American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 500 Supreme Mage

At this moment, the mobile phone signal was suddenly interrupted. Wang was stunned. Kama Taj's network contractor was a certain devil. The signal was so good, how could it suddenly be interrupted?

"I thought Thanos had prepared some surprise for me, but it turned out to be you. It's really disappointing."

Gu Yi looked up at the sky and said with a look of disgust. When Wang heard this, he immediately put away his phone and looked at the sky warily, as did the other mages.

"Gu Yi, you knew we were coming, but you still dared to send the main force out. You are even more arrogant than before."

Along with this mixed sound, a giant dark cloud with an ominous atmosphere slowly fell in the sky. In the dark clouds, ferocious human faces were looming.

"Arrogant? If I had known it was you, I would have sent out the remaining mages as well."

Gu Yi took a sip of tea and said: "It's really boring. We have to clean up the defeated generals again. King, let the mages stop activating the formation. No need. Save energy. Kama Taj doesn't have any food left."

"Yes, Master Supreme."

Wang said respectfully, although he didn't know what the situation was, it was obvious that everything was under the control of the Supreme Mage.

"Ancient One!"

The faces in the dark cloud were furious at the same time, making ferocious roars.

Ancient One said: "You look so good-looking, Wang, why did a certain demon king say that?"

Wang smiled and said: "I like the way you hate me to the core but can't kill me the most."

The man in the dark cloud was so angry that he almost ran away. Gu Yi was still the same Gu Yi as before, without any change - not only arrogant and arrogant, but also extremely venomous.

The king asked: "Supreme Mage, who are they?"

"A group of defeated men."

Ancient One introduced: "Hundreds of years ago, I cleaned up the gods on the earth and asked them to leave the earth. Many gods disagreed, and some even laughed at me.

My attitude towards these gods is very simple, clean them all and kill them until they are afraid, and they will leave naturally.

At that time, I don’t remember how many gods I killed, but it was quite a lot.

After the death of these gods, I sealed the remaining souls and resentments deep in the earth, allowing the earth to slowly absorb and purify them.

Unexpectedly, Sithorne and Thanos released them and used black magic and soul gems to refine them into resentful spirits.

Simply put, it is divine resentment. "

"I see."

The king suddenly realized that he admired the Supreme Mage even more as he thought about the scene when the Supreme Mage swept the world.

"Ancient One, don't forget, you defeated us individually back then. Now, we unite and become stronger through black magic."

The God of Resentment roared angrily: "And you, not only lost the favor of the Time Stone, but also turned into a lazy old woman. How much magic do you have left?

Gu Yi, you are already dead. Today, you will definitely die. We will swallow every piece of your flesh and drink every drop of your blood. "

Amid the roar of divine resentment, its body quickly grew in size, almost covering the entire Kama Taj.

Although the mages were a little solemn, they were not afraid at all. After all, the Supreme Mage was there.

"I have indeed lost the favor of the Time Stone, and I am indeed quite lazy."

Gu Yi smiled and said: "But it's quite simple to deal with you. Let's get started. Finish the fight early and continue watching the show early. The exciting part is almost here."

After saying that, Gu Yi put down his teacup and stood up.

Before standing up, Gu Yi was just an old lady basking in the sun and drinking tea. After standing up, everyone couldn't help but lower their heads, because she was the Supreme Mage, the Supreme Mage who was feared by all the worlds.

"Gu Yi, you will definitely die a bad death."

God's resentment controlled the dark clouds to roll down, trying to crush the entire Kama Taj. A fan appeared out of thin air in Gu Yi's hand. With a wave, the void was blocked, and the dark clouds could not get close to Kama Taj.

Then, Gu Yi took a step forward and reached the sky. With a turn of his hand, the space twisted and rotated, sucking in the dark clouds like a whirlpool.

Seeing this, Shenwen hurriedly shrank his body. Soon, all the dark clouds gathered together to form a deformed giant with human faces on his body and black gas constantly coming out.

"Teacher killed so many gods back then."

Looking at the densely packed human faces on the giant, Wang secretly smacked his lips. Each face represented a god.

If Gu Yi didn't kill many people back then, how could the other gods be willing to leave?

"The Ancient One."

The gods roared with resentment, and black beams of resentment spewed out from everyone's faces and mouths, densely shooting at Gu Yi.

