Andrew was ostensibly accompanying Spider-Woman to search for Spider-Man last night, but in fact, he had been scanning the earth with his consciousness.

Andrew discovered that there is no Kama Taj on the earth in this parallel universe, and there are no traces of gods, angels, or demons.

In other words, the gods and demons in this world may have died, or due to some circumstances, they are unable to interfere with the material universe.

In this case, Andrew naturally wanted to give it a try.

Andrew secretly thought: "Let me see, will anyone come out to stop me? If so, let's consider it in the long run. If not, then it will be fun."

Don't get me wrong, Andrew is not the kind of devil who would kill the planet. However, if a large number of people on the planet accidentally die, he will be happy to help these souls 'rest in peace'.

Resting in another universe is also resting.

While Andrew was thinking, more than a dozen minions rushed towards him and Miles with guns, obviously intending to do them harm.

"These people actually regard the Gunslinger as a soft persimmon?"

The gentlemen in the main universe audience all laughed. Those fools had no idea that the 'weak' they thought was actually the strongest in the field.

Many people shouted: "Gun God, kill them."

Seeing a large number of minions rushing towards this direction, Miles was so frightened that he disappeared directly.

To be precise, invisibility - in addition to the basic abilities of Spider-Man, Miles can also turn invisible and electrocute.

However, Miles was a newcomer and couldn't control his abilities. He quickly reappeared. He was very shocked by his abilities and stopped in place looking at his flashing hands.

"Miles, don't be so nervous, it's a small problem."

Andrew picked up the two guns at his waist and said: "The Spider-Man of your universe is dead. Next, you have to take his place and protect the world. You have to adapt to this small scene."

Miles smiled bitterly and said: "I can't be Spider-Man, I'm just an ordinary person."

Andrew said: "Don't worry, although you are just an ordinary person now, when your uncle or aunt dies and tells you 'the greater the power, the greater the responsibility' before death, you will become the person everyone loves. Spider-Man."

"...I'd better be a normal person. I don't want my uncle to die."

Miles was speechless. At this time, the gangsters came closer. Miles reacted and hurriedly ran back. At the same time, he shouted: "Experts, they are coming, let's run quickly."

"Don't panic."

Andrew raised his gun and pointed it at the minions, and said with a smile: "Haven't you heard? Knowledge is power."

Seeing Andrew raise his gun, the three minions at the front immediately raised their guns and shot him in the arm. Kingpin only let them catch the live ones, not the whole ones.

Miles yelled, "Be careful."

Andrew smiled slightly, pulled the trigger, and three energy bullets roared out, shooting the three bullets through the middle with incomparable accuracy, splitting them into two.

This was not over yet. Immediately afterwards, three energy bullets shot through the heads of the three shooters.


Miles' eyes widened when he saw it. Isn't this shooting skill amazing?

Soon, Miles knew that he had been shocked too soon.

When the gangsters saw that the first three people were dead, they immediately raised their guns and prepared to shoot at Andrew.

Andrew fired rapidly with both guns, and energy bullets whizzed out. The bullets in the front hit the minions with fast hands first, and the bullets in the back hit the minions with slow hands.

Just like that, more than a dozen minions fell down before they had a chance to shoot - there were blood holes between their eyebrows.

This is the art of gun fighting.

Miles was dumbfounded. It wasn't over yet. Then, Andrew shot around randomly. No matter where he shot, one of the minions would fall with every shot, taking the word "unscientific" to the extreme.

"Isn't this marksmanship too strong? Is he really an expert in quantum mechanics?"

The middle-aged Spider-Man and others expressed shock. Spider-Woman smiled. Do you know how powerful my boyfriend is?

Spider-Man said: "He is respected as the Gunslinger in our world."

"The Gunslinger? He is worthy of his name."

Everyone nodded, this man's marksmanship was amazing.

Kingpin looked very ugly. He originally wanted to seize the two guys as hostages, but he never thought that he would encounter a tough problem.

Andrew's marksmanship, even for Kingpin, feels a bit creepy.

Because of Andrew, although people in black suits kept coming to support him, the situation did not turn to Kingpin's side. Both sides came and went, and no one could do anything to the other.

"How did you do it? Shoot a gun in the sky and it would fall down and kill a bad guy?"

Miles' eyes were shining brightly. For a little boy, this kind of marksmanship was simply godlike.

Andrew said casually: "I told you, knowledge is power, and the reason why it can hit is related to quantum mechanics."

“What does shooting have to do with quantum mechanics?”

Miles was puzzled and looked like I haven't read enough books, so don't lie to me.

"Why doesn't it matter?"

Andrew said: “Everyone has a mysterious connection to the quantum world, and I built a device that can see this connection.

This connection is very magical. Once it is severed, that person will die..."

