American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 356 Dark God

Then, Andrew waved his hand and shattered the ice wall in front of him, causing a large number of symbiotes to die tragically.

Andrew turned around and asked the bully Spider-Man: "Interesting, the clone ability, the Hulk's ability, can you borrow the abilities of other symbiotes?"

"It's not borrowing, it's gene copying. As the king of symbionts, I can copy the genes of all symbionts and their hosts."

While the bully Spider-Man absorbed a large amount of symbiote to replenish consumption, he said confidently: "Devil, you are very strong, but sorry, I am not weak either."

King of Symbiote Ability 2: Gene Replication.

It is worth mentioning that the symbiotes absorbed by Spider-Man came from the laboratory - the super collider has never been closed, and countless symbiotes came from different universes to help Spider-Man.

"If he has no ability, how dare I use him against you?"

The Scarlet Witch said lightly while penetrating crimson light into the surrounding space.

"It's indeed good. The question is, who gave you the courage to seal my space magic?"

Andrew smiled disdainfully, and pressed his right hand toward the void. The entire void shook violently, and a large number of symbiotes on the bully Spider-Man were shattered at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, all the crimson energy that the Scarlet Witch penetrated into the space was shaken out. The Scarlet Witch suffered the backlash and couldn't help but let out a muffled groan.

Are you kidding me? Andrew has been studying space gems for so many years. If anyone can block his space magic, then he should just buy a piece of tofu and kill him.

Then, Andrew used mechanical magic to create an artificial sun. The artificial sun quickly started and shined brightly in the space channel.

Then, a terrifying suction force came from the artificial sun, and the symbiotes on the bully Spider-Man were sucked into the artificial sun one after another and turned into ashes.

Seeing this, the Scarlet Witch pushed forward with both hands, and a huge dragon's mouth appeared in the void. She opened her mouth and swallowed the artificial sun into her mouth, then disappeared.

This was not over yet. A large number of strange and ferocious-looking monsters emerged from the void and pounced on Andrew with creepy screams. Looking at it, it looked like evil ghosts from hell had descended on the world.

The bully Spider-Man took the opportunity to shout, and the remaining symbiotes gathered in his hands, turning into two huge, glittering claws to grab at Andrew.

This is using the genes of the Electro-Optical Man. Before the claws reach, the electromagnetic field has already caused the surroundings to fluctuate endlessly.

"You're doing this in front of me, the devil of hell?"

Andrew sneered, his eyes lit up, and then, the entire space channel burned with black hellfire. Whether it was the monster summoned by the Scarlet Witch or the symbiote on the bully Spider-Man, they all burned.

This fire can burn both the body and the soul, and the monsters and symbiotes quickly turn into ashes.

The bully Spider-Man was shocked and hurriedly cut off his tail to survive, giving up a large number of symbiotes and retreating.

The Scarlet Witch used red light to extinguish the hellfire on her body, and then she shouted: "Spider-Man, do your trick."


The bully Spider-Man hesitated for a moment, and his whole body suddenly became pitch black. Then, infinite black light bloomed from his body and rolled toward Andrew across space.

The King of Symbiote's ability three, Dark Space, can banish enemies to a dark world.

As for where the Dark World is and how it is, Bully Spider-Man himself doesn't know. He only knows that this ability cannot be used too often, otherwise big problems will occur.

Andrew was actually able to avoid it, but he sensed something and stopped where he was, releasing a green magic circle with each hand.

Then, Andrew placed the magic circle in his left hand on himself, and flew the magic circle in his right hand towards the bully Spider-Man.

The next second, Andrew was drawn into the darkness. At the same time, the green magic circle penetrated the darkness and hit the bully Spider-Man.

The black light from the Bully Spider-Man dissipated, and he said exhaustedly: "Madam, hurry up and enter that universe. Don't forget what you promised me."

At this time, a large number of past memories suddenly appeared in the mind of the bully Spider-Man, which was very clear. At the same time, his blackened memories gradually became blurred.

The Scarlet Witch didn't notice the changes in the bully Spider-Man. She rushed towards the light door in front of her as fast as possible, "Main Universe, here I come."

