American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 473 Attack of Lucifer

"Yes, you failed completely."

The demon kings nodded one after another, looking at Lucifer with ridicule in their eyes. Although they also lost, Lucifer lost more miserably than them.

In this plan, they are just supporting roles, Lucifer is the protagonist.

"I haven't lost yet."

Lucifer said with his usual elegant smile: "The Machine Demon King is indeed terrifying. We have deployed so many methods, but we were still defeated by him.

However, he is not invincible. As long as you are willing to help me, I have a way to reverse the situation. "

"How to help?"

The Nightmare Demon King asked. He knew that the drama was coming. The previous plans were just smooth sailing, and the next step was Lucifer's real plan.

"There are two reasons why we cannot break the space blockade of the Machine Demon King."

Lucifer said: "One is that we are in hell and cannot transmit too much magic power to Asgard, and the other is that our power is scattered.

As long as we pool our power together, we can break the space blockade of the Machine Demon King and officially enter Asgard.

With so many demon kings joining forces, plus Orochi, Gal, Surtur and the others, there is no reason why they would be defeated by the mechanical demon king. "

The Nightmare Demon King asked again: "How can we concentrate together?"

"I got a super artifact from a powerful existence."

Lucifer took out a black inverse cross artifact that was as tall as a person and said: "It can gather your magic power into my body. By then, my strength will be greatly improved, even approaching the single universe level.

With such power, the mechanical demon king's blockade can definitely be broken. "

"Gather the magic power into your body?"

The demon kings frowned, and the nightmare demon king asked suspiciously: "Lucifer, are you plotting against us?"

The other demon kings also had doubts, Lucifer smiled and said: "I know you have doubts, in fact I do too, because this artifact can only be used in its true form.

In other words, my body must leave the fallen universe and go to Asgard. "

"Original body?"

The demon kings were surprised, and many demon kings' eyes flickered. If they could do something with the magic power, wouldn't it be possible...

"Everyone has doubts. You decide for yourself whether you want to give it a try or not."

Lucifer said: "In short, I want to fight once. If I don't fight, with the mechanical devil's methods, it won't take long before I become the real Lord of Hell.

I had spent the past half of my life serving others and now I no longer wanted to serve.

In addition, once the fight is successful, we will not only defeat the mechanical devil, but also obtain countless souls, and even the entire material universe will become our hunting ground. "

The demon kings were a little excited, and the nightmare demon sneered secretly. He was sure that Lucifer's plan was definitely flawed. After all, behind him stood the ancestor of black magic, Sithorn.

The Nightmare Demon King told Andrew in detail what happened through his dream, and then he asked: "BOSS, should I stop Lucifer?"

"Why stop it? Nightmare, help Lucifer complete his plan and let his body come to Asgard."

Andrew smiled and said: "He wants to die, why not help him? We are good people."

"Yes, we are good people and should help others die."

The Nightmare Demon King laughed. The Machine Demon King already possesses the strength of a single universe. Even if Lucifer gets all the magic power projected by the Demon King, he can still only get beaten.

"Lucifer, it looks like we have to say goodbye forever. Your wives, concubines, maids, and honor guards, uh, capture them all and give them to the Machine Demon King."

The Nightmare Demon King secretly sneered in his heart, but outwardly expressed his willingness to fight once.

"Then let's fight it once."

Seeing the Nightmare Demon King's statement, the other demon kings agreed. Lucifer was overjoyed. The destiny controlled by Sithorn was indeed powerful, and all his wishes came true.

Lucifer didn't suspect anything, because Sithorne told him that the plan would definitely succeed.

This time, fate was on his side.

Then, Lucifer's body left the fallen hell and came to the void outside hell. A group of demon king projections looked at Lucifer's body, their eyes flickering.

The spirit of backstabbing was burning brightly, and there was even faint music playing in my ears.

More than a dozen demon king projections besieged Lucifer, and Lucifer could not escape.

Lucifer looked calm on the surface, but actually felt a little nervous in his heart. He said, "The Machine Demon King is our biggest enemy."

The demon kings smiled awkwardly, and the skeleton demon king said dissatisfiedly: "Lucifer, what do you mean? Am I the kind of despicable villain who is treacherous and wants to pierce your heart with a bone spear?"

