American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 542 Witches wreak havoc

"You are just a damn prisoner. Do you want me to tell you everything?"

Frege was in a very bad mood and yelled at Captain Boomerang. Captain Boomerang became even angrier after hearing this and started a quarrel with Frege.

Soon, the quarrel spread to other people. There was already a huge conflict between the Suicide Squad and the military, and it was normal for it to break out now.

Andrew ignored the quarrels. He walked next to Harley and was about to speak. Harley suddenly raised her head, smiled and said, "I'm single now, you can chase me."

"Don't cover up pain with a smile, laughter is the most beautiful thing in the world."

Andrew touched Harley's head and said, "Besides, don't be so hasty to be sad. The clown is not dead yet. When he abandons you in the future, you can slowly be sad again."

Harry opened his eyes suddenly and shouted in surprise: "Little Pudding is not dead?"

"If this scourge could die so easily, Gotham would have become a paradise."

Andrew complained, saying: "You will see him again, but that may not be a good thing."

"How could it not be a good thing? By the way, I take back what I just said. You can't chase me anymore, but I can continue to chase you."

Harley chuckled, and Andrew shook his head. Seeing that everyone was still arguing, he turned around and shouted: "Have you had enough arguing?"

The quarrel suddenly stopped. Captain Boomerang turned around and was about to yell back. Suddenly he felt a huge fear and immediately chose to follow his heart.

"What's there to complain about? You are all prisoners who have committed heinous crimes, and you deserve whatever happens to you."

Andrew said: "Now, you have two options to choose from. One is to find a bar below to drink, and when the matter is over, go back to prison to continue serving your sentence.

Don't think about escaping, Frege will not show mercy to you.

Article 2: Follow me to deal with the witch. Afterwards, you will get a certain reduction in sentence and some privileges, such as having a private TV in the prison. "

Killer Croc immediately said: "I want a TV that can watch black TV stations."

Captain Boomerang was speechless, could you not surrender so quickly? Also, you are a crocodile, what black TV station are you watching?

Deadshot was already Andrew's employee, so he nodded naturally and said, "Of course it's the second one."

"I also choose the second option. Saving the world can wash away my sins. As for privileges, no need. I need to be punished. If I must have privileges, I hope the punishment can be heavier."

Big Pineapple said that in a rage, he burned his wife and children to death. He was full of regret and just wanted to be punished.

In addition, this guy is the strongest among the Suicide Squad.

Hallie brandished a baseball bat and shouted, "Kill that witch."

"You are really a bunch of idiots, then kill the witch."

Captain Boomerang cursed that everyone else would choose the second option. If he didn't choose, he would probably be killed directly by Frege.

"Then take action, maybe we can save Commander Amanda."

Frege said, the other soldiers naturally had no objection, and then everyone stopped talking nonsense and quickly rushed to the station under the leadership of Andrew.

Near the station, a group of puppets are chasing Tony's nanosuit - it was discovered while looking for a magic bomb.

Seeing this, Tony simply controlled the unmanned suit to cause a scene to attract the attention of the puppets. He knew that the bat must have prepared a method. In this case, he sacrificed himself and let Batman find the magic bomb.

The witch ignored Tony's unmanned suit. She looked at her brother who was carrying Amanda back, her expression extremely excited.

"My heart is finally back."

The witch was ecstatic. After getting her heart back, she was complete.

"elder sister."

The tall monster didn't waste any time and threw the box to the witch. The witch raised her hand and the box stopped in the air. Then, the box disintegrated and a beating heart appeared in mid-air.

The witch couldn't wait to grab her heart and put it toward her chest.

"Now, Flash, Superman, everyone, come together."

When Batman saw this scene, he immediately shouted that in fact, he had already discovered the location of the magic bomb, but he did not act rashly, but waited for an opportunity.

One chance that a witch won't detonate a magic bomb is now!

In the lightning, the Flash appeared in the room where the magic bomb was placed as if teleporting. Then, he picked up the magic bomb and escaped from Midway City at a speed close to the speed of light.

Witch senses the Flash as he stops, but instead of detonating the bomb, she grabs the heart.

