At this time, a voice sounded in the ears of all the demon kings: "From now on, you and your forces can pay half the price for using black magic."

There is no doubt that this is the voice of Sithorne, the ancestor of black magic. In order to stop Andrew and take revenge, he decided to '50% off the reward'.

The devil, more or less, knows some black magic. There is only one devil like Andrew who can use white magic more easily than black magic.

To use black magic, you have to pay a price, such as sacrificing your soul, sacrificing your loved ones, sacrificing your feelings, etc. Vampires are also considered a kind of black magic, sacrificing your soul in exchange for immortality.

The demon kings were overjoyed when they heard this. The cost of using black magic was reduced, and their strength was indirectly improved a lot.

Sithorn said: "You fight against the Mechanical Demon King as much as possible, and I will give you other help according to the situation, such as letting those dimensional demon gods who believe in darkness join your camp, etc."

In addition, you build the altar of the Dark Devil as quickly as possible. Once the altar is successfully built, the Machine Demon King will definitely die. "

The demon kings became more and more excited. This was the arrival of a super supporter. Then, they closed their eyes and accepted the altar drawings sent by Sithorn.

After a moment, all the demon kings frowned. This altar to the Black Demon God not only requires a lot of materials, which are extremely precious, but more importantly, it requires a large amount of demon flesh and soul.

"The Great Sithorne."

The Nightmare Demon King opened his eyes and said: "In terms of materials, it's okay. The worst we can do is bankrupt, but it's better than being enslaved by the Machine Demon King.

But we can't take out the flesh and souls of so many demons. "

"Make tricks on the demons so that after they die in battle, their life essence and souls will automatically fly to the altar."

Sithorn said: "Without this altar, you will definitely lose. With the power of the Machine Demon King, even if you have the help of Chaos Will, you still can't defeat him.

The only one who can save you is me, only the Altar of the Dark God. "

The demon kings were silent, and the nightmare demon king said: "Sithorn, how do we know whether you will trick us? You are the ancestor of black magic, and it is normal for you to trick people."

"What do you have that I can trick you into?"

Sithorne smiled disdainfully and said: "The only one who is really worthy of my deception is the Mechanical Demon King. Build the Black Demon Altar. After that, I will give you enough benefits."

After saying that, Sithorn's consciousness left directly. The demon kings looked at each other and sighed helplessly.

Although Sithorn said it very rudely, he was right. This altar was their only choice.

The Skeleton Demon King asked: "Should we build it or not?"

The Nightmare Demon King gritted his teeth and said, "Jian, it's better for the devil to die than for us to die."

"It must be built."

Satanish also said: "The Mechanical Demon King can even kill a single universe-level Lucifer. If you want to defeat him, you will definitely have to pay a huge price."

"That's right."

The demon kings nodded in agreement. At this point, they had no choice but to do as Sithorn ordered.

Of course, they will not be careless and will check the altar carefully in case Sithorn does anything.

The demon kings didn't know that the drawings given by Sithorn had fallen into Andrew's hands. Andrew connected with Ancient One and Nar to study the altar together.

Leaving aside Andrew's actions for the moment, the Nightmare Demon King looked at the two hells fighting fiercely and asked: "How to deal with the One-Horned Hell and the Dragon Hell?"

The One-Horned Demon King and the Demon Dragon King only knew about the 50% discount, but they didn't hear anything else.

"It takes a day to condense the projection. We will send out all our troops to help them delay until that time."

Satanish said: "Once the projection is condensed, things will be easier to handle."


All the demon kings nodded and sent more demons to support the two hells.

"No problem, with your help, we can definitely survive the whole day."

The Demon Dragon King and the One-Horned Demon King were convinced that with their strength and the strength of the major hells, it would not be a problem to last for a day.

At that time, we can fight back against the mechanical hell. It is not that easy for the mechanical devil to conquer hell.

"Make it last a day?"

Andrew sneered. He was determined to eat the Dragon King and the One-Horned Demon King. Even the will of hell could not protect them, he said.

"How can two be enough?"

Andrew narrowed his eyes. The will of chaos was what he expected. The first day was the most important. He had to capture the most demon kings as quickly as possible.

Only in this way can we gain an advantage in the upcoming war.

In Satanish Hell, Satanish mobilized his troops while contacting his backer, the Crimson Demon God Cytorak.

Satanish had a lot of friendship with Cytorak, and he sent Cytorak to the Mechanical Hell back then. However, not only did he not win that time, he also lost a lot of souls and a projection.

Looking at the crimson shadow in front of him, Satanish said: "Setolak, the mechanical demon king has launched a war and wants to conquer hell. I hope to get your help."

Cytorac is a dead man who likes fighting very much. In his dimension, there are a lot of strong men who are good at fighting. Satanish wants these strong men to come out and help him deal with the mechanical demon king.

