American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 410 Mechanical Dinosaur

"I will not surrender, Cybertron will not surrender, Shockwave, kill Ghost Rider."

The natural enemy roared, and with its sound, the ground shook violently. Then, a cylindrical mechanical monster hundreds of meters long rushed out from the ground and slammed into Andrew in the sky.

It is Shockwave's pet, the Diamond Demon.

"This thing is interesting. It can be put into the mechanical hell and used as a toy."

Andrew raised his hand, and hundreds of flame spears on the ground flew up at the same time, merging together to form a giant flame spear hundreds of meters long and several meters wide.

Then, a giant flaming spear fell from the sky, pierced the body of the Diamond Demon, and nailed it to the ground.

The Lidrill Demon let out a shrill scream and struggled desperately to get rid of the flame spear. At this moment, the flame spear turned into flames and integrated into its body, and its self was quickly eroded and transformed.

Seeing this, Shockwave hurriedly blasted Andrew with a cannon. Andrew casually popped out a flaming bullet. The bullet penetrated the cannonball, hit Shockwave's head and exploded with a bang.

The shock wave instantly turned into a headless shock wave and fell straight down.

Once Shockwave died, the Diamond Devil lost its master and was quickly controlled by Andrew.

"Go and kill every Decepticon you see."

Andrew ordered in a cold voice, and the Diamond Devil immediately got into the ground. A moment later, it appeared next to a group of Decepticons, curled up on them with its body, and curled them up to death.

The other Decepticons were horrified and quickly left the ground.

The expression on the natural enemy's face was extremely ugly. Isn't this Ghost Rider too powerful? Even Shockwave was instantly killed by him, and he could even control the Diamond Demon?

"Is it really going to fall short?"

The natural enemy is full of unwillingness. In order to resurrect Cybertron, it abandons its dignity and glory and joins the Decepticons.

At this moment, a new Cybertronian spacecraft appeared in the sky. Immediately afterwards, the cover under the spacecraft opened, the magnetic device was activated, and Andrew's spacecraft flew upward uncontrollably.

Also flying at the same time are robots and various metals, such as vehicles, street lights, etc.

Tony, Predator, Optimus Prime and others hurriedly escaped from the area. Predator and Optimus Prime were very confused, where did this Cybertron spacecraft come from? Why have I never seen it before?

"Huh? Is this confinement?"

Andrew was a little surprised. Confinement is the villain BOSS in the fourth part. He didn't expect it to appear in advance.

At this time, the muzzle under the prison spacecraft turned around and aimed at Andrew's spacecraft, and the energy light quickly gathered.

The confinement tactic is very simple. Use a magnetic device to control the spacecraft, and then activate the dark matter energy cannon to blast the spacecraft.


Andrew snorted coldly, raised his hand, and the hellfire on the spacecraft gathered together, turning into a huge flaming fist and blasting hard at the prison spacecraft.

Upon seeing this, the confinement hurriedly fired the energy cannon, and a blue light beam struck the flaming fist with dazzling lightning.

Boom, the world shook, flames and energy lightning roared out along with the shock wave. Several unlucky Decepticons were torn apart on the spot and flew everywhere.

The confinement was about to activate the energy cannon again. At this moment, the flames in the air retracted violently as if going back in time and turned into a flaming sword.

Then, the flaming sword pierced the prison spacecraft from the bottom. Everyone who saw this scene felt a bit chilly somewhere behind their backs.

The temperature of the hellfire broadsword was extremely high, and the magnetic device was instantly destroyed. Then, the broadsword went all the way up, piercing the entire spacecraft, and passed out from the deck. If the confinement hadn't been able to hide quickly, it would have been split into two.

The magnetic device was destroyed, and the car and the Decepticon that had been sucked up fell down at the same time, hitting the ground with a bang.

Andrew's spacecraft shook in the air and quickly stabilized.

"How can this be?"

Looking at the red blade, Quan Quan was shocked. At this time, the flaming sword cut sideways. Quan Quan hurriedly avoided and shouted at the same time: "The spacecraft separated and released the mechanical dinosaurs."

The mechanical soldiers quickly followed suit, and the spacecraft quickly began to disintegrate. Other parts fell down together with the flaming sword, and the small spacecraft behind flew into the sky spraying flames.

At the same time, a group of mechanical dinosaurs rushed out of the prison, landed on the deck of Andrew's spaceship, and roared at Andrew.

The leader of this group of mechanical dinosaurs is a mechanical Tyrannosaurus Rex named Steel Cable. It is extremely large, even Optimus Prime is not as tall as it.

