Chapter 482 Symbiote Bomb

Even with the care of Alithem and the Eternals, the probability of the Celestials being successfully born is still extremely low. Some are stillborn, and some are crooked. For example, Star-Lord's father, Ego, only has one child left. brain.

Basically, the Celestial Group only has one more tribe member every billion years, which is why their number has never been too large.

"The Earth God Group is very lucky. They are growing healthily in the earth's core and will be born soon."

Thanos looked at Alitham and said: "The problem is, neither the Supreme Mage Ancient One nor the Machine Demon King will allow the Celestial Group to be born, because as soon as he is born, the earth will be destroyed.

Alitham, my purpose for finding you is very simple, to borrow troops from you and kill the Machine Demon King and Ancient One.

The Machine Lord is conquering Hell, and now is the best and last chance.

Once the Machine Demon King becomes the Lord of Hell, I dare say that even you may not be his opponent. "

Alitham said: "It doesn't matter, our gods group will usually go together."

Thanos' mouth twitched a little, for such shameless words, how could this guy say so confidently?

Alitham thought for a while and said: "Actually, I have been paying attention to things on earth. It has been almost a billion years. Diamu must be successfully born.

I originally planned to go to the Earth in person, negotiate with the Machine Demon King and the Supreme Mage, and ask them to give up the Earth. "

Thanos said: "The Machine Demon King and the Ancient One will never give up the Earth."

Alitham said: "They will, because I will bring other gods with me. We are very good at persuading people."

"Physical persuasion?"

Thanos complained secretly, this old guy perfectly explained what a shameless old thief is.

"But the Machine Demon King's conquest of hell disrupted my plan. It will take some time to gather the other gods."

Alitham said: "Thanos, I can lend you the Eternals, but you must prevent the Machine Demon from becoming the Lord of Hell. If you can't do it, I will charge the price from you."

"If I can't do it, you don't need to bother to deal with me, because the Machine Demon King will definitely not let me go."

Thanos smiled and said: "The Eternals on Earth alone are not enough, I need other Eternals."

There are not many strong people among the Eternals on Earth. Only Ikaris, whose eyes can emit golden lasers, and Circe, who can change the nature of all things, are relatively powerful.

Among them, Circe has not yet awakened. She can only change inanimate substances, for example, turning stones into water.

"I will send other Eternals to you, but how to make them listen to you is up to you."

Alitham said that many Eternals do not know the truth and always think that they are really protecting the planet.

What's even more sad is that every time they complete a mission, their memories will be cleaned and then sent to the next planet.

To put it simply, the Eternals are the tool men in the hands of the Celestials, the kind without wages.

"no problem."

Thanos agreed, and then he said: "Arishem, you are the creator of the Eternals. Can you strengthen me and let me completely control the energy of the universe?"

By completely mastering the energy of the universe, not only will you become more powerful, but you will also be able to launch long-range attacks.

"Yes, yes."

Alitham did not refuse, he said: "But during the strengthening process, you may die."

“I will not die because He will always care for me.”

Thanos looked at the empty place next to him and said softly. His words could actually be translated as: There is someone above me.

With the favor of death, it is as difficult as going to heaven to kill Thanos - Death generally will not take action himself, but he can keep Thanos alive.

Alitham nodded respectfully towards Thanos, and then said: "That's good, Eternal Thanos will enter the world melting pot, where all the first Eternals were born."


Thanos took a deep breath, flew into the furnace of the world, and embarked on his own path of strengthening.

No matter what, he must fulfill his destiny.

In the Mechanical Hell, Andrew is sitting on the throne, with a large number of magic screens in front of him playing the war between the One-horned Hell and the Dragon Hell.

A single hell is by no means a match for the mechanical hell, but now all the hells are united, and even the major legions of the mechanical hell are entangled.

"Fire the main energy cannon and destroy all the demons in front."

Outside a certain city in the Dragon Hell, the captain of the Mir, Yelena, gave an order, and a giant energy cannon more than ten meters thick roared out, and a large number of demons were wiped out.

