American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 50 Take action

"Ghost Rider is too cool. I need to reduce the exposure in the future. Frank, you go and have some fun with Mystique, and everyone else can call it a day."

Andrew confessed and used the teleportation technique to teleport to the corner of Times Square - the number of contracts had exceeded tens of thousands, and the number of robots was insufficient, so he had to take action himself.

Reborn in hell, I keep my word, I promise to protect you, and I will definitely protect you.

This time, Andrew did not turn into the Ghost Rider. He kicked a section of the steel fence away, and then strode towards the tower.

Magneto immediately noticed the "low-key" Andrew and immediately put away most of the magnetism. The metal circle rotated slowly, and the radiation waves condensed above and did not spread outward.

"Toad, bring someone to stop that kid."

Mystique flew back and shouted to Toad. Toad was about to take Big Steel Tooth to stop him, but Barton shot an arrow, grazing his scalp and sinking into the chest of a mutant behind him.

"So dangerous."

Toad couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. If he hadn't reacted quickly just now, he would have died.

At the same time, the X-Men and agents fought desperately to trap the Brotherhood's mutants and prevent them from disturbing Mr. Wang.

With Mr. Wang's strength, once he walks in front of Magneto, Magneto can start preparing for his funeral.

Professor Charles' horrified voice rang in Mystique's mind: "Riven, make Eric stop quickly, otherwise he will die."

"Charles, you don't have to scare me. That kid is indeed very strong, but not strong enough to kill Eric. In fact, he can't even pass my level."

Mystique didn't believe it. Professor Charles was about to reveal the identity of King Andrew. At this moment, accompanied by a burst of fierce gunfire, a suit launched an attack on Mystique.

This suit is all black, with a white skull pattern on the chest. It is larger than Mark's suit and looks very thick.

In addition, it is full of weapons, machine guns, sniper rifles, grenades, micro-missiles... It can be said to be armed to the teeth.

This is Frank Custer's Punisher suit. Unlike other suits, this suit only pursues offense.

Because of Tony's ideas, Mark's suit was very light and could not block the Punisher's terrifying firepower, and was sent flying in all directions.

"Idiot, do you know how to control Mark's suit? Dodge, attack from above, launch smoke grenades, you're pissing me off, you idiot."

When Tony saw that Mark's suit was defeated by the Punisher suit, he was yelling at him. Psylocke looked at him speechlessly and complained: "Whose side are you from?"

"Yes, that's the enemy."

Tony reacted and shouted loudly: "My suit didn't lose, it was the controller inside who lost."

Psylocke couldn't help rolling her eyes. How much does Tony Stark care about face?

Soon, Andrew came to the bottom of the tower. He looked up and asked, "Magneto, why don't you take action?"

Magneto said coldly: "I'll wait for you to come up."

"Seek death."

Andrew shook his head and walked straight up the tower. Then, he was parallel to the ground and walked up step by step.

Tony complained: "Hurry up and have people press down on Newton's coffin board. He is about to climb out again. Hey, why did I say again?"

No one paid attention to Tony. At this time, the red devil suddenly appeared behind Andrew and stabbed Andrew straight in the back of the heart.

Without even looking behind him, Andrew grabbed the Red Devil's wrist with his backhand. The powerful Red Devil felt that his wrist was about to break. He was startled and hurriedly turned into a red mist and disappeared.

Everyone stared around intently, waiting for the red devil to reappear, but surprisingly, the red devil seemed to evaporate and never appeared again.

Where did the red devil go?

The Red Devil himself wanted to know this question. After teleporting, he appeared out of thin air in a gloomy place with countless ghosts looming around him. Even the Red Devil was a bit creepy.

The red devil tried to teleport, but it was useless. He couldn't help but ask: "Where is this place?"

"This is a little hell on earth, Red Devil, you disinfect it first, and then we'll send you to the real hell."

A ghost flew in front of the red devil and said coldly.

The red devil complained: "Hell on earth? Where did hell come from on earth? And what the hell is disinfection? You have to disinfect before entering hell. When did hell become so hygienic?"

"Our hell is different from those dirty and messy hells."

The ghost snorted coldly, and a large amount of white mist fell from the sky to cover the red devil and began to 'disinfect' him.

In fact, the so-called disinfection is to eliminate the magic marks that may be on the red devil, so that the location of the rebirth in hell will not be known to other devils.

This set of disinfection methods was developed by Andrew himself and is very reliable.

The red devil asked in shock and anger: "What are you doing? I tell you, I am not someone to be trifled with. If you offend me, you will not end well."

No one paid attention to the red devil. After the disinfection was completed, he was transported to the throne of rebirth in hell. Andrew (the body of the devil) sat high on the throne and said lazily: "Kneel down and talk to you later."

The red devil, who was very arrogant before, immediately fell to his knees with a thud, his whole body trembling, and after confirming his aura, he was the real devil.

Let’s not talk about the Red Devil for the moment. On the high tower, Andrew continued to walk up. Soon, he came to the middle position, where the three Tonys were.

Wolverine Logan growled: "Let me go, I'm going to kill that old guy Magneto."

Lingdie smiled and said: "Handsome, we meet again, do you want to exchange phone numbers?"

Tony said excitedly: "Boy, let me go quickly. Without my help, you will definitely not be able to defeat Magneto."

Andrew ignored Wolverine and Tony. He said to Psylocke with a disdainful look on his face: "You are really here to fight in this way? You obviously have such a good talent, but you don't know how to develop it. You just do some crooked things. I don't know what it means."

The first half of Andrew's words made Psylocke want to beat him, but the second half of his words made Psylocke's eyes light up: "Can I develop my abilities further?"

Psylocke is obsessed with power, because the more powerful, the higher the commission.

Andrew didn't answer Psylocke. He wanted to take a long shot and catch the big fish.

Tony shouted impatiently: "Hey, boy, don't waste time, let me go quickly."

"as you wish."

Andrew's right foot shook slightly, and the steel on Tony and the three of them broke at the same time, and then they fell to the ground together.

"I didn't let you let it go like this!"

Tony yelled, and at this time, strong winds appeared around them, and the three people's descent slowed down significantly, but it was Storm who rescued them.

Andrew ignored Tony and the others. He slashed through the air, and a black light composed of black flames flashed. The tower was cut in the middle, and the upper part tilted to the right and fell.

Although Andrew is absolutely sure to defeat Magneto, it does not mean that he will foolishly step into Magneto's trap. This is not a question of strength, but a question of IQ.

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