American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 556 Fierce Fight

At this time, Fiora flew back and attacked the Parallax Demon again.

Parallax Demon was shocked by Fiora's defense, and what was even more surprising was that Fiora was unconscious, she was just a puppet, which made its fearful illusion completely useless.

"This body seems to suit me very well, doesn't it?"

There is a bit more greed in the eyes of the Parallax Demon. With such a powerful body, coupled with the ability of the Parallax Demon itself, how powerful will it be?

At the same time, the three yellow lantern rings in Beach City found suitable hosts-three vicious criminals in the prison.

A voice sounded in the minds of these three criminals at the same time: "Intelligent life has been locked. Chucks of Earth, you have the ability to inflict great fear on others. Welcome to join the Parallax Demon Army."

"Fear? I like fear."

The three criminals were stunned for a moment, then accepted the ring without hesitation. Then, they transformed into yellow hammers, blasted open the prison door, and fell to the ground with a bang.

The prison bell rang loudly, and the guards gathered around with guns and shields, shouting: "Go back, return to the prison immediately."

"Go back? No, we will never go back in this life."

The three new yellow light warriors shouted loudly, and then they transformed three rocket launchers and fired at the prison guards, and the three rockets roared out at the same time.


The expressions of the prison guards changed drastically and they hurriedly ran away, but it was too late. Three rockets hit the prison guards and exploded. A large number of prison guards fell to the ground amid the rolling air waves and flames.


The three new yellow light warriors laughed at the same time. Then, they destroyed all the prison's defenses and released all the prisoners inside.

"Go out and cause more fear, do it well, and you'll be as powerful as we are."

The three new yellow light warriors shouted loudly, and the prisoners were so excited that they took away the guards' weapons and rushed out of the prison, wreaking havoc on the streets.

The three new yellow lantern warriors were very satisfied. Then, wrapped in yellow light, they flew quickly towards the battlefield - Parallax Demon had made tricks in the ring, and the host could quickly master the ring's ability, but it was only a low-end ability.

"General Calvin, there is a problem in the prison. The army should not come here to stop the prisoners."

Andrew shouted: "Everyone, let me tell you some very bad news. Parallax Magic can create yellow light rings. The more lives it swallows, the more rings it creates.

This is a vicious cycle, and you must solve it as soon as possible, otherwise, you will find that there are all yellow light warriors outside. "


The superheroes yelled curses at the same time, and so did the audience. This villain was so disgusting that he would beat him more and more.

"Except for the tanks, all the other soldiers went to stop the prisoners."

General Calvin hesitated and ordered. General Lane's eyes flashed and he quietly contacted the president and said: "Mr. President, maybe we can use armored vehicles to quietly transport tactical nuclear bombs into Beach City and detonate them.

The Parallax Demon does not know that there is a nuclear bomb inside the armored vehicle and will not attack the armored vehicle in advance. "

"The problem is, by doing this, superheroes and the public stand to lose a lot."

The president hesitated and said, "Let's see if the superheroes can defeat the Parallax Demon first?"

"Then let's take a look first."

General Lane did not persuade him. This tactic was cruel, but it must be done as a last resort.

At the same time, two other yellow lantern rings came to Gotham City. There is no doubt that their chosen targets are Gotham's fear incarnation, Batman and Gotham's Joker.

Batman is the nightmare of all villains, and the Joker is the nightmare of all citizens. No one knows when he will come out to play games again.

"Intelligent life has been locked. Batman of Earth, you have the ability to inflict great fear on others. Welcome to join the Parallax Demon Army."

"Intelligent life has been locked. Clown of the Earth, you have the ability to inflict great fear on others. Welcome to join the Parallax Demon Army."


Batman and the Joker, who were fighting fiercely in the square, were stunned at the same time. Batman immediately understood what was going on and had no idea of ​​accepting it.

The Bat Lord has never needed superpowers, not to mention that Parallax is an enemy.

The clown was a little hesitant. He scratched his head and said, "This thing seems to be fun, but if you put it on, the game will be boring."

The Joker doesn't really want to kill Batman, that wouldn't be fun at all.

"Wait a minute, why do you two have rings but I don't? Are you two the true love?"

Harley, who was leaning next to the chemical truck, shouted dissatisfied. Two rings floated in front of Batman and the Joker. There was something wrong with this situation.

Batman and the Joker both darkened their faces at the same time. At this time, sensing that Batman would not accept him, the yellow lantern ring in front of him quickly flew away.

Harley was overjoyed when she saw the ring flying towards her, and reached out to catch it. Unexpectedly, the ring bypassed her and flew towards Arkham Asylum.

The ring needs to go to Scarecrow. As for Harley, in fact, not many people are afraid of her. Her identity is Harley Quinn who is dependent on the Joker.

Harley gritted her teeth in anger and shouted to the clown: "Little Pudding, don't ask for that broken ring."

The Joker ignored Harley and said with a strange smile: "Batman, that ring should be flown to Arkham Asylum, and then all the patients will be released.

