American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 329 Challenger

Carter thought for a while and said sternly to Okoye: "Wakandas, Tony can be taken away by you, but he must get a fair trial.

Before the outcome of the trial comes out, you must ensure his safety and his due rights. If anything happens to him, we will never give up. "

"Wakanda is not afraid of any threats. At the same time, Wakanda will not wrong anyone. Don't worry, we will not do anything to Iron Man before the trial is over. We are not barbaric primitive people."

Okoye snorted and led Tony and the guards into the spacecraft. Then, the spacecraft closed the hatch, activated the defense cover and thrusters, and quickly took off and left.

Carter looked at the departing spaceship, shook his head, and ordered: "Seal the surrounding area, check the scene, and the best way to save Tony is to find the real culprit."

"Yes, Director."

The agents immediately started busy. They were no strangers to investigating crimes.

Garrett said with a headache: "During the World Security Conference, the King of Wakanda was killed and Iron Man Tony Stark was captured back to Wakanda. Next, we will be in trouble."

Carter sighed after hearing this. Accountability from the World Security Council is probably on the way, there is no doubt about it.

Steve thought for a while and said: "This murderer is very cunning. We may not be able to find out anything. Just in case, I think we need to prepare a special plan."

What special plan? Of course, going to Wakanda to save people.

"Steve, you are responsible for this matter, and we will fully support you."

Carter said, and at this time, Pepper's voice came from Mark's suit: "Captain, the Stark Group will fully support you. Tony, this guy, was kidnapped again."

Everyone was a little speechless, the kidnapper was kidnapped again.

Steve said, "Pepper, I'll try to get Tony out as much as I can."

"Thank you, Captain."

Pepper said gratefully that she was currently preparing for a wedding with Tony, and she didn't expect that something like this would happen.

Although marriage is the grave of love, don’t really come to a grave.

"Iron Man was captured in Wakanda? Next, there won't be a drama between the United States and Wakanda, right?"

Andrew was a little surprised, and then he shook his head. No matter how it developed in the future, he was watching a show anyway, and the Frost Giant Kingdom happened to offer a batch of ice tea, so he could try it.

"It's pretty much as expected. Now, it's time to start the next step."

Eric the Leopard quickly learned of the subsequent development. He nodded with satisfaction, picked up the knife and left a new wound on his chest full of scars.

This is Eric's habit. Every time he kills a person, he will leave a scar on his body. At this moment, he has more than a hundred scars on his body, which means that he has killed at least hundreds of people.

Marduk looked contemptuous: "This habit is quite low. How can a real murderer remember how many people he has killed?

Also, how many scars can one body leave? "

Eric's face froze and he was too lazy to pay attention to the has-been devil. He thought for a while and called Ulysses Crow.

Ulysses Klaue is a famous black market vibranium dealer. Back then, he collaborated with Eric's father to steal a large amount of vibranium from Wakanda.

Eric and Ulysses Klaue had a close friendship, but Ulysses Klaue did not know that Eric was a Wakandan, let alone the son of an old friend.

Tony Stark was suspected of murdering King T'Chaka of Wakanda and was captured by Wakanda soldiers. As soon as the news came out, the whole world was in an uproar.

Iron Man actually killed the King of Wakanda? Also, Wakanda is so overbearing that it directly takes Iron Man back to Wakanda for trial? The last time someone did something similar was the United States.

Most people believe that Iron Man was wronged, so many American citizens called the White House and asked them to rescue Iron Man.

Are you kidding? Why should Wakanda judge their American superhero Iron Man?

White House.

The staff said to President Ellis: "Your Excellency, the people have great opinions on Wakanda. If we do nothing, your prestige and support will drop significantly. After all, you are taking the superhero route."

"The problem is, Wakanda is not that easy to deal with."

Another staff member shook his head and said, "How about we summon the Wakanda ambassador to protest to him? And send a lawyer to Wakanda to defend Iron Man?"

"Too weak."

The military general shook his head repeatedly: "We must send troops to deter Wakanda. If we don't send troops for such a thing, what will other countries think of us, the United States?"