Miles blinked, indicating that he didn't understand at all. In front of the screen, Tony and other great scientists touched their chins, looking thoughtful.

At this moment, Andrew suddenly turned his head and looked at the camera and asked: "You don't take it seriously, do you? I just talked nonsense."


Tony, Miles and others had black marks on their heads. Tony gave Andrew a fierce middle finger. This guy's character was as bad as ever.

"Can he see the camera?"

T'Challa was a little surprised. What the Gunslinger just said was obviously meant for Tony and the others.

"He can do so much. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if one day this guy comes out and says he is actually God."

Tony complained, and everyone believed that Andrew Wang was by no means an ordinary angel.

"You won't be surprised when he says God. The problem is, he is the big devil."

Su Rui, who was studying parallel universes with Tony, secretly complained that she had already been to the mechanical hell. How can I put it, she felt that she went to a fake hell.

The technology in hell is more advanced than the earth and aliens, can you believe it?

What’s even more outrageous is that the most famous and most admired superhero on earth is actually the devil in disguise?

Su Rui could only say that this behavior was very demonic. She completely put aside other thoughts and concentrated on studying with Howard and other teachers.

Parallel universe.

After making a joke, Andrew continued to shoot the minions. With him around, Kingpin and others would not be able to succeed. In this case, the mastermind behind the scenes is likely to show up, or the trump card will be revealed.

Andrew is very interested in the man behind the scenes. He wants to find out who the other person is and whether it is related to the resonance of the two universes.

What surprised Andrew was that until the end of the battle, the mastermind still did not appear, as if he had set up this trap just for fun.


Hearing the alarm bells ringing around him, Kingpin, who had been unable to take down the Spider-Mans, shouted helplessly.

In fact, Kingpin had done something to stop the nearby police from dispatching, but the matter was delayed for too long, there were too many people calling the police, and there were even TV stations preparing to report on it, so the police could not be suppressed there, so they had to dispatch the police.

Kingpin is a big businessman and philanthropist on the surface. He cannot let the public know his true identity, so he can only retreat.

Everyone nodded, leaving some of the minions to contain Spider-Man and the others, while the rest began to retreat.

"You really won't show up? Then I'll force you to show up."

Andrew snorted coldly, flicked his hands, and fired two rows of energy bullets in an arc towards the retreating female Doctor Octopus.

The female Doctor Octopus is the developer of the super collider. If she dies, the super collider project will definitely be affected, and the mastermind behind the scenes is very likely to emerge.

The energy bullets hit, and the female Doctor Octopus's tentacles automatically blocked the energy bullets. At this moment, the energy bullets turned and continued to shoot at the female Doctor Octopus from all incredible angles.

The female Doctor Octopus was shocked, but she had no time to dodge. Energy bullets hit her body one after another. She screamed and fell to the ground, with a lot of blood coming out of her body.

Kingpin hurriedly rushed over to pick up the female Doctor Octopus and quickly retreated.

"He still didn't take action? Did he know that I would avoid the vital point, or has he already mastered the method of making a super collider? Wait, I seem to understand the chaos of time and space."

Andrew narrowed his eyes. Although the mastermind behind the scenes did not appear, his behavior successfully allowed Andrew to catch a thread.

Next, just follow the thread to figure it out.

After the battle, the live broadcast camera switched to other places. Tony asked Jarvis to play all previous conversations related to the super collider and analyze them carefully with others.

In the parallel universe, everyone stopped on the roof of a building. The middle-aged Spider-Man panted and said, "I'm so tired. I haven't fought so intensely for a long time."

"Uncle, you really need to lose weight."

Penny Parker complained, and the middle-aged Spider-Man waved his hand and said: "We'll talk about it when I get back. What should we do next? Well, Gunslinger, did you shoot the female Doctor Octopus to death?"

Andrew said: "Don't worry, she is not dead, and the reconstruction of the super collider should not be affected."

Gwen said: "In this case, we still have the old plan. When the Kingpin builds the super collider, you jump into the particle wave and go back. My boyfriend and I stay here to deal with the Kingpin and the collider."

"This is too dangerous. You have also seen Jin Bin's strength."

Shadow Spider-Man said: "In addition, behind Kingpin, there may be a darkened Spider-Man."

Everyone looked a little solemn, and the middle-aged Spider-Man also said: "Spider-Woman, let us help you deal with Jin and then go back."

"After the super collider is turned on, your symptoms may be more severe."

Expert Andrew said: "In addition, once a fight breaks out, no one knows what will happen. I suggest you go back first."

Spider-Man shook his head and let others take risks for themselves. They couldn't do this kind of thing.

Seeing that everyone was stubborn, Gwen said: "Let's take one step at a time and see if we can find the blackened Spider-Man.

He may have some reasons. "

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