American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 520 Aftermath, Celebration

The war ended and the mechanical hell began to deal with the aftermath. At the same time, the superheroes and the Asgardian army returned to their respective worlds through the portal.

The reason why we didn’t stay longer was because there were a lot of things to take care of on Earth and Asgard, such as the Eternals and the army of heroic spirits.

"We will hold a celebration in one month, so please be sure to come and attend."

Alice invited, these allies must be well entertained.

"We would have come even if you didn't tell us."

Everyone laughed, how could they not come to such a high-end celebration? Maybe I can catch the light of life again.

Even without the light of life, you can still meet many important people, and your life will be worth it.

After the superheroes returned to Earth, they found that Kuai Dou was handing out red envelopes. As long as they typed "Lord of Hell, Invincible", they could get red envelopes with a minimum of one hundred US dollars and a maximum of ten thousand US dollars.

At the same time, the one million, one million, one hundred million user who posts this sentence will receive a reward of one hundred thousand US dollars, one million US dollars, or even ten million US dollars.

Well, they are red envelopes, not cash. These red envelopes can be spent on Kuaishu and the rebirth group's malls.

This is universal celebration.

"Long live Kuaisha."

The people cheered and participated in the activities enthusiastically. They didn't know who the Lord of Hell was, but there was no reason not to reject the red envelopes they picked up for free, especially since they had just experienced a disaster and needed the red envelopes to comfort their injured hearts.

"Hand out red envelopes? Isn't the Lord of Hell too trendy?"

The superheroes were surprised: "Also, he is too rich, right? The actual users of KuaiDou exceed 3 billion, which means that at least 300 billion US dollars in red envelopes must be given out?"

After being surprised, many superheroes took out their mobile phones and started playing "Lord of Hell, Invincible".

No way, not all superheroes are wealthy like Tony. Many superheroes are short of money, for example, Falcon, who still has a loan to pay.

There is also Spider-Man Peter. Although he has a good job, he often donates money and his wife spends a lot of money, so he is very poor.

Strange touched his chin and thought about a very serious question. How to use magic to register multiple accounts and grab multiple red envelopes?

"Howard, you old guy, why did you bring me back? I want to settle the score with that bastard Ghost Rider."

The little kid Tony shouted loudly on Howard's arm, and Howard smiled: "Take you to see Pepper and your relatives and friends. Their expressions must be very beautiful."

"Old guy, I send my greetings to your whole family..."

Tony was stunned for a moment, and then yelled loudly. It was obvious that this guy wanted to publicly execute himself.

Rhodes complained: "Is this really his biological father?"

"If you're not your biological father, how could you be so cruel?"

Everyone laughed, and many people decided to follow Howard to watch the fun.

Tony had a look of despair on his face, and he felt that he might as well die.

Before watching the excitement, the superheroes have to deal with various problems first, such as how to deal with the Eternals.

In the end, the Defense Bureau decided to lock up the Eternals first and wait until the information was clear before dealing with them.

As for those alien warships and earth-centered monsters, they were naturally collected and slowly studied.

Despite experiencing the dual disasters of the Eternals and Thanos, the people on Earth have long been accustomed to everything and continue to go to work the next day as if nothing happened, without even taking a break.

In fact, the people were not in a bad mood. On the one hand, the losses this time were not big. On the other hand, the red envelopes were so generous that many people received US$10,000 in rewards.

There are two hottest topics on the Internet right now. The first one is, why does KuaiDou company send out so many red envelopes? Also, who is the Lord of Hell? Who will receive the 10 million red envelopes?

Regarding these issues, there are various speculations on the Internet, including the truth - it was posted by a superhero, but not many people believe it.

Ghost Rider is the Lord of Hell? That's nonsense, who doesn't know that Ghost Rider is actually the incarnation of God?

Another topic is, will the end really come? It is already December. In a little while, 2012 will be over. Will the prediction of the end of the world really come true?

The answer is, no.

The last days of 2012 passed very smoothly. When the time came to 2013, the people breathed a sigh of relief and hoped that the frequency of disasters this year could be slightly reduced.

At the same time, people also hope that New York will be rebuilt as much as possible. Without New York attracting disasters, the whole world will be in danger.

Mechanical hell.

Today is the day of celebration. Super heroes, Asgardian high-level officials, the Guardians of the Galaxy, the Demon King of Hell, the Dimensional Demon God, gods, etc., have come to hell to meet the Lord of Hell.

The splendid and magnificent venue was filled with gods and demons shining with various divine lights. Some mortal superheroes were so frightened that they hid in corners and did not dare to go out.

"It always feels like we're like a bunch of rabbits entering dinosaur territory."

Falcon complained, Rhodes took it seriously and took pictures everywhere with his mobile phone - the military's mission.