Gu Yi pushed her hand forward, and the space condensed into a barrier, blocking all attacks. Then, she shook her right hand, and the space barrier turned into a majestic space giant. It roared and rushed towards Shenwen, and punched Shenwen like the earth was shattering. head.

"Turning space into real life? How is this possible?"

The God of Resentment was stunned and hurriedly raised his hands to resist the space giant's attack.

This magic is Gu Yi's own super-level magic, called Space Controller.

In the past few years, while watching movies, Gu Yi also did two things. One was to repair his body and remove the hidden wounds left by years of fighting. At the same time, he completely gave up the dark dimension energy he had absorbed.

This does not mean that Gu Yi gave up the magic of free prostitution that made countless demons gnash their teeth. As the saying goes, free prostitution is good for a while, and it continues to be free. To put it simply, Gu Yi has found a higher level of power.

The other thing is to sort out his own magic. Gu Yi's attainments in magic in recent years have been astonishing.

Seeing that the space giant's fist was about to hit Shenwen's arm, at this moment, the space giant disappeared out of thin air, and when it reappeared, it was already behind Shenwen.

Then, the space giant's arm turned into a space sharp blade, which pierced into the back of God's Resentment and penetrated from the front.

Divine Resentment let out a scream, and the space giant was unyielding. A large number of space chains emerged from its body to bind Divine Resentment.

This was not over yet, the space giant raised its head and roared, the power of the surrounding space poured into its body crazily, and then its body began to swell.

It was obvious that the space giant was ready to explode and take away the divine resentment in a wave.

This is the current strength of Ancient One.

Divine Resentment's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly turned into a black energy and fled far away, even the space giant couldn't block it.

Ancient One controlled the space giant to stop absorbing it, and then she said: "There is one less human face on your body. This scapegoat magic is a bit interesting."

"Gu Yi, you can kill me once, twice, or three times, but can you kill me a hundred or a thousand times?"

The god roared angrily, grabbed it with his right hand from the air, and a high mountain flew over in the distance and crashed into the space giant.

Then, the resentment of the gods rushed towards Gu Yi with all his strength. Before anyone arrived, the resentment had turned into ropes and rolled towards Gu Yi.

Gu Yi waved his fan, and the distance between Divine Resentment and her was infinitely lengthened. Then, silhouettes came out of her, but they were super-level magic, the shape of Isaac.

Different from Strange's half-assed one, each of Ancient One's Isaac forms has the same strength as the original body.

In other words, Ancient One's strength instantly increased ninefold. This was without using the Time Stone. If the Time Stone was used, it would be even more terrifying.

This was one of the reasons why the Ancient One could free the Earth.

"A thousand times? I will kill you even ten thousand times."

The nine Ancient Ones shouted at the same time, and then the war broke out again. Well, it seems that it is not accurate to say a war. To be precise, it was a thousand ways to die in the resentment of God.

"The old lady Gu Yi is mad."

Andrew laughed when he saw the nine Ancient Ones attacking the gods. It seemed that the Ancient Ones had not become weaker. With her here and her other arrangements, the earth was safe.

"When the situation on Earth and Asgard becomes clear, I can begin an all-out attack."

Andrew secretly thought that he was not in a hurry, because he should not be the one who was anxious.

"The Ancient One is actually still so powerful?"

At the Avengers Base, Superstar sensed the battle on Karma Taj's side and frowned slightly. In their original expectations, the Divine Resentment should be able to defeat the Ancient One, or at worst suppress her, preventing her from getting involved in other things. .

In the end, Gu Yi didn't even use his trump card and beat the Divine Resent like a dog. This was far from what they expected.

Gu Yi, who had not taken action for several years, not only did not become weaker, but also became stronger.

"Fortunately, Divine Resentment can be resurrected continuously, so it shouldn't be a problem to contain Gu Yi for a while."

Superstar thought secretly: "We must deal with the Avengers within this period of time, and then concentrate our forces to deal with the Ancient One and steal the time stone.

In addition, the New York gathering place must be destroyed. There are millions of people inside, and their blood and souls are enough to bring a powerful force to Sithorne. "

At this thought, the superstar used his spiritual power to contact the Eternals and asked: "Have you not arranged it yet?"

"The instruments have been arranged and are being debugged. Give me another five minutes."

The traveling Eternals located in the inner earth world said: "I guarantee that the instrument will start smoothly in five minutes."