If you want to stop them, you have only one way, and that is to wear this fear ring.

If you don't wear it, don't stop others, not even me. "

The Joker wants to corrupt Batman more than he wants to kill him.

"I'll beat you, like always."

Batman snorted, and hit the clown with his fierce fists one after another. The clown evaded flexibly and used a short knife to fight back from time to time. His fighting ability is not weak at all, but everyone is used to his high IQ crimes.

"You're in a hurry, Batman, you're in a hurry, your city is about to be in chaos."

The clown laughed, and Batman gritted his teeth and asked Afu to control the drone to go to the lunatic asylum to stop those damn criminals.

As for the Parallax Demon, it can only be left to other superheroes. Batman is not available this time.

Ignoring Batman and the Joker's love-hate relationship, three new yellow light warriors flew over in Beach City. They held rocket launchers and fired rockets at Fiora in the air.

Fiora's heat ray swept away, and three rockets exploded simultaneously. Then, the heat ray swept towards the three new yellow lantern warriors.

The three people hurriedly avoided, and then they embodied various modern weapons and shot at Fiora one after another.

These new yellow lantern warriors cannot embody abstract objects like gravitational vortexes, and can only embody things they are more familiar with.

Fiora's eyes were cold, and she rushed forward to deal with these three guys as quickly as possible.

While the three new yellow lantern warriors entangled Fiora, the Parallax Demon flew away into the distance. Then, it opened its mouth and a large number of frightened people below were swallowed by it, leaving only their clothes on the ground.


Parallax Demon once again created five new rings, which flew to the prison area with yellow light. Soon, five more prisoners became Yellow Light Warriors.

This undoubtedly stimulated other prisoners, who wildly destroyed the surrounding area and killed people crazily, bringing greater fear to Beach City.

Fortunately, at this time, the military rushed over and fired fiercely at the prisoners.

"Everyone, strike hard. We must fight against the Parallax Demon for time. Barry, stop saving people and come here to fight with us."

Tony shouted, and at the same time, a giant suit fell from the sky and was quickly equipped on Tony. It was the anti-Kryptonian suit.

Then, Tony raised his hands, and the gravity and repulsion simultaneously enveloped a Yellow Lantern Warrior. The Yellow Lantern Warrior was almost torn apart and hurriedly materialized isolation devices around him.

At this moment, a huge beam of energy roared out from Tony's chest and hit the Yellow Lantern Warrior's body.

The yellow lantern warrior was immediately blasted away, all the yellow light on his body disappeared, and at the same time, his body was charred black.

"It's not dead. The defense is really strong."

Tony was a little surprised. Seeing that the opponent fainted, he didn't kill him all. He controlled the suit and flew towards the Parallax Demon in the sky.

Alice immediately played the video, and the audience cheered when they saw Iron Man defeating a Yellow Lantern warrior, and their favorable impression of Iron Man greatly increased. He was truly a bald terminator and worthy of trust.

The Flash heard Tony's shout and ran over from a distance. He took a look at the situation on the field and prepared to help Aquaman.

Just then, five new yellow lantern warriors flew from the sky. Upon seeing this, Flash ran towards them quickly to prevent them from interfering with the others' battle.

The Flash rushed in front of a new yellow lantern warrior, and used the momentum to hit the opponent's face with his fist. The new yellow lantern warrior was immediately thrown out and crashed into the building next to him.

This is the supersonic punch that Batman taught the Flash, and the Flash finally no longer has to push people.

"It's The Flash."

When the other yellow light warriors saw this, some arranged yellow walls around them, some made a large number of bricks and threw them everywhere, and some fled into the nearby building.

"You can do it, Barry."

The Flash took a deep breath, re-entered the Speed ​​Force state, and fought fiercely with the four yellow lantern warriors.

"The Parallax Demon."

In the sky, Tony roared at the Parallax Demon, and a large number of energy beams densely hit the Parallax Demon.

Parallax Demon waved its yellow light tentacles to block all these energy beams, and then it controlled its tentacles to roll towards the anti-Kryptonian suit.

"Human, how scared are you to hide under so much armor?"

"Wrong. This is a proof of courage. With a mortal body, you can stand up to the gods."

Tony controlled the suit to avoid the tentacles, and then, a red laser shot out from his arm and hit the Parallax Demon fiercely.

The Parallax Demon easily blocked the laser. It wrapped the anti-Kryptonian suit with telekinesis and compressed it crazily. The suit made an overwhelming sound.

Tony's expression changed, and all the thrusters were activated at the same time to get rid of the parallax demon's telekinesis.

Just as Parallax Demon was about to pursue him, a figure flew into the sky and cut off one of its tentacles with a sword. It was none other than the extremely sassy Wonder Woman.

"Don't forget about me."

Wonder Woman controlled the dense phantoms to kill the Parallax Demon. As for the Yellow Lantern Warrior, she had already killed him.

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