There are also people from the Defense Bureau performing similar tasks. For the sake of the Lord of Hell, the gods and demons do not care about anything. Of course, the things captured will become blurry.

"I am the Lord of Hell, and from now on, it will be my era..."

The new Lord of Hell stood on the high platform and announced loudly. The gods and demons applauded enthusiastically, either worshiping or looking at each other in awe.

Soon, Andrew finished his speech. He waved his hand and told the gods and demons to enjoy the celebration as they pleased.

Then, Andrew separated the body of the devil and asked him to deal with the gods and demons who wanted to please him and have relations with him.

As for Andrew himself, he walked to the second floor and looked at the increasingly lively celebration below.

"I won't count the harvest this time. The souls in the entire universe belong to me. What else is there to count?"

Andrew smiled secretly, and at this moment, a voice sounded from the side: "Congratulations, Lord of Hell."

Andrew turned his head, with the consciousness of the observer, he smiled and said: "Thank you, speaking of which, I haven't thanked you for helping me block Seth."

"You're welcome, I just scared Him."

The observer smiled, and then he said: "The Lord of Hell, Seth is very narrow-minded, and Sithorn is just as petty. You will definitely encounter them again next."

"They definitely don't dare to come to the main universe. If nothing else happens, they will attack my path to diversity."

Andrew smiled and said: "It's not a big problem. They may not be able to find me. Even if they can find me, they may not be able to fight me."

"As long as you have confidence, I'll be waiting for you in Duanyuan."

The observer nodded and his consciousness left. He was an observer and was not suitable to participate in too many things.

"It won't be long."

Andrew murmured to himself, and at this time, five women sneered and gathered around, it was Dark Phoenix and the others.

"You can't escape today. You must choose one of us."

Black Phoenix said, and the other four women nodded at the same time. This matter has been delayed for almost a month and must be completely resolved today.

By the way, some time ago, Dark Phoenix had a fight with the four women. Under the secret control of someone, there was no winner.

"I said, I want them all."

Andrew said: "Next, I am going to fight in the multiverse. There are many things that I need you to help me deal with. I can't do it alone. I will be exhausted."

Susan sneered: "Wow, you really care about us. In that case, do you want to find a few more people to help us share more?"

"If you insist on asking like this, then I'll have to do it...don't do anything, you're just kidding, it's just the five of you, there won't be more, I promise."

Andrew smiled and said, there will be no more in this universe.

Gwen said: "Don't think about it, either choose one of the five, or all five of us leave."

"Are you sure that no one will sneak back?"

Andrew smiled and the five girls were silent. Then, all the girls turned to look at Wanda. Wanda felt a little guilty: "What are you looking at me for?"

"This woman, you can tell she is a traitor at a glance. She will definitely come back to find Andrew."

The girls had a headache. They couldn't give up Andrew, and they didn't want to give it to others. But if they were asked to share Andrew, no one else except Scarlett could do it either.

For gods and demons, this kind of thing is actually very common, but they are superheroes, so if they can't do it, they just can't do it.

"Why are you so annoying?"

Gwen stepped on Andrew's big foot angrily, turned around and left. Seeing this, the other women stepped forward and stepped on Andrew's feet.

"On the day of the celebration, the Lord of Hell was stepped on by five women. Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality?"

Andrew complained. He couldn't help but laugh when he saw the five girls not leaving the celebration. As long as they didn't leave, they would get used to it sooner or later.

At that time, the conditions will change from choosing one of the five to only five of them.

"Five in one universe is enough. There's no point in doing too many."

Andrew shook his head. At this time, a very stubborn kid ran over and shouted angrily: "Ghost Rider, change me back quickly.

Do you know how I spent the past half month? It's too awful. "

"Kid, why are you here alone? Where is your mother?"

Andrew pinched Tony's cheek and asked with a smile. Tony gritted his teeth angrily. Pepper came over and said with a smile: "His mother is here. Tony, be good and don't mess around."

Everyone nearby laughed, and Tony almost fainted because he didn't expect you to be like this, Pepper.

"Ghost Rider, is there any light of life in this celebration?"

Pepper couldn't wait to ask. She wanted to be young again. The requirement was not high, just eighteen years old.

"There is no light of life, but you and your children will have my blessing."

Andrew smiled and said: "Your child will be born healthy and grow up healthy. After you give birth to the child, you will recover in a short time and become younger."

At Andrew's level, he can already speak his mind as he pleases. The words he said directly became Pepper's fate.

"Thanks Ghost Rider."

Pepper was overjoyed and hurriedly thanked her. Tony thought for a moment and shouted: "Ghost Rider, give half of my youth to Pepper. I love her so much and want her to be beautiful all her life."

Pepper complained: "If I hadn't known that your true purpose was to grow up, I would have been moved, really, almost."

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