Everyone looked at the Skeleton Demon King expressionlessly. Who are you? Have you even thought of the specific method?

The Skeleton Demon King glared back, do you dare to say that you have no ideas?

The demon kings laughed, and the poisonous demon king said: "This time, there is no backstab, and we can't let the mechanical demon king and Gu Yi laugh every time.

We devils are not clowns on the stage. "

"That's right, we can't let them see the joke again. This time, there is no backstabbing."

"The devil helps the devil, we are a family."

The demon kings all nodded in agreement, and even Lucifer expressed his serious assurance.

"Don't waste time, the big snake is dying."

The Nightmare Demon King shouted, and everyone stopped talking nonsense and sent their magic power into Lucifer's body through the reverse cross.

Lucifer's aura surged instantly, and three pairs of jet-black wings suddenly appeared behind him. These wings contained the deepest level of evil. Once ordinary people saw it, they would immediately fall.

Immediately afterwards, three new pairs of small wings appeared behind Lucifer, and quickly grew in size.

Once all the new wings have grown, Lucifer will change from a seraph to a twelve-winged angel, and his strength will also reach the level of a single universe - temporary, and once the magic power is consumed, he will immediately return to his original form.

However, in order for the wings to fully grow, the demon kings need to sacrifice the projection and inject all the magic power into Lucifer.

Of course it is impossible for the demon kings to do this. After sacrificing 50% of their magic power, the demon kings are ready to stop the infusion.

Lucifer's current strength is enough to open the space door and let them in - their bodies will add magic power to these projections.

But to the astonishment and even horror of the demon kings, their magic power could not be withdrawn and continued to pour into Lucifer's body.

Satanish roared: "Lucifer, what are you doing? Stop it."

"What to do? Of course I'm going to stab you in the back, what else can I do?"

Lucifer laughed proudly: "How can there be no backstab in the story of the Demon King?

A story about a demon king without a backstab is not a good story. You bunch of idiots, give me all your power. "

With Lucifer's laughter, the suction power of the reverse cross increased greatly. Not only did the demon kings absorb a large amount of magic power, but their bodies also flew towards the reverse cross uncontrollably.


The demon kings were furious and struggled desperately, but they could not resist the suction of the reverse cross. On the one hand, this treasure was extraordinary, and on the other hand, they had already sucked away half of the magic power.

Now Lucifer's strength is far superior to them.

"Lucifer, what on earth are you going to do?"

The Nightmare Demon King pretended to be frightened and angry and asked: "Without us, can you defeat the Machine Demon King?"

"Of course, if I swallow you and add the reverse cross, I will become a single universe level."

Lucifer said proudly: "When the time comes, not to mention you, even the arrogant Machine Demon King will become my defeated enemy.

Those previous plans were actually just a cover. With the methods of the Mechanical Demon King, it was impossible for those plans to succeed. That was the Mechanical Demon King who was most likely to become the Lord of Hell.

I promoted those plans to create a dilemma so that you would obediently give me your power and help me become a temporary single universe level. "

The Poison Demon King asked angrily: "In other words, you have been plotting against us from the beginning?"

"It can be said like this."

Lucifer smiled and said: "You don't have to be so angry, because this is bound to happen. The fate of Ragnarok, under the guidance of the great existence, is all concentrated on me.

Now, just like the protagonist in the novel, I am invincible.

The Machine Demon King must be very proud now, feeling that he has won, just like before.

But I don’t know that every time he prevents Ragnarok, I am one step closer to the single universe.

I have been using him, haha, this time, I will not only defeat him and destroy Asgard, but also become the real Lord of Hell.

Your bodies are staying well in hell, waiting to welcome me to the throne.

The one who became the Lord of Hell was not the Mechanical Demon King, but me, the great fallen angel, Lucifer. "

Speaking of the latter, Lucifer directly raised his hands, extremely excited. The demon kings were frightened and angry, and kept yelling, but they could not change their fate of being devoured.

"It's quite arrogant."

Andrew watched all this with cold eyes and did not rush to take action. After Lucifer achieved the single universe, the fate of Ragnarok will be completely fixed on him.

At that time, as long as he is killed, this disaster can be completely solved.