There is a red mark on Steel Cable's face, which is the way the female Transformer controls Steel Cable.

There are also other mechanical dinosaurs on their faces. In addition, there is a two-headed and two-tailed pterosaur flying in the sky. It is waiting for an opportunity to attack Andrew.

These mechanical dinosaurs are the trophies of confinement. If they are not controlled, they will never fight for confinement.

"There are actually mechanical dinosaurs?"

The audience was shocked, Transformers really had everything.

It's worth mentioning that the audience was just shocked, not worried.

Nonsense, what's there to worry about? Who is the opponent of Ghost Rider in the world?

Tony's eyes lit up when he saw the situation in the sky: "Mechanical dinosaur? It would be great if I could capture one alive and use it as a mount. It would definitely become the most popular man."

The second mount sneered: "Wake up, it's broad daylight, don't dream."

Tony pointed his middle finger at the second mount and said: "What man wouldn't want to ride a mechanical dinosaur like this? I guess you will soon become the third mount."

The second mount said: "What does that matter? The second mount is not my real name. My real name is Tonymon, Tony Stark, that Tony!"

Tony's face darkened, and he decided to send a lawyer's letter to that bastard Ghost Rider tomorrow, asking him to change the name of his second mount.

In the sky, Confinement used a flying device to land on the deck of Andrew's spaceship with six hell monsters.

The appearance of the confinement has no characteristics, so I won't introduce it much. The six hell monsters all have horns, so they are also called horned kings. They can be combined together to turn into a huge hell monster.

"Human, you are powerful, but the Creator does not allow you to destroy Cybertron's resurrection."

Quanquan said loudly: "Today, you will die here, and your body will become my trophy."

"kill me?"

Andrew couldn't help laughing, and the audience was laughing too, stupid aliens, you have no idea how powerful the Ghost Rider is.

Andrew said: "You can't kill me with your scraps of metal. You want to kill me and let your so-called creator get out."

"You dare to humiliate the Creator?"

Quan was furious, and his head quickly turned into a super sniper rifle, uh, or, sniper cannon.

Then, with a bang, a huge bullet was fired at Andrew at an alarming speed.

Andrew was already prepared, his right hand turned into a big flame hand, he grabbed it casually in the air, and a large sniper bullet appeared in his hand.

Confinement was shocked, someone could actually catch its sniper bullet with bare hands?

"I'll deal with you first, and then I'll go have some fun with your creator. I hope it's not too weak, otherwise, I will be very disappointed."

Andrew threw away the bullet, and his body burned with black hellfire. The audience cheered loudly, Ghost Rider, started to get serious.

That's right, we're just starting to get serious now. As for before, it was just a warm-up.

The cable roared angrily and rushed towards Andrew, trying to crush him alive with its big feet.


As soon as Andrew put his hands together, his body turned into black flames and swelled rapidly. In the blink of an eye, he became hundreds of meters high.

Then, the flames subsided, and a giant skeleton burning with flames appeared on the deck. Everyone who saw him felt suffocated.


The audience exclaimed, isn’t this so cool?

I didn’t expect that the Ghost Rider could actually have this trick. He is indeed the invincible Ghost Rider.

Countless viewers took screenshots frantically, and I gained a lot today.

"That guy can actually turn into a giant skeleton?"

Tony was a little dumbfounded. The guy who dared to fight with him before did not show his true strength at all.

"Have you seen it? Ghost Rider turned into a giant skeleton. Wow, that's so cool. I love him so much."

Roxanne kept exclaiming. She thought of something and turned to look at her boyfriend, the Sewer Ghost Rider Johnny. The meaning was very clear, can you?

Johnny shrugged, he didn't have this ability, Roshan looked disgusted, and said every day that he was not a copycat, but in the end he knew nothing, and the copycat phone was better than yours.

Johnny sighed helplessly. It seemed that he would never be able to get rid of the reputation of being a knockoff in his lifetime.

The problem is, he is the most authentic, more authentic than the other Ghost Riders.

Yu Tian En looked at the majestic figure in the sky with an extremely solemn expression. What kind of existence was he fighting?

"Fortunately, there are reinforcements. I hope they can stop the Ghost Rider. Speaking of which, why have I never seen these people?"

The natural enemy secretly thought: "They are so powerful, why didn't they appear when Cybertron was destroyed?"

On the deck, the skeleton flame giant Andrew raised his hands and hugged the head of the cable.

The steel rope howled in pain when it was burned by the fire in Andrew's hand, but it had the ability to withstand flames, pushing Andrew back continuously.

