American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 42 Red Devil

At this time, the toad reacted and hurriedly shot its tongue at Andrew. Andrew felt disgusted and retreated to avoid it.

Big Steel Ya roared and rushed towards Andrew with a bang, but Professor Charles felt sorry for his 'gay friend' and quietly let Big Steel Ya go.

Andrew knocked the big steel tooth to the ground with an umbrella, and Magneto took the opportunity to control himself to slide far away. Then, he roared, and all the cars around him flew up and crashed down on Andrew one after another.

Andrew dodged the cars as if he were strolling. The cars crashed to the ground one after another, countless parts flying around, and there were screams of surprise all around.

Magneto, who was going crazy, was about to continue attacking. At this moment, a red figure wearing a suit and a tail appeared next to him and disappeared with him.

Immediately afterwards, this red figure appeared behind Toad and Da Gangya, leading the two of them into red gas and disappearing.

"Red Devil? In other words, the people in the Hellfire Club are still alive?"

Andrew's eyes flickered and he did not pursue. In fact, he had no intention of killing Magneto, otherwise Magneto would have been killed by him before.

Villains are precious resources and cannot be killed casually. If they are killed, who will bring fear and despair to the people of New York?

Andrew shook his head and pressed the button on the watch. All the electronic devices around him were formatted. This was the hacker watch developed by Howard.

"Colson, I'll leave it to you to handle the rest."

Andrew confessed to Colson and left here with excited Gwen. Colson responded subconsciously and then realized, I am not your subordinate?

Coulson shook his head helplessly and began to deal with the aftermath. He first sent agents to appease the people, then walked to Professor Charles and said, "Professor, I think we need to cooperate now. Magneto obviously wants to cause big things."

Professor Charles asked curiously: "Who was that person just now? Is he from SHIELD?"

"No, we can't afford to hire him. He's just passing by."

Colson smiled bitterly. At this time, Professor Charles said: "Oh, so he is the Fire Angel. No wonder he is so powerful."

The smile on Coulson's face froze. No wonder Nick Fury never went to see Professor Charles. It was too painful to talk to the mind reader.

In fact, Professor Charles did not read Colson's mind. He just received some consciousness that Colson emitted due to his emotional fluctuations. This was his instinct and could not be stopped.

"I'll keep it a secret."

Professor Charles said: "Qin will discuss the cooperation with you."

After saying that, Professor Charles controlled the wheelchair to go to Wolverine and Little Naughty. Professor Charles said: "Little Naughty, I respect your choice, but I hope you can think about it carefully. Your abilities are gifts given to you by God. "

"I don't want such a gift."

The little naughty girl smiled bitterly. She thought about it and decided to go back to the Mutant Academy with the professor first - she was a little scared by what happened just now.

An hour after the little naughty boy and the professor left, the mutants who stayed in Times Square suddenly appeared in offices one after another. Then, the Hell Messenger, who was as beautiful as a supermodel, asked with a smile on his face: "Do you want to change back?" Ordinary people?"

The Brotherhood of Mutants' base in New York is located on a small island. After being rescued, Magneto, who was bruised and swollen, and extremely embarrassed, roared: "Why did you bring me back? I want to kill that kid."

Magneto didn't think he could beat Andrew. He was just careless and didn't dodge before.

"Ruiwen asked me to bring you back. She feels that if the trouble continues, you won't get anything good."

The Red Devil shrugged. He and Magneto only had a cooperative relationship and his words were not polite at all.

In addition, the Red Devil once tricked Mystique Raven into giving birth to a child for him, the Blue Devil. The relationship between the two was extremely bad. If it weren't for Magneto, Raven would never have called the Red Devil.


Magneto cursed bitterly, how many years has it been since he was so embarrassed? Still being pushed to the ground and beaten by a young boy.

Toad said: "Eric, calm down. We will discuss the matter of revenge in the long run."

"We can't think about it in the long term. What happened today will make those people lose their respect for mutants. More importantly, there must be a huge conspiracy in transforming mutants back into ordinary people. We must take action as soon as possible."

Magneto took a deep breath and said coldly: "Prepare the instruments. In seven days, we will attack Times Square in New York and turn everyone in Manhattan into mutants. Red Devil, you will come with us then."

The Red Devil shrugged: "I don't care."

Toad was stunned and said hurriedly: "Eric, without that girl, you will die if you start the instrument."

Magneto has developed a radiation instrument that transforms ordinary people into mutants. He needs to activate it himself. This instrument consumes a lot of money. If he wants the radiation wave to cover the entire Manhattan, Magneto will probably lose his life.

This is why Magneto wants to capture Naughty - Naughty can absorb the abilities of others, and Magneto wants Naughty to start the instrument on his behalf.

It is worth mentioning that Magneto's instrument is actually a failure. It can transform mutants, but after the transformation is completed, the mutants will die due to genetic collapse in a short period of time.

What, why doesn’t Magneto know?

Because he has never done experiments at all. This is what this world-breaking person is like. Lizardmen, future mutant antidotes, and transformation equipment are all applied immediately after research, without any scientific spirit.

Magneto said coldly: "It's okay. Raven has found a mutant who can connect with life. When the time comes, we will use the lives of those traitors in Times Square to complete our great cause as mutants."

"That's no problem, Eric, let's get ready. This time, we must make it look good to humans."

Toad nodded and left excitedly with the others. Magneto felt the pain in his body and was furious. He must make that kid pay the price.

Although the Magneto attack occurred in Times Square, because mutants turned into ordinary people one after another, Times Square not only did not become deserted, but became more and more lively.

In the Rebirth Building near Times Square, Andrew felt very satisfied with the soul contracts he kept signing. What made him even more happy was that according to the investigation, mutants from other places were gathering in New York.

In other words, for the next period of time, Andrew will continue to curse until his hand cramps.

"Technology is indeed the primary productive force. By the way, I want to develop a secret recipe for eternal youth. Will those women sell their souls to me for this?"

Andrew touched his chin. This seemed to be very interesting. Just look at the cosmetics market to see what price a woman can pay for youth.

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