Chapter 536 Cleaning up, harvesting

"Wow, Superman, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person."

Andrew looked contemptuous, but Clark was an honest man and hurriedly wanted to explain: "I didn't mean that..."

Andrew smiled and said: "Just kidding, she is from Krypton, and she looks familiar to you, maybe she is a relative of yours."


Clark blinked, it would be great if this was true.

In fact, this girl is really a relative of Clark, very close - she is Clark's cousin, the future superwoman Kara El.

Andrew didn't watch much of the Supergirl TV series before he traveled through time. He only had a rough idea of ​​it, but he couldn't help it. The fight scenes were so bad that he couldn't stand it anymore.

Kara and Clark escaped the destruction of Krypton on the same day, but she was unlucky and was drawn into the Phantom Space, where she stayed for many years.

Because time in the phantom space stands still, Kara remains thirteen years old.

After a while, Kara woke up. She was a little panicked at first, but soon she saw the S logo on Clark's chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

The S logo is the symbol of the Al family, and its meaning is hope.

After some explanation, Clark officially has an extra cousin. As for how to settle her next, we will wait until this incident completely subsides.

Clark looked at Fiora next to Andrew and said hesitantly: "Mr. Wang, is it a bit too cruel to control Fiora like this?

I'm not pleading for her, but I think it's better to give her relief directly. "

"She has been freed. All her memories have been erased. She is completely dead."

Andrew waved his hand: "She is very useful to me. I will not kill her. Don't worry, she will not suffer any pain."

"All right."

Clark hesitated for a moment, said nothing more, nodded to Andrew, and flew to save the others. As for Kara, she stayed here and left it to Andrew and Louise to take care of.

Andrew said to Louise: "Louise, bring over the photos you just took. I want to start the publicity plan right away."

Louise handed the camera and mobile phone to Andrew and asked in confusion: "Promotion plan?"

"Promote the superhero program to avoid being picked off by the authorities and the military."

Andrew took the camera and mobile phone, and while letting Alice choose, he said: "I want the people to know that superheroes saved them, and only superheroes can save them.

Only with enough reputation can the authorities be wary of superheroes and not do stupid things. "

In addition to this, there are other uses for improving the reputation of superheroes, which will be discussed later.

Louise asked hesitantly: "Mr. Wang, do you want to control public opinion?"

"I'm just reporting the truth. In fact, it was superheroes who saved the world."

Andrew shrugged and said, "Inform Perry and the others to go to work at the temporary headquarters. In tomorrow's newspaper, I want to see the headline about superheroes saving the world.

In addition, give Superman a special article and you will write it. "

"Superman's special article?"

Louise's eyes widened and she agreed immediately. She was going to use her whole life to portray Superman as a god, a god on earth.

Kara blinked her big eyes aside. Although she couldn't understand what was going on, she felt so powerful?

Soon, Alice selected the photos and fighting videos. Then, she registered tens of thousands of accounts online and kept posting and reposting to create popularity.

"Who saved Metropolis? It wasn't the military, it was them."

"Who is that beautiful woman fighting? I'm offering a reward of one million for her true identity."

"Alien invasion, a few things you must know."

"The fastest man in the world."

"Shocked, the aliens invaded because of a man."

"Tony Stark actually did this to a beautiful woman. Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality?"

People are already paying attention to the affairs of the metropolis, and Alice's post quickly became popular on the Internet.

"We're safe, superheroes saved us."

"Superman? He's so handsome and has great muscles. Wow, he's a god, right? He can actually hold up a building? Well, from a mechanical point of view, isn't this a bit unscientific?"

"Wonder Woman? Uh, why is my screen dirty? Let me clean it."

"Flash? He looks like a new kid, he's pretty cute."

"Neptune? What a wild man. By the way, does he eat fish?"

"Cyborg? Is he a robot?"

"Iron Man Tony Stark? I know him, super rich, famous gay."

"Batman? The fear of Gotham, why did he escape to Metropolis?"

Soon, the Internet was filled with posts and topics about these superheroes. Under Alice's guidance, people liked them very much, and their popularity soared.