"You want to start a war?"

The previous staff member snorted coldly: "Do you think Wakanda is the kind of small country that can be bullied casually without even having to find an excuse afterwards?"

The military general said: "It's not that we want war, it's Wakanda that wants war. When did the United States become bullied and didn't dare to fight back?"

"Okay, stop arguing."

President Ellis stopped the two sides from continuing the argument and asked: "What did the Defense Agency say?"

"They are investigating the attack, but they have not found any useful clues yet."

The assistant said: "In addition, they are organizing a team to prepare to rescue Iron Man."

"Send someone to assist the Defense Bureau in rescuing Iron Man."

President Ellis nodded and said: "In addition, summon the Wakanda ambassador, protest to him, and send a lawyer to Wakanda to defend Iron Man."


The military general was about to say something, but President Ellis pressed his hand and said: "Don't worry, dispatch the aircraft carrier fleet to Africa. However, it is not to go to war with Wakanda, but to express our position and put pressure on them.

Uh, James, you come with me. Remember, you are not allowed to approach Wakanda without my order, let alone start a war. Now is not the time to start a war with Wakanda. "

"I see."

Staff officer James nodded. Although the military general was a little dissatisfied, thinking of Wakanda's spaceships capable of fighting interstellar wars, he sighed and agreed.

How can there be any truth between countries? What you see is only strength.

"Don't let anything happen again. The United States doesn't have many aircraft carrier fleets left."

President Ellis secretly prayed that the United States once had many aircraft carrier fleets, but two were destroyed by aliens and Ghidorah. Coupled with various other losses, they are no longer what they used to be.

How do you say that? The landlord's family has no surplus food.


Tony was imprisoned in an underground prison. Not long after, Button was pushed into the cell with a dark face and became Tony's cellmate.

Tony was shocked: "Barton, why are you here?"

"After the zombie crisis, I was very decadent because I could no longer draw the bow. Director Carter heard that Wakanda could make metal arms and asked T'Challa to help me."

Barton said angrily: "Techala is a nice person. He took me into Wakanda, used their high technology to help me treat my broken arm, and prepared to make a special vibranium arm for me.

You heard it right, vibranium arm, the Defense Bureau is paying for it.

As a result, a bastard killed the King of Wakanda with a bomb today, so the vibranium arm was gone, and I was rushed here and locked up with that bastard. "

"I didn't kill their king. I was wronged."

Tony was a little crazy. He told what happened before, and then said: "I was clearly framed. Even if I really wanted to do something, I couldn't do it so fast."

"I think you are not unjust."

Barton said: "The King of Wakanda probably died under your crow's mouth."


Tony was furious and said: "Barton, don't think I don't hit disabled people."

Barton punched the wall with a bang and made a punch mark. Then, he asked: "What did you just say? I didn't hear clearly."

Tony said seriously: "I said, I never hit a disabled person."

"This is a good habit, keep it up."

Barton said matter-of-factly, and then both of them laughed. Of course, they were just enjoying themselves.

Barton said: "Just wait, T'Challa is a sensible person. When he wakes up, everything will be easy to talk about."

"hope so."

Tony sighed. At this moment, a metal fly flew into the cell. Then, the fly popped up into a light curtain, and inside was a black girl with many pigtails.

"I am Su Rui, T'Challa's sister. My brother has woken up. He also thinks there are a lot of doubts about this matter."

Su Rui said: "However, both the Guards and the Presbyterian Church now believe that Mr. Stark is the murderer, so he cannot let you go for the time being.

My brother asked me to tell you that he will handle this matter properly and you don't have to worry too much. "

"That's good."

Tony and Barton breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. Tony said: "Are you Shuri? Your brother told me that you are the number one genius in Wakanda. You designed many things in Wakanda."

Su Rui said proudly: "I think I should be the number one genius in Africa. When I grow up, I will become the number one genius in the world."

"You are as arrogant as I was back then."

Tony laughed and deliberately asked Suri a few difficult questions, but she didn't expect that she could answer them all.

Now, Tony became interested and discussed quantum technology with Su Rui. The more they talked, the more speculative they became, and all kinds of inspirations popped up like crazy.

