American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 476 Lucifer’s Defeat

"This is just the beginning, Machine Demon."

Lucifer raised his hand, and a silver sword with a fallen angel hilt appeared beside him. It was his artifact, the fallen angel sword.

Before getting the reverse cross, this fallen angel sword was Lucifer's main weapon.

Then, the three pairs of wings on Lucifer's back fell off and attached to the fallen angel's sword. The fallen angel's sword lit up with a rich black light, a black light that would make people fall at just one glance.

Lucifer is ready to use the Fallen Angel Sword to completely kill Andrew. However, this trump card will take some time to complete. Before that, he has to hold Andrew back and weaken the opponent as much as possible.

"Slow." "Slow down."

Lucifer shouted two orders in succession, and Andrew's thinking speed, reaction speed, and his own speed dropped significantly at the same time.

"With five negative states: stripping, slowness, intelligence reduction, degradation, and betrayal, the Machine Demon King will never be able to break through the time and space blockade before I complete my killing move."

Lucifer's eyes were full of excitement: "The Machine Demon King is dead."

"Law magic is interesting. No wonder angels were so majestic."

Nall looked at Andrew, a little surprised. Could this guy capsize in the gutter?

The answer is of

Just when Lucifer was proud, Andrew below suddenly smiled and disappeared completely. Then, all negative states returned to Lucifer himself.

Lucifer's magic power quickly left the body. At the same time, his IQ dropped, his thinking speed slowed down, and what's worse, the remaining magic power in his body betrayed him.

Lucifer's situation is much worse than Andrew's before, because a large part of the magic power in his body comes from other demon kings. At this moment, they are all in chaos, and Lucifer's body may explode at any time.

"how so?"

Lucifer was horrified and hurriedly controlled the magic power of the reverse cross to suppress the riot in his body. Because there was too much rebellious magic power and coupled with other negative states, his condition was very poor.

This was not over yet. Immediately afterwards, the fallen angel's sword shook violently, as if it was going to bite Lucifer back.

Lucifer's face was extremely ugly. Before he could do anything, the surrounding space suddenly shattered like glass. Andrew appeared in front of Lucifer, pointing the spear directly at Lucifer. A small black ball in front of the spear tip seemed to swallow everything. , creepy.

"How can this be?"

Both Lucifer and Narr exclaimed at the same time, their faces full of disbelief.

Immediately, Nal understood, and he exclaimed: "This world has always been a dual space, a surface space, where the projection of the Machine Demon King and Lucifer fought fiercely.

In the inner space, the body of the Mechanical Demon King condenses its ultimate move, waiting for an opportunity.

No wonder the previous law magic was transferred. It turned out that it was not the real Machine Demon King. "

"Wrong, not always."

Andrew said calmly: "I am very fair. At the beginning, there was only one layer of space. After the spear appeared, the space became double. Unfortunately, none of you noticed."

"Added space at the back?"

Gnar took a breath, this was completely different from the dual space from the beginning.

The Mechanical Demon King's attainments in space magic are becoming more and more terrifying.

"Lucifer, finish it."

Andrew didn't talk nonsense. The spear pierced Lucifer slowly and quickly. As the spear moved, the surrounding space became pitch black. It was the power of space being swallowed by the black hole.

Before the spear arrived, a storm was already blowing in the space around Lucifer. Lucifer knew that this was a time of life and death. He ignored the chaotic magic power and held the fallen angel sword with all his strength.

As soon as the fallen angel sword is held, the three pairs of wings immediately merge into the sword.

Immediately afterwards, the fallen angel on the big sword came to life, opened his hands and wings, and drew infinite fallen energy into the big sword, greatly increasing the power of the big sword.

"Machine Demon King!"

Lucifer spat out a mouthful of blood and swung the fallen angel sword to strike at Andrew's spear.

With the next breath, the black holes on the sword and spear collided together. There was no sound, only the space of constant collapse.

Immediately afterwards, cracks appeared on the fallen angel sword, and quickly spread throughout the sword. Then, the fallen angel sword completely shattered.


Lucifer let out a shrill scream, and his entire body shrank rapidly. At the same time, there were cracks everywhere on his body and he could collapse at any time.

Lucifer knelt on the ground, raised the reverse cross, and was about to struggle to death. Andrew grabbed the reverse cross with a dazzling seven-color light in his left hand and forcibly snatched the reverse cross from Lucifer's hand.

