American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 436 From God

After Xiao Hela followed the robot and left, Andrew said to Superkiller: "Superkiller, let's get straight to the point. I have three plans for you, you can choose for yourself.

The first one is a simple trainer. I will give you a set of nano-suits. You can wear it and practice with me. I will teach you and make you a real superhero.

Afterwards, you can leave with this nanosuit as a gift. "

"Nano suit?"

Super Kill Girl's eyes lit up. She couldn't buy this thing even if she had money. Of course, even if she could buy it, she couldn't afford it. Ordinary battle suits cost hundreds of millions of dollars, let alone nano battle suits.

"It seems this trip was not in vain."

Super Killer was so excited that she no longer resisted this teaching. She took off her mask and asked, "Ghost Rider, what about the other two plans?"

"As for me, in addition to being a superhero, I am also the master of a super powerful force. For example, this zombie universe will soon become my sphere of influence."

Andrew said: "The second option is to join my force and become my soldier. By then, in addition to the nano-suit, you will also receive other benefits.

For example, the perfect version of human enhancement potion, Extremis virus, if you behave well, you can even become a Ghost Rider like me. "

"Can I also be a Ghost Rider?"

Superkiller exclaimed that she had no interest in joining the force at all, but if she could become a Ghost Rider, it wouldn't be impossible to consider.

After all, that was Ghost Rider.

Andrew smiled and said: "I still have some vengeful spirits in my hands, but only the best talents are qualified to get them."

Super Kill Girl complained: "It turns out that this is just trying to spread the pie. Why are all the bosses proficient in this trick?"

"I usually use planets to draw the pie. As for the Spirit of Vengeance, I rarely use them as rewards because not everyone is eligible to have them."

Andrew shook his head and continued: "The third option is more complicated. I want you to be my follower."

Super Kill Girl was puzzled: "From God, what do you mean?"

"Some time ago, I helped Odin repair Asgard and learned how to build a pantheon from the World Tree."

Andrew said: "I'm going to build a pantheon of my own, and I need someone to help me. Superkiller Mindy, I think you're a good fit."

Andrew's pantheon is not centered on hell, but on the microcosm. The gods in the pantheon can be blessed by the microcosm and possess divine power.

The reason why I chose Mindy was, on the one hand, her tough character and determination, and on the other hand, it just happened to be fate.

"Form a divine system?"

The super-killing girl was stunned. Isn’t this a bit exaggerated? She asked: "Ghost Rider, are you really God?"

"If I were God, what kind of pantheon would I build?"

Andrew smiled and said: "However, if we really fight, God may not be my opponent. When you join my force, or become my follower, I will tell you my true identity."

"God may not be your opponent?"

Killer Girl clicked her tongue and asked, "How can I help with such a high-end matter? I'm just a mortal, and I haven't even graduated from high school."

Andrew said: "It's very simple. Be my experiment."

"Being a guinea pig is also called helping?"

Super Killer complained, and Andrew smiled and said: "Why not ask for help? If you are being studied, don't you still ask to work in the research institute?

Super Kill Girl, I will not force you, everything is your own choice.

As my slave, you will be immortal and have divine power like Thor and the others.

In addition, you don’t have to worry about something going wrong in the experiment. You won’t die. Even if you do die, I will resurrect you. "

"...Ghost Rider, you are really good at comforting people."

Superkiller rolled her eyes and asked, "In other words, if you are an experimental subject, you may die?"

"There will definitely be danger, but usually there will be no death."

Andrew said: "I am not the kind of person who sacrifices experimental subjects at will. Once you are in danger, I will immediately reverse your time and keep you safe.

Additionally, I will reduce your pain sensation as needed. "

Superkiller believed this. After all, the opponent was Ghost Rider, the most prestigious superhero on earth.

"Wait, resurrection?"

Superkiller thought of something, and asked with bright eyes: "Ghost Rider, you are so powerful, can you help me resurrect my father?"

"Your father has been dead for several years, and his soul has already entered the River Styx. It is difficult to resurrect him and requires a high price."

Andrew shook his head and said: "Super Killer Girl, I will not let you become my slave god on this condition, because it is not enough. If you want to resurrect your father, you need to make huge contributions to me."

If you want to resurrect someone who has been dead for a long time, you must not only reverse time, but also fight fate. It is not necessary. Andrew will not do this. It is too troublesome.

"In other words, you can really resurrect my father?"

Super Killer was overjoyed and said: "Ghost Rider, I am willing to be your follower. As for the credit, I will try my best to earn it."

"Don't agree in a hurry. I'll give you one night and you can think about it slowly."

