American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 489 Obtaining the gem

Unlike in the movie, Ajak in this universe did not suddenly wake up and still maintained her original point of view - in the movie, she was moved by human beings' fighting spirit in disasters and wanted to save the earth, but was killed by Ikaris.

The Eternals were silent, silently digesting the truth Ajak said.

After a moment, Circe smiled bitterly and said: "I always thought we were heroes, but in the end, we turned out to be villains."

"Of course we are heroes, everything we do is for the universe."

Ikaris solemnly said that he is a weakened version of Superman, with a strong body, the ability to fly, and the ability to shoot golden lasers from his eyes.

"Thanos said the same thing."

A fat black man sneered. He was the Eternal Race Fastos. His ability was to make various instruments. In addition, he was gay.

Hearing what the fat black man said, a cold murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the mysterious cloaked man who had been silent. However, she did nothing for the time being.

Ikaris frowned and said: "We are different from Thanos. Guardianship of the Gods is our mission and also our glory."

Circe asked: "Ikaris, you have known about this for a long time, right?"

"Yes, that's why I left you more than a hundred years ago."

Ikaris nodded, Circe's expression became more complicated and she didn't know what to say.

Ajak said: "Ikaris is right, the Guardian God Group is our mission and our glory.

The group of gods at the core of the earth is called Diamu. He is about to be born. We must ensure that he is born smoothly.

Ghost Rider, the Ancient One, and the Avengers are all our enemies because they will definitely stop us. "

"It turns out we are really villains."

The druid said self-deprecatingly that his ability is to control humans.

Makari patted the druid's hand and comforted him in his own way - Makari is a deaf-mute, his ability is speed, and he is somewhat similar to the super-killer Mindy.

"I'll say it again, we are not villains, we are protecting the universe."

Ajak said: "Besides, do you think Ghost Rider is really a good person? His true identity is actually the Lord of Hell, the Machine Demon King, who has been plundering souls on the earth."


The Eternals were in an uproar again, and this news was no less exciting than the previous one.

The most famous Ghost Rider on Earth is actually the Demon King of Hell? If this news spreads, the whole earth will be shocked.

"Is today the Day of Truth? There are so many truths, each one more horrifying than the last?"

Spike complained that she used to collect Ghost Rider posters, but there was nothing she could do about it, Ghost Rider was too cool.

"This is a fact. Ghost Rider is plotting against Tiamu."

Ajak said: "Once he succeeds, not only will the earth be destroyed, but other living planets will also be threatened. We must never let him get his wish."

The Eternals are confused and don't know what to do. They have received too many truths today. They just want to be quiet now.

Ajak continued: "In addition to us, there will be other Eternals coming to Earth to gather. We will accept Thanos's command and defeat the Demon King of Hell together."

"The command of Thanos?"

The Eternals were stunned, and Fastos complained: "You still dare to say that we are not villains? Ajak, I will never obey the command of that butcher."

Others also resisted. Thanos was a real butcher, and countless people died at his hands. What was even more frightening was that he planned to wipe out half of the people in the universe.

In another universe, he actually did this.

"Everything Thanos does, just like you, is to protect the universe."

The mysterious person finally spoke, and she said slowly: "Arishem has given full authority to handle this matter to Thanos. All you have to do is obey Thanos's orders."

The Eternals frowned. It was obvious that this mysterious man was from Thanos.

This is also true. She is the most mysterious superstar among the five Obsidian generals, and her ability is mind control.

"Arizom's orders must be obeyed. This time, I will obey Thanos's command."

Ajak said, Ikaris thought for a moment and nodded: "Me too."

Ikaris' little fanboy Jin Gou and little fangirl Spike heard this and nodded at the same time and continued to follow Ikarius.

As for the others, they fell into silence, but in the end, they did not object. On the one hand, they had long been accustomed to obeying Alitham's orders. On the other hand, the Ghost Rider was the Demon King of Hell and must stop him.

As for the earth, we will talk about it later.

"very good."

The superstar nodded with satisfaction and said, "You stay in the Tama and wait for the plan to start."

Ikaris asked: "When will the plan begin?"

"Soon, within the next few days."

The superstar didn't say much, she said: "You are adjusting your condition in the spaceship. Your opponent will be the Avengers."


The Eternals had complicated expressions. They did not expect to go against the superheroes they used to like.

Then, the Eternals returned to their rooms, and the Superstar used the communicator to contact Thanos and reported: "Thanos, the Eternals of Earth, four of them are willing to obey our orders.