Dark space, as the name suggests, is surrounded by darkness, without anyone or anything. Here, time and space are meaningless, and the attacks released by Andrew are all swallowed up by the darkness.


Andrew was not in a hurry, because there was no way Scarlet Witch could enter the main universe - Scarlet Witch was prepared, and so was he, not to mention that Andrew's body was blocked outside the door.

Andrew closed his eyes and waited. After a while, a mental wave sounded next to him: "You are trapped here, you don't seem to be in a hurry at all?"

"Is it useful to be anxious? If it is useless, why should I be anxious?"

Old God Andrew said on the ground that before, he sensed a dark divine power fluctuation in the dark space and came in specifically to check.

This is the first god Andrew has encountered in this universe, and it may be able to answer some of his questions.


The dark existence was silent, and after a moment, he said impatiently: "The dark space is a closed dimension, and you cannot leave on your own.

Sign a contract with me, do one thing for me, and I will help you get out of here. "

Andrew did not immediately agree or refuse. He asked, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

The dark existence said proudly: "I am the God of Darkness, Nar."

God Andrew said frankly: "I don't know, what is your relationship with the symbiote?"


Nal looked unhappy. It doesn’t matter if the juniors nowadays don’t have common sense, but they are so rude? Even if I really don’t know you, will you die if you are so polite?

"I created the symbiote. You can also call me the God of Symbiotes."

Narr snorted: "A long time ago, the universe was dark, without a trace of light. Then one day, a group of gods suddenly appeared. They went around creating stars, lighting up the universe, and giving birth to life."

"The God Group?"

Andrew's eyes flashed slightly. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the sun, or stars, were created by the Celestials.

From this aspect, the Celestial Group is 'good', but every birth of the Celestial Group requires a smart planet as 'nutrition'.

Unfortunately, the earth is one of them. At the core of the earth, a group of gods is about to be born.

"I hate light, so I started a battle with the Celestials and cut off the head of one of the Celestials. Unfortunately, there were too many of them. I lost the first battle."

Gnar continued: "In order to defeat the Celestials, I used the power of the Dark Abyss and the heads of the Celestials to create a Black Death Sword, which is the first symbiote.

Later, I took the Black Death Sword and fought against the Celestials again. This time, I killed many of the Celestials, but I was also destroyed.

Fortunately, I am immortal, and in the end, the gods sealed me on a planet.

This planet is the symbiote planet, and there are countless symbiotes living on it. Because of my power, those symbiotes will not die even if they have no host. "

The reason why the symbionts are afraid of high temperatures and sound waves is because the process of creating the Black Death Sword is filled with high temperatures and sound waves.

"It sounds a bit powerful."

Andrew touched his chin and said, this trip is right. The other party is not only a veteran god, but also knows the deity group very well.

"Looks a bit powerful?"

Nal has a toothache. That's the God Team. Are you going to react?

Gnarl, who had a bad temper, said impatiently again: "I won't talk nonsense to you anymore. I will help you leave the dark space. You can go to the symbiote planet to break the seal and release me."

Andrew asked: "I have a question, since you created the symbiote, why don't you let the symbiote let you out?"

Naal was a little embarrassed, and he said bitterly: "Because those bastards betrayed me, hell creatures, agree or not.

If you don't agree, you will always be locked up here, in this dark space, and no one can help you leave except me.

Promise, when you rescue me, I will give you enough rewards, for example, a large number of souls. Anyway, I originally planned to massacre all living planets.

The universe shouldn't have light, let alone be so noisy. "

"As soon as I heard your speech, I knew you were the villain."

Andrew complained, he thought for a while and said: "Naru, let's make a bet. If I can leave here, you will do something for me.

If I can't leave here, I will sign a contract with you, and the conditions are what you said before. "

Nall said: "You can't leave here because you don't understand darkness."

Andrew smiled and said: "Isn't that better? You win for sure."

Null hesitated, but after a moment, he chose to agree. On the one hand, he really didn't think he would lose.

On the other hand, it doesn't matter if you lose. If that kid wants to use himself to do things, he must let himself out first.

Then, the two signed a contract, and Nall said, "I want to see how you get out?"

"Get out like this."