Satanish is confident that Cytorak will say yes, as there will be many exciting battles.

"Satanish, Hulk, King Kong, and Wolverine under the command of the Machine Demon King are challenging the strong in my dimension for training."

Cytorak said: "I am very satisfied with them. If you want me to help, you can send your people to my dimension to defeat them.

Otherwise, I won’t be helping either party this time. "

Satanish was shocked and angry when he heard this. It was obvious that the Machine Demon King had predicted that he would find Cytorak and sent Hulk and others in advance to block his path.

"He is truly the Machine Demon King."

Satanish thought for a while and said: "I will send my demons to challenge the Hulks. They are the best warriors and will not let you down."

"I'm looking forward to a good fight, Satanish. The outcome is not important, what's important is that it's exciting. You should know the price of disappointing me."

Cytorak nodded with satisfaction, and his figure quickly disappeared. Satanish cursed secretly and hurriedly selected warriors in hell.

"I haven't heard of Wolverine, so let's not talk about it for now. Hulk and King Kong are very strong. It's not easy to defeat them. It seems that some extraordinary means must be used."

Satanish secretly thought, what extraordinary means? It's very simple. Use the virus to stimulate all the devil's potential and greatly enhance the devil's strength. The price is that you can only live for a few days.

Or, use black magic to fuse several demons together to form new demons, etc.

Satanish sneered: "I don't even know how many days I can live. Why do you live for so long?"

Not only Satanish has a backer, but also some demons, such as the Cursed Eye Demon, who is connected to the Beholder Shuma.

The Cursed Eye Demon King was about to contact the Beholder to see if he could get any help. At this moment, the Nightmare Demon King suddenly contacted him and asked him to enter the dreamland to discuss things.

The Cursed Eye Demon King asked in confusion: "What are we discussing? It's so mysterious? Wouldn't it be better to directly transmit the sound with magic power?"

"When discussing Sithorne, we have to be careful. The last person who cooperated with Lucifer was Sithorne. I have some special information about him."

The Nightmare Demon King smiled and said: "We must guard against the Mechanical Demon King, and we must also guard against Sithorne."

"Intelligence about Sithorn? Okay, I'll enter your dream."

The Cursed Eye Demon King thought for a while and made various preparations. Then, his consciousness entered the dreamland of the Nightmare Demon King, and then... then he saw the Machine Demon King.

"Nightmare Demon King, are you cheating on me?"

The Cursed Eye Demon King was frightened and angry, and wanted to leave the dream, but found that the dream was completely blocked.

"I've tricked you. Do you still have to choose a day?"

The Nightmare Demon King said with a smile on his face, it felt so good to trick the Demon King. The angrier the other party was, the more excited he became.

This time, the Nightmare Demon King did not bring other undercover agents with him, because the identities of the undercover agents needed to be kept secret, so that if anything went wrong, they would not be caught all at once.

During this period, the Nightmare Demon King developed several new undercover agents. They were all demon kings who were afraid of death and were controlled by Andrew using various means.

"Demon King of the Cursed Eye, I'm a little busy today, so let's cut through the mess quickly."

Andrew said: "You enter my body and try to curse me. If you win, I will let you go. If you lose, hand over 50% of the hell authority and become my undercover."

The Cursed Eye Demon King was shocked when he heard this. The Mechanical Demon King actually allowed himself to curse him? Is he impatient with life?

"Machine Demon King, I know your curse is very strong, but I am a demon born from a curse."

The Cursed Eye Demon King asked suspiciously: "Even you can't be better than me in terms of curses. What are you planning?"

In terms of curses, the Cursed Eye Demon King has absolute confidence. After all, it itself is a curse.

"Don't worry, I'm not plotting against you. With your character, if you are plotted against, you will definitely not surrender to me."

Andrew said: “So, it’s going to be a fair fight.

Cursed Eye Demon King, although you are a demon born from a curse, that does not mean that your curse is the strongest. I have never lost to anyone in terms of curses. "

The Cursed Eye Demon King can contact the Eye Demon Shuma. Andrew doesn't want too many "multiple existences" to be involved in this matter, so he has to conquer the other party in advance.

The problem is that the Cursed Eye Demon King is not as afraid of death as the Nightmare Demon King. If you want to conquer him, you must start from what he is best at.

To put it simply, it is to convince him.

"That's because you haven't met me before. Okay, I agree. If I lose the curse, I will be your undercover."

The Cursed Eye Demon King readily agreed that if he couldn't even compete with the other party in his best curse technique, then surrendering to the other party would be a matter of course.

"The Machine Demon King is too arrogant. I will use a curse to destroy his projection, seriously injure his body, and even turn him into my puppet."

The Cursed Eye Demon King was elated. This time, it was indeed a crisis, but it was also an opportunity, the opportunity given to him by the Machine Demon King.

The Machine Demon will pay the price for his carelessness.

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