"Big news."

Roshan immediately began to report: "As you can see, Iron Man was captured by Magneto. Magneto seemed not to kill him, but just hung him on the round tower for display..."

Tony, who has been in countless news, immediately noticed that there was a camera pointed at him, and immediately shouted in the direction of the camera: "Don't film, otherwise I will buy the TV station in the future and fire you."

Unfortunately, because the surroundings were too noisy, no one could hear what Tony was shouting. The audience in front of the screen only saw Tony shouting, seemingly asking for help.

The citizens were heartbroken. Even Iron Man was captured. What should they do? That's Iron Man.

"Haha, this kid also deserves what he has today."

The person who said this was none other than Tony's father, Howard. Seeing Tony's embarrassment, he couldn't help laughing.

"You are definitely Iron Man's biological father."

Andrew complained, and he asked: "Aren't you afraid that Magneto will kill your son? By the way, Tony is so unlucky, could it be because of Dr. Reed?"

Howard said: "Don't be afraid. If Magneto really wanted to kill Tony, he would have killed him long ago. Magneto is a mutant supremacist. He probably wants to humiliate Tony and demean ordinary people."

Andrew stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the tall metal round tower, and said: "Magneto will not kill Iron Man, but he will kill Iron Man."

Howard was stunned and asked hurriedly: "What do you mean?"

"Magneto's instrument can transform ordinary people into mutants. The problem is that the instrument is not perfect, and the transformer will die due to genetic collapse in a short period of time."

Andrew said: "He hung Iron Man there, on the one hand, to humiliate ordinary people, and on the other hand, he wanted to turn Iron Man into a mutant."

Howard couldn't help but cursed when he heard this: "Damn it, does he have any scientific knowledge, but he doesn't even do the most basic experiments? Which university issued him a diploma?"

"Is this what you care about?"

Andrew complained, and Howard was really a little anxious at this time. He said: "BOSS, I'm going to save Tony."

"In front of Magneto, your suit is no different than a toy."

Andrew said: "Don't worry, Tony won't die. If he really dies..."

Howard's eyes lit up and he asked, "Will you resurrect him?"

Andrew said: "No, I will take him into the rebirth hell as soon as possible and reunite you father and son. You don't need to thank me. This is the reward you deserve."

Howard's face was a little dark. Thank you for your family. He said: "BOSS, the Stark family has no successor. That kid can't die just yet."

Andrew said: "I said, don't worry."

Howard finally understood, and he said excitedly: "That's good, BOSS, I'll make preparations. The Sky Fortress has been modified."

Andrew waved his hand and sent Howard back to hell. Then he took out his mobile phone and sent an anonymous voice message to Roxanne.

While Luo Shan was reporting, a voice message suddenly played on the Bluetooth headset in her ear. After listening to it, she was overjoyed and turned around and shouted: "Peter, point the camera at me..."

Roxanne's words stopped suddenly. The reason was simple. Peter Parker slipped away at some point, leaving only the camera alone on the roof of the car.

"The boy actually ran away? The handsome guy is indeed unreliable. Forget it, I will do it myself."

Luo Shan gritted her teeth, walked over, positioned the camera, and started reporting.

Peter ran away? Of course not, he just turned into Spider-Man and joined the battle. He kicked a petrified skin mutant away and shouted: "Hey, kidnapping is a felony."

"Damn bugs, get out."

The petrified mutant roared angrily and started fighting with Spider-Man. At this time, Coulson arrived with the agents. Without any nonsense, they immediately raised their cryo guns and shot at the mutants. Several mutants fell on the spot.

"Back off."

Seeing this, Toad retreated with the mutants. Wolverine killed Red Eyes and immediately chased after him. With a powerful swing of his claw blade, a mutant was broken into four pieces.

Upon seeing this, Magneto on the round tower raised his hand, and Wolverine flew up to the tower uncontrollably, and was tightly entangled in the iron bars and hung on it.

Tony greeted Wolverine: "You're here too, the scenery here is nice."

Wolverine ignored Tony and struggled hard, but unfortunately, because his arms were tied, he couldn't break free from the iron bars.

Without Wolverine's interruption, the mutants successfully retreated into the fortress. Then, relying on the fortress, they used superpowers and firearms to attack the X-Men and agents outside. Everyone hurriedly found obstacles to avoid.


Coulson secretly cursed that the firepower they brought was a cryogun, which was not as powerful as the other party. Of course, even if they had heavy weapons, they would not dare to use them. After all, Magneto was in the round tower.

In front of Magneto, modern weapons are a joke.

Magneto was not in a hurry to start the instrument. He was waiting for the enemy to appear. At this moment, Mystique, who was wearing a steel suit, suddenly pointed her hand at Magneto.

Immediately afterwards, a voice came from Mystique's mouth: "Eric, don't make the same mistake again and again."

Magneto used magnetism to control the steel suit and said at the same time: "Charles, I had expected you to come. You might as well search Raven's memories of the past few days."

Professor Charles was stunned and hurriedly checked Mystique's recent memory. Then he became furious: "Eric, you actually kidnapped my student?"

Magneto said: "No kidnapping, just asking them to go out and have fun. Charles, from now on, you are not allowed to use your psychic abilities to control anyone in the Brotherhood. I will return them to you afterwards."

Professor Charles said: "Eric, you have changed. You would never do such a thing before."

Magneto snorted coldly: "In the past, I still had illusions about humans and you, but now, it's gone. Charles, only one of humans and mutants can survive, so leave."

Professor Charles has always been soft-hearted, and his students are his weakness. He sighed and left Mystique's consciousness.

Mystique returned to normal, she put down her hands and sneered: "Charles' soft-hearted problem will never change in this life."

"So, he is not suitable to lead mutants."

Magneto looked down and said through gritted teeth: "That kid should be here soon. This time, I must make him look good."

Mystique shook her head: "He may not take action. Even if he does take action, he can't get past the two hurdles of me and the Red Devil."

Magneto said: "Don't underestimate him."

At this time, Storm, Beast Hank, Colossus and other X-Men came from a distance to join the battle - the fighter jets were parked in the distance, after all, Magneto was here.

Storm had learned about the kidnapping of the boy from Professor Charles. She was very angry, her eyes turned white, and she flew into the sky surrounded by the strong wind. Then, she controlled lightning and prepared to bombard the round tower.

Upon seeing this, Mystique immediately activated the Mark suit and flew towards Storm. On the way, she controlled the suit to pop out six micro missiles and shoot them at Storm.

"iron Man?"

Storm was startled and hurriedly used lightning to blow up the missile. Mystique sneered, rushed in front of Storm, raised her hand, and blasted her to the ground with a pulse cannon.

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