Chapter 494 The Arrival of the Eternals

Facing Susan's questioning, Wanda felt a little guilty. She asked: "Invisible Woman, what do you mean? Do you still want to stay with Andrew Wang?"

"So what? I never planned to leave Andrew. Since you have problems with him, then you all should leave."

Susan said: "I was the first to know Andrew, and you are the latter."

Wanda immediately retorted: "How can feelings be prioritized? Andrew's favorite must be me."

Gwen was dumbfounded, it turned out that Wanda was really being petty. This girl is not old, so why is she so mean-spirited?

Susan sneered: "It must be you? Who gave you the confidence?"

Wanda puffed up her proud chest and was about to speak when Gwen said, "Hey, you are all superheroes. Is it worth arguing over a scumbag like this?"

Susan and Wanda snorted at the same time, looking at each other with hostile eyes - neither of them wanted to leave Andrew, and both wanted to occupy Andrew.

Scarlett remained silent. She didn't mind sharing Andrew with other women. After all, it had been like this before, but she was embarrassed to say it.

Gwen, who was soft on the outside but strong on the inside, wanted to break up. When she saw the trouble, she gritted her teeth and said, "It's all Andrew's fault. Next time I see him, I must fix him properly."

"You can have this."

Susan, Wanda, and Scarlett looked at each other and nodded at the same time. There must be a lesson, otherwise why would they be so angry?

Scarlett looked at the girls, thought of something, and suddenly smiled: "Actually, a certain devil is quite dedicated. He only likes female superheroes."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and Susan complained: "Is it like Leo only likes Victoria's Secret?"

"He is indeed a scumbag devil."

Gwen cursed, and at this moment, the base's alarm suddenly sounded, and Jarvis said: "An alien spacecraft is approaching the base, and they are not hiding."

The faces of the girls changed, and they stood up together. The love between children was put aside for now. They were superheroes, and saving the world was more important.

"Jarvis, activate the defense system, raise the defense shield, and notify the Defense Bureau. Dr. Banner, you go to the hangar to control the Fury Mecha. Everyone else, gather on the rooftop. Thanos may be here."

Steve shouted that the reason he was in command and not Tony was because Tony had no ears and couldn't hear.

Everyone followed suit, and after receiving the news, the Defense Bureau immediately dispatched agents from the New York Defense Bureau to the Avengers Base.

Soon, everyone gathered on the rooftop, and Tony shouted in a loud voice: "Wanda, help me recover. By the way, when did you learn witchcraft?"

"Excuse me."

Wanda hurriedly cast a spell to help Tony return to normal. The mechanical Scarlet Witch was in her body, so she could use the mechanical Scarlet Witch's abilities.

Tony touched the reappeared ears, breathed a sigh of relief, and then said unhappily: "I hate witchcraft."

Jarvis asked: "Mr. Stark, the alien spacecraft has entered range, do you want to launch an attack?"

Tony hesitated and said, "Wait first. Once you see signs of attack from the other party, attack immediately."

"Yes, Mr. Stark."

Jarvis nodded, and soon, a boxy golden spaceship flew several hundred meters in front of the Avengers base. It was the Eternal Tama.

"What kind of spaceship is this? It doesn't comply with fluid mechanics at all?"

Tony looked disgusted. At this moment, the bottom of the spacecraft opened, and ten Eternals stepped on the aircraft and flew dozens of meters away from everyone.

There are not only ten Eternals in the Tama. Superstars and Eternals transferred from other places are also there, but they have not shown up yet.

This is Ajak's meaning, to be polite before fighting.

"Why do these aliens look the same as Earthlings?"

Tony was a little surprised, and then he asked loudly through the defensive shield: "Aliens, who are you? What is the purpose of coming here?"

The defensive shield is a technology provided by Wakanda, and both Black Panther and Shuri are on the rooftop.

"We are the Eternals. We came to Earth thousands of years ago to help mankind fight against mutants and protect mankind."

Ajak pointed at Tina and said: "We have left many traces in human history. For example, Tina is called Athena by you humans."


Everyone was surprised. Tony glanced at Tina and said, "She's so old. Isn't Athena a girl?"


Everyone looked at Tony speechlessly, do you care about this at this time? Believe it or not we told Pepper?

"The Eternals have always been on Earth?"

