"I understand. In order to prevent the fortress from being breached, activate the magic circle and sacrifice the will of chaos."

The Nightmare Demon King said. The demon kings hesitated for a moment and chose to nod. This would cost them a lot in the future, but there was no way. If they didn't do this, they wouldn't even have a future.

"I thought it would last for a while, but I didn't expect that Chaos Will would be sacrificed as soon as the war started."

Satanish couldn't help but shake his head. He couldn't figure it out. How could the Machine Demon King's military strength become so strong in just five years?

It's okay to say that one's own strength is good, there are always some lucky people who can improve their strength quickly, but doesn't power take a lot of time to accumulate?

It's not magic at all.

Seeing that the attack went well, the Mechanical Hell command team was very satisfied. Howard shouted to the Earth and Asgard: "Earth reinforcements, Asgard reinforcements, come to hell quickly..."

The superheroes were worried. Is there something wrong in the hell battlefield?

Just then, Howard added: "If we don't come back, the war will be over."


Everyone rolled their eyes. Tony recognized Howard's voice and gritted his teeth: "Old guy, just wait in hell for me. We have many accounts to settle."

"Tony, you disappoint me so much. You don't even want to call me daddy."

Howard laughed: "I'm waiting for you in hell. By the way, I accepted Ivan as my student. He has many surprises for you. When the time comes, I will definitely cheer... Ivan."

"Ivan? Falk."

Tony's nose was almost crooked with anger. His own son doesn't teach him. He is the mortal enemy of teaching his son. Are you really his biological father?

Let’s not mention the things on the battlefield for now, the Skeleton Hell Styx area.

The River Styx is a river that flows in the universe and runs through all hells. After the death of the creatures in the universe, if they are not accepted by the Kingdom of God, they will enter the River Styx. Through the cleaning and flow of the River Styx, they will be dispersed to various hells and become demons.

Of course, there are also many souls that are directly fused with the Styx and become part of the Styx.

The Styx is the most mysterious river in the universe. Except for the Demon King and some powerful beings, others cannot sense the existence of the Styx at all.

Andrew looked at Thanos standing in the river with the soul gem shining in his hand, and asked: "Can the soul gem really control the River Styx?"

"Cannot control the River Styx itself."

Thanos opened his eyes and said a little disappointedly: "I can only control part of the soul power of Styx, but this is already pretty good.

Mechanical Demon King, it is unwise for you to fight me in the River Styx. This is my home court. "


Andrew smiled. He floated above the River Styx and said, "Speaking of which, Thanos, this should be the first time we meet, right?"

"Indeed, although we have fought many times in the air, this is the first time we have met."

Thanos nodded and said: "Mechanical Demon King, if you are willing to lend me the gems, I can do my best to help you become the Lord of Hell.

The death of half of all life in the universe should be a good thing for you, the future lord of hell. We are natural allies. "

"Not a good thing."

Andrew shook his head and said: "The half of the lives lost by snapping fingers are not really dead. They will not enter the River Styx."

Thanos was stunned: "There is no real death?"

"Indeed, in other universes, after you fulfill your destiny, someone snaps their fingers again and brings back those erased people."

Andrew said: "If these souls really entered the River Styx, how could they be brought back easily? If they were reincarnated into demons, would they be able to recover?

Forget it, there is no point in not saying this, Thanos, I want to see death. "

Thanos is not worth Andrew's effort. His real opponent is death. Before dealing with Sithorne, he must first deal with this enemy.

Of course, not to kill death, which cannot be killed, but to come to an agreement, as Alitham did.

Only by solving this matter can Andrew concentrate on dealing with Sithorne.

"Machine Demon King, you are more arrogant than the intelligence says."

Thanos snorted and said: "Don't worry, death will not interfere with the development of the universe. Your opponent is only me, the executor of death."

Andrew complained: "You have been dead and alive before. This is called non-interference? Who are you fooling?"

"She just refused my death, which was her authority."

Thanos put away the soul gem, then he raised his hand, and the water of the Styx formed the Tyrant Blade in his hand. He said: "Come on, Machine Demon King, I have long wanted to fight you."

"If I don't knock you down, death probably won't come out."

Andrew said, "Let's get started."

He said he was going to start, but Andrew didn't even take out his weapon, looking like he was determined to defeat Thanos.

"Machine Demon."

Thanos became more and more angry and swung the Tyrant Blade with all his strength. The water of the Styx was violently lifted up, merged with the purple light, and turned into a giant knife to slash at Andrew.

Andrew raised his hand, and the space in front of him formed a barrier. Thanos snorted coldly. The water of the Styx traveled through all realms of the universe, collecting souls. How could it be blocked by a mere space?