As mentioned before, the interior of the earth is empty, and there is another inner earth world that is completely different from the ecology of the earth. The ancestors of King Kong live there and are still kings there.

Andrew once went to the center of the earth and wanted to select some powerful monsters to join the Titan Army. Unexpectedly, Diamu of the Eternal Tribe was also there. In order to avoid alerting the snake, he did not do much.

Of course, Andrew left a magic mark in the inner earth world, but the way the Eternals traveled into the inner earth world was not a conventional method, and the magic mark was not touched.

"Okay, five minutes."

The superstar nodded. Then, she turned to Eternal Race Fastos and ordered: "Get ready. In five minutes, start the instrument."


Fastos nodded confidently. As an Eternal scientist, there would be no problems with the instrument he invented.

Five minutes passed by in a flash, and the battle situation was still as stalemate as before. Many people were killed, both from the Eternals and from the Earth side.

As for the vanguard guards, a large number of them died tragically. Of course, no one cared about these cannon fodder.

"Superstar, the arrangements are complete and it's time to begin."

A voice of relief sounded in the Superstar's head. The Superstar beamed with joy and said to Fastos: "Let's get started."


Fastos excitedly activated the device, and all the energy of the Tama was concentrated into the device. Then, the device emitted a giant beam of light hundreds of meters thick toward the ground below.

At the same time, the instruments in the inner earth world were also activated, which were also super light pillars hundreds of meters thick.

This light pillar is a space light pillar. Under the action of the instrument, they coordinate, resonate, and connect with each other. Once successful, they will form a super teleportation array.

This is not an easy task, after all, one is on the ground and the other is in the center of the earth, and gravity is very confusing.

"There's a lot of noise over there. Who has the energy left to stop them quickly?"

Tony saw the scene in the distance and shouted hurriedly. He and Ikaris had been fighting for a long time, and no one could do anything about the other. Both of them were very tired. At the same time, the anger in their hearts was getting stronger and stronger.

I don't believe that I can't kill you. This is the common thought of two proud people.

"In this case, where can you find any spare energy?"

Rhodes said helplessly: "It's a bit weak, the other party has too many cannon fodder."

"I'll go."

Seeing this, Wanda no longer hid her strength, pointed her hand towards Tina and Gilgamesh, and the two merged together and turned into a big ball.

To make matters worse, their hands and feet were in the wrong position and they couldn't control the aircraft at all, causing it to fall straight down.

This is the sorcery of the Scarlet Witch.

Then, Wanda got into the reflective steel fragments nearby and appeared above the Tama.

Wanda didn't talk nonsense, raised her hands, and in the red light, several huge tentacles flew out, preparing to blast towards the Tama below.

Upon seeing this, the superstar's expression changed, and he hurriedly used mind magic to control Wanda. Wanda's eyes flashed, and she appeared in front of a dilapidated old building.

Wanda was stunned when she saw this old building. It was the place where she lived when she was a child. Although they were poor, the family was very happy. Until one day, missiles produced by the Stark Group fell from the sky and destroyed everything.

"I thought you were powerful."

The figure of the super star appeared in the sky and sneered: "I didn't expect you to be so powerful through external force. I'm sorry, in this spiritual world, your external force is useless."

In order to prevent any problems with the mechanical Scarlet Witch, Andrew erased the consciousness of the mechanical Scarlet Witch and completely refined it into a puppet.

Although this reduces the risk, it also completely turns the mechanical Scarlet Witch into a foreign object. In the spiritual world, foreign objects are useless and everything must be done by oneself.

"No wonder Andrew always says that one's own strength is the most important. No matter how powerful the props are, they are just props."

Wanda looked at the superstar and said coldly: "You make me think of bad things. Have you thought about the price you have to pay?"

"Little girl, do you think you will be my opponent in the spiritual world?"

The superstar smiled disdainfully, and said: "After I followed Thanos, I used mind magic to kill countless powerful enemies. You are not even among the top 100 among them."

"I haven't killed many people, but you are definitely one of them."

Wanda snorted coldly and flew up under the red light. Then, she waved her hands continuously and blasted the super star with red light one after another.

"You are indeed a newcomer. Fighting in the spiritual world is not like this."

The superstar suddenly appeared behind Wanda and put his right hand on Wanda's shoulder. But to her shock, the move failed and Wanda disappeared like a ripple of water.

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