American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 471 Storm Battle Ax

Bang, Loki smashed into a group of demons, sending all the demons around him flying. He cursed, got up, and prepared to go back to settle the score with Thor.

At this time, Thor led Lorelai, a group of strong men in the arena, and experts specially recruited by Loki, such as sword fighting, etc., to rush towards this side with great momentum.

As for the Valkyrie, when she saw the mechanical angel, without saying a word, she immediately started her small aircraft and flew over there.

Valkyrie's heart was filled with excitement. The sisters were really resurrected. She thanked and praised the Mechanical Demon.

Seeing the people rushing over, Loki shouted dissatisfied: "Hey, what's wrong with you? Not only did you not avenge me, the boss, but you also charged with Thor?"

"Sorry, Thor is our boss now."

Lorelai said with a smile, and the others nodded. It was obvious that they were all attracted by Thor.

This is normal. A funny person and a brave and invincible commander are all people who know how to choose.

"Thor, it's not enough for you to rob me of my opportunity, but you also rob me of my inheritance?"

Loki was furious, Thor grinned, a simple and honest smile appeared on his face again, and at the same time, his big hand grabbed Loki's shoulder.

This time, Thor missed the mark because Loki was just a phantom.

Loki is not stupid, how could he be tricked twice in a row? Thor shook his head in disappointment and led the army to resist more and more demons.

"Lorelai, you take the fighting swords and the others to help the Asgardian army."

Thor shouted that he would not lose to others when it came to fighting.

Lorelai smiled and said, "I understand, Sif and I are good sisters."


Seeing that all his men had rebelled and all the fruits had been picked away by Thor, Loki couldn't help but cursed, saying that his work in the past few years had been completely in vain.

"I didn't expect Thor, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, to be able to deceive people. I misjudged him."

Loki sighed, thought for a while, and flew towards Frigga with the hammer, preparing to help Frigga deal with Geer and Hercules.

Seeing Loki flying over, Frigga beamed with joy and said, "Loki, my son, welcome back."

"Frigga, I'm back."

Loki felt warm in his heart and nodded. When Geer saw this, he sneered and said: "It's so touching. It's a pity that gods like you are not willing to put even a little emotion on their believers."

"We are different from them. Loki, cooperate with me and take down this guy completely."

Frigga shook her head and took Loki to besiege Geer. As for Jane, she was dealing with Hercules.

Geer was not afraid and took the initiative to attack with the Black Death Sword. These gods should all die.

"If you dare to attack Asgard, you will die."

Thor was covered in blue lightning, firing at the demons while roaring angrily.

Thor's lightning was so powerful that several demons screamed and fell down at the same time. Seeing this, other demons wanted to surround Thor. Thor shouted, and thunder exploded, flying a group of demons away.

"Have fun, I like to kill demons the most."

The horse-faced thunder god laughed loudly, and the other strong men also attacked the demons fiercely.

None of these arena players were weak, because all the weak ones died. Under their attacks, the demon army retreated steadily, suffering heavy casualties.

The demon kings were very dissatisfied with this and sent their trusted generals to fight against these powerful men.

Demons respect the strong, and those who can become trusted generals are all powerful demons. Under their leadership, the demons gradually gain a foothold and fight fiercely with the arena players below the whirlpool.

At the same time, Lorelai led the strong men to the square. Lorelei didn't waste any words. She made a concave shape on the spot, showing off her figure. At the same time, she asked the magician beside her: "Are you ready?"

Looking at Lorelai's charming figure, the magician swallowed secretly, nodded and said: "Ready."

"very good."

Lorelai nodded with satisfaction, and then she asked in a voice that made all men weak: "Am I beautiful?"

Lorelai's voice was not loud, but with the help of the magician, it spread throughout the battlefield, even overpowering the shouts of killing. Everyone couldn't help but turn their heads to look at Lorelai.

"Beautiful, so beautiful."

Turning around, many male demons and male gods became obsessed on the spot - the reason why there were no men was because Lorelai had not activated her power on her own people.

Lorelei raised her head and commanded like a queen: "You commit suicide."


The male demons and male gods all raised their weapons, preparing to end their lives. At this moment, a female god clasped her hands together, and a white light spread rapidly from the center to the surroundings.

All the men who were swept by the white light returned to normal. However, the movements of the female god were a little slower, and many male demons and gods still pierced their weapons into their bodies and screamed in agony.

"The record is pretty good. Go ahead and kill them."

Lorelei was not too surprised that someone could break her charm magic. After all, the enemies this time were gods and demons. She waved her hand and shouted majestically.


The strong men shouted one after another, and the eyes of the sword-fighting mohawks lit up red. Then, two red heat rays swept towards the demons, and a large number of demons were divided into two.