To Thanos' surprise, as soon as the Styx giant blade hit the space barrier, it immediately returned to normal river water and fell into the river with a splash, and all the kinetic energy and purple light on it disappeared.

"The power of space has endless mysteries. Thanos, the Lord of Space, can do more than just draw circles."

Andrew smiled slightly, and then he raised his right hand, and the water of the Styx formed a spear in his hand.

Thanos was extremely shocked: "Why can you also control the River Styx?"

"Because Styx likes me."

This is not a lie, Andrew brought a large number of souls from other universes into hell. Styx really likes him, which is why he doesn't care about the will of chaos.

Andrew didn't talk nonsense anymore, and stabbed forward with the spear very casually. Thanos felt a chill in his heart, and there was a feeling that no matter how hard he tried to hide, he would be stabbed.

"Destiny magic? Since you can't avoid it, just don't avoid it."

Thanos controlled the water of the Styx and wanted to form a circular water shield to protect himself. At this moment, he felt a pain in his heart. He lowered his head suddenly and found that Andrew's spear had pierced his chest.

The water of the Styx condensed by Thanos suddenly disintegrated and fell into the river again. He shouted in disbelief: "How is this possible? I didn't feel it at all."

"Spear of Destiny, when I took out the spear, you were already stabbed. Unless you know time magic and fate magic, you can't stop this spear at all."

Andrew said: "Thanos, I am never arrogant. You are no match for me at all. Go die in peace."

"I will not die. If death does not accept me, I will never die."

Thanos shouted with his last strength, Andrew smiled and said nothing,

Just when Thanos was about to die, the spear on his chest turned into a large number of runes covering his body, which were curse runes.

"In the name of the Demon King, I curse you to be trapped in an eternal seal."

Andrew shouted loudly, and the curse rune suddenly integrated into Thanos' body. Thanos was in a dying state and was sealed in time and space.

Then, Thanos fell into the river and sank downwards. Andrew thought of something and raised his hand, and the soul gem in Thanos' body emerged from his chest.

The Soul Stone was unwilling to leave Thanos' body, emitting orange light to fight against Andrew's power. Andrew reversed the space, and the Soul Stone suddenly appeared in his hand.

The soul gem continued to struggle, and the orange light struck Andrew's body and soul like lightning, but was easily suppressed by Andrew.

Then, Andrew sealed the soul gem into his own small space.

At this point, the six Infinity Stones in the main universe are either in Andrew's hands or in the hands of his allies.

"Death, it's time to show up, right?"

After putting away the soul gem, Andrew asked. At this time, a sigh sounded from below the Styx, and then Thanos resurfaced, floating in mid-air.

Next to Thanos, floated a woman dressed in black robes. Her figure was extremely graceful, even perfect, but her face was that of a skull.

This person is the woman behind Thanos, the death of one of the five creation gods. Of course, this He is just a clone of the original body, a single universe level.

Death does not control the soul, but the concept of death. If she falls, all life in the entire universe will not die.

Among the five creation gods, except Swallowing Star, the other four are concept gods.

"Machine Demon King, we finally meet."

Death said: "You should know that I let Thanos carry out his destiny for the sake of the universe. If the universe continues like this, sooner or later it will be overwhelmed and lead to destruction."

"The universe is not that fragile."

Andrew said: "If the situation you mentioned really happens, life in the universe will find ways to save itself, such as war, or developing new technology.

Death, as a concept god, I don’t understand why you would take the initiative to get involved in this matter? "

"Because I am implementing my concept that death is for a better rebirth."

Death said: "Mechanical Demon King, as a concept god, I cannot do it myself, but if you become the Lord of Hell, Thanos will never be able to fulfill his destiny.

So, I had to foul it a little bit. "

"It was expected. That's why I came to Thanos in advance."

Andrew said nonchalantly: "No matter what tricks you have, I will take them."

"Are you sure you're not arrogant?"

Death shook his head and pierced Thanos's chest with a knife. Thanos died instantly, then resurrected, died again, and resurrected...

In just a few breaths, Thanos died thousands of times. As he continued to die and resurrect, his appearance quickly aged. At the same time, the aura on his body became more and more terrifying, containing the flavor of death.

"Wow, this is also called a little foul?"

Andrew complained: "Well, I don't care about your foul play. You come to Thanos. I have already prepared for the worst, but the Creator God, you don't have to be both proud and independent, right?"

"The word "dang and stand" is very bad."

Death was a little dissatisfied, and said: "It's just a little foul. Thanos is different. I have been following him since he was born, watching him grow up, watching him confused, and then teaching him to walk on his path. The way to go.

That is the path of destiny. "

Andrew looked in admiration: "Nurture? Death, you really know how to play, I admire you."

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