American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 358 Aftermath

"real or fake?"

The Spider-Mans looked at each other, why did the villain suddenly come out clean? Could it be that they were convinced?

Spider-Man is a little happy. This is the first time they have convinced the enemy without defeating them. This is a historic victory.

"How do I know if what you said is true?"

Spider-Gwen asked warily, and the bully Spider-Man smiled bitterly and said: "Your boyfriend is so powerful, who dares to joke with you?

I won’t go into details about the specific process. In short, the final BOSS has been defeated by your boyfriend, and you have won. "

"Is it related to my boyfriend?"

Gwen was stunned. She looked around but found no sign of Andrew.

At this moment, a strange voice sounded: "My boyfriend is invincible in the world."

Spider-Man was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

Hearing these familiar words, the audience in front of the screen couldn't help laughing. They were very happy to see that the battle in the parallel universe was coming to an end.

Over there is the source, over there is the end, and the main universe can be safe and sound.

At this moment, the live broadcast was shut down and the battle was about to end. There was no point in continuing the live broadcast. The cross-universe traffic fee was extremely expensive.

Gwen blushed greatly. She turned her head and found that it was not Peter who spoke, but a big-eyed Spider-Man.

The big-eyed Spider-Man saw Gwen looking over, pointed at the main universe Spider-Man, and said: "Don't look at me, I just read the mind of the Spider-Man over there."

Everyone turned to look at Spider-Man in the main universe. Spider-Man was greatly embarrassed. He hurriedly said: "I just thought about it."

Gwen glared at Spider-Man of the main universe angrily. Spider-Man felt wronged. Thinking about it, it was wrong, right?

Spider-Man looked at Gwen in amazement. Most of Spider-Man's partners are ordinary people. No one has an invincible boyfriend like Spider-Gwen.

"Let's deal with business first."

The bully Spider-Man shook his head and said: "All symbiotes in the United States have stopped attacking humans. When the things here are dealt with, I will send a space shuttle to pick them up.

Drake, Liv, you control the super collider to stop searching for the symbiote, and reduce the energy output to gradually return the space to normal.

Hulk, you jump back into the particle wave. "

"Want to go back? Did you have fun?"

The Hulk was very dissatisfied. The bully Spider-Man turned to look at him and said, "Go back first. I will explain it to you when I get back."

"You have changed. If it were you before, you would have said: You don't want to go back, do you want to stay and dance with me?"

Electro said suspiciously: "You are more like the Spider-Man you were before."

"Maybe, you go back first."

Not wanting to waste time, the bully Spider-Man forcibly activated the King of Symbiote's abilities. The symbiotes had no choice but to jump into the particle wave and disappear.

Symbiotes from other universes were also retreating, and Andrew quietly did something to take some of the symbiotes away. On the one hand, they were souls, and on the other hand, they had the aura of another universe.

Seeing that the symbiote was really retreating, Gwen thought for a moment and said: "Penny, Spider-Pig, you guys should go back first. You have stayed in this world for too long. If you stay any longer, something will happen."

"Oh well."

Penny Parker and others looked at each other, nodded, and then jumped into the particle wave one by one.

Spider-Pigman said: "I hope we have another chance to meet. Then I will treat you to something to eat."

The middle-aged Spider-Man said: "Miles, I will try to ask Mary for forgiveness. In addition, I will find a way to lose weight."

Shadow Spider-Man held a Rubik's Cube and said, "I will try my best to figure out how to play this Rubik's Cube."

"Spider-Woman, I'm going back first."

Spider-Man in the main universe also said, he sighed secretly in his heart, he is really nothing compared to Gwen. If he gave birth to Gwen, why give birth to Peter?

The other Spider-Man's also started to retreat, generally the weaker ones retreated first, while the stronger ones stayed behind to prevent the bully Spider-Man from playing tricks.

The bully Spider-Man naturally didn't play any tricks. When he saw that everything was going well, he sent space shuttles to major cities to pick up the symbiotes.

"There's a stone from the symbiote's planet on the shuttle that keeps the symbiote alive for a long time."

Bully Spider-Man said: "I'll send them all back to space via the shuttle.

By the way, Drake, Kingpin, Green Goblin, Liv, I want to take back the symbiote in you. "

With that said, the bully Spider-Man raised his hand, and the symbiotes on Drake and others began to leave their bodies.

"No, the symbiote cannot leave me, BOSS, I will go back to your world with you."

Drake jumped from the control room behind the bully Spider-Man and shouted: "Symbiotes are the future of mankind, I'm convinced of it.

Without symbionts, humans and the earth will only perish. "

A Spider-Man complained: "It's such a familiar argument. You villains, each one's slogans are louder than the last."

Gwen and Peter nodded in deep understanding. Whether it was Hydra or any of the villains behind them, they were all under the banner of saving the world. Unfortunately, the things they did were each more disgusting than the last.