Steve thought about something and asked in surprise: "Ghost Rider once said that besides Wakanda, there is another powerful force on earth, and that is you, right?"

"Ghost Rider is probably talking about us."

Ajak said: "One thing you probably don't know yet is that the Ghost Rider is actually the Machine Demon King. At the same time, he is also the God of Guns and a black-robed mage."

"What, Ghost Rider is the Machine Demon King?"

Many people were in an uproar, and the fourth daughter Susan frowned. Andrew's identity was completely disclosed.

Skye shouted dissatisfied: "Nonsense, do you think we will believe your slander? Ghost Rider is a superhero, an angel, and the savior of the earth."

Rhodes added: "Ghost Rider is actually God."

"He is not God, he is the Mechanical Demon King. He has been plundering souls on the earth, and the Peace Knights are his legion."

Ajak said: "I believe you have always been wondering why the Peace Knights only save some people? The reason is very simple. They only save people who have signed a contract with the Demon King.

If you don't sign the contract, the devil won't save you. "

Tony suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the Peace Knights behaved so strangely, and this could explain it.

"You mean to say that these disasters on Earth were all caused by the Machine Demon King, and then he pretended to be the Ghost Rider and took the opportunity to plunder souls?"

Tony asked with a frown. The Ghost Rider guy must be a bastard, there is no doubt about it, but he shouldn't be a big villain.

"of course not."

Steve, Su Rui, Wanda and others said in unison. Everyone looked at them in astonishment. They seemed to know something?

Tony asked: "Captain?"

"I knew that the Peace Knights were the Demon King's people, but I didn't know that Andrew was the Demon King."

Steve thought for a while and said: "In addition, I am a subordinate of the Machine Demon King and have signed a posthumous work agreement with him."

"Posthumous work agreement?"

Everyone is a little confused. Did you find a job too early? You are not dead yet, and you will find a job after death?

Steve was a little embarrassed. He didn't say anything. Not only did I find it, but your Director Carter also found it.

"In other words, the devil who signed a contract with us and owns our souls after death is that bastard Andrew?"

Tony gritted his teeth and said, "That guy has been playing tricks on us."

Susan snorted coldly: "Aren't you lying to us all the time? You know that Andrew is a master of guns, but you don't tell us anything."

Tony and Steve felt a little embarrassed. Human Torch touched his chin and said, "In other words, my brother-in-law is actually the Demon King, so wouldn't it mean that I can even walk through hell?

Sister, ask my brother-in-law if Audrey Hepburn is in his hell? I've always liked her. "

Susan kicked the Thunderbolt downstairs. It was unfortunate for the family to have such a brother, and he would be buried soon.

Black Panther thought of something, his expression changed, and he asked Su Rui in a low voice: "Surui, don't tell me, you and the Machine Demon King..."

"What are you talking about?"

Su Rui rolled her eyes and said, "Actually, our Wakanda is the property of the Machine Demon King. I just went to the Machine Hell for training some time ago."


Black Panther was confused. Wakanda is the property of the Machine Demon? Why don’t I, the king, know this?

Others were also surprised. Wakanda is Andrew's territory?

"We only found out about Andrew being the Machine Demon King recently, but he is not a bad person and the disaster has nothing to do with him. You can rest assured on this."

Scarlett said: "If Andrew is really a bad guy, the Master Supreme will not let him run amok on Earth."

"The Machine Demon King is definitely good, there is no doubt about it."

Su Rui said: "Mr. Stark, your father, Mr. Howard, is also working for him. When I went to hell to study, I learned a lot from him.

He's one of the top scientists in Mechanical Hell, well, he claims to be the chief, but that's contradicted by others. "

Tony was a little confused: "I know that old guy is in hell, but isn't he a clown and forced to dance and tell jokes every day?"

"Who can force him to dance and tell jokes? The Machine Demon King has always valued talents. Mr. Howard is simply walking sideways in hell. He doesn't even need to pay to go to the Succubus Bar."

Su Rui said: "By the way, he is also a member of the Peace Knights. He created the steel suit of the Peace Knights."

"A member of the Peace Knights? The guy who keeps beating me and saying I am a disgrace to the Stark family, is that Howard?"

Tony was stunned for a moment, and many images flashed through his mind. In the end, several figures were superimposed on each other and turned into the proud old face of Howard Stark.