Louise took her phone back. She scrolled through it a few times, thought of something, and asked Andrew: "Mr. Wang, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Arthur are not wearing masks. Wouldn't it be bad to just send it out?"

Andrew said: "The problem is not big. First, their photos have been circulated on the Internet, and many people have taken photos before.

Second, there is a setting in this universe that as long as a superhero wears glasses, others will not be able to recognize him. "


Louise and Carla were confused, looking like I haven’t read enough books, don’t lie to me.

"I'm not talking nonsense. Well, if there is no such setting, I will write one myself."

Andrew smiled, both Clark and Kara hid their identities like this.

"Diana doesn't need to wear glasses anymore. I want to make men all over the world envy me."

Andrew secretly thought: "Having such a good girlfriend, how wasteful it would be not to show it off?"

While the Internet was abuzz, the superheroes were still saving people, and people around them used their mobile phones to take pictures of them saving people, which made their popularity even higher.

At this time, Colonel Hardy came to Tony and said: "Mr. Stark, you are asked to hand over the bodies of the Kryptonians to us. They are very dangerous."

"It's more dangerous to leave it to you."

The big capitalist Tony Stark said with his nostrils pointing to the sky: "Don't disturb me from rescuing people. I will take care of those corpses."

Colonel Hardy hesitated for a moment, didn't say anything more, and went along to rescue people. In fact, he didn't care how the Kryptonian bodies were disposed of. He came to Tony because he was just a request from above.

Colonel Hardy has a good impression of these superheroes who worked with them to defeat the Kryptonians. After all, they are comrades-in-arms.

Seeing that Colonel Hardy didn't bother, Tony was a little surprised and took the initiative to communicate with the other party - Colonel Hardy reminded him of Rhodes.

On the other side, Batman took Arthur back to Metropolis in the Batplane. He quickly noticed the comments on the Internet and frowned. It was obvious that someone was helping the superhero to increase his reputation.

"It's definitely not the military. Either Tony Stark did it, or that Andrew Wang did it."

Batman narrowed his eyes slightly. He knew Tony Stark quite well, but that Andrew King was really full of mystery and could not be seen through at all.

Batman has no intention of dealing with Andrew, but the information must be collected, maybe it will be used at some point.

After a while, Tony Stark's voice came from the communicator. He said: "Batman, Aquaman, when the disaster relief work in Metropolis is completed, I will hold a celebration banquet. Are you interested in attending?"

"Not interested in."

Batman said coldly, and Aquaman, who was lying down, immediately got up and shouted: "Of course I'm interested, the more wine, the better, and the less the beauty wears, the better. Why don't we just go to the beach to hold a banquet?"

They were in the sea, and then I made a huge wave, hahaha. "

Batman is speechless, are you sure you are really a superhero?

"Then it's the beach. I'll drag all the Victoria's Secret supermodels there."

Tony smiled and said: "Batman, since you won't attend the celebration banquet, I told you in advance that I want to form an alliance, an alliance to fight against disasters.

This alliance is a loose organization with few restrictions, but it shares intelligence and gathers together as soon as something happens. "

Batman asked keenly: "Form an alliance? Iron Man, will there be another disaster in the future? A catastrophe like this one?"

Neptune was stunned for a moment and quickly regained his composure.

"Maybe worse."

Tony shrugged and said, "Let's not talk about anything else. General Zod ran away, and he will come back sooner or later."

"Worse than destroying humanity?"

Batman's eyes turned cold. He thought for a moment and said, "I can consider it, but the specific details need to be discussed carefully."

Batman is not opposed to forming an alliance. On the one hand, they can deal with disasters together. On the other hand, they can take the opportunity to monitor Superman, Wonder Woman and the others, but he wants the dominance, otherwise, he will not feel at ease.

"Tony Stark is a man who is very controlling, and he is as rich as me. This dominance is not easy to fight for."

Batman thought to himself, he didn't know that Tony was completely uninterested in the dominance, because the dominance must belong to a certain family member, and it would be useless if he was interested.

Tony asked: "Okay, by the way, a family member said that this league is called the Justice League. What do you think?"

"Good soil."

Aquaman complained, but Batman said: "Okay."