Andrew's left hand lit up a green magic circle, and Narr sneered when he saw this: "I thought you had some trump card, but it turned out to be the power of time. Sorry, time in the dark space is chaotic, and time magic is not easy to use here. "


Andrew smiled slightly and activated the magic circle. The next second, time went back and he reappeared in the space channel.

Nar was dumbfounded, and then realized that the kid had a time-based super treasure, otherwise, he would not be able to transcend the time of the dark space.

"Interesting, kid, I'm looking forward to you coming back to me."

Gnar's fluctuations gradually subsided. This time, he suffered a loss, but he didn't care. What he really cared about was that there was no change. If there was change, it was a good thing.

Nal could never imagine now what kind of conditions Andrew would put forward.

In the space channel, Andrew's time shadow watched himself being swallowed by the dark space, smiled slightly, and began to return to normal time.

At the same time, Scarlet Witch was heading towards the main universe at full speed. Seeing that the main universe was getting closer and closer, she was extremely excited.

At this moment, she suddenly sensed something and backed away suddenly. Then, her eyes lit up red and she saw a huge space maze in front of her.

Fortunately, the Scarlet Witch retreated early, otherwise, she would be completely trapped in the space maze and unable to escape.

"Mechanical Demon King, do you think you can stop me like this?"

The Scarlet Witch roared angrily, and the crimson light erupted from her body. Then, the crimson light erupted violently, cutting hundreds of large holes in the surrounding space.

At this moment, the parallel universe is connecting to the main universe, and at the same time, the super collider is still running. These hundreds of large holes have caused disasters to occur on the earth in both worlds at the same time.

A large black hole suddenly appeared in some cities, and countless people and buildings were instantly swallowed by the hole.

It wasn't over yet, a terrifying suction force came from the big hole, and people, cars, and buildings around were sucked in one after another.

This is not the whole disaster, because the super collider is summoning symbiotes, which causes a large number of alien symbiotes to enter the earth of both universes from the space rift.

The symbiotes were stunned for a moment when they appeared in a strange place, and then immediately pounced on the humans below.

No matter what the reason is, let's parasitize them first. If they don't, they will die.

After the parasitism is over, they naturally eat first because they are hungry.

At this moment, the earths in the two universes suddenly suffered a great disaster. Countless people became food for the symbiote. The surviving people screamed and ran away, and the two earths were in chaos at the same time.

Scarlet Witch didn't care about this, she rushed towards those big holes in excitement - half of the big holes could enter the main universe.

"Wow, let me just say, the villains are all good people, and so is the Scarlet Witch. She is so good to me. Give Wanda a drumstick tonight."

Andrew of the main universe laughed, and while pulling the desperate people into the illusion, he ordered: "Succubi, let's get started.

Peace Knights, prepare to go out, the symbiotes also have souls, use our device to suck them all away. "

"Go to work, go to work."

The succubi yawned and started to go to work. The business volume this time seemed to be a bit large.

"It's our turn."

Howard drove the electronic round palace and appeared out of thin air over the New Jersey gathering place.

Then, Howard activated the sound wave device on the electronic circular palace, and high-frequency sound waves enveloped the entire base. The previously extremely arrogant symbiote monsters all covered their heads and fell to the ground in pain.

At the same time, the symbionts on them kept vibrating and gradually separated from the host.

"The Peace Knights are here?"

When the superheroes saw this scene, they all breathed a sigh of relief. These sound waves had little impact on them, at most they felt a little uncomfortable.

While operating the instrument, Tony said unhappily: "Give me time, I can also make such a sonic instrument."

Dr. Banner said: "The problem is, we don't have time. Speaking of which, the Peace Knights are really efficient."

Su Rui was silent, nanotechnology has been popularized in the mechanical hell, and it is easy for them to create sonic instruments. They only need to control the assembly of nanoparticles according to the drawings.

Su Rui secretly shook his head: "Technology is everything. If the earth mastered nanotechnology, the casualties would never be so heavy when facing symbiote monsters."

At this moment, a large number of symbiote monsters struggled to gather together, and then, dozens of giant spears composed of sticky black threads rose into the sky and shot hard at the electronic round palace.

Obviously, this is the counterattack, or in other words, the death struggle of the symbiote monsters.

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