American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 380 Arrangement

In the blink of an eye, more than a month had passed, and the fluctuations caused by the symbiote invasion gradually subsided.

This is normal. Everyone has long been accustomed to disasters. All kinds of aftermath work are carried out in an orderly manner. Both the government and the people are very skilled in dealing with disasters.

Today, Tony is in a good mood, because his global armed plan has been initially approved - it is just preliminary, and there will be a lot of review and follow-up work, such as how to distribute robots. .

The reason why it's happening so quickly is simply that the world needs this plan.

"Various preparations can begin, such as building a mechanical factory and creating a super artificial intelligence."

Thinking of super artificial intelligence, Tony had a headache. In fact, he had been studying super artificial intelligence during this period, but there was not much progress.

It is not an easy task to create an artificial intelligence that surpasses Jarvis.

"So what if it's not easy, at worst I'll end up working overtime."

Tony was about to start working when Jarvis prompted the Defense Bureau to hold an emergency meeting.

"emergency meeting?"

Tony had a sudden thought and hurriedly contacted the Defense Bureau, and a holographic projection appeared in the conference room.

Then, Tony couldn't wait to ask: "Why did you call the emergency meeting? Don't tell me what kind of disaster there is. At least let me rest for another month."

"Isn't your request too low?"

Scarlett complained and said, "Don't worry, it's a good thing. I'll talk about it when everyone is here."

"You convened it? That's better."

Tony breathed a sigh of relief and waited patiently. Soon, Steve, Carter, Garrett, and the Avengers gradually gathered.

Carter said: "Scarlett, you can say, we need real good news now."

"Don't worry, it's definitely really good news."

Scarlett smiled and said; "Yesterday, a person contacted me and told me a lot of information related to Hydra.

For example, the current leader of Hydra is Baron Strucker, and the place where she is located is the Hydra headquarters. "

"Is it credible?"

Steve's eyes lit up and he asked hurriedly. Destroying Hydra was the original intention of the Defense Bureau. In addition, Hydra has a spiritual scepter in its hand and must be snatched back.

"It's very believable. She is my junior sister."

Scarlett smiled and said: "My teacher taught her magic in her dream."

These words were Wanda's exact words. She was thin-skinned and embarrassed to tell her true relationship with the black-robed mage. She only said that she followed the black-robed mage to learn magic in her dream.

Under this situation, Scarlett naturally thought that Wanda was her junior sister.

Scarlett... well, she didn't feel much about the teacher who only taught Wanda and not herself. After all, it was her boyfriend who taught her magic.

"The disciple of the black-robed mage? That must be trustworthy."

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this, and Carter couldn't wait to ask: "Scarlett, where is the Hydra headquarters? We will destroy them immediately."

"In Sokovia, don't be so excited. The situation is a bit complicated."

Scarlett relayed the information Wanda told her to everyone in detail, and then she said: "Baron Strucker inherited various techniques from Pierce.

In other words, we will meet various old friends this time, such as the Iron Suit, Extremis Virus, Rampage Behemoth and so on.

In addition, they also developed some superpowers. "

"Except for those with super powers, all others are outdated technologies and not worth mentioning."

Tony sneered: "I can deal with the violent behemoths and nanobugs."

After such a long time, the nanobug technology has been cracked by Tony, and Duke's girlfriend Anna and George the gorilla have been cured by him.

"That's not the crux of the matter."

Scarlett waved her hand and said: "Both the top management and the people of Sokovia are controlled by Hydra. With their despicableness, they may mobilize the people to fight against us.

In other words, if we storm the Hydra headquarters, it is likely to cause civilian casualties.

In addition, many countries in Eastern Europe have been infiltrated by Hydra. If they really fight, it will be very troublesome. "


Everyone couldn't help but frown when they heard this. If it were the United States, they wouldn't care about this kind of thing. They would bomb all the way and just find an excuse afterwards. But they are superheroes and they certainly can't cause a lot of casualties to the people.

The world is like this, good people always have their hands tied.

"In this case, the best way is to raid the Hydra headquarters."

Steve thought for a while and asked: "Scarlett, your junior sister, is there any way to find out the specific layout of the Hydra base? Well, as long as it is safe and no risks are taken."

