American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 550 Training

"Yellow light, ring of fear?"

Andrew narrowed his eyes slightly. According to the plot, the yellow lantern ring should not have been created yet.

"Shame? I don't know him."

Hal thought Andrew was joking and didn't pay much attention. He asked: "Excuse me, are you?"

Andrew said: "Andrew Wang, Wonder Woman's boyfriend."

"Wonder Woman has a boyfriend? I think a lot of people will be heartbroken, including me."

Hal said with envy and jealousy, and Andrew smiled and said: "It's okay, I just like to see other people's hearts broken."

"Dude, you're so mean."

Hal complained, and then he took out the energy ring and the lantern-shaped green light given to him by the alien, and said: "I really didn't steal it, the alien said that I was his successor, and he gave it to me on his own initiative. "

"Do you mind if I take a look?"

Andrew asked. Hal hesitated and said, "Don't mind. The alien died before he could tell me how to use the ring."

Andrew took the ring and concentrated on sensing it. Soon, he understood the ring's structure, energy source, and purpose.

Andrew introduced: "This ring contains strange will energy. Using this ring, you can materialize various things.

The stronger your will, the more powerful the ring will be. However, its energy is limited. After it is used up, it needs to be replenished with this green light. "

The green light is equivalent to a power bank. All green light energy comes from the lamp furnace of Oua Star, and its origin is the energy of will in the emotional spectrum.

"Will energy embodies various things?"

Hal was a little confused, and Diana also asked in shock: "Will energy? Isn't this a bit too idealistic?"

"This is an idealistic world."

Andrew put the ring on the table, pushed it to Hal, and said, "This ring can only be used by the chosen one. Hal, you are the chosen one. Do you want to be the owner of this ring?"


Hal was hesitant. He wanted to have superpowers, but he was afraid that there would be problems with his superpowers, and he was even more afraid that he would cause some trouble.

Hal thought for a while and asked, "Can I try it for a while and return it if I'm not satisfied?"

"Do you think that when shopping online, you can return it without any reason within seven days?"

Andrew complained, he said: "Hal, the ring chooses you, which means you are qualified."

"Am I qualified for this?"

Hal hesitated, gritted his teeth and said, "I'll try."

Andrew said: "Then put on this ring and touch the green light with the ring."

Hal nodded, took a deep breath, put on the ring, and then touched the green light with the ring, and the green light suddenly lit up with a dazzling green light.

Seeing this green light, Hal's eyes gradually turned green, and then he said slightly mechanically:

The day is bright and the night is vast.

Demons and demons have no place to hide.

Heretics and rebels fear my divine light.

The green light is always bright and shines forever!

This is the oath of the Green Lantern. Diana looked at the green light in surprise. This energy was very strange. It seemed to be spiritual energy, but it was more specific.

This is the energy of the emotional spectrum, of which there are seven in total. The Green Lantern Corps represents will, and its side effects are relatively minor.

At this time, Hal woke up, and just as he was about to say something, the ring lit up with a dazzling green light and enveloped him completely. Then, the green light took him flying out of the window and into the sky.

This is the passive program of the Green Lantern Ring. Every newcomer must return to Oa to join the Legion and receive training.

Green lights are very powerful, and traveling through the stars is not difficult for them at all.

Upon seeing this, Diana immediately threw the mantra lasso to tie Hal's left foot, and then she used her strength to pull Hal back bit by bit.

"what happened?"

Hal screamed outside the window, and Andrew said: "Behind the green light, there may be an organization, and the ring will take you to report to that organization."

Hal hurriedly shouted: "I don't want to join any bad organization. Wonder Woman, save me."

Diana heard this and pulled Hal back with force. Then, the green light dissipated and Hal fell to the floor with a thud.

"I should have known about laying carpets."

Hal complained, he got up, looked at the ring on his hand, and wanted to give up.

Hal was a little impulsive because of some experiences he had when he was a child. At the same time, he gave up easily when encountering difficulties. This is why the woman he loved became his ex-girlfriend.

Unfortunately, it's not that easy to give up. Even if he takes off the ring, Hal still feels connected to the ring.


Hal cursed, and a big green fist suddenly appeared in front of him, punching a big hole in the ground.

Hal was stunned, and suddenly he didn't want to give up.

"I hope you have enough money for repairs. Labor costs in the United States are not that expensive."

Andrew smiled and said: "Hal, your ability is very dangerous. In the next period of time, Diana and I will be responsible for training you. You cannot act rashly until the training is completed."

"You're training me?"