With the efforts of Lorelai and the strong men, the situation in the square quickly improved, and Sif and the superheroes breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Sif used to hate Lorelai the most. This time, she gave a rare nod to Lorelai. Lorelai smiled and said: "A woman who can't marry, you're welcome."

Sif gritted her teeth and decided to chop this damn woman to death.

Speaking of which, Sif is also a tragedy. She has liked Thor since she was a child, and Thor said that he likes women who are strong and can fight with him.

As a result, Sif worked hard and became Thor's...comrade-in-arms and brother.

That's right, brother, what's even more tragic is that Thor finally married a helpless astronomer - when Thor fell in love with Jane, Jane was just an ordinary person.

Not to mention these, although Thor and others joined in, the battle was still in a stalemate. Both sides were going back and forth, fighting fiercely, and no one knew who would have the last laugh.

At this time, a little giant with a beard and a slovenly body suddenly rushed out of the fairy palace. It was the dwarf king Yitri.

The dwarf king was holding a wooden-handled ax in his hand, but it was a newly completed storm axe.

The ax head part of the Storm Battle Ax has been made a few days ago. These days, the Dwarf King is underground in the Immortal Palace, using the branches of the World Tree to make the handle of the battle ax.

Today, it is finally completed.

The dwarf king threw the storm ax at Thor and shouted: "Thor, catch it, this is your king's weapon."

"King's weapon?"

Thor subconsciously opened his hand, and the Storm Ax automatically flew to his hand.

Immediately afterwards, the battle ax lit up with dazzling lightning, which merged with the lightning on Thor's body and turned into a huge thunder blast that bombarded the surroundings.

At the same time, Thor has a cool armor and a striking red cape.

"I like this weapon."

Thor laughed and swung his storm ax to kill the enemy quickly. At this time, Frigga shouted: "Thor, go help Odin."


Thor didn't talk nonsense after hearing this, and immediately flew towards Odin with his storm axe.

Then, Thor swung his storm axe, and a huge bolt of lightning struck the serpent. The serpent raised his hand, and a large number of hammers hit Thor densely.

Even with the help of the Destroyer Mecha, Odin was still no match for Orochi. He was beaten back and forth, and Thor's arrival made him sigh in relief.

"Old man, how much have you hidden from me? Orochi, Hela, Destroyer mecha, and aren't you about to die?"

Thor asked angrily as he cleaned the hammer. Since IQ occupied the high ground, he discovered many things that he had not discovered before.

For example, he is a stupid son who is tricked by his father time and time again.

"If I'm really going to die, I must be angry with you."

Odin cursed: "Are you sure you want to tell me this now?"

Thor shouted: "When this is all over, you must explain everything to me in detail."

"Sorry, you don't have Odin's lineage in the future. Except for Hela, everyone else will die."

The big snake roared angrily, and its body swelled rapidly, turning into a giant green snake. Then, a large amount of poisonous gas spurted out from his mouth, shrouding Thor and Odin.

Odin shouted: "Be careful, this is the ultimate form of the serpent. Don't touch those poisonous gases. Even the King of Gods can't resist it."


Thor did not dare to be careless and hurriedly avoided the poisonous gas and attacked the serpent from behind. At this moment, a golden lightning shot at him at an incredible speed, and he hurriedly avoided it.

It was the Thunderbolt that attacked Thor. It and Stika's Hammer were so spiritual that they could attack on their own even without the control of the Orochi.

"This lightning obviously doesn't match the big snake. Maybe it can..."

Thor's eyes flashed. The biggest difference between him and before is that he now knows how to use his brain.

"King's weapon?"

Loki said sourly: "A biological son is treated well, but someone like me who was picked up has nothing. Even the limelight that he had planned for several years was taken away."

Frigga said: "What's the use of giving it to you? If you really want it, I'll ask Odin to give you the Eternal Spear later. The old guy is going to retire anyway, so it's useless to keep the Eternal Spear."


Loki was overjoyed. In fact, he didn't care much about weapons or anything like that. What he really cared about was other people's approval.

If Odin is really willing to give himself the Eternal Spear, it means that he still has his son in his heart.

On the balcony, Andrew looked at the battle below, his eyes flickering, the situation was a bit too smooth.

"The enemy shouldn't be so weak. If Lucifer is playing this game, then this situation is normal, but this game is played by Sithorn, there is no reason for it to be like this."

Andrew opened the Eye of Destiny and found that the fate of Ragnarok was slowing down.

On the surface, this is a good thing, but in fact, it is not that simple. That is Sithorn. He has not even used 50% of his strength, and the opponent is about to lose. How is this possible?

Happy Mid-autumn Festival

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