Neptune was speechless. I didn’t expect that you, a dark-minded guy, would actually like such an old-fashioned name.

After a busy day and night, all the survivors in Metropolis were rescued. Afterwards, statistics showed that tens of thousands of people died in this disaster, and even more were injured. There was no way, the Kryptonians were too destructive.

The military's losses this time were also huge. I don't know how many fighter planes were lost alone.

Fortunately, the battle was finally won and humanity was not destroyed by the Kryptonians.

Various finishing work continued, and Andrew took a brief inventory of the harvest - Kryptonian technology, Fiora, Kryptonian corpses, the kryptonite, steel particles, and the power of fear that were about to be obtained, etc.

"It's okay, but just okay."

Andrew shook his head. He saw Diana looking at Fiora and smiled: "Don't think too much, Fiora is just a tool. I am going to transform her and turn her into the most powerful war weapon."

"Don't worry, I didn't misunderstand. If my boyfriend needs to find a woman who has no self-awareness, it means that I have really failed."

Diana said confidently: "It's good to have her by your side. At least, you don't have to worry about being beaten to death for provoking someone."

Speaking of the latter part, Diana couldn't help but glare at Andrew. Andrew smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't die no matter who dies. You will get used to it after experiencing disasters a few more times."

"How many more times do you have to go through this? I don't want to go through it again. These Kryptonians are too difficult to deal with."

Diana complained, and then she whispered in Andrew's ear: "Are you going to stay in Metropolis, or are you going to come back to Washington with me?"

Andrew asked righteously: "Witch, do you want to confuse me?"

Diana was stunned. At this time, Andrew continued: "Don't talk, we will go back to Washington immediately, and I will let you see how powerful I am."

Diana rolled her eyes at Andrew, and then the two of them returned to Washington together. They would talk about national affairs later and deal with their children's relationship first.

A few days later, Tony Stark held a celebration dinner. After the banquet, the Justice League was officially established, with members including Iron Man Tony Stark, Superman Clark Kent, and Batman Bruce Wayne.

Wonder Woman Diana, The Flash Barry Allen, Aquaman Arthur, Cyborg Victor.

As for a certain family member, he didn't join the Justice League, and he didn't take action, so why did he join the Justice League?

Tony also extended an invitation to Green Arrow, but the other party didn't agree for some unknown reason.

The Justice League is just a loose organization. Usually everyone is busy with their own affairs. They only come together when disasters occur. Of course, they will occasionally build a team.

Tony and Batman found a special place in Metropolis to build the Justice League Hall. The Justice League is not a shady organization. In the future, the hall may be open to the public for visits.

Putting all this aside, on this day, General Calvin found Andrew Wang and asked, "You didn't join the Justice League? To be honest, I'm a little surprised."

"I'm not a superhero, why should I join the Justice League?"

Andrew complained: "Have you ever seen a superhero who stands by and watches every disaster? A theater hero?"

General Calvin asked: "There will be many disasters in the future?"

"God said, yes," said Andrew.


General Calvin shook his head and said: "If there are really many disasters, then the existence of the Justice League is very necessary."

"Speaking of which, I formally invite you to join the Justice League as the seventh member."

Andrew said: "Don't pretend. The first time I saw you, I knew you were not human."

The smile on General Calvin's face faded, and after a moment, he asked: "Aren't you afraid that I have any bad intentions?"

Andrew said: "Don't be afraid, God says, you are not a bad person."

"...Does God talk so much? Can you call him and ask him who the next president will be?"

General Calvin complained, saying: "I don't know what you are talking about, but as long as the Justice League continues to protect the world, I will help the Justice League as much as possible."

Andrew knew what Martian Manhunter meant, nodded and said no more.

"Officials are wary of the Justice League, but the popularity of superheroes is booming now, and General Zod may come back at any time, so they have no plans to do anything to the superheroes."

General Calvin got down to business: "After some time, the government will set up an organization called the Sky Eye Society. It is nominally to provide help to the Justice League, but in fact it is to monitor and alert the Justice League.

I am here this time to invite you to be a consultant of the Sky Eye Society, and to serve as a bridge between the Sky Eye Society and the Justice League. "

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