Tony didn't know what was going on, his face turned red with anger, and he cursed angrily: "You old man tricked me."

The conversation here was heard by the Defense Bureau headquarters, and the agents were also in an uproar.

Garrett said: "Sure enough, secrets will be revealed in the end."

Carter asked suspiciously: "Garrett, you seem a little too calm?"

"Carter, real estate prices in Mechanical Hell have been rising. I suggest you buy it as soon as possible. Otherwise, when you die, you may have to work for decades to afford a good house."

Garrett smiled and said: "I have already paid for one house and am paying for the other. Speaking of which, after the collapse of Hydra, I can only receive double wages. It is a pity."


Carter was confused. She took a step back and asked warily: "Are you from the Machine Demon King?"

Garrett said: "You too, the Defense Agency, like Wakanda, is the property of the Machine Demon King."

Carter looked at Garrett in shock. After a moment, she asked: "In other words, the Defense Bureau and SHIELD have been infiltrated? Is your secret slogan Long Live the Machine Demon?"

"You are cursing the Machine Demon King. He has the same lifespan as the universe. How can he live forever?"

Garrett said: "The situation of the Defense Bureau is different from that of SHIELD. The Defense Bureau was built by the Machine Demon King from the beginning. You and I are both members of the Machine Demon King.

Also, most of the Defense Agency agents' souls were signed to the BOSS.

Carter, don't think so much. About half of the souls of the earth already belong to BOSS. It won't be long before BOSS will privatize the earth.

At that time, there is no need to sign a contract. After the death of all people on earth, their souls will automatically enter the mechanical hell, including those newly born.

This is not a bad thing. If you have been to hell, you will know that mechanical hell is a paradise in the true sense.

Moreover, BOSS has been protecting the earth. Without BOSS, the earth would have been destroyed long ago. "

“Privatizing the Earth?”

Carter became more and more surprised. She thought for a while and said, "I want to meet the boss, is that okay?"

Garrett smiled and said: "Of course, but we have to wait until after this incident. The BOSS is attacking Hell and is very busy."

After discussion at the Avengers base, the superheroes quickly reached a consensus - Andrew Wang is a bastard who likes to show off, but he is not a villain.

"The Eternals, we are more willing to believe in the Ghost Rider than you."

Tony raised his head and asked, "What on earth do you want to do here? I don't think you are here to say bad things about Ghost Rider, right?"

"Do you believe in Ghost Rider?"

Ajak frowned. At this time, the sarcastic voice of the superstar sounded in her mind: "I told you earlier that it is useless to disclose the identity of the Mechanical Demon King. If the Mechanical Demon King can be defeated by a few words, is he still the Mechanical Demon King?"

"It seems that they have all been brainwashed by the Machine Demon King."

Ajak shook her head and put the matter aside. She said: "In the universe, there is a group called the Celestial God Group. All the stars in the universe were created by them. We, the Eternal Clan, are the servants of the Celestial God Group...

The way the Celestials are born is to parasitize inside a planet. When the intelligent life on the planet reaches a certain number, the Celestials will wake up, devour all intelligent life, and complete their transformation. "

Everyone's expressions changed after hearing this, and Tony said: "Don't tell me that there is a group of gods sleeping inside the earth?"

"Indeed, superheroes, the Celestial Group must be born, because the universe needs the Celestial Group to create stars."

Ajak did not deny it. She nodded and said, "It is very worthwhile to sacrifice a planet to allow the Celestials to complete their transformation."

"It's worthy of your sister."

The grumpy Human Torch yelled: "We will never let you succeed. How can you still say that my brother-in-law is a bad person?"

The superheroes are also very angry. There are billions of lives on the earth, but you sacrifice them as much as you want. Who do you think you are?

The agents at the headquarters also snorted. They had been a little shaken before, but at this moment, they were completely convinced that the Machine Demon King was a good guy because the Eternals were obviously bad guys.

Whoever wants to destroy the earth is the bad guy, it's that simple.

"Your vision is too narrow. Of course, I don't blame you. After all, the earth is just an indigenous planet."

Ajak shook his head and said: “I came to you to resolve this matter peacefully.

You take a part of the human race and the earth's gene pool and leave the earth in a spacecraft. We will find a new planet for you so that you can repopulate it.

The birth of the Celestial Group is inevitable. You cannot stop us and you should not stop us. "

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