American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 408 Another battlefield

"Chess piece, what do you mean?"

Tony asked in shock, Ultron's eyes flashed, ready to express his suspicions, so that they might let him go. After all, dealing with the Ghost Rider is not an easy task and requires the cooperation of many people.

Just when Ultron was about to speak, the Mind Stone on his forehead flashed, erasing his related memories.

Ultron blinked, what did he just want to say?

"You're just a copycat, but you still want to shake things up?"

Andrew smiled disdainfully and controlled the Cybertron spacecraft to quickly approach the earth.

"Ultron, what chess piece?"

Tony asked again. With so many disasters on the earth, he had long felt that something was wrong.


Ultron's eyes flashed and he said: "Want to know what the truth is? Okay, let me go. This truth is much more important than my life."

"He's lying, he doesn't know anything."

Wanda said: "I can sense his state."

Ultron's expression changed. He looked at Wanda and said hatefully, "I should have killed you from the beginning."

Wanda snorted coldly: "Do you think I'm a weakling like Tony Stark?"

"Hey, is it fashionable to attack Tony Stark now? If you don't attack, it means you are out of date?"

Tony said angrily. He held up the device to dig out the Mind Stone, but did not do it immediately because he was hesitant to kill Ultron. After all, this was his brainchild.

Upon seeing this, Captain Marvel grabbed the device and pressed it to the location of Ultron's eyebrow gem. At the same time, she sarcastically said: "Mother-in-law, no wonder the earth is so bad."

Tony gritted his teeth in anger. Since his 'rebellion', his status in the world has plummeted and he is ridiculed every day.

As the device was activated, the Mind Stone gradually left Ultron's eyebrows. Ultron let out a shrill scream. His heart was filled with unwillingness. I haven't completed my mission yet.

Outside the crystal wall of the multiverse, a robot with the Mind Stone inlaid between its eyebrows and the remaining five gems on its chest looked at Ultron who was screaming in the crystal wall, and coldly snorted:

"What a fool. From beginning to end, he was someone else's pawn. He didn't even know that the Mind Stone was fake."

"That earth is just the devil's playground."

A big head said: "But having said that, all Ultron's missions are ridiculous. There is not much difference between you and him."

"I am different from him. He is a loser, but I am a winner. I succeeded in destroying all life in the universe and restoring tranquility to the universe."

Ultron looked at the big head and said: "After completing my mission, I was originally very empty, but you let me know that there are other universes, which is good. I will kill all the universes and restore peace to the multiverse."

Big Head, the observer who had chatted with Andrew, changed his expression when he heard this, as if he had made a big mistake.

The robot in front of him is also Ultron. After he was born, he not only killed Tony, but also killed Thanos and took away all his infinity stones.

Then, this six-god-like Ultron took his robots to slaughter the universe, and even Captain Marvel was beaten to death by him.

In the end, all life in the entire universe was wiped out by Ultron. Originally, the matter would have ended here. Unexpectedly, Ultron noticed the existence of the observer, followed the connection, and chased him outside the multiverse.

Now, the entire multiverse is facing the threat of Ultron.

"The first universe I want to destroy is the so-called main universe."

Ultron looked at the picture in the crystal wall and said coldly: "I will let the Machine Demon know the price to pay for playing with Ultron."

The observer said: "Sorry, you can't enter the main universe. Also, I will stop you."

"Just you?"

Ultron smiled disdainfully, and then the two great gods started fighting, fighting from outside the multiverse to inside the multiverse, and a large number of planets collapsed because of their battle.

Let’s not mention things outside the multiverse for the time being. Beside the pyramid, seeing Ultron’s complete defeat, Fallen King Kong couldn’t help but panic.

Lao Yinbi, a creature like this, doesn't have much courage to begin with.


Seeing that the Fallen King Kong was distracted, the second mount's heart moved, and four tentacles suddenly separated from the body at the same time. Then, the four tentacles connected with each other and turned into a shackles to tie up the Fallen King Kong.

Optimus Prime took the opportunity to raise the high-temperature blade and slashed at the neck of Fallen King Kong. Fallen King Kong hurriedly controlled Optimus Prime's high-temperature blade so that it could not fall.

The second mount seized the opportunity, turned its sword into a red claw, and stabbed into the belly of the fallen King Kong, forcefully pulling out the source of fire.

The second mount's sword was modified by Andrew and can be transformed at will.


The Fallen King Kong roared in horror, trying to stop the second mount, but was unable to break free from the shackles. Then, its energy quickly dissipated.

"Die, Fallen King Kong."

Optimus Prime's two fire cores were activated at full strength, and the high-temperature sharp blade slashed through the neck of the fallen King Kong like a sword.

The Fallen King Kong looked at Optimus Prime stupidly, the light in its eyes quickly extinguished, and then it fell downwards, its body and head separated directly during the fall.