The reverse cross kept shaking, but it couldn't resist Andrew's power at all, and was quickly sealed by the colorful light.

"Lucifer, you lose."

Andrew put away all the spears and the reverse cross, and said condescendingly. Lucifer smiled miserably. He lost, completely lost, and was crushed by the opponent from the front.

"Machine Demon King, you are the future Lord of Hell."

Lucifer shouted miserably, with the power of God the Heavenly Father to defeat the single universe class, if the Machine Demon King is not the Lord of Hell, who should be?

"Isn't this obvious? Okay, I have already given you the dignity you deserve. Now, it's time to start the next step."

Andrew raised his hand, and Lucifer flew into the air, with a large number of strange threads appearing on his body.

"Next step, what do you mean?"

Lucifer was stunned: "I've been defeated, what's the next step? Do you want me to surrender?"

Sorry, Mechanical Demon King, you are indeed very strong, but I will not surrender.

If you can, help me be buried in the place closest to heaven, so that I can see heaven every day. It's a pity that I couldn't bring down the whole heaven. "

There are some devils with soft bones and some with hard bones. Lucifer is the hard one. He would rather die than serve anyone anymore.

"I'm sorry, I never thought of persuading you to surrender. The next thing I said was Sithorne."

Andrew said, Lucifer and Gnar were stunned at the same time, and then they shouted in disbelief: "You want to take action against Sithorn?"

That is a multi-dimensional existence. How much fake wine has the Machine Demon King drank?

"Can't you? Lucifer, you don't really think that you are qualified to be my opponent, right? From the beginning to the end, my opponent is only Sithorn."

Andrew chuckled, and the threads of fate on Lucifer were entangled together to form a spear of destiny.

Then, Andrew took out a ball. Inside the ball was the fate of Ragnarok.

"The fate of Ragnarok has been transferred to the Almighty City by my magic. The light of destiny on your body was lent to you by me and the River of Destiny. Now, it's time to repay it."

Andrew integrated the ball into the Spear of Destiny. The Spear of Destiny shook violently and pierced into Lucifer's body. The next second, a shrill scream came from Lucifer.

"Machine Demon."

Immediately afterwards, a shadow whose exact appearance was unclear, but with a spear of destiny stabbed in its chest and cracks all over its body, flew out of Lucifer's body and roared at Andrew.

This phantom is none other than Sithorn.

"Sithorn, are you plotting against me?"

When Lucifer saw Sithorn emerging from his body, he shouted in shock and anger. He actually didn't notice Sithorn's existence at all.

Sithorn said disdainfully: "Nonsense, I, the ancestor of black magic, don't count you, don't I live up to my name?"


Everyone was speechless. What you said makes sense. I can't refute it at all.

Sithorn snorted coldly: "It's a pity that you are so useless. I also wanted to harvest you when you became the Lord of Hell. As a result, you were defeated by the Machine Demon King halfway."

Lucifer was furious and gritted his teeth, but he was powerless against Sithorn. Not to mention that he was just a dying man. Even if he was in full strength, he could not defeat Sithorn.

Andrew sneered and said: "Sithorn, I will teach you a lesson this time, and we will take our time in the future."

"What a mechanical devil. He not only reversed the situation I had set, but also used fate to backfire and injure me, causing me to have to recover from my injuries for a while."

Sithorn looked at Andrew and said with cold eyes: "You are definitely the first to injure a multi-dimensional existence with Heavenly Father God.

I tell you, as long as I am here, you will never be able to become the Lord of Hell. "

"I also hacked to death a multi-dimensional existence, do I want to tell you?"

Andrew secretly complained, and he said: "Sithorn, you can't stop me, no one can stop me from becoming the Lord of Hell."

"It's not only me who stands in your way, but also Hell itself."

Sithorn sneered: "The winner is the king and the loser is the loser. I lost this game. Let's play slowly in the next game."

After saying that, Sithorn's consciousness was completely destroyed by the Spear of Destiny and dissipated between heaven and earth.

At the same time, Sithorne spat out a mouthful of blood and looked extremely ferocious. How long had it been since he had been injured? Or was injured by an ant.

"Hell itself?"

Andrew's eyes flashed, and he was not too surprised. In fact, he had already guessed this, which was one of the reasons why he had not started the challenge of the Lord of Hell.

What stops Andrew is not Hell itself, but Hell's chaotic will.

It has been said long ago that hell has a will.

Andrew represents order. After he becomes the Lord of Hell, Hell will be dominated by order. At that time, Hell's chaotic will will die.

