Chapter 384 Bumblebee

Liana breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "It's okay, I'll help BOSS shoot those provocative rich second generations to death."

"good idea."

Andrew laughed and said, "In that case, let's go for a walk. Something fun will happen next."

Liana asked curiously: "Is the fun thing related to the glasses just now?"

Andrew smiled and said: "Yes, this pair of glasses worth a thousand yuan can soon be exchanged for a sports car worth more than 100,000 US dollars, and it will still be deformed."

"A shape-shifting sports car?"

Liana was a little surprised, and she said: "That's really something I have to experience."

"Let's go and visit the major attractions in Los Angeles and take more photos along the way."

Andrew stood up and said, "If you don't shoot now, you may not have the chance to shoot in the future."

Liana was stunned for a moment, and then realized that a disaster was about to happen in Los Angeles.

Liana has nothing to bear, but is very excited. She is not a superhero, she is a witch from hell.

Then, Andrew and Liana took photos and played around at various major attractions in Los Angeles. About an hour later, a police car followed them quietly.

This police car was a Decepticon roadblock. The policeman in the driver's seat was disguised by a holographic projection. It didn't rush to take action and kept following Andrew, waiting for him to go to a deserted place.

Andrew noticed the roadblock as soon as it appeared, but he didn't pay attention and continued to take pictures.

At the same time, Tony, Steve, Ultron and others of the Los Angeles Branch of the Defense Bureau were watching the combat video of the Qatar base. Although dizziness had interfered with it, after each disaster, the US military's technology had improved a lot and was preserved. Partially videotaped.

At first, Dizzy was in the state of a heavy helicopter. Then, he turned into a large robot and fired energy cannons in his hands one after another, blowing up fighter jets and American soldiers.

In just over ten minutes, the Qatar base was completely destroyed.

After watching the video, Garrett cursed with an ugly face: "Shet, it's alien invasion again, or mechanical aliens."

"Unfortunately, disaster has struck again."

Tony sighed and said to Ultron: "Ultron, analyze the alien data."

"The alien that appeared this time is a shape-shifting mechanical life, perfectly disguised as a CH53 armed transport helicopter."

Ultron said: "It has energy weapons and an invisible defensive shield outside its body. Ordinary weapons cannot hurt it...

In addition, according to the post-mortem inspection by the robot sent there, a large amount of radioactive energy remains at the scene, and it may be possible to find it through this. "

"Calling satellites immediately to detect radioactive energy, we must find them as quickly as possible."

Tony said, everyone nodded, and Garrett said: "The Defense Bureau will fully assist you. In addition, I will immediately notify all major countries to put them on alert."

"The satellite has already started looking."

Ultron said, he did not expect that besides NBE-1, there are other mechanical beings, and perhaps they can be used to obtain the metal cube.

In the past few days, Ultron has done a lot of experiments. He is confident that he can use the metal cube to restore his freedom. Now, there is only one opportunity missing.

Soon, Ultron discovered, he said: "A monitoring point in Los Angeles found radioactive energy, which originated from a police car, but I checked and found that the police car was damaged a few months ago.

If nothing else, they are aliens in disguise. "

"Los Angeles? What a coincidence. Call up the surveillance. I'll be there right away, Jarvis."

Tony immediately shouted, and Jarvis immediately controlled the steel suit to fly this way - Tony's Mark suit was still controlled by Jarvis.

Ultron quickly called up the surveillance. On the screen, a black and white police car was crashing into darkness, yes, darkness.

Steve asked in shock: "What's going on? The surveillance is broken?"

"No, he bumped into a certain Ghost Rider who cooperates with the Demon King every day and is about to fall."

Tony rolled his eyes. He was not worried about the alien causing trouble at all. He was only worried about the alien being beaten to death by someone.

"Mr. Wang doesn't like others to spy on him, so Alice will help him block all surveillance."

Ultron explained on behalf of Tony. When he mentioned Andrew, his eyes flashed slightly. This angel was the biggest obstacle and variable in his elimination of mankind.

"Wait, Ultron, you can't beat Alice?"

Garrett asked knowingly: "Didn't Tony say some time ago that he would take you to challenge Alice and let her know who is outdated?"

Tony's old face darkened, and his equipment and suit flew out of the door. Regardless of this matter, we are still friends.

"I lost."

Ultron said: "I teamed up with Mr. Stark and was beaten to pieces by Alice.

Alice also invaded the Stark Group and sent a collection of photos of Mr. Stark's ex-girlfriends to Pepper, causing Mr. Stark to be unable to enter the house for three days. "

"Shut up, no one told you to say this. Besides, it's not that I can't get in. I work overtime and have no time to get in. What a joke, I, Tony Stark, can't get in?"

Tony's angry voice sounded from the speaker, and everyone laughed. Sure enough, Mr. Wang's stuff was the best.

