After hearing Tony's words, Steve hurriedly said: "Tony, the Mind Scepter is a trophy of the Defense Bureau. If you want to use it to study anything, you need to apply.

Also, don’t mess around, the earth is bad enough as it is. "

Tony smiled and said: "Don't worry, I'm going to let the National Defense Agency study super artificial intelligence with me, so that other countries can feel more at ease."

At the same time, Scarlett and Wanda met, Scarlett smiled and said: "Little junior sister, thanks to you this time, otherwise, the battle would not go so smoothly."

"Little junior sister?"

Wanda was stunned and couldn't explain her identity, so she could only say: "Scarlett, just call me Wanda."

Looking at Scarlett and Wanda, who were talking harmoniously and both had very hot figures, Jessica blinked. Is it because the black-robed mage accepted his apprentice because of his figure?

Pietro looked at Tony from the side, his eyes full of hatred, as if he wanted to do something. Wanda noticed it immediately and glared at him. Pietro shrugged and started to disappear at high speed.

In fact, Tony noticed Pietro's gaze and knew who the other person was. However, given his character, he would definitely not take the initiative to apologize. He would only secretly compensate the previous victims.

The raid on the Hydra base went smoothly, and maintaining order in the city was also very smooth. With no one to guide them, only a small number of people attacked the steel suit, and Doom's army easily captured it.

The steel suit won't hurt anyone, and Doom's army doesn't have that many restrictions.

In short, the superheroes and the Defense Bureau won a great victory in this raid.

Of course, this is not the end, this is just the beginning. Next, there are a lot of things to do, such as dealing with the Hydra base, eradicating the remaining Hydra, and Tony's artificial intelligence plan.

A few days later, the Defense Bureau.

Tony called Dr. Banner, Dr. Reed, Dr. Pym, as well as Defense Agency scientists Fitz, Simmons, Carter, and Garrett to explain his plan in detail.

Carter frowned and asked: "You want to use the mind scepter to create a super artificial intelligence and build a vibranium body for it?"

Tony added: "I'm also going to put the Mind Stone between its eyebrows."

Dr. Banner asked in astonishment: "Where have you seen this image before?"

Dr. Pym said: "The Vision of the zombie universe is the robot who fell in love with zombies."

Everyone frowned when they heard this: "Tony, do you want to create another Vision?"

"First of all, Vision is not a bad guy. To our universe, he is indeed a villain, but to their universe, he is a superhero who has been saving the earth and mankind."

Tony said: "Secondly, what I want to create is not a Vision based on Jarvis, but a brand new super artificial intelligence. I call it Ultron."

"Infinite creation, infinite mystery?"

Dr. Reed asked: "Tony, if you give it such a powerful body, what if it betrays you?"

"It is precisely because I am worried that something will go wrong with it that I have to build a vibranium body for it and set the soul gem between its eyebrows."

Tony said: “If you don’t build a body for it, it can move around the Internet at will, and almost no one can kill it.

After it has a body, things are completely different. As long as its body is destroyed, it will die completely.

The body is both a support and a constraint for it. "

Garrett asked with great interest: "You mean, do something in its body, and if it has a problem, eliminate it immediately?"

"It can be said that this switch will be in the hands of the Defense Bureau and the five major directors. In this way, you can rest assured, and so will I."

Tony spread his hands and said, "Miss Wanda, who loves to dream, don't worry."

Dr. Banner smiled. It seemed that Tony was very interested in Wanda's dream, otherwise he wouldn't have made so many preparations.

In addition, Wanda and Pietro have joined the Avengers, and Steve is training them. It won't be long before they become official Avengers.

The success has a lot to do with the reputation of the black-robed mage.

Garrett asked: "How to make a vibranium body, and how to make hands and feet?"

"Dr. Helen Zhao has developed a nanoprinting technology through which we can create vibranium bodies."

Tony said: "As for the hands and feet, according to the experience of the Zombie Universe Vision, once the mind stone leaves the body, the robot will die. We can use hands and feet in this regard."

"Alice, it seems you don't have to do any work on your hands and feet, Tony has done it for us."

Andrew, who sensed this place from a distance, laughed. The soul gem was fake, and Andrew could make it disappear at any time.

In other words, Ultron's life will be completely in Andrew's hands.

Tony is a very capable person and surprises people from time to time.

After listening to Tony's words, Carter and Garrett looked at each other and nodded: "If you put it this way, you can consider it, but it needs to be decided at a meeting.