"Pour it for me."

Andrew shouted loudly, bent his feet to brake, and used both hands to push the huge body of the steel cable to the side. The steel cable could not withstand Andrew's strength, and his body gradually tilted.

Finally, the steel cable fell to the ground with a roar and slid quickly to the right.


The confinement and the six hell monsters hurriedly avoided, but they were still too late and were smashed away like bowling balls one after another.

Seeing this, the remaining mechanical dinosaurs rushed over with roars, and the pterosaurs in the sky swooped down like airplanes.

Andrew laughed loudly, took a step back, stretched out his hand to grab the pterosaur's body, and used it as a weapon to swing it and smash it against the charging ceratopsian.

There was a loud bang, and the metal horn on the head of the ceratopsian was smashed. It screamed and retreated continuously.

The pterosaur was even worse, its body was burned and deformed, and it was wailing in Andrew's hands.

Another dinosaur saw this and attacked Andrew from behind. Andrew turned around and kicked it hard on the side.

The huge body of the mechanical dinosaur flew away in response and crashed into a pillar nearby. There was an obvious red mark on the instep where it was kicked.

Andrew threw the injured pterosaur on the ground and said with disdain: "No one can beat it."

"Ghost Rider, you are invincible."

The audience applauded loudly, so what about the mechanical dinosaurs, they were nothing in front of the Ghost Rider.

Andrew's arrogance completely angered Steel Cable. It climbed up, opened its mouth wide, and a ball of flames that could melt other Transformers spurted out of its mouth and enveloped Andrew.

"Use fire in front of me?"

Andrew couldn't help laughing. The skeleton giant raised his right hand, and the flames of the steel rope automatically gathered on his hand, forming a big fireball.

Seeing this, Steel Cable stopped breathing fire in fear and anger. Andrew smiled slightly, and the fireball changed from yellow to black.


Then, Andrew flicked his hand, and the fireball fell on the head of the cable. The cable was frightened, hurriedly changed its shape, and slapped its head with both hands, trying to extinguish the flames.

Unfortunately, this is magic flame. The more the steel rope beats, the faster the flame spreads.

"After the transformation, it doesn't look good at all."

Andrew shook his head and controlled the hellfire to erode the red mark on the wire's head.

Steel Rope couldn't help but scream, and at the same time, the light in his eyes kept changing color. This was because the female Transformer's mental control was being broken down.

The female Transformer in Cybertron, Quintessa, changed her expression and hurriedly transferred her spiritual energy into the red seal.

At this moment, a pair of majestic eyes suddenly appeared in Quintasha's spiritual world. Quintasha's spirit was quickly suppressed, and she was unable to move.

These eyes are like the master of all mechanical life in the world. Even Quintessa, who claims to be the creator, has the urge to kneel down and worship.

"Don't think about it, I am the master of Cybertron."

Quintessa yelled, struggling desperately to escape the control of these eyes.

"What a weak BOSS. It is definitely not the creator of Cybertron. If it wants to create mechanical life, it must at least be God the Father."

Andrew shook his head in disappointment, looked away, and played slowly, not in a hurry. After all, the little brother hadn't finished playing yet.

It's common sense to fight the younger brother first, then the boss.

When Andrew's consciousness left, Quintasha breathed a sigh of relief and no longer dared to transmit spiritual energy through the air.

Without Quintessa's help, the red seal was quickly burned through by the fire of hell, and the steel cable returned to normal. It remembered what happened before and couldn't help roaring. Quintessa actually controlled it?

"From now on, you officially become my subordinate. Go, take my flame with you and help other dinosaurs return to normal."

Andrew's voice rang in Steel Cable's mind. Steel Cable hesitated and chose to obey. The reason was simple. The other party was stronger than it.

Obedience to the stronger is a perfectly normal thing.

So, Steel Cable rushed towards the other mechanical dinosaurs with the fire of hell, while Andrew walked up to Qianqiu and the others.

"Do you have any other tricks? If not, you can go and die."

Andrew said with a smile on his face, his expression was quite ugly in confinement, this Ghost Rider is too powerful.

"Hell monster."

The confinement shouted loudly, and the six hell monsters quickly combined into a huge bull-horned hell monster without any nonsense.

Then, the Hell Demon held a big ax and rushed towards Andrew with a bang, while the confinement turned his head into a sniper rifle again, waiting for the opportunity to make a sneak attack.

"Nothing new."

Andrew shook his head, and with a flash of fire in his hand, a flaming sword tens of meters long quickly took shape.

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