American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 378 Follow-up

"Like this?"

Andrew was stunned. In other words, he was too cautious before?

Andrew looked up at the densely packed parallel universes in the crystal wall and said, "There are so many parallel universes. Observer, you are right. I am indeed too petty."

"I'll say it again, I never said you were petty."

The observer shook his head and he said, "You just don't stand tall enough."

"It seems that I will have to run out more often to observe parallel universes and broaden my horizons."

Andrew smiled and said, besides, in the zombie universe, he can let go of his hands and feet and destroy those zombies to his heart's content.

"That's a good idea."

The observer smiled and then said: "Mechanical Demon King, you don't need to bring all the souls back to the main universe, you can start paving the way for the multi-level now.

To advance to the multiverse level, you need to become the Lord of Hell in a large number of universes. "

Andrew's eyes flashed and he said with a smile: "Shall we pave the way now? Observer, thank you for the reminder."

"You're welcome, Mechanical Demon King. I hope you will achieve many things in the future and formally meet me. Then, we can drink tea and watch a movie together."

After saying that, the observer looked away. He would not have had much contact with the life in the multiverse, but he found Andrew very interesting, so he deliberately said a few more words, just like his exchange with Hei Qi.

"That day won't be too far away."

Andrew smiled, then created a clone and asked him to take the destroyer, the zombie machine Scarlet Witch, to the zombie universe.

Although the observer said there is no danger, Andrew still needs to be cautious. His true body will not go to other universes before reaching the single universe.

Safety first, he is still 'little' and doesn't want to die.

In the zombie universe, Bai Huan saw Andrew coming, flew over and said: "BOSS."

At this time, Bai Vision noticed the zombie mechanical Scarlet Witch. He was a little surprised, but he didn't pay much attention. He was not Vision, he was another life.

"Vision, we don't have to be so careful in the future. We can do our best to eliminate the zombies."

Andrew said: "We will first eliminate all the zombies on the earth and use their souls to build a small hell on earth. Then, we will send troops to the universe to kill all the zombies and eliminate Thanos at the same time."

Thanos of the zombie universe has the Space Stone in his hands, and Andrew is determined to get it.

"The zombies on the earth are easy to deal with, but with our military strength, it is a bit difficult to deal with the zombies in the universe and Thanos' dark order."

Bai Huanying said: "Although I have been producing robots, due to various restrictions, the number of robots is not too many.

In addition, although the Mind Stone can control zombies, different races require different frequencies, which is more troublesome. "

"It's not a big problem, I'll ask the bully Spider-Man to come and help us."

Andrew smiled and said: "He has an army of millions of symbiotes. He is not afraid of any alien army. He just doesn't know if the symbiotes are afraid of zombie viruses. He needs to do an experiment first."


Bai Huanying didn't know the symbiote. After receiving Andrew's information, he nodded and said: "With the help of the symbiote army, it will not be a problem to eliminate those zombies, but Thanos is very powerful, and you need to take action personally, BOSS."

"Don't worry, my clone and the zombie machine Scarlet Witch will be in charge of this universe. Once we encounter Thanos, we will send him to hell immediately."

Andrew said that this clone will stay in the zombie universe and continuously obtain a large number of souls for the main body.

This is a big deal, so of course you have to be in charge of it personally.

Bai Huanshi nodded and said: "Boss, you stay? That's the best."

After discussing with Bai Vision, Andrew took the Destroyer to the Kama Taj ruins. Then, he sealed the Dark God Book under Kama Taj.


Andrew looked at the sealed dark book and narrowed his eyes slightly. Whether it was for Wanda or the main universe, there must be a battle between him and Sithorn.

Andrew murmured to himself: "Take your time, don't rush, time is on my side."

On the other side, Andrew's body returned to the main universe. Ancient One and the others had finished solving the problem. The superheroes left New York and went around the world to save people trapped in the ruins.

In addition, under the leadership of Gnar, all the symbionts have left the earth. Because the possession time is not long, the hosts are basically fine, but they are disgusting - they have the memory of eating human beings.

Officially, there was no word about gods or demons, only that the alien invasion army was repelled by superheroes.

Of course, it is impossible for the officials to pretend that this incident never happened. The Defense Bureau has opened a special department to study gods, demons and mages.

It's just research at the moment. As for confrontation, we'll wait until we have the ability. They are living well and have no interest in dying.

There is no way, the gods and demons are too powerful, especially the mechanical demon king, who is not only tyrannical, but also terrifyingly scheming, using the entire earth to destroy the enemy.

Andrew appeared on the moon and said to Nar: "Nar, thank you for your help. There is nothing else for now. You can move freely. I will call you again when something happens."

"Okay, according to the agreement, I will take these symbiotes away."