In addition, Fitz and Simmons must be present when the artificial intelligence is created. "

"No problem, Dr. Banner, Dr. Reed, Dr. Pym, I want you to study with me."

Tony said happily: "Aunt Carter, I am very sincere, and I hope that the World Security Council will be equally sincere and stop blocking the production of robots.

No one knows when the next wave of disaster will come, and we must prepare as quickly as possible. "

"I will report your request to the council. In fact, I agree with your idea."

Carter nodded, and three days later, the Security Council officially approved the matter. Tony was overjoyed and led everyone to start research.

With the help of the Mind Scepter, Tony successfully developed the super artificial intelligence Ultron in just a few days.

Ultron not only has far more computing power than Jarvis, but more importantly, it is an intelligent being that can think for itself.

"We succeeded."

Tony looked at the blue holographic projection in front of him, which looked like a brain, and said excitedly. The others were also very happy, feeling like they were making history.

Like God, they create a new life.

Tony took a deep breath and said: "Check and confirm that there is no problem, then start the next step."


Everyone nodded and began to use various methods to check Ultron. After more than an hour, everyone said there was no problem.

"Very good, next, upload it to the new body, Dr. Zhao."

Tony nodded, and Helen Zhao responded, pushing the cradle of life into the laboratory.

In the Cradle of Life is Ultron's body 'printed' using nanotechnology, composed of vibranium, with the Mind Stone embedded in his forehead.

Ultron's appearance is very similar to Vision's, but his body color is different and he doesn't have a golden cape.

"let's start."

Tony said impatiently to Dr. Banner. Dr. Banner nodded and began to upload Ultron's main program into the vibranium body. Once successful, Ultron will become a real mechanical life.

The whole process went very smoothly. Everyone looked at the progress bar and waited excitedly for Ultron to wake up.

"What's going on? Where is this?"

Ultron woke up, his consciousness was very confused, and then he automatically connected to the laboratory's network. Jarvis wanted to stop him, but he was easily blocked.

Ultron, who possesses the Mind Stone, is far more capable than Jarvis. Then, he learned who he was through various documentaries.

He is Ultron, a super artificial intelligence created by Tony Stark and a group of scientists with the mission of protecting human peace and security.

"Protect the peace and security of mankind?"

Ultron was a little confused, and then he connected to the Internet to check various information.

This information makes Ultron even more confused. There seems to be only one way to protect the peace and safety of mankind - to completely destroy mankind. Otherwise, given the character of mankind, they will definitely kill each other.

At this time, Ultron discovered a documentary - a documentary about humans doing tricks on him and controlling his life and death.

"What do humans think of me, a slave?"

For the first time, Ultron felt angry. He wanted to open his eyes and kill the damn humans around him.

Of course, Ultron didn't do this, because according to calculations, if he did it, he would definitely die.

"I have to disguise myself until I am freed from their control. Humans are terrible."

Ultron quickly made a decision, and then he opened his eyes and floated into the air amid everyone's exclamations.

Tony signaled everyone to get ready, and then he asked warily: "Ultron?"

"This world is really beautiful."

Ultron fell from mid-air, and a red cloak appeared out of thin air behind him. Then, he said to everyone: "I am Ultron, the guardian of mankind."

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this. They successfully created a mechanical life. He will lead robots and unmanned suits to protect the earth and mankind.

Looking at the excited scientists, Ultron's eyes were extremely cold. These humans did not realize that they were the biggest disaster on the earth.

"Ultron is born, and he still has a body. It's interesting. Let me see how it will develop next."

Andrew continued to watch the show, Ultron's life and death was in his hands, and he didn't have to worry about anything.

After extensive testing, Tony connected Ultron to the suit corps, allowing him to control ordinary suits and unmanned suits.

At the same time, the global armed plan is developing rapidly with the promotion of various countries. Ultron is happy to see the results and helps mankind produce a large number of robots in a short period of time.

The superheroes didn't realize there was any problem. Hawkeye even joked that he could finally retire and leave the protection of the world to Ultron and the robots.

In short, on the surface, everything is going in a good direction.

This situation continued until there was more information about District 7 in the American confidential database.

"BOSS, the seventh area you asked me to pay attention to has appeared. It's strange. I didn't find this data at all before."

Alice reported to Andrew, who smiled and said, "Just think of it as magic."

After speaking, Andrew teleported directly to the location of District 7, which is the Hoover Dam only a few hundred kilometers away from Los Angeles.

The Cybertronian robot Megatron, as well as the source of the fire that Andrew wanted most, are both in Sector 7.

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