"It should be possible. Her brother's superpower is speed. He runs around the base every day. No one knows the layout of the base better than him."

Scarlett said: "However, this matter is not that simple. The Hydra headquarters has defensive shields and various energy weapons. It is said that Dr. List developed it based on the psychic scepter."

"The villain's technology is always better than that of the righteous."

The Human Torch said unhappily, and Tony rolled his eyes secretly. The Human Torch was obviously slapping him in the face.

"Psychic Scepter?"

Tony suddenly thought of something and his eyes lit up: "Hey, wait, maybe we can use the mind scepter to develop super artificial intelligence?"

"Defense shield?"

Steve frowned a little and said, "Scarlett, let your junior sister investigate the layout of the base first. Once we find out their situation, we will discuss how to capture them."

Scarlett nodded: "Okay."

"Well, next to Sokovia, there is a country called Latovinia. Its king is my college friend Dr. Doom. Maybe we can ask him for help."

Dr. Reed thought for a while and said: "With Doom being very arrogant, he will never be Hydra."

In this world, Dr. Reed and Dr. Doom have not fallen out. After all, Dr. Doom returned to his hometown to learn magic a long time ago.

Also, they are both losers, Susan is Andrew's.

"King Doom of Latvinia? He doesn't have a very good reputation."

Carter was a little hesitant. Dr. Doom was very authoritarian in Latvinia and was completely uninterested in the United States, so his reputation was very bad.

That is to say, the United States is now worse than before and cannot even protect itself. Otherwise, it might have sanctioned the other party.

Susan said: "As far as I know, after Doom came to power, the life of the people of Latvinia has been several times better than before, and it has also transformed from a backward country to an advanced country."

"Is that so? I'm trying to get in touch with King Doom. If he is willing to help, it will be much easier to destroy Hydra."

Carter thought for a while and said: "Anyway, let's investigate the situation first. This time, Hydra must be completely wiped out. They have lived too long."


Everyone nodded. Although everyone was eager to destroy Hydra, no one wanted people to suffer casualties.

Then, everyone broke up, and Scarlett contacted Tony alone. She looked at the other party's holographic projection and said: "Mr. Stark, my junior sister is called Wanda. Her peer once turned Barton's arm into a human in the zombie universe. Viper."

"That sorceress?"

Tony was surprised. That person was quite powerful. In fact, after he returned to the main universe, he asked Jarvis to look for the opponent's peer, but he never found it. He didn't expect that the opponent turned out to be Hydra.

"That's her. She has endless potential. I think that's why the teacher accepted her as his apprentice."

Scarlett nodded and said: "You know, she knows witchcraft, and she had a dream some time ago.

In the dream, a robot wanted to destroy the world. She felt that that robot was probably the super artificial intelligence you wanted to develop.

Mr. Stark, don't be careless. Spider-Woman's boyfriend once said that dreams are things that happen in another universe. "

"Actually, that's your boyfriend too."

Tony secretly complained, and he said proudly: "Your junior sister must have guessed wrong. There is no way that anything I, Tony Stark, creates will harm the world.

Starck's products are always top quality and never disappoint. "

"That's not necessarily the case."

Scarlett said: "When Wanda was a child, her home was hit by a Stark missile. Fortunately, the missile never exploded, so she and her brother did not die.

Because of this, she and her brother hate you very much, which is why they joined Hydra and volunteered to be guinea pigs. "


Tony was a little confused and a little embarrassed. Wasn't this slap in the face too fast? After a moment, he said, "It's all Obadiah's fault."

"Don't worry, Wanda doesn't hate you anymore."

Scarlett smiled and said, "Mr. Stark, please be careful. Once something happens to the super artificial intelligence, nuclear explosions around the world may occur at any time."

"You don't have to worry about that. The method of activating nuclear bombs has been changed a long time ago. With so many disasters on earth, no one dares to be careless."

Tony said: "I understand what you mean. After the super artificial intelligence is developed, I will find Dr. Banner, Dr. Reed and the others to carefully check the artificial intelligence to make sure there is no problem."

Scarlett nodded: "That's good."

