune. She must destroy Atlantis and make Neptune pay the price.

"Obviously I was just defending myself."

Anna snorted and asked the guards to prepare all their weapons. The Atlanteans might launch an attack at any time.

The United States is approaching a secret base in Europe, and General Lane brings Hal Jordan to an alien spacecraft.

"This alien spacecraft crashed into Beach City a year ago. There was an alien inside, but he died before entering the earth."

General Lane said: "We have spent a lot of time studying this spacecraft over the past year and have been able to launch it."

This spaceship is actually Abin Su's spaceship. Unlike the original world, Abin Su in this world died too quickly and did not let the Green Lantern Ring find a new owner.

Therefore, Hal Jordan is just an ordinary pilot, not a Green Lantern.

Hal asked, "Cool, what do you want me to do?"

"Drive this spaceship to hit the sea base of the underwater people and destroy the Sea King device."

General Lane said: "The decisive battle is about to break out. It would be okay if Sea King wins, but once he fails, there will definitely be a tsunami sweeping the world and wiping out all land people.

To prevent this from happening, we must destroy the Neptune device and protect the Earth. "

Hal put away his playful smile and said: "I accepted this task. I am now writing a will. All honors and pensions belong to my girlfriend Carol."

General Lane was a little surprised: "Don't think about it again?"

"Although I am not a good person, it is my duty to save the world."

Hal said: "I am the best pilot in the United States, and I will not let you down."

"The military will send out the air force to fully cooperate with you."

General Lane nodded and saluted Hal to show his respect. This mission, from the beginning, was a death mission.

Hal returned the favor. He was not afraid of death, but some things had to be done by someone, right?

In outer space, General Zod and others are flying a spaceship, searching for Kryptonian outposts and strongholds throughout the universe to see if they can find any members of the tribe who are still alive.

Unfortunately, for decades, General Zod would always see only corpses.

"Is Krypton really doomed?"

General Zod was a little desperate. At this moment, the bald scientist shouted in surprise: "I successfully cracked it. I know which planet Jor-El sent Kal-El to back then."


Everyone was overjoyed at the same time. The bald scientist nodded. He controlled the steel particles to form a planet and said, "This is the Earth. Kal Al and the Code of Life are all on the Earth."

"We will head to Earth immediately."

General Zod immediately ordered that if you get the Code of Life, you can rebuild Krypton!

the next morning.

On the large transport plane, superheroes such as old Batman, Cyborg, Wonder Woman, Iron Man, The Flash, and Green Arrow sat nervously or excitedly in their seats, waiting for the decisive battle to begin.

Cyborg sighed: "I didn't expect the people under the sea to launch a decisive battle so quickly. Our plan was completely disrupted. Rushing over now is too anxious and hasty."

"The enemy will not come according to our arrangements. This is common sense."

The old Batman said: "Things are not too bad. While the undersea people are fighting the Amazons, we rush into the battlefield, kill the Sea King and the Amazon Queen, and complete the beheading plan."

"I hope everything goes well and the rebels will send troops to help us."

Cyborg nodded first, then glanced at Diana and asked, "Who is this?"

Diana's equipment, like Queen Anna's, not only Cyborg, but others are also suspicious.

"I am the captain. I have the final say on this team. She is one of my own."

The old Batman said coldly that he didn't talk about the original world because not everyone wanted everything to return to the way it was.

"You decide."

Cyborg shrugged, then looked up and asked, "Those two are outside, are they really okay?"

"It's okay, I just have a cold at most."

Old Batman told a cold joke, and everyone rolled their eyes and said nothing.

Above the transport plane, a skinny Superman wearing an eye patch said excitedly to Andrew while absorbing the sunlight: "Mr. Wang, I feel that I am full of power, but there are so many noises around me that my mind is confused."

"It's easy. You just focus on what you want to pay attention to."

Andrew smiled and said: "In addition to becoming physically stronger, you will also have the abilities of heat rays, clairvoyance, flying, cryobreathing, etc. In the original world, you were called a god on earth."

"God among men?"

Superman smiled bitterly and said, "I just want to be an ordinary earthling."

"It turns out that the supermen of this world have the same ideas as you."

Andrew said: "Kal-El, thank you for your willingness to fight for us."

Andrew's thanks made Superman a little embarrassed, and he said: "It turned out that the world was better than this world now. Not only am I fine, but so are others."

Andrew sighed. This is Superman. He has been captured by the military and used as an experimental subject for decades. He still has not darkened and is still willing to fight for others.

"Why would such a person turn black in the future?"

Andrew shook his head and continued to bask in the sun with Superman, while telling him about Superman in the original world.

Superman asked with bright eyes: "In the original world, I had a girlfriend? What does she look like?"

Andrew laughed, man's nature is understandable.

At the same time, the undersea army successfully broke through the magical defense of New Paradise Island through wild bombings.

Then, countless spaceships and specially modified water-powered chariots entered New Paradise Island, the original London, and rushed towards the palace where the Queen of the Amazons lived.