But more demons rushed up, and various fire spells bombarded the battleship's defensive cover one after another, causing the defensive cover to vibrate.

In terms of equipment and strength, the demons are not as good as Yelena's fleet, but they have a huge advantage, there are more demons.

"I hate crowd tactics."

Yelena cursed, she thought for a moment, equipped herself with a steel suit, led the biochemical army to leave the battleship, and released the fire of hell at the demons, completely igniting them.

Yelena is the Ghost Rider.

"This time, all the hells are working hard, and that's right. After all, it's the final battle."

Andrew looked at the screen and sneered, the more demons, the better.

Nar on the side suggested: "If we join forces, plus the projections of other demon kings, we should be able to kill a hell demon king by force."

"Don't worry, I still have a lot of tricks that I haven't used yet."

Andrew smiled and said: "I have been struggling for more than four years."

"More than four years is not enough time for me to sleep."

Nall complained, for existences like them, what does more than four years mean?

I have to say that the Mechanical Demon King is really a miracle. In just over four years, he went from a newborn demon king to a super demon king sweeping through hell.

"It's been a long time for me."

Andrew smiled, connected to the big boss's communication, and ordered: "Big boss, have your people prepare to use the symbiote bomb. Remember, launch it at the same time to prevent them from being prepared."

Symbiote bombs are very dangerous. There is a researcher next to each bomb to protect them, and they are also responsible for the launch.

"No problem, I'll let those stupid demons see what virus technology is."

The big boss said excitedly: "BOSS, do you want to use the zombie virus?

I have improved it so that it only works on demons. Although the antidote has not yet been developed, I have a way to kill them all. "

"Zombie virus?"

Even Naal was a little surprised. Is he so crazy?

Nal knew that there was a universe that was almost destroyed because of the zombie virus.

Andrew smiled and said: "Don't rush, good things should be shared slowly."

The big boss nodded: "Okay, I'll let them launch the symbiote bomb."

"Symbiote bomb?"

Gnar asked in confusion: "Didn't the symbiote army already attack?"

The symbiote army is not the army of the bully Spider-Man, that army is still in the zombie universe and has not returned. The symbiote army is an army of demons wearing symbiote suits.

"The Symbiote Bomb is different from the Symbiote Legion. It is a virus created based on the Symbiote. At the same time, it is also a curse."

Andrew smiled and said: "The big boss and I spent a lot of thought on this bomb. To put it simply, it is to purify and upgrade your symbiote."

"Purify and upgrade?"

Nall said with great interest: "Then I'm going to have a good look at it."

"You won't be disappointed."

Andrew smiled, then he called Trask, and soon, a huge Transformers projection appeared in front of him.

This Transformer, which is more than ten meters tall, is the former dwarf scientist Trask. He has changed into many bodies, each one taller than the last one.

Andrew said: "Trask, prepare your sentry robots, it's time for them to debut."

Trask was extremely excited when he heard this. He said: "BOSS, the sentry robot is ready and can be started at any time."

In fact, the original Sentinel robot was completed a year ago and can use a variety of mutant abilities, such as Colossus' steel body, Sunspot's flame body, Iceman's ice body, etc.

However, Trask later came into contact with nanotechnology, and he decided to upgrade the Sentinel robot into a Nano-Sentinel robot, which would be more powerful.

Later, Trask came into contact with Transformers, and he decided to upgrade the Sentinel robots again to give them fire energy and shape-shifting abilities.

In this way, until recently, the Sentinel robot was officially completed.

After the Sentinel robots were born, Trask specially took them to the moon to play field games and tortured mutants. Even Magneto was defeated by the Sentinel robots.

However, Trask didn't get it either, because his arrogance angered Dark Phoenix, who had become one with Qin, and then, there was no more.

With the power of the phoenix, everything turns into nothingness.

"Very well, wait for my order."

Andrew nodded. At the same time, in the Dragon Hell, Yelena, who was leading the biochemical army to eliminate demons, heard the fleet's call: "Captain, the BOSS requires us to use symbiote bombs. Come back quickly."