Andrew shook his head. What else did Super Killer want to say? Andrew asked the robot to send her to visit and rest.

"I'll try my hand at it first. If I want to really develop the divine system, it's not that simple. At least, I have to become a single player first."

Andrew thought secretly, and then he asked Bai Huanying's child: "What is the current situation in the universe?"

"Because of Thanos' constant troubles, the alliance's situation is getting worse and worse."

Bai Vision said: "They are frantically looking for Thanos's Dark Temple. Unfortunately, Thanos has the space gem, and they can't find each other at all. This is why Thanos can easily spread the zombie virus."

Thanos of the zombie universe possesses the three infinity stones of reality, space, and power.

As for the alliance, it was established by all the major forces in the universe, and Thor, the God of Thunder, was also in it.

"Is that so?"

Andrew thought for a while and ordered: "Bai Vision, send someone to contact the alliance and tell them that someone can solve Thanos, but if you want him to take action, you must agree to two conditions.

First, kill zombies for me and collect souls. Second, sign a contract and dedicate your soul to me after death. "

"If Thanos is not eliminated, the universe will perish sooner or later. The Alliance should agree."

Bai Huanyuan analyzed it and said: "But after the matter is completed, there is a high possibility that they will tear up the contract and even take action against you."

"Then kill them all. Killing the treacherous ones will not affect my principles."

Andrew said lightly, a neutral person will not actively bully others, but he will not be bullied by others either.

Bai Huanyuan nodded: "BOSS, I know what to do."

The next day, Super Killer found Andrew and said seriously: "Ghost Rider, I choose to be your follower."

Andrew asked: "Are you sure? Once I tell you my identity, nothing can be changed."


Superkiller nodded with certainty. No matter who the Ghost Rider was, she would never give up the opportunity to resurrect her father.

Besides, Ghost Rider is the most famous superhero. It doesn't matter what his identity is, because he is definitely a good guy.


After a moment, Super Killer looked at Andrew with a confused look on her face. Demon King, Ghost Rider is actually the Demon King of Hell. Is this joke too big?

You, a devil, came to be a superhero. Where is your shame?

Super Kill Girl asked: "Is it too late for me to quit now?"

"What do you think?"

Andrew flicked Super Killer's eyebrows and said, "Take care of yourself and take you on an adventure to the planet outside."

Superkiller touched her eyebrows and followed helplessly. She decided to tear up the Ghost Rider poster that Hela had left with her when she returned.

Super Kill Girl secretly sighed: "Fortunately, I worship the God of Guns."

"I am also the Gunslinger."

Andrew said without looking back, Super Killer was completely confused, what the hell, you are the Gunslinger too? How many times have you deceived the world? Also, how do you know what I'm thinking?

"I said it was micro-expression observation, do you believe it?"

"As long as you have eyes in the back of your head, I'll believe it."

Because Thanos spread the zombie virus wantonly, many planets in the universe have become zombie paradises, and so has Holy Mars.

Holy Mars is a little-known little planet, so no one came to help them. The survivors built bases and shelters one by one to fight against the zombies with difficulty.

The planet Andrew selected for training is Holy Mars. On the one hand, Holy Fire is similar to the people on Earth, except that they have flame marks on their foreheads. On the other hand, their technological level is almost the same as that of Earth.

The little Hela in a cloak shouted dissatisfied: "Why do you want to seal my divine power?"

"Because we are here to practice, not to torture. Remember, I will not help you. Okay, let's go to the city."

Andrew shook his head and took the somewhat decadent Super Killer and Xiao Hela into the gathering place in front to officially start the training.

In fact, this Andrew is just a clone, the real Andrew, hovering over this continent.

"let's start."

Andrew summoned a small universe and used it to cover the continent. Then, he used time magic to accelerate the continent.

One month can't teach much, so Andrew plans to speed up time to twelve times, which means spending a year teaching Hela and Super Killer.

Speeding up time across an entire continent is not a simple matter, there are many things to consider, such as sunlight exposure.

Andrew used the small universe to create a small sun and used it to make up for the loopholes in time acceleration. Otherwise, this continent would have six consecutive days of darkness and six consecutive days of daylight.

Of course, spending so much effort to accelerate time is not just for teaching. Andrew wants to use this time to practice magic, destiny magic, time magic, dream magic, etc. in seclusion, and at the same time, initially build the divine system.

Time is never enough.

Andrew smiled slightly: "In one year, you can do a lot of things."

I won’t write about this experience in details. I’ll just mention it in one stroke. Otherwise, I would have to write many chapters. When I have time in the future, I will write an extra chapter.

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