Nall said simply: "In addition, your dark dimension must continue to provide me with magic power."

Andrew smiled and said: "Okay, kill a few more Celestial God groups, and I will buy their bodies at a high price."

"You don't need to tell me, I will kill the gods as much as possible."

Gnar waved his hand towards Andrew, wrapped all the symbionts in darkness, and disappeared through space.

"Celestial Team, I'm back."

Nal's heart was filled with excitement. After being sealed for countless years, he was finally able to kill those bastards of the God Group again.

What is happiness? Happiness is to kill the gods.

After watching Nal leave, Andrew returned to Earth, and then, for the first time, he actually set foot on Kama Taj's headquarters in the Himalayas.

Ancient One sensed Andrew's arrival and asked Wang and Strange to come out to welcome Andrew on her behalf. Both of them looked a little surprised when they saw Andrew.

Andrew smiled and said: "Don't be nervous, I'm here to check the Kama Taj network. By the way, what's your WIFI password?"

"When you say that, we become even more nervous."

Strange complained, he stretched out his hand and said: "Mechanical Demon King, please come inside."


Andrew entered Kama Taj, and then, while admiring the scenery of Kama Taj, he asked Strange: "Has it recovered?"

"I've recovered. It's a blessing in disguise this time. My magic skills have improved a lot. By the way, I haven't thanked you, Lord Mechanical, for saving my life."

Strange smiled and said that in the dreamland, he learned a lot of new magic. At the same time, his magic power increased a lot, saving several years.

Andrew asked again: "Strange, do you know what happened to Doctor Black Strange?"

"Destroyed by you?"

Strange said: "He deserves it, even for himself."

"He deserves it, doesn't that mean you deserve it?" Wang complained beside him.

"He would be worse off than dead."

Andrew pointed his finger and displayed the scene of Hei Qi Qi before his death. Both Strange and Wang were shocked.

Doctor Black Strange actually caused the destruction of the universe?

"Strange, with your intelligence, you should understand why I showed this to you."

Andrew put away his magic and said: "You are very talented, but this may not be a good thing, because your courage is greater than anyone else."

Strange was silent for a moment, then nodded solemnly and said, "I understand what you mean. I will learn from Dr. Black Strange's lesson and not act rashly."

"very good."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction. At this time, many mages looked very surprised when they saw Andrew, but no one said anything. After this battle, everyone basically accepted the existence of this demon king.

Soon, Andrew walked into the hall and saw Gu Yi pouring tea. He couldn't help but smile. He walked over and sat across from Gu Yi. Strange and Wang Gongshen left.

Then, Andrew told what had happened before, and he said: "Sithorn is eyeing him, Supreme Mage. It seems that you can't retire just yet."

Ancient One said: "I will not retire until I find out the truth about the fusion of worlds."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction. He came to Kama Taj specifically to confirm whether Gu Yi had any intention of retiring. He didn't want to lose this ally just yet.

Andrew picked up the tea cup and took a sip, and said: "Good tea, although it is very light, it can purify people's soul. Supreme Master, I have other things to do. Let's drink tea together again when we have the opportunity."

This tea is suitable for Gu Yi, but not for Andrew. He likes to drink stronger and more popular tea.

"You are always welcome to come and have tea with me."

Gu Yi smiled and said, then, Andrew stood up and left. This is Kama Taj after all, and he, the devil, cannot stay for too long.

After Andrew left, Gu Yi called Strange in. She said: "Strange, you performed well this time. From now on, you will be in charge of the New York Temple. Master Daniel will return to the headquarters to replace Modo to teach the new disciples. .”

"Am I to be the Protector of the New York Temple?"

Strange was stunned, he hesitated for a moment, nodded and said: "Yes, teacher.

By the way, teacher, can I take Wang with me? I joined Karma Taj for such a short time that I don’t know many things clearly. "

Gu nodded: "Okay."

Strange breathed a sigh of relief. He thought of something and asked, "Teacher, what kind of punishment will Mordo receive?"

Mordo has been brought back to Kama Taj by Ancient One, and all negative states have been cleared.

Gu Yi sighed: "No one will punish him except himself. He sealed himself in the back mountain. He will not leave there until he thinks clearly. Before you leave, you can go and see him."

"He loves to get into trouble too much."

Strange shook his head and bowed to leave. Gu Yi lay on the bamboo chair and took a satisfied sip of tea. He could continue drinking tea and watching the show.

Dark Dimension.

After Andrew stepped into the dark dimension, all the magic around him agitated. This was the dimension welcoming him, the master of darkness, to come.

Andrew looked at this world full of darkness and couldn't help but shake his head. This was not a place he liked.

Then, with a thought, Andrew landed on a damaged planet. There are many such planets in the dark dimension, and they were all devoured by Dormammu before.

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