At the same time, Natasha left the Defense Agency and quietly contacted Nick Fury in a deserted place - she had always been in contact with Nick Fury and knew that the person in jail was just his substitute.

After hearing what Natasha said, Nick Fury was shocked: "Did the Defense Bureau also discover the Hydra headquarters?"


Natasha asked in surprise: "Did you also find out?"

"I just found out a few days ago."

Nick Fury sighed and said: "I still want to ask the Defense Bureau to reimburse the expenses. It seems that my work has been in vain."

"to reimburse?"

Natasha complained: "You corrupted SHIELD, and now you want to continue to harm the Defense Agency?"

"I declare once again that I have never embezzled a penny. It was all Hydra that slandered me. I, Nick Fury, am innocent."

Nick Fury spoke righteously, and then he said: "That's fine. Let Hydra be handed over to the Defense Bureau. I will take my people and concentrate on investigating gods, demons and mages."

Natasha was stunned: "Gods, demons and mages? Do you want to investigate them?"

"The root cause of so many disasters on earth should be those gods and demons. From now on, I will devote all my energy to investigating them."

Nick Fury said: "At the very least, find out their details. Only in this way can the destruction of the earth be avoided."

Natasha said: "The gods and demons are indeed suspicious, so be careful."

Nick Fury felt warm in his heart, and his old subordinate was still considerate. He said: "Don't worry, I will never die before saving the earth."

Natasha explained: "Well, you misunderstood. What I said was, be careful and don't cause any big trouble. The earth can no longer withstand the damage."


Nick Fury almost yelled, returning my emotion.

When the superheroes were preparing to attack the Hydra headquarters, Andrew only let Alice stare and ignored it. On the one hand, there was no benefit - that baron was the coward among cowards and would not fight to the end.

On the other hand, Andrew has been obsessed with studying recently and can't extricate himself.

During this time, Andrew either understood the rules of space outside the main universe, or understood the rules of time in the dark dimension.

These two places are holy places for cultivation. Andrew's understanding of the rules is getting deeper and deeper, and his strength is also improving by leaps and bounds.

In the future, Andrew will definitely have another title - Lord of Time and Space.

"By the way, Alice, two things. The first one is to stare at Tony Stark's super artificial intelligence and find a way to do something to control its life and death."

Andrew ordered, "The second thing is to keep an eye on the internal information of the United States. If there is an additional seventh district in it, notify me immediately."

"BOSS, the first thing is fine. I will create a backdoor in its core code that no one can discover."

Alice said: "As for the second one, I know all the internal information about the United States, but there is no information about the Seventh District."

Andrew didn’t say much: “Just do as you’re told.”

"Yes, BOSS."

Although Alice didn't know why, she still nodded.

Half a month later, in Sokovia, superheroes quietly gathered in the forest outside the border. At the same time, Ant-Man, Wasp, and Electro, with Wanda's support, sneaked into Hydra headquarters and prepared to destroy the defensive shield.

Not long after, an army of several hundred people came over to join everyone. This army was all equipped with exoskeleton robots and was led by Dr. Doom, who wore high-tech magic armor and a green cloak.

"Mass production of exoskeleton robots?"

Tony was a little surprised and asked: "What is their energy source and how long can they continue to fight?"

"Don't worry, it will definitely last longer than your unmanned suit."

Doom said proudly that these exoskeleton robots use magic energy and their battery life is no worse than that of steel suits.

Tony was a little unhappy when he heard this, and Dr. Reed hurriedly said: "Okay, business is more important, Doom, after the attack begins, your legion and the unmanned suit legion will maintain order in the city, and we will attack the Hydra base. "


Doom nodded first, and then said: "I will go with you to prevent any fish from slipping through the net."

The reason why Doom agreed to the Defense Bureau was because he did not want Hydra to affect his country. Since he was sitting in that position, he had to safeguard the interests of the country and the people.

In addition, the Defense Bureau also promised Doom that it would try its best to maintain Latovinia's status in the future.

Tony raised his eyebrows and asked, "You don't trust us?"

Doom said: "Yes, is there a problem?"

Tony gritted his teeth. He finally saw someone he hated more than himself.

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