The remaining six are very unstable and may even rebel on the battlefield. "

"Use your psychic abilities to hypnotize and control them."

Thanos ordered: "We only need war tools. In addition, other Eternals are rushing to Earth. You are responsible for picking them up. After I get the soul gem, I will rush there as soon as possible."

The superstar nodded: "Yes."

There is a planet in the center of the galaxy called Vormir. It is a red and dim planet. Thanos, the purple sweet potato spirit, put down his communicator and climbed up the mountain in silence.

Why is Thanos here? Because the soul gem is in this planet.

Thanos knew about this because Alitham told him that the Celestials had collected the Infinity Stones and knew the location of the Soul Stone very well.

Previously, Alitham successfully strengthened Thanos, greatly increasing his strength and mastering a special ability.

Then, Alitham told Thanos the location of the Soul Stone, and also told him how to obtain the Soul Stone-sacrifice his beloved.

Thanos was silent for a long time, instead of going to the Guardians of the Galaxy, he came directly to Vormir.

In the eyes of many people, Thanos is a cold-blooded butcher, but he really regards Gamora as his daughter. He plans to try his own method first, and if it doesn't work, he will catch Gamora.

Thanos would never sacrifice Gamora unless absolutely necessary.

Soon, Thanos reached the top of the cliff and saw the Red Skull trapped here.

"Welcome, Thanos, son of Arath."

The former Hydra leader Red Skull, wearing a black mist cloak and floating in the air, said: "I know your purpose, but you alone cannot take the Soul Stone.

The Soul Stone is the most special of the Infinity Stones. It possesses wisdom. To get it, you must pay the price. "

"I know, sacrifice your beloved."

Thanos said: "The soul gem is intelligent, which means it can communicate. I want to talk to it first."

"You can talk, but don't get your hopes up."

Red Skull said: "It is a proud existence and will not easily break its own rules."


Thanos walked to the edge of the cliff and said loudly: "You have wisdom and should be able to sense the situation of the space gem.

After the Mechanical Demon King took control of the space gems, he understood the rules of space through the space gems. It must be said that he is really a genius, and his achievements in space have advanced by leaps and bounds.

Now, he is only one step away from the Lord of Space.

Once the Machine Demon King becomes the Lord of Space, the Space Gems will be completely integrated with him, and by then, the Infinity Gems will no longer be able to gather. "

There was no reaction from the bottom of the cliff, and Thanos didn't care. He continued: "I need the soul gems to defeat the Machine Demon King. I promise you that I will collect all six infinity gems to fulfill your wish."

There was still no response from the bottom of the cliff, but a voice sounded in Thanos' mind: "Rules cannot be broken."

Red Skull shook his head and said: "It's useless. If you want the soul gem, you must give your love. This is the rule."

"you're right."

Thanos smiled slightly, suddenly grabbed the Red Skull, pushed him off the cliff, and said at the same time: "You are my most beloved."

The falling Red Skull looked confused. What the hell, did Thanos fall in love with him at first sight? Is the taste too strong?

"Thanos, you don't think you can get away with this, do you?"

Red Skull reacted and complained that he was not worried that he would die because the power of the Soul Stone would protect him.

At this moment, the cloak on Red Skull dissipated, which meant that the Soul Stone no longer protected him.

With an expression of disbelief, the Red Skull fell heavily to the bottom of the cliff and lost all consciousness in a very funny posture.

The former leader of Hydra, Thanos's beloved, was officially declared dead. Thanos looked up at the sky, and in his eyes, well, there were no tears at all.

The next second, there was a bright light above the cliff, like the wings of an angel. Then, Thanos lost consciousness. When he woke up, he found himself lying in a pool of water. He sat up and opened his hands, and an orange gem appeared in his palm.

That is the Soul Stone.

"I succeeded."

Thanos nodded with satisfaction. He successfully persuaded the Soul Stone. As for pushing the Red Skull down, it was just a formality. After all, the rules cannot be broken.

"Very good, now it's time to start the next step."

Thanos was very excited. With the Soul Stone, he didn't dare to say anything about the Machine Demon, but he could definitely fight Odin and the Ancient One.

At night, on the Tama, Circe tossed and turned and couldn't sleep at all. Today's two big news were really shocking.

"The Eternals are fake, and so is Ghost Rider. Hey, everything is fake. Where is the trust between people?"

Circe sighed, her heart was in a mess and she didn't know what to do.

After struggling for several hours, Circe finally fell asleep. In a daze, she came to a teahouse, where a handsome Asian man motioned for her to sit down.

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