American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 346 Live Broadcast

"Don't worry, this little disaster won't trouble your boyfriend or me."

Andrew touched Gwen's head and said with a smile: "Let's understand the situation of this world first."

After speaking, Andrew took out his mobile phone and started searching the Internet. Gwen asked curiously: "Can the mobile phone in our universe be used in this universe?"

"I don't know about other people's, but mine will definitely work."

Andrew said that even if there is a deviation between the two universes, with Alice's ability, it is easy to adjust.

Soon, more than a dozen holographic projections popped up, all of which contained detailed information about the universe.

Generally speaking, this universe is very similar to the main universe, but there are many differences in details. For example, in this universe, Ellis did not become president.

Well, that should be a good thing for President Ellis.

In addition, there are not that many superheroes in this universe. New York City is basically dominated by Spider-Man. He has been guarding New York for ten years and has even released an album.

"It seems like it's really a parallel world."

Gwen sighed: "This matter may be related to Spider-Man in this world. We will find a way to find him. Then everything will be clear."

"Okay, you change clothes and we go find Spider-Man."

Andrew nodded, but he didn't tell Gwen that Spider-Man had been killed by Kingpin's fist.


Gwen touched her chest with her finger, and the nanoparticles returned to the necklace like liquid. Then, Gwen appeared in front of Andrew in casual clothes.

"This nanosuit is so easy to use. With it, you no longer have to find a place to change clothes in a hurry, and you don't have to worry about your clothes being stolen."

Gwen said: "My clothes and bags were stolen a lot in the past, and I couldn't afford my monthly living expenses. Fortunately, the food in school is cheap."

"Speaking of this incident, I regret it. After the truth is revealed, I can no longer see your cute expression of making excuses. It's still better than before."

Andrew said that all of Gwen's stolen clothes were actually in his possession - don't get me wrong, Andrew didn't have that problem, he just didn't want his girlfriend's clothes to fall into the hands of those wretched men.

"Why do you sound like an old married couple?"

Gwen complained: "By the way, I haven't settled the accounts with you for lying to me, and that woman Jessica actually followed you to lie to me."

"Isn't the reflex arc a little long? It's been almost half a year, right? Also, you lied to me first."

Andrew smiled and said: "Okay, let's not talk about this. We will start investigating the intelligence. You don't have to worry too much and don't be nervous when we go out for travel."


What did Gwen think of when she heard this, and she solemnly reminded Andrew: "No taking pictures, you are taking pictures in Paris, the Eiffel Tower is gone, you are taking pictures in San Francisco, and San Francisco was destroyed by monsters.

If you take pictures here, maybe two New Yorks will disappear at the same time. "


Andrew was speechless. He said: "I am like a broom star. There can only be one broom star in New York City, and that is Tony Stark."

"Mr. Stark will cry. Anyway, no photos are allowed."

"Then we won't film it. This time, I will broadcast it live."

"Live broadcast? Across the universe, are you sure Kuaidu's server can receive the signal?"

"Of course. Let me think about how to fool you. Qi resonance? Well, this seems a bit too outrageous."

"Fooling? Do you often lie to me?"

In San Francisco in the parallel universe, there is a large group called the Life Foundation. Their technology is very advanced and they even have space shuttles that can fly in space.

At this moment, Carlton Drake, the big boss of the Life Foundation, is directing the rocket launch. His eyes are shining with a strange light. This space trip will change the earth.

The next day, the New York branch of the Defense Agency.

Carter's holographic projection asked: "Tony, have you researched anything?"

Tony replied on behalf of the research team: "Nothing useful has been studied yet. We have only detected that the connection between that universe and our universe is getting closer and closer.

After a while, it might be more than just projection. "

Everyone looked a little solemn when they heard this. It was not just a projection, it meant that the two universes would officially come into contact.

"Try to find ways to disconnect."

Carter said: "In addition, find a way to enter that universe. If nothing else, this matter is the fault of that universe. Only the past can solve this matter."

Tony said: "It's not that I don't want to, the problem is that it's difficult. Aunt Carter, I need Dr. Pym to help me. This matter may be related to quantum space."

Carter said: "No problem, I think he will be happy to help you. After all, he is bankrupt."

Everyone laughed. Dr. Pym would rather go bankrupt than sell Pym particles. This old man has a very stubborn temper.

At this time, Jarvis reminded: "Mr. Stark, there is new news on Twitter."

After everyone heard this, they all took out their mobile phones and skillfully opened Kuaijiu to find the live broadcast of Bugle TV.

Steve looked at this scene, a little speechless. How could it be the same as the original S.H.I.E.L.D.

Soon, the live broadcast opened, and the picture above turned out to be Times Square.

Luo Shan introduced from the side: "Have you seen it? This is Times Square, but it is not our Times Square, it is the Times Square of the parallel universe."

