American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 441 Two women appear

"Is it originally a product of our hell?"

Mindy and Xiao Hela were both shocked when they heard this - Xiao Hela knew Andrew's identity and also knew her own life experience. She must be unhappy, but she vented it on those zombies.

Now little Hela has accepted everything. Of course, she will definitely not return to Hela's soul. She is an independent life and will be a superhero second only to the Ghost Rider in the future.

Andrew spread his hands and said, "I run the Defense Bureau, didn't I tell you?"

Mindy and Little Hela were speechless, and then shook their heads. Even Ghost Rider can be the Demon King, and it is not surprising that the Defense Bureau is the Demon King's property.

Xiao Hela thought of something and asked excitedly: "In that case, I can also drive a mecha?"

"As long as you want, of course you can, but you don't need a mecha."

Andrew shook his head: "You have endless potential. What you have to do is to control your own divine power, rather than having the divine power control you in turn."

"But the mecha is handsome. Only handsome people are popular."

Little Hela giggled. Mindy thought for a moment and then asked: "Alice, are every superhero equipped with a Decepticon mecha?"

"No, Human Torch, Hellboy, and Wanda don't need mechas. Besides, the time is too short. Only four Decepticon mechas have been produced so far."

Alice replied: "Captain, Natasha, Hawkeye, and Jessica will be equipped respectively. The others will have to wait."

"Why don't they use Pym particles to deal with the monsters?"

Little Hela asked: "Using Pym particles to shrink the monster, or turning into Ant-Man and entering the monster's body, you can easily defeat the monster."

"On the one hand, Dr. Pym is unwilling to open a factory to produce Pym particles on a large scale. He is worried about the formula leaking."

Alice said: "All Pym particles were produced artificially by him, and the output was insufficient to cope with so many monsters.

On the other hand, the Defense Bureau wants to use Pym particles as a trump card in the final battle.

According to Iron Man's research, these monsters are biochemical products, and aliens have been adjusting them based on human data so that they can defeat humans.

For example, these new monsters are obviously more durable than the old monsters, and their skins also have increased resistance to fire, etc.

Human beings face not only monsters, but also aliens behind the monsters. We are making progress, and the monsters are also making progress. This is a war between two civilizations. "

"I see."

Xiao Hela and Mindy suddenly realized that at this time, the battle below changed.

"The data collection is almost complete, I can ask you to die."

Tony controlled Veronica and beat a lobster monster back. Then, Veronica's chest lit up and a huge shock wave roared out, knocking the lobster monster away.

This is Tony's improved shock wave device. Being hit is almost like being hit by a battering ram.

The toad-like pot-bellied monster next to him saw this and shot Tony fiercely with his tongue like a sharp arrow.

Tony flew into the sky to avoid the Toad Monster's attack. Then, he raised his left hand and blasted a ball of lightning at the Toad Monster. The Toad Monster screamed and was paralyzed, unable to move.

Tony took the opportunity to rush in front of the toad monster's head, and his steel fist contracted and struck at an astonishing speed, hitting the monster's head repeatedly with a loud bang.

Tony Stark's steel suit naturally does not only have melee functions.

"Banner, captain, please work harder, I'm almost finished here."

Tony said arrogantly: "Although they are stronger than the previous wave, they are nothing in front of the increasingly powerful Iron Man."

Rhodes, who was conducting backstage, sneered: "Tony, you seem to have forgotten your nickname of Crow Mouth?"

Tony's old face darkened and he retorted: "Excuse me, Colonel Rhodes, when will you equip mecha and fight alongside me? I'm looking forward to it very much."

This time it was Rhodes' turn to be unhappy. He was just an ordinary person and could not use mechas for the time being. Otherwise, he would definitely be the first group of people to use mechas.

At this moment, the six monsters suddenly opened their mouths and sprayed a large amount of blue mist at the three mechas at the same time. After the three mechas were enveloped in the blue mist, their systems became extremely chaotic. At the same time, the energy light on their bodies flickered.

"Damn, what is this? It's not an EMP."

Tony was startled and hurriedly shouted: "Veronica, check the system immediately and return it to normal."

"Under repair..."

A female voice sounded. At this time, Veronica was hit hard and stepped back repeatedly, but the toad monster took the opportunity to attack.

It wasn't over yet, the lobster monster also rushed over, clamped its huge pliers on Tony's neck, and cut it in like scissors.

Even though Veronica is made of gold and titanium alloy, it was cut out of shape.

The situation of the captain and Dr. Banner was also not good. They were besieged by four monsters. The two struggled to resist while trying their best to adjust the system.

Seeing the three Tonys in trouble, the audience suddenly became nervous. As expected, Iron Man makes mistakes every day.

It's better to have Ghost Rider. If he were here, he would have driven the monsters back to their hometown, no, he would have demolished their hometown.