Halfway through, the surrounding buildings suddenly collapsed from the middle, hitting the spaceship and chariot below.

Upon seeing this, the spaceships and tanks immediately fired plasma energy cannons to bombard the fallen buildings.

Boom boom boom, buildings were blasted away one after another, a large number of stones and bricks fell from the sky like rain, and many spaceships and tanks were damaged.


Immediately afterwards, a large number of tough Amazons appeared in the remaining buildings. They fired bows and arrows, and the long arrows penetrated the spaceships and chariots, causing them to explode with a bang.

The spaceships and tanks immediately counterattacked, and the surrounding buildings exploded one after another under the bombardment of energy cannons. Many Amazons fell down screaming.

At this time, the ground shook, and a group of huge monsters rushed out from the ground, rampaging through the streets, and a large number of tanks were overturned by them.

These monsters, including the three-headed hellhound, the Minotaur Minos, Medusa, etc., are Amazon's trump cards.

With the help of the monsters, the Amazons gradually began to gain the upper hand, and the underwater people quickly retreated.

At this moment, with a flash of ripples, a large number of spaceships and tanks appeared behind the battlefield, but it was the holographic projection invisibility technology of the people under the sea.

"Kill the Amazons."

On the spaceship, Neptune held up Poseidon's Trident and shouted angrily, Orm, Poseidon, and Black Manta immediately led the undersea army to rush forward and destroy the Amazons.

In this world, Black Manta, like Orm, is a subordinate of Aquaman.

"Kill the undersea people."

The figure of Queen Anna appeared. She held the Vulcan Sword high and led the Amazon army to charge, and a dense rain of arrows rained down.

In this way, the underwater people and the Amazons started fighting fiercely in the streets and alleys of New Paradise Island, with explosions and screams everywhere.

"Anna!" "Arthur!"

The King of the Sea and the Queen of the Amazons faced each other immediately. They both hated each other to the core, and at the same time they greeted each other with their tridents and Vulcan swords.

Regardless of their previous relationship, they are now mortal enemies.

The entire battle here was monitored by humans. The leader of the resistance army said: "Batman and the others are coming soon. When they arrive, we will help them contain the generals and soldiers on both sides so that they can successfully complete the beheading mission."


Everyone nodded, they all hated the Sea King and the Amazon Queen.

Louise Lane was also among the rebels, holding a submachine gun in her hand. She was originally a reporter and ventured into New Paradise Island to collect news. As a result, she was discovered by the Amazons.

At a critical moment, Louise was rescued by the rebels. She realized that journalism could not save Europeans, so she simply abandoned her writing and joined the army.

On the other side, the American Air Force and Hal set off at the same time, heading to the location of the Sea King device. Hal took a deep breath. He knew that no matter whether he succeeded or failed, he would never be able to come back, but he was not afraid because he had a more important mission.

Hal thought firmly: "People under the sea, you can't even think of destroying us land people."

Meanwhile, the battle is being observed by the Kryptonians, who came last night and have been basking in the sun.

"The yellow sun here is very young and can bring us great power."

General Zod was very excited. He said: "I not only want the Code of Life, but I also want this yellow sun to start the world engine. I want to transform the earth and turn it into a new Krypton."

The bald scientist asked: "General, why don't you find Kal-El first?"

"You don't have to look for him. After launching the attack, he will come to us on his own initiative."

General Zod shook his head and said: "While the war is on Earth, let's start planning directly."


The Kryptonians nodded, and then the world engine broke away from the Kryptonian spacecraft and headed for the Tianzhu Ocean.

Meanwhile, the Kryptonian ship flies to Metropolis, doing the same thing as before, using gravity to terraform the Earth.

"That arrives so fast?"

Andrew looked up into space and snorted secretly. He had already guessed that the Kryptonians would come, otherwise he wouldn't have looked for Superman specifically.

The supermen in this world are not as powerful as the professional soldiers like General Zod. Fortunately, General Zod and the others have just arrived on earth and have fatal weaknesses.

"iron Man."

Andrew shouted into the communicator, and Iron Man immediately flew out of the cabin and asked, "What's the matter?"

"A group of Kryptonians are coming..."

Andrew said the matter briefly, and then he said to Superman and Iron Man: "I want you two to destroy the world engine."

"Can't I?"

Superman said without confidence: "Can you talk to them? It doesn't have to be a fight."

"Unless we're willing to give up the planet, there's no talking about it."

Andrew shook his head and said: "Kryptonians are very strong, but they have fatal weaknesses. In addition, the world engine has also appeared in the original world. I have a way to deal with it."

After speaking, Andrew handed the steel particles and a bomb to Tony: "The steel particles can help you deal with the Kryptonians, and this gravity bomb can help you destroy the world engine."

"give it to me."

Tony accepted the two things and said, "Superman, take me there. When the time comes, you can try to talk to them first. If we can't reach an agreement, we will take action."

"All right."

Superman nodded, grabbed Tony's arm, and led him flying towards the World Engine.

At first, Superman's speed was very slow, but as time went by, he became faster and faster, and soon disappeared.

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