"Symbiote bomb?"

Yelena's eyes lit up, and she condensed the flames to form a hundred-meter-long sword to clear away the demons in front of her. Then, she activated her steel suit and returned to the battleship.

After Yelena returned, the researchers nodded to her and carefully placed the symbiote bomb into a specialized launcher.

Then, the launcher sank and emerged beneath the battleship.


Yelena ordered, the researchers didn't waste any time, pressed the button, and the symbiote bomb roared out, falling like a bolt of lightning into the demon army below, and exploded with a bang.

When the demons saw the bomb explode, they subconsciously ducked to the side, but what shocked them was that the bomb was so weak that not only did it not kill anyone, it didn't even cause any air waves.

"Is this a joke?"

A bull-headed demon sneered and prepared to continue attacking the defense line of mechanical soldiers in front. At this moment, a large number of black threads emerged from his body, eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

Immediately afterwards, these black threads wrapped the body of the bull-headed demon, turning him into a black-skinned monster.

Not only did his skin change, but the Minotaur Demon's eyes also turned red. He roared to the sky, with only killing and violence in his mind.

The Minotaur was not alone. Thousands of demons around him turned into black-skinned and red-eyed monsters at the same time, roaring together with the Minotaur.

Then, these black demons rushed towards their original companions, slashing at each other mercilessly with the axes in their hands, and soon a large number of demons were killed.

The remaining demons reacted and fought back with fear and anger. What shocked them was that the strength of these black demons was at least twice as strong as before, and it became very difficult to kill them.

Of course, no matter how difficult it is, it can still be killed. Soon, a black bull-headed demon was killed by several clawed demons.

Before the claw demons had time to be happy, black threads emerged from them and other surrounding demons at the same time, and then they also turned into monsters.

The new monster roared and pounced on the original teammates. The demons were frightened and angry, and fought hard. As a result, more and more enemies were killed, and the entire demon army was in chaos.

"Curse removal."


"Sobering Technique."

Some demon mages tried to use spells to restore the black demons to their original state, but unfortunately, it was completely useless. The black demons were not affected by these spells at all, as if they had been like this from the beginning.

In the palace, Gnar was stunned. He never expected that the symbiote would be transformed into this. This is no longer a species, okay?

"I now understand what you mean by purification and transformation."

Nall exclaimed: "Technology is really a bit scary."

"It's not technology that's scary, it's genius scientists that are scary."

Andrew said: "So many gods and demons are unable to travel through the multiverse. An ordinary human scientist used a bunch of ordinary materials to create an instrument that can travel through the multiverse."

Andrew is talking about the female Doctor Octopus. Her multiple instruments are nearly completed. By then, Andrew can travel to other universes at any time as long as he has the coordinates.

Nall complained: "How can such a scientist be ordinary?"

"Isn't this symbiote bomb too terrifying?"

On the Mir, Yelena was shocked. Although she had read the instructions, this symbiote bomb was more terrifying than she imagined.

"Actually, the symbiote virus is not the most terrifying virus, the zombie virus is."

The researcher said with a smile on his face that the big boss's scientific research ability is no worse than top scientists such as Howard and Trask.

"We'd better leave a way for the devil to survive. We can use the zombie virus as much as possible."

Yelena complained, and then she loudly ordered: "Energy cannons clean the ground, there is no need to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy."

There is really no need to divide them. Anyway, after the explosion, there will be more of our own people.

Then, the fleet began to clear the ground with energy cannons, and the demon army that had been surrounding the fleet gradually began to collapse.

"Fake, what the hell is this? Isn't it too scary?"

The demon commander couldn't help but curse, and hurriedly reported what happened here to the demon king, so that the demon king could decide what to do next.

If it were a normal battle, the demon commander would directly order a retreat and try to stop the losses, but this time the battle was different, and he did not dare to make decisions without authorization.

The demon kings looked very solemn at this moment, because not only was there a problem in one city, in fact, there were similar problems in dozens of cities in the two hells.

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