The magic bomb is just a means. Now that the heart is in hand, the magic bomb is not important at all.

When The Flash activated, Superman, Cyborg, Iron Man, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman also activated at the same time, rushing towards the square as fast as possible.

Only Batman didn't move. He didn't trust the intelligent system, so he controlled the mechanical bat himself and had no time to move forward.

Superman was extremely fast and flew near the square in the blink of an eye. Then, his eyes lit up red and he was ready to attack. At this moment, the witch holding the heart raised her head and glanced at him.

Superman instantly fell to the ground and kept sliding forward. Well, this action is commonly known as pounce.

The reason why Superman is like this is because he has been under the illusion of a witch. At this moment, his consciousness is completely trapped in an illusion, an illusion that he dreams of, or in other words, life.

What does Superman's dream life look like?

It's very simple. When you are an ordinary person, you don't have to be ostracized by your classmates or treated as a monster. You can laugh and make friends, fight with others, pick up girls, and end your first time hiding in a warehouse.

What's more important is that if his father is in danger, he can risk his life to save him, instead of not daring to do anything because he is worried about revealing his strength.

In reality, Superman's father encountered a tornado, but he did not want Superman to rescue him because doing so would lead to Superman's identity being revealed.

In the end, Superman watched his father being swept away by the tornado, which was the greatest pain in his heart.

But in the illusion, these pains are gone, so Superman is addicted to it and cannot escape.

Harley looked at Superman gliding over and asked with bright eyes: "Wow, a Superman falls from the world, can I pick it up and raise it at home?"


Frege was shocked and hurriedly stepped forward to check Superman's condition and found that he was smiling and seemed very happy.

Superman's image in Frege's mind was a bit broken.

Andrew said: "You can't save him like this. You should hold him, shake him vigorously, and then shout, Superman, don't die. The louder the better, preferably a hoarse roar."


Frege looked at Andrew speechlessly. He was very sure that the other party was playing tricks on him.

"He is under an illusion. You must wake him up, wake him up, or shout him out. If you don't use the trick I just mentioned, you can only try to wake him up."

Andrew explained: "However, with his defense, I guess he won't wake up even if your hand is broken."

Everyone was confused. You were not joking. Also, this method is too outrageous, right?

Harley said enthusiastically: "Are you coming? If you don't come, I will. It's super fun."

Frege hesitated for a moment, shook Superman quickly, and roared: "Superman, you don't..., no, wake up."

Andrew silently took out his mobile phone to take pictures. He found that Harley touched a mobile phone from nowhere and was doing the same thing. The two looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

Leaving aside Superman for the moment, after the witch controlled Superman with illusions, she ignored him. She couldn't wait to put her heart into her chest, and then, a surging energy surged out of her heart and spread throughout her body.

The witch shouted, her eyes glowing with black divine light. Then, the magic array lit up with dazzling light, and the thunder beam suddenly expanded several times.

At the same time, the thunder beam reached straight into the sky and was clearly visible even in space.

"The witch has activated."

When Batman saw this scene, he hurried inside on his Batmobile. Wonder Woman and others also accelerated their pace and sprinted at full speed.

The Flash is no exception. He throws the magic bomb into the sea and rushes back.

"Come here, disgusting old woman."

The witch raised her hand towards Amanda, and the unconscious Amanda flew in front of her.

Then, a green vine emerged from the witch and sank into Amanda's head, causing Amanda to twitch in pain.

What is the witch doing? After extracting Amanda's memory, a large number of American military secrets were learned by the witch.

"The age of gods is coming again."

The witch raised her hands and roared to the sky. A huge beam of lightning flew out from the thunder beam, branching out into dozens of beams in the air and hitting American military satellites.

In just an instant, all American military satellites were destroyed by thunder, and the screens in front of the defense generals turned black.

This wasn't over yet. Then, six buckets of thunder fell from the sky, hitting Superman, Batman, Iron Man, Aquaman, Cyborg, and Wonder Woman respectively.