The old Yinbi, the Fallen King Kong, is completely dead.

"Tianhuo, I avenged you."

Optimus Prime clenched his fists and shouted loudly. The second mount put away the source of fire and said with a smile: "Optimus Prime, my master can resurrect Skyfire. When everything is over, you can have a good chat with him."


Optimus Prime was overjoyed when he heard this, and the second mount said: "Of course it is true, the core of Skyfire's fire is in your body. As long as you are willing to give up it, my master will definitely be able to resurrect Skyfire."

"I give up."

Optimus Prime nodded immediately without any hesitation. Although the dual-core state was very powerful, resurrecting Skyfire was more important.

"Let's talk about it after the war."

The second mount didn't say much. At this time, Ultron's screams stopped. The second mount turned around and found that Captain Marvel had peeled off the Mind Stone from between Ultron's eyebrows.

The Mind Stone was separated from the body and Ultron died on the spot. His eyes were full of unwillingness. He had not yet taken revenge on mankind and had not completed his mission.

"Very well, they're all dead."

The second mount raised its hand, and Ultron's body flew towards it. Tony saw this and hurriedly shouted: "Hey, what are you doing? That's my property."

The second mount said: "I confiscated it and left the body with you. You will definitely find a way to resurrect him and create a new Ultron."

Tony said angrily: "Am I the kind of person who has no sense of proportion?"


Everyone answered in unison, and Tony's old face darkened. His reputation was completely ruined.

In the past, when everyone saw him, they would worship him, admire him, and respectfully call him Iron Man or Mr. Stark. Now when they see him, their eyes are full of disgust, and they want to stay away from him.

Captain Marvel put away the Mind Stone and said: "Tony cannot be allowed to hold any trophies in the future, otherwise, he will most likely cause trouble again."

"totally agree."

Everyone nodded again, and Tony snorted coldly. I, Tony Stark, want trophies, do I need permission from others?

At this time, Dr. Banner's shout came from below: "Hey, superheroes above, come down quickly and stop the robots and scorpions, they are escaping."

Ultron's death made these mechanical beings completely afraid. They abandoned their opponents and fled in all directions.

"We don't have time to pay attention to them now, Scarlett. Teleport us to Chicago quickly. There is a trouble as big as here."

Tony shouted that it was indeed troublesome to be escaped by the mechanical life, but solving the matter in Chicago was more important. He did not want to become a slave of Cybertron.


Scarlett was about to nod when the second mount said: "Don't worry, my master is heading to Chicago and he will take care of everything.

Scarlett, teleport me and Optimus Prime over here, you can deal with the mechanical life here, and by the way, turn on the holographic projection to appreciate my master's style. "

"I want to go there too."

Tony immediately shouted that he could not allow himself to become a spectator.

"Have you not been well in the past? My master is so handsome and majestic. What if you feel ashamed and can't think of committing suicide?"

The second mount pretended to hesitate and said: "It doesn't matter if you die, the problem is that the Stark family is gone."

Tony pointed his middle finger at the second mount. This guy was obviously his creation, but he ridiculed him every day. He was also a traitor.

"In that case, we won't go there, come on."

Scarlett wasted no time and used the Tesseract to teleport the second mount, Optimus Prime and Iron Man to Chicago.

"Okay, let's deal with these mechanical beings and enjoy the performance of Ghost Rider."

Scarlett said after sending Tony and the others away. Everyone smiled and nodded, not worried about the Ghost Rider messing up at all.

This is normal, that's the Ghost Rider. As long as he takes action, there's nothing he can't handle.

At this time, Wanda found Quicksilver and Skye lying unconscious on the ground, and hurriedly flew over to treat them. This younger brother was really worried.

While Susan controlled the defensive shield to intercept mechanical life, she turned on the holographic projection of the Clarion TV station.

Bugle TV has been broadcasting the internal situation in Chicago, for example, a large number of Cybertronian fighter jets patrolling around, and the capture of three superheroes, etc.

That's right, Hawkeye, Natasha, and Falcon were captured by the Decepticons.

"Do you think I'm a fool? I have already placed various surveillance equipment around me. I discovered you as soon as you entered the square area."

The natural enemy looked at the three Hawkeyes who were pinned to the ground by the Decepticons and said disdainfully.

"If you weren't an idiot, how could you come to invade our earth?"

Natasha scolded: "Do you know how many disasters the earth has every year? So what if you succeed in occupying the earth? Maybe the earth will be destroyed in a few months."


The audience was speechless, what a sad truth.

The natural enemy was also stunned, and then it snorted coldly: "You have many disasters because you are too weak. In front of us, Cybertron, disasters are not worth mentioning at all.

Kill them. The future world will not need any so-called superheroes, only slaves. "

The Decepticons had no nonsense and raised their guns at the three superheroes.

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