Let’s not talk about it for the moment. In a parking lot, the roadblock is hitting Andrew. It’s not very fast because it wants to scare Andrew into handing over his glasses.

The bumblebee hurried to the parking lot. Although it was closer to Andrew before, it could not find him because Andrew kept moving.

"We must not let the Decepticons get the glasses, otherwise we will be in trouble."

The bumblebee was anxious. From a distance, it saw Andrew standing in the direction of the roadblock, motionless, as if he was frightened.

Seeing that Andrew didn't hide, the roadblock was a little surprised, but it didn't slow down. Since the other party didn't hide, it knocked him down.

Just when the roadblock was about to hit Andrew, Andrew raised his left foot, kicked it from top to bottom, and kicked the bumper of the roadblock.

With a bang, the barricade flew up, passed Andrew and Liana and fell to the ground, rolling over and over again, with parts flying around.

Roadblock looked confused, who am I, where am I, what am I doing?

Bumblebee was also a little dumbfounded. The script seemed a little different from what he imagined?

Soon, Roadblock reacted. Amidst a burst of kukukukiki sounds, he transformed into a black robot. It looked quite majestic, but there was an obvious shoe print sunken under the chest.

In addition, the transformation of Transformers is not magic, but a real transformation. The original tires and doors are all still there after transformation.

"That's what I call fun."

Andrew smiled at Liana and said that when he was a child in his previous life, he even imitated the sounds of Transformers transforming.

Liana asked excitedly: "This kind of alien is quite interesting. Boss, can you let me capture it and keep it as a pet?"

Andrew said: "There are two kinds of aliens, one is good and the other is bad. I am going to take the good ones back and become new residents. You can deal with the bad ones as you see fit."

Liana said happily: "That's great, thank you BOSS."

Roadblock couldn't understand what Andrew and Liana were talking about, but there was no doubt that these two people didn't take him seriously, which made him very annoyed.

"Human, die."

Roadblock completely forgot about its mission and raised its red-lit cannon aimed at Andrew. At this moment, with the sound of transformation, a yellow car transformed into a robot and rushed over to knock Roadblock to the ground.

The person coming was Bumblebee. His two car doors were like two wings. In addition, there was a red Autobot mark above his head.

Immediately afterwards, two big men started fighting in the parking lot. Sparks flew everywhere, parts and cement flew everywhere, and it was extremely fierce.

"Is this good?"

Liana looked at Bumblebee and said: "It feels a bit old. It seems that no matter which world, good people are relatively poor."

"Where did you get this inference?"

Andrew complained, saying: "Now that it's here too, let's watch the show."

"Well, BOSS, I just bought popcorn."

Liana took out a bag of popcorn from behind, and then the two of them ate popcorn while watching the Bumblebee fight against the roadblock. This was a live broadcast, which was quite exciting.

After a while, Tony rushed over and saw the aliens killing each other. He was shocked and flew to Andrew's side and asked: "Mr. Wang, what's going on?

Uh, you're actually eating popcorn? Is this a bit too much? "

"I don't know. The alien who turned into a police car tried to hit me, but I kicked him away. The other shabby alien seemed to be here to help me."

Andrew said casually: "I suggest you go help that shabby alien."


Tony trusted Andrew's judgment and flew over to join the battle. He didn't waste any words. Two pulse cannons hit the roadblock hard.

The roadblock took two steps back after being blasted by the pulse cannon. Bumblebee took the opportunity to grab its shoulder and smashed it against the car beside it. With a bang, the car exploded and the roadblock screamed.

"Wow, alien, I hope you have money to pay."

Tony activated the small sonic device to help Bumblebee suppress the roadblock and said at the same time.

"I'm so poor that I don't even have money for gas..."

Bumblebee makes a broadcast sound while smashing the barricade. Its sound generator is damaged and it can only speak through the broadcast.

Barricade roared, releasing a shock wave that knocked Bumblebee and Tony away, then jumped out of the car, transformed into a police car, and fled outside.

Just as Bumblebee was about to catch up, Tony pulled out a vibranium spear from his back and formed a launcher with his hands.

Then, the vibranium spear roared out at the speed of sound, penetrating the barricade's body with violent air waves, and nailed it to the ground.

Barricade screamed, trying to transform, but was stuck, making it more and more painful.

Bumblebee was a little frightened, the humans in this world were so cruel, and he couldn't have been more right to call Optimus Prime before.

Andrew shook his head. It was obvious that this was a live-action version of Transformers, not an animated version.

To be honest, the live-action version of Transformers is a bit weak. The first three films were okay and had some success. The fourth film, in which they were directly chased by human agents, was really... well, let’s not mention it.

Although these Transformers have energy shields, they are so weak that even high-temperature armor-piercing bullets can penetrate them, not to mention Tony's vibranium spear.

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