"That mysterious man can actually live broadcast across the universe? Isn't this incredible?"

Tony was amazed, and so were everyone else. Who is that guy?

Why did Andrew broadcast live across the universe?

On the one hand, it is fun, on the other hand, it is to let the people know first-hand information, so that they can gain souls. In short, it is a foreshadowing.

At this time, the big screen in Times Square suddenly changed from advertisement to temporary news. The host said in a heavy tone: "We just received news that our hero Spider-Man has left us..."

"What, Spider-Man is dead?"

All the people were in an uproar, and many people shouted: "This is impossible, how could Spider-Man die?"

Gwen was also surprised. No wonder she couldn't find Spider-Man in this world after searching for him all night. It turned out that he was dead.

"I didn't expect Spider-Man to be dead."

Gwen was a little sentimental. After all, she was also Spider-Man. Then she thought with a headache: "Now we are in trouble. Spider-Man is dead. How should we find the way back?"

"Spider-Man from the parallel universe is dead?"

The people of the main universe were shocked, and the citizens of New York were even a little depressed. As we all know, the citizens of New York love the two Spider-Man very much.

"Kingpin didn't dispose of Spider-Man's body?"

Andrew looked at the news and was a little surprised. Under normal circumstances, shouldn't the corpses be destroyed? And, old Green Goblin, don't you want to study Spider-Man's body?

At this time, Andrew noticed that a nearby screen was playing news from Bugle TV, and controlled the camera to turn around.

The host of Bugle TV is the editor-in-chief Jameson. Compared with Jameson in the main universe, this Jameson is obviously much older, and his hair is even more bald.


Jameson said with a complicated expression. The audience looked at him with ugly expressions - every time Jameson broadcast the news, he would criticize Spider-Man and call him Spider-Man's 'number one enemy'.

The audience secretly thought: "If you dare to criticize Spider-Man again, we will definitely file a complaint against you."

"Spider-Man...he's could he die?"

Contrary to everyone's expectations, Jameson did not criticize Spider-Man this time. Instead, he was so sad that he couldn't control himself. There were even tears in his eyes and he couldn't even finish a complete sentence.

Everyone can see that Jameson has very deep feelings for Spider-Man.

The question is, how is this possible, he has been criticizing Spider-Man for ten years!

In the main universe and on Bugle TV, everyone looked at Jameson in confusion. They criticized Spider-Man every day, but you turned out to be a huge fan of Spider-Man?

Even with Jameson's face, he felt embarrassed at this time, and he defended: "He is him, I am me, we are different, for example, I have a lot more hair than him.

Hey, what are you staring at me for? Have you figured out today’s headline? Also, write me an article to criticize Spider-Man. The title is: New York is in crisis and Spider-Man is nowhere to be seen. "

"Understood, we understand."

Everyone laughed, and the new reporter Eddie Brock asked: "Editor-in-Chief, I would like to decorate the company celebration next week with a Spider-Man theme, is that okay?"

Jameson's old face darkened, and he said: "If the Spider-Man theme doesn't work, change it to the Spider-Woman theme."

After saying that, Jameson walked back to his room angrily. When the door closed, he was so embarrassed that he wanted to find a crack in the floor and crawl under.

Sheite actually betrayed his innermost secret to himself in the parallel universe.

At this time, there was a burst of laughter outside, and Jameson's old face became darker. Spider-Man was responsible for everything.

In the parallel universe, Gwen suddenly sensed something and jumped onto the roof of a nearby building with Andrew. Then, they saw Spider-Man squatting there watching the news.

He is the Spider-Man of the main universe.

"Chief Editor Jameson actually cried for me? Why do I feel so bad?"

Spider-Man muttered to himself. Fortunately, Jameson didn't hear this, otherwise, he would definitely hack Spider-Man to death.

The live camera didn't follow Andrew and Spider-Woman, it stayed focused on the screen.

It is worth mentioning that Alice will actively block information that may reveal Spider-Man's identity, for example, deleting the names of Spider-Man and his wife.

As for his appearance, there is no need to block it. The Spider-Man in this world is a handsome golden boy, completely different from the Spider-Man in the main universe.


Gwen said hello, and Spider-Man turned his head and was overjoyed to see Spider-Woman and Gunslinger. He said: "It's great to see you, I don't know what to do at all.

As soon as it was teleported, Spider-Man died. "

"Did you just teleport here?"

Gwen was stunned: "The Gunslinger and I teleported here last night."

Spider-Man was stunned: "How could this happen? Were you swallowed earlier than me?"

"No, you traveled through time."

Andrew said: "Cosmic travel is not only related to space, but also related to time. You are lucky and only traveled for half a day. If you are unlucky, you might return to this universe a few months ago."

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