In addition, Lucifer is not the protagonist. His protagonist status only reaches the level of a single universe. After that, he will no longer be blessed by the power of destiny.

"Xi Thorne did a good job of repairing the plank road openly and crossing Chencang secretly. Unfortunately, he underestimated me too much. Well, maybe I prepared to do too much."

Andrew smiled. The undercover agents like the Nightmare Demon King should be saved for the next wave. This time, the two chess pieces from Asgard will be used first.

Sithorn made many calculations, but he failed to calculate that Andrew could become a single universe level through the small universe.

The observers have been helping to cover up the matter of the small universe, and Sithorn cannot sense it.

At this time, some demon kings with strong personalities were ready to self-destruct, but it was just a projection anyway. Unexpectedly, an inverse cross appeared on them, completely suppressing their magic power.

This reverse cross is a treasure that Sithorn guided Lucifer to refine. It is comparable to the god-king level and is extraordinary.

"Lucifer, you will never end well."

Satanish cursed, and Lucifer said arrogantly: "With my current strength, who can kill me?"

In this universe, unless the five creator gods come in person, the highest level is a single universe - the clones of the five creator gods are also at this level.

With Lucifer's voice, all the demon kings were swallowed into the reverse cross, and then, the three pairs of wings behind Lucifer were completely formed.

However, this is temporary. The Devouring Demon King's projection can only make Lucifer a temporary single universe. If he wants to truly advance to the single universe level, he needs to become the Lord of Hell.

"This is the single universe. Now that I've climbed up, I won't fall down again."

Feeling the surging power in his body, Lucifer couldn't help clenching his fists, full of excitement.

Then, Lucifer teleported to the front of a space vortex. When the demons saw him, they trembled in fear and fled quickly.

Some demons who didn't escape fast enough were torn apart by Lucifer's huge magic power.

This happened because Lucifer was promoted too quickly and could not control his magic power.

Lucifer ignored these demons. He controlled his magic power to form two big black hands, grabbed both sides of the space, and tore them apart with force.

Asgard, the mechanical demon king's complexion changed, and he hurriedly put away the colorful light that attacked the serpent, and poured all his power into the space gem and the power gem.

The space gem and the power gem shined brightly at the same time, turning into two complementary chains to lock the space vortex where Lucifer was.

Lucifer snorted coldly, used his hands hard to tear open the space vortex, and the two gem chains collapsed on the spot.

A huge crack appeared in the sky of Asgard, as if the sky had split open, and everyone felt a sense of doomsday.

"Machine Demon King, here I come."

Immediately afterwards, Lucifer officially entered Asgard with the power of the single universe.

Now Lucifer is really powerful. As soon as he arrives in Asgard, the surrounding space is immediately distorted. At the same time, a large number of buildings collapse and even the fairy palace is shaking.

Both the enemy and ourselves stopped at the same time, looking at the twelve-winged fallen angels in the sky in shock. Some people could not help but kneel down.


The Mechanical Demon King looked at Lucifer with an extremely solemn expression. He was a professional actor and had to act to the end - the more realistic he acted, the angrier Lucifer became when it was reversed.

"The Demon King of Hell, the fallen angel Lucifer?"

The superheroes looked solemn. This was a mythical character. In front of him, they felt like they were just ants.


The expressions of Odin and Thor changed, and the magic power fluctuations in Lucifer were not ordinary.

Orochi and Geer were overjoyed. They thought they were going to lose, but Lucifer gave them a big surprise.

"Mechanical Demon King, you are very powerful and powerful, but unfortunately, you lost this time."

Lucifer said proudly: "Everything you have done has fulfilled me, and I want to express my special thanks to you.

Without you constantly stopping Ragnarok, I wouldn't be able to reach the single universe level, hahaha. "

Lucifer was not in a hurry to start the fight, he wanted to show off in front of Andrew and completely destroy Andrew's confidence.

This is not only a tactic, but also what Lucifer himself wants to do. After all, he has been suppressed by Andrew too many times, and now he has finally come back, so of course he has to show off.

Otherwise, how could I be able to bear the grievances I had felt before?

"Single universe level?"

The expressions of Odin and others changed drastically. They knew Lucifer was very powerful, but they didn't know how powerful he was.

Now, there's trouble.

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