Seeing Andrew agree, the Poison Demon King breathed a sigh of relief. He was not sure about defeating Andrew. All the Hell Demon King knew how terrifying the Mechanical Demon King was, and he could be called a non-Devil King.

But the Poison Demon King is sure to ensure that he will not die. His body is a ball of poisonous gas. As long as there is still a trace of poisonous gas, it will not die and can recover quickly.

The Nightmare Demon King stepped aside, thinking about who to trick next. Well, he seemed to be familiar with the Skeleton Demon King?

"Then it's coming."

The Poisonous Demon King raised his hands, and countless green poisonous gas rolled around him. Then, a large number of scorpions, spiders, toads and other poisonous substances emerged from the poisonous gas, and poured towards Andrew like a dense tide.

"Little tricks."

Andrew smiled slightly, and the mechanical magic turned into countless black hole grenades and exploded among the poisonous substances.

Then, black holes appeared one after another, swallowing a large amount of poison.

"Black hole?"

The poisonous demon king's expression changed drastically, this was his nemesis.

Andrew wasted no time, he raised his hands, and the void first shook violently, then began to twist and even rotate.

"The Mechanical Demon King is becoming more and more terrifying, and can even tear the void apart."

The Nightmare Demon King was amazed. He looked at the Poison Demon King with sneers in his eyes. Who gave you the courage to challenge the Machine Demon King to a duel?

You know, the Nightmare Demon King had the home field advantage before, but he was still completely beaten by Andrew. What's even more terrifying is that he didn't give his full strength at all.

If nothing else, in a few minutes, you can hear the Poisonous Demon King utter the classic famous saying: "I'm sorry, I'm an undercover agent."

On Earth, because Scarlett was entangled by Hill, reinforcements could not reach the battlefield quickly, and the situation in major cities gradually became worse.

Many people who had not had time to retreat had already died at the hands of the little monsters. Before they died, their hearts were full of regret. Why didn't they listen to the warning and why did they return to the city?

"Damn it, I hate this kind of opponent who knows everything about us."

Tony cursed, he was controlling Veronica, a group of unmanned suits, fighting fiercely with five monsters that landed in the city.

Although there were many monsters, their combat power was not much different from before. Tony could barely block them, but he had no time to pay attention to those little monsters.

"This is how it felt last time we faced you."

Steve shook his head. He hesitated and shouted loudly: "The situation is urgent. Everyone, you are allowed to use highly lethal weapons. There is no need to worry about Monster Blue."

It is better to pollute the environment than to have the gathering place invaded by monsters. As for the pollution problem, we will discuss it later. It is not their responsibility to deal with it anyway.


Everyone nodded. Some of the mechas ejected vibranium high-temperature weapons donated by Wakanda, and some fired various missiles at the monsters one after another.

"I've wanted to use this for a long time, let's see how good I am."

Jessica laughed and took the spear from her back. Then, she avoided the monster's attack and stabbed forward with the red spear head, piercing the monster's chest hard and piercing it from the back.

The monster wailed and wanted to struggle to death. Jessica pulled out her spear and kicked it hard. The monster staggered back a few steps and fell down with its head raised, making a loud roar.

After using weapons, the situation improved a lot, but before everyone could be happy, the logistics shouted: "Captain, three more monsters have climbed up in the city where you are."


Even the captain couldn't help but curse, and then others also cursed. The reason is very simple. Monsters have also landed in the city they are responsible for.

These newly landed monsters did not tangle with the superheroes. They roughly knocked down the buildings on the road and quickly rushed to the gathering place in a cloud of dust.

The superheroes are blocked by the original monster and cannot be intercepted.

At the speed of these monsters, it would take less than half an hour to reach the gathering place. By then, there would be a horrific massacre.


The people looked at the picture on Kuaishou and couldn't help but despair. A lot of fear emerged from them and was absorbed by the big snake.

Orochi laughed loudly, and if he continued like this, it wouldn't be long before he could kill Odin and Frigga and take complete revenge.

Odin noticed that the aura of the serpent was getting stronger, and he looked a little hesitant, wondering whether he should let Asgard come to support the earth.

What if Asgard is attacked by a surprise attack after the army leaves?

The old Odin has become a little indecisive and is no longer what he was before.

Compared to Odin, Frigga was more decisive. She said: "Let them come. If they don't solve the disaster on the earth, we will all die at the hands of the serpent. By then, Asgard will also be destroyed."

"Okay, Heimdall, support the Earth. In addition, use the Rainbow Bridge to help humans transmit troops."

Odin hesitated no longer and sent the crow god to inform Heimdall.

"Yes, God King."

Heimdall immediately mobilized his troops. Jane was very surprised by this and asked hurriedly: "Heimdall, who gave the order?"

Heimdall hesitated and replied: "The order from the second princess of Asgard."

It cannot be said that it was the order given by Odin, because Odin was in Odin's Sleep.