Jin Bin and others did not prevent the symbiote from leaving. Jin Bin's family has a great business. Not to mention that nothing will happen this time. Even if he is really caught, he will most likely leave the prison in an honest way.

"The worst case scenario is that we'll start over again."

Kingpin snorted secretly, he would learn his lesson and strive to succeed next time.

Yes, there is a next time. Kingpin still has not given up the idea of ​​​​finding his wife and children from the parallel universe. Without a family, he might as well die.

"Since you want to go back with me, then let's go back together."

The bully Spider-Man left behind Drake's symbiote and took back all the symbiotes from everyone else.

The female Doctor Octopus lost her symbiote and fell to the ground helplessly. Just as she was about to control her tentacles to get up, a voice sounded: "Are you interested in working for me?"

The female Doctor Octopus turned her head and saw the Gunslinger appearing next to her. She said angrily: "You beat me like this and you still want me to work for you?"

Andrew smiled and asked, "Do you disagree?"

"Nonsense, of course I agree."

The female Doctor Octopus said: "Although I don't know your identity, you are obviously the strongest. Only by following you can I continue to conduct experiments.

As for Kingpin, he has no chance, because you will never keep him, and I can see that you are different from those Spider-men. "

"He is indeed a smart man."

Andrew laughed, he snapped his fingers, and sent the female Doctor Octopus to the main body.

The wisdom of the female Doctor Octopus is higher than that of the male Doctor Octopus, and is even comparable to Howard and Trask. Of course, Andrew will not let go of such a super talent.

In addition, Andrew needs the female Doctor Octopus to continue researching the super collider. This thing is a real black technology. With it, Andrew can easily travel to various parallel universes.

Andrew's appearance here means that the matter of the space channel has been completely resolved. In fact, not only the matter of the space channel has been resolved, but the matter of the main universe has also been resolved.

All the space cracks disappeared, and all the symbiotes were taken away by the Peace Knights.

At the same time, the projection over New York disappeared, and everything was peaceful.

However, the people were not too happy. On the one hand, many people died this time, and on the other hand, New York was completely gone.

Yes, New York is completely gone. It turns out that only Manhattan is gone. This time, even New York is gone.

Like New York in the parallel universe, New York in the main universe has also been reduced to ruins. Of course, due to the efforts of Tony and Dr. Pym, the situation is slightly better than next door, but only slightly better.

New York will definitely no longer be inhabitable. Next, it will need to be completely rebuilt.

Odin was speechless. Is there any god-king who is more miserable than him? Even my home is gone.

"That's fine. Manhattan is going to be rebuilt anyway, so we'll be together."

Tony sighed, and President Ellis also sighed. New York is the economic center of the United States. This time, the losses have been huge.

In addition, New Yorkers have to be accommodated, which is another big expense.

"The name New York is a bit unlucky. I think it is necessary to change it to a new name after reconstruction."

Dr. Banner said: "It's a brand new city anyway."

"What's the name? Gotham?"

Tony snorted, Gotham means Fool's Village, one of New York's nicknames.

"City of Fools? It's quite suitable. You're not stupid. Who lives in New York?"

Everyone sighed, and now they just hope that things will turn around after New York City is rebuilt.

"We are still too weak."

Tony shook his head, and became more determined in his previous idea. He wanted to create a super intelligence, manage robots and unmanned suits, and fully protect the earth.

It is not enough to put on a suit of armor for the earth. We must fully arm the earth.

Let’s turn our attention back to parallel universes.

Most of the symbiotes and Spider-Man have returned to their own universes, leaving only Bully Spider-Man, Spider-Gwen and others.

"Liv, shut down the super collider."

The bully Spider-Man turned around and shouted. Andrew smiled and pressed the button. The super collider was completely shut down and the laboratory returned to normal in an instant.

The super collider cannot be destroyed yet, because the bully Spider-Man and Spider-Gwen have not left yet, and will be started again next.

"It's finally over."

Miles breathed a sigh of relief and said exhaustedly that this was much more complicated than he thought in the future.

"Yeah, it's over."

Everyone nodded, and Jin Bin snorted coldly: "If it weren't for you, how could there be so many things?"

"Kingpin, you are the culprit in this, okay? You also killed Spider-Man, and I want to arrest you."

Miles shouted loudly, and Kingpin was about to say something. At this moment, an energy bullet whizzed out and penetrated the back of Kingpin's head instantly. Kingpin fell down with an expression of disbelief.

The Green Goblin and other villains were a little frightened. They were trying to escape when energy bullets hit their bodies one after another.

At the same time, the Prowler also launched an attack, and soon all the villains fell, leaving only the bullies Spider-Man and Drake still standing.

The three Spider-Man looked up and saw Andrew jumping down handsomely from the laboratory, his windbreaker flying freely in the air.

Then, Andrew landed lightly on the ground, turned the two pistols, and put them back into the gun bag on his waist.

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