Hal's eyes lit up and he said: "No problem, I promise to receive training well. By the way, can I join the Justice League in the future?"

"This is subject to investigation."

Andrew smiled, and then he walked outside and turned on his mobile phone to contact the rest of the Justice League.

After listening to Andrew's introduction, Tony's expression became solemn, and he said: "Disaster is probably coming again."

The Flash asked in astonishment: "Uh, how do you know?"

"The alien was killed before, and he is likely to chase him to Earth."

Tony said: "In addition, the birth of a superhero requires baptism, and Hal Jordan is probably no exception."

"This statement is idealistic, but it makes sense."

Batman nodded in agreement and said, "Next, we must pay close attention to Beach City. In addition, Mr. Wang, if you can, please record the green light data in detail, maybe it can come in handy."

In fact, Batman really wants to go to Beach City to understand the situation in person, but the Joker and Harley Quinn have been causing chaos in Gotham recently, and he really doesn't have time.

Batman secretly thought: "These two lunatics must be caught in the lunatic asylum as soon as possible."

"I'll go over and record it. I'm working over there and can find out the green light situation."

Tony said excitedly. As a scientist, he is very interested in green lights. Emotions turn into energy. Are there other rings?

It was settled, then, to train Hal Jordan, and at the same time, to be alert to the dangers that were likely to come.

While training Hal, Andrew and Wonder Woman traveled around Beach City and took photos.

Such a good city may disappear one day. We need to leave more memories. Uh, have you said this before?

A few days later, at the training ground.

"Hal, let's begin."

Wonder Woman nodded to Hal, who was dressed in green. Then, she rushed in front of Hal and punched him hard.

The ring on Hal's hand flashed green, and a green wall appeared in front of him.

Diana punched the wall open. Hal took the opportunity to retreat behind, raised his hand, and two Vulcan cannons appeared beside him, firing at Diana.

Diana raised her protective silver bracelet to block all the bullets. Then she raised her foot and kicked it. A large number of falling bullets were shot at the two Vulcan cannons. The two Vulcan cannons were shot through at the same time and went out.

When Hal saw this, he flew into the sky wrapped in green light. Then, he raised his hands and threw big rocks at Diana one after another.

Diana jumped up high and punched the stone away. Driven by the strength of the fist, some of the stones shot towards Hal like sharp arrows.

Hal hurriedly dispersed the stones, and Diana threw out the Lasso of Truth, wrapped it around Hal's feet, and threw him to the side.

Hal conjured two plasticine-like objects to stick to the ceiling, and then he conjured a green car and crashed towards Diana.

Diana retracted the rope, turned to avoid the car, and then kicked the car away, rolling on the ground.


Hal was very frightened and hurriedly used other things to deal with Diana.

Next to the training ground, Andrew shook his head and said: "Hal's will is not strong enough, and the things he creates are all superficial."

"I investigated Hal's intelligence in detail. When he was a child, he witnessed his father's plane explode, which caused some problems with his character."

Tony said: "To be honest, I don't understand why Green Light chose him. There are more people who are more determined than him."

Andrew laughed: "Maybe because he is the protagonist."

"Aren't you the protagonist?"

Tony complained, he said: "The green light ring is very powerful, I suspect that it can not only materialize physical objects, but also materialize some special things, such as gravity and so on.

Perhaps it's time for Hal to go to the organization where Green Light is located. Only there can he get the best training.

Also, find out the truth behind the green light. "

Andrew shook his head: "This is his decision. We can't force it. After all, it may be dangerous to go there."

Tony said: "That's true. Having said that, everything about the green light is good, but it's too ugly. It's all green. Hal is also wearing a green dress. This taste is really terrible."

"Maybe that's why the movie flopped."

Andrew smiled. He was about to speak when he suddenly sensed something and looked up outside.

Soon, a red-skinned alien with a green glow all over his body and wearing the same green uniform as Hal flew into the training ground.

"Here we come, are we enemies?"

Tony immediately became alert, and Wonder Woman and Hal also stopped fighting and turned to look at the person.

"Are you Abin Su's heir?"

The visitor looked at Hal, frowned and said: "Not only are you weak-willed, but your heart is also full of fear. Why did Abin Su's ring choose you?

You have no right to inherit this ring. "

This man is called Sinestro, the leader of the Green Lantern Corps, and also Abin Sue's best friend and apprentice.

Sinestro's attitude made Hal a little unhappy. He said: "I don't know why it chose me, but I am its master now."

"You do not deserve."

Sinestro snorted coldly and formed a huge green fist to hit Hal. Diana immediately raised her divine shield to block Hal.

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