In addition, due to some misunderstandings, Jane had a good impression of Odin. Once the truth was exposed, Odin's old face had no place to show it, even though he had no face to begin with.

In desperation, Heimdall could only pull the second princess, Xiao Hela, out to top the tank.

"The second princess of Asgard? How come I haven't heard of it at all?"

Jane looked shocked. She thought of something and asked: "Wait a minute, there is a second princess, is there also an eldest princess?"

"You will know then, Jane, you have to stay in Asgard and cannot leave."

Heimdall didn't say much. Soon, accompanied by streaks of colorful light, the Asgardian army appeared in major coastal cities on the earth.

The Asgard army is mainly composed of soldiers wearing golden armor and a large number of well-equipped spaceships - Asgard's spaceships are real flying ships, not steel alien battleships.

"Captain Steve, Asgard was ordered to come to support Earth."

Sif led an army to appear in front of Steve and said: "We will not only help you clean up the monsters, but also help you send troops. You open the communication channel and let us merge."

"Very good."

Steve was overjoyed and hurriedly opened the communication channel, and the logistics department immediately informed Asgard of the troops that needed to be transferred.

Heimdall took control of the Rainbow Bridge and quickly helped the people of Earth transfer their forces.

"Sif, are you here? It must be Jane's order. You obey my command, and I will lead you to victory, just like before."

Thor was overjoyed to see Asgard coming to the rescue and shouted excitedly.

Sif and the Three Warriors of Asgard didn't know that much. When they heard Thor's words, they immediately began to obey his command. After all, Thor was the acting king of Asgard.

With the addition of Asgard, the situation quickly improved, and the audience cheered and their fear was greatly reduced.

Orochi sensed the situation outside and looked very ugly. He ordered Lord Sky Hammer: "Kill the superheroes and create panic."

"Yes, my lord."

Dr. Banner, Black Widow, and Hawkeye agreed at the same time. As for Nick Fury, Dr. Reed, and Hill, they were all fighting and had no time to separate themselves.

Black Widow said: "I'm going to deal with Steve. If the captain dies, the people will definitely be very scared."

"I'm going to deal with Tony. Although he is a funny character, the people have a high degree of trust in him."

Hawkeye said: "In addition, once Tony dies, the city he protects will definitely be attacked by monsters. By then, it will be difficult for the people not to be afraid."

"Well, I'm not against your plan, but don't you think your behavior is very similar to the behavior of villains in movies seeking death?"

Dr. Banner complained: "Spread out and be defeated by the protagonist group one by one."

"It's indeed quite similar."

Black Widow and Hawkeye looked at each other and said a little speechlessly. Dr. Banner said: "The three of us will join forces to kill Tony, and then go to Steve and the others."


Black Widow and Hawkeye nodded, and then the three quickly flew to San Francisco, where Tony was leading an army of unmanned suits to deal with the monsters.

"The Asgardians are finally here this time. How many times have we asked them for help?"

Tony secretly complained, he had several spaceships here, and a large number of energy beams fell from the sky, severely bombarding the monsters.

At this moment, three hammers roared from a distance, hitting the spaceship in the sky one after another. The spacecraft exploded with a roar, and fell downwards with flames and black smoke.

Immediately afterwards, three hammers flew back to the hands of Dr. Banner and the other three. They took the hammers and flew to Tony's side, surrounding him with smiles on their faces.

Even Tony, who had always thought highly of himself, was breaking out in a cold sweat at this time.

Of course, Tony Stark would never give in. He said: "Dr. Banner, if you don't go home and hang out with a woman outside, Betty will be very angry. It's too late for you to go back and explain now.

Also, Barton, your family is waiting for you. As for Natasha, uh, you don’t seem to have any family. How about I introduce one to you? "

Tony said this in the hope of awakening the consciousness of Banner and the others, but unfortunately, it was completely useless. Dr. Banner smiled and said: "Tony, it seems that this time the Stark family is really going to be extinct."

"As if you can have children?"

Tony retorted, and Dr. Banner became furious. He roared, used both feet to break the ground and jumped towards Tony.

Then, Dr. Banner's hammer hit Veronica hard with terrifying force, and the air in front of her sank completely, which looked quite terrifying.

Tony's expression changed, and he hurriedly raised his hands and crossed them in front of him to resist Dr. Banner's hammer.

With a loud bang, the huge Veronica was directly smashed into the ground by Dr. Banner's hammer, kicking up a lot of dust. The crossed arms were completely dented, and countless parts exploded, emitting black smoke.

"This guy's power is more terrifying than a monster."

Tony cursed, Dr. Banner's hammer has only one function, power.

Dr. Banner fell to the ground, gripped the hammer tightly, and shouted arrogantly: "Banner, invincible."

Bang, at this moment, an Adamantium alloy hammer flew from a distance and hit Dr. Banner on the face, sending him flying. Dr. Banner rolled over on the ground, kicking up a lot of dust.

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