In this case, Chaotic Will will definitely do something.

Of course, if Andrew is willing to choose chaos, the will of chaos will take the initiative to help Andrew become the Lord of Hell, but we all know that this is impossible, and a certain demon king does not want to become a chaotic fool.

"I have almost done all the preparations I need to do over the years. It's time to start the Lord of Hell challenge and become the Lord of Hell."

Andrew secretly thought: "What about the Will of Chaos? No one can stop me from becoming the Lord of Hell, not Sithorne, nor the Will of Hell."

Then, Andrew said to Lucifer: "Lucifer, it's time."

"I rarely admire people, but Mechanical Demon King, I really admire you."

Lucifer exclaimed, he never thought that Andrew could even injure Sithorne. This is simply outrageous. Mom opened the door for outrageousness. It was outrageous.

If word gets out, Andrew will be famous throughout the multiverse.

I am not on the same level as others at all.

Lucifer raised his head and shouted: "Lord of Hell, please."

"Lucifer, farewell."

Andrew waved his hand like a knife, and Lucifer's entire body disintegrated and turned into nothingness. Only the fallen power, the power of law, the power of darkness, and a ball of memory were left in place.

That's right, the light of memory, Andrew is very interested in heaven and Lucifer's law magic, he deliberately left the light of memory to learn about it.

Only by learning can we make progress.

At this point, Lucifer fell.

Falling into hell, blood rained from the sky, and all demons and fallen angels knew that Lucifer had fallen.

The demons and fallen angels were extremely shocked. Many fallen angels knelt on the ground and wailed. Lucifer was not only the devil but also a spiritual pillar for them.

The demons were not that sad, and several demon leaders rushed towards the palace in unison. They wanted to snatch the cornerstone and become the new demon king.

"Lucifer still lost, tsk tsk, the Machine Demon King is so terrifying, even the single universe is no match for him."

The demon kings were amazed. They couldn't figure out how Andrew defeated Lucifer, which was at the single universe level.

"The Machine Demon King has created another miracle. Hmm, Lucifer is looking for his own death. If he didn't engage in these conspiracies and tricks, at most his plan would fail, and he would fall directly like he does now."

"Yes, he deserves it."

All the demon kings said one after another, and then they paid attention to the fallen hell to see if they could get some benefits. Uh, no, they wanted to see if they could help Lucifer ‘solve his funeral affairs’. After all, they were a family.

The method of the demon kings is very simple. They recruit demon generals who are qualified to become demon kings, support them to compete for the position of demon kings, and gain benefits from them.

In fact, a fight has begun in the Fallen Hell at this moment. For the position of the new Demon King, the demon generals are fighting each other. The fallen angels see this and join the fight.

This hell belongs to their fallen angels.

At this moment, three huge space vortexes appeared in the sky of Fallen Hell, and then, a large number of demons, mechanical soldiers, mechanical beasts, and Titan beasts descended into Fallen Hell.

"Mechanical Hell, Marduk Hell, and Black Heart Hell sent troops at the same time. This is obviously not a temporary preparation. The Mechanical Demon King is so ruthless."

The expressions of the demon kings changed. Yes, Andrew had sent out troops. The demon legions from Marduk Hell and Black Heart Hell, as well as the mechanical group and Titan legion from Mechanical Hell, were sent out together.

This is the reason why Andrew did not use the mechanical hell troops at all before.

"This hell belongs to our mechanical hell. Whoever comes will die."

Whipping Ivan held a toothpick in his mouth, stood the flag of Mechanical Hell in the Fallen Hell, and said arrogantly.

The demon kings were furious, and Satanish said: "You brat from the Mechanical Hell, you are very arrogant. How dare you talk to us like this?"

"As the leader of the Mechanical Hell and a top scientist, isn't it natural for me to be arrogant? Come and hit me if you don't like it."

Ivan shouted arrogantly: "I'm waiting for you here. If you have the ability, come over."

Satanish gritted his teeth in anger, but did not take action. On the one hand, there was no more projection. On the other hand, the previous attack on Asgard resulted in a large loss of troops, so he needed to slow down.

The other demon kings also remained silent. The mechanical demon king was too popular, so they had to endure it for the time being and wait for the new projection to come out before fighting the mechanical demon king again.

Thanks to gg19831011, Bai Cai Lao Yao, Ting Xin Yu, and Maple Moon Snow Dance for their rewards this week.

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