Superman happened to be shaken awake at this time. When he saw the thunder falling, he immediately breathed cold air upwards. Soon, a hollow iceberg appeared to protect everyone.

Batman, Iron Man, Aquaman, Cyborg and others all avoided each other. As for Diana, she raised her shield to resist.

Boom, the ground beneath Diana's feet kept sinking downwards. She roared angrily, and the protective silver bracelets collided hard together. A shock wave roared out, scattering the thunder.

Everyone was basically safe from this wave of attacks. At this moment, the witch's voice sounded:

"You don't think this is the end, do you? Ha, I know you have many tricks, but you are so stupid that you didn't destroy my heart.

As long as you get your heart back, no matter how many tricks you try, you will still die. I am a god, hahaha. "

Accompanied by the witch's laughter, a large amount of thunder fell from the sky, hitting both the superheroes and the buildings in the city.

You know, there are many survivors in the buildings in the city.

"Farke, that's so despicable."

Everyone yelled and hurriedly resisted the thunder and saved the survivors in the city.

Superheroes are always easy to contain.

At the same time, the Flash returned to Midway City. When he saw the situation in the city, he gritted his teeth and hit the witch with a dazzling electric light.


The witch had followed Amanda before, so she naturally knew the Flash's information. Her heart moved, and a magic barrier appeared behind her.

The next second, the Flash hit the invisible magic barrier and bounced out, rolling on the ground.

The Flash was dizzy from the impact. He was about to get up when a tentacle wrapped around him and lifted him into the air.

Then, there was a burst of suction from the tentacles, and the Flash's power was quickly absorbed by the tall monster.

"This energy is so wonderful."

The tall monster looked excited. This was the first time in his life that he had absorbed such a powerful and wonderful power.

The Flash wailed in pain and hurriedly controlled the speed force to resist the tentacle's energy absorption. The tall monster snorted and increased the intensity of the absorption.

"Super hero?"

The witch was very disdainful. She raised her hands and a large amount of thunder fell from the sky, destroying some American bases, including nuclear bases.

Then, a huge thunder appeared in the Atlantic Ocean. Like the sharpest weapon, it split the U.S. Atlantic Fleet aircraft carrier in two from left to right, with a red light flashing at the fracture.

Boom boom boom...

The aircraft carrier continued to explode, and then both sides of the aircraft carrier began to tilt at the same time. Countless soldiers and fighter planes fell into the sea from the aircraft carrier and died.

This was not over yet, the thunder continued to rage, and soon, the entire aircraft carrier fleet was destroyed.

"Wow, the American aircraft carrier is gone again, uh, why should I say it again?"

Andrew sensed this scene and secretly complained that both aliens and primitive people loved destroying the American fleet.

Why did the witch destroy American bases and aircraft carriers?

Quite simply, the witch wants to destroy human resistance and at the same time, promote her own power.

Everything the witch did, with the help of the alien Indigo, appeared on TV and mobile phones, and the people, as well as officials, all saw it.

"Did you see it? Your superheroes are vulnerable to my thunder."

The witch said proudly: "The satellites, nuclear bases, and aircraft carrier fleets that you are so proud of are nothing worth mentioning in front of my invincible magic.

Humans, surrender to your gods, your gods are back. "

The witch laughed loudly. The method she used was the same as it was thousands of years ago. Simply put, she used fear to scare the people and make them kneel down to worship the gods.

This trick is not new, but she believes that it will still be useful even after thousands of years.

Because the nature of human beings has never changed.

In fact, the people are indeed scared at the moment. The superheroes are in a panic. Satellites, aircraft carriers, and nuclear bomb bases have been destroyed one after another. Isn't this too terrifying?

The witch sneered: "Submit to me, otherwise, I will destroy a city in ten minutes. The first one, guess which one I will choose?"

New York, Metropolis, Gotham, or Washington? "


The people and the military shouted curses at the same time, and many people were frightened and fled out of the city.

So many people fled and the roads were quickly blocked. People were frightened and angry. They stood beside the cars and shouted anxiously, but to no avail.

People in this universe are still inexperienced and don’t know that bicycles are more useful than cars at times like this.

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