Tony wants to make nano-suits, and Su Rui wants to make nano-vibranium uniforms. Their research directions are the same.

"..., you are really speaking English, why can't I understand a word of it?"

Barton complained, and Tony and Su Rui looked at him expressionlessly at the same time. Barton raised his hand to cover his mouth, and retreated to the corner as if he didn't exist.

Looking at the two people who were resuming their discussion, Barton secretly complained: "In the world of academic masters, mortals like me should not get involved."

Two days later, Wakanda welcomed a special tribe.

Eric raised his hands and shouted to the guards: "I am Njadaka, son of Prince Njobu."

"Prince Njobu's son?"

Wakanda's defense commander and leader of the Frontier Tribe, one of the five major tribes, Wakabi, was stunned. He hesitated and asked, "What proof do you have?"

"This is my identification, and this."

Eric took out a ring that represented royal status, and then he pulled down his lower lip, and there were several Wakandan characters on it.

"Are you really a prince?"

Wakabi checked the ring and was a little shocked. Then he shook his head and said, "It's not a good time for you to come back at this time."

"I feel like I came back at the right time."

Eric said: "I want to compete with T'Challa for the position of king. I have the qualifications."

"You want to compete for the throne of king?"

Wakabi was stunned for a moment, then snorted coldly: "Maybe you really have the qualifications, but T'Challa is the future king."

"T'Challa is a coward. He doesn't dare to kill Iron Man. I do."

Eric sneered: "Also, he has been unable to catch Ulysses Crow to avenge your father. After I become the king, I will do everything in my power to catch that guy."

"Ulysses Crow?"

A deep hatred flashed in Wakabi's eyes. Then, he took a deep look at Eric and took him to the palace to meet the queen, T'Challa, and the elders of the major tribes.

Eric's identity was genuine, and although there were some doubts about his history, the Council of Elders declared him worthy of the throne.

At the same time, M'Baku, the leader of the Jabari tribe (the ape tribe), also decided to participate in the competition because he believed that T'Challa was too cowardly and unqualified to be king.

The Council of Elders announced that the King's Challenge Ceremony will be held seven days later, and the winner will become the new king - Wakanda's technology is advanced, and T'Challa's injury has recovered.

The U.S. aircraft carrier fleet, because of President Ellis's order, stayed in the waters near Africa and did not actually set foot on Africa.

General Ross, as a representative of America's hard-liners, is also on the aircraft carrier at the moment. On this day, he welcomes a guest, the arms dealer Ulysses Crow.

After listening to what Ulysses said, General Ross asked excitedly: "Can you really take us into Wakanda?"

"Of course, I went in once and came out with a lot of vibranium."

Ulysses said: "General Ross, I can take a small number of people and enter Wakanda silently. Wakanda's technology is indeed very powerful, but they have a fatal weakness. The country is too small and has only one main city.

As long as we capture their senior leaders and threaten them with the destruction of the city, they will definitely surrender.

At that time, the United States will annex Wakanda and become the overlord of the earth again. "

General Ross was heartbroken. As an old soldier, he could not tolerate the decline of the United States. This was why he had always wanted to come back. He wanted to make the United States glorious again.

General Ross murmured to himself: "This matter is very risky."

"The risks are indeed high, but the benefits are even greater. Once successful, the entire Wakanda will be obtained."

Ulysses said: "General Ross, Wakanda is currently internally unstable, which is the best time to take action. If you miss this opportunity, it will be almost impossible to easily capture Wakanda."

General Ross took a few steps back and forth. Finally, the thunderbolt general made up his mind. He asked: "Ulysses Crow, what do you want?"

Ulysses said with burning eyes: "I want to clean my name completely and become a serious businessman in the United States, a businessman who deals in vibranium weapons."

Ulysses has money, but he has no identity. He has to fight once. Once he succeeds, he will become a billionaire like Tony Stark, superior to others.

Thanks to this annual book shortage, Ting Xin Yu, Baicai Lao Yao, and book friend 20170914162344990 for the reward

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