No matter how hard Tony tries, he is far inferior to Ghost Rider in the hearts of the audience, well, except for the funny aspect.

The audience was very nervous, but Tony and the others were calm. Tony said: "Scarlett, bring Hellboy, Wanda, and Electro here to help. The monster's interference blue mist only affects the machine."


Scarlett nodded. She was in charge of the rescue team, while the other superheroes were divided into several groups and took turns on duty.

There is also a civilization on the opposite side, and it is a civilization more developed than the earth. Whatever happens is normal, and the superheroes have long been mentally prepared.

Just when Scarlett was about to set off, the battlefield suddenly changed.

I saw a figure wearing a black cloak, black leather clothes, and holding a black sword descending from the sky.

Then, the black sword in the shadow's hand grew bigger and bigger. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a giant sword more than ten meters long. With one sword, it cut off the arm of the lobster monster that was holding Tony's neck.

Surprisingly, not a drop of blood came out of the lobster monster's wound. It was covered with a layer of black air, which quickly spread to the lobster monster's body.

The Kuaishu live broadcast camera immediately locked onto the figure, and everyone's eyes lit up. The figure was a beautiful girl with black hair. Although her figure was a bit flatter, she was quite heroic and had an aura of noble birth.

There is no doubt that it is Xiao Hela.

The toad monster did not appreciate beautiful women. It roared angrily and pounced on Little Hela like a mountain.

The audience couldn't help but exclaim. A ferocious giant beast pounced on a beautiful girl. This scene was really unbearable, even though the beautiful girl was holding a giant sword more than ten meters long.

"Well done."

Xiao Hela was not surprised but overjoyed. She stabbed forward with the giant sword in her hand. The giant sword disintegrated and turned into more than a dozen black swords that roared out with sonic boom sounds, all of which were engulfed in the toad monster's body.

With the size of the toad monster, these dozen small holes are nothing. It was about to continue attacking. Xiao Hela smiled slightly evilly, turned her hand, and more than ten black swords rotated rapidly in the toad monster's body at the same time, cutting its body. Offal.

This is the technique that Andrew taught Xiao Hela. He leaves mental power on the sword and controls the sword to attack twice.

The toad monster fell to the sea and rolled in pain, causing huge waves.

Xiao Hela raised her hand and condensed a huge black sword. Then, the black sword roared out and penetrated the toad monster's head, sending it to its death.

After dealing with the giant toad beast, Little Hela raised her head slightly and struck a nice pose. At the same time, the cloak behind her was rustling in the sea breeze. She looked quite cool.

"I feel like I'm in love."

Many viewers said with bright eyes, Tony Stark's eyes narrowed, this girl is a powerful enemy.

What rival?

Although the rival who steals the limelight is not as good as Ghost Rider, the top student who graduated from the Heavenly Academy who steals the limelight, it should not be underestimated.

After posing like a model, Little Hela shouted to Tony: "Crow Mouth Man, no, kidnapper man, no, toilet man, forget it, anyway, you're welcome, saving you is what I should do, funny characters can't die .”


Veins are almost popping out of the corners of Tony's eyes. How can this girl be so annoying? She mocks him several times in a row. He, Tony Stark, doesn't want to lose face?

The audience, as well as the conductor's support staff laughed at the same time, and Rhodes clapped his hands repeatedly, making you laugh at me.

Before Tony could reply, Little Hela turned to deal with the other monsters. At the same time, Mindy also took action.

She was seen holding a shield, with a windy silver light, and it hit the head of a shark-headed monster like a bolt of lightning.

Although Mindy was not big in size, she was extremely fast, so the impact was very powerful. The shark-headed monster couldn't help but groan and tilt its head back.

Mindy quickly moved to the side and collided again. The shark-headed monster waved its claws to block Mindy, but only caught the silver light left by her.

In this way, the shark-headed monster was completely reduced to a sandbag. After nine times, Mindy stopped, held her hand, and there was an explosion in the head of the shark-headed monster.

Then, the shark-headed monster shook twice, fell into the sea, and was declared dead.

With each impact, Mindy sends part of the divine power into the shark's head, until it finally explodes together. This is the technique of using divine power taught by Andrew.

"It's really troublesome that I can't use weapons. If I could use weapons, one move would be enough."

Minty shook her head. She was different from Hela. Hela had the power of death and could stop monsters from bleeding. Her speed power did not have this function.

In addition, Mindy always wears a mask and a purple wig. There are a few people she cares about in this world, so she cannot reveal her identity.

"Another superhero."

The audience cheered again, this one was also very powerful and cool.

"Her ability is the same as mine? I don't know if I run faster or she runs faster?"

Quicksilver was very excited and wanted to rush over and race Mindy. It was the first time he met a superhero of the same type as himself.

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