The blood god lizard let out a shrill scream, and the wound could not heal at all, because there was a dark fire burning on his wound.

Andrew took out a cigar and held it in his mouth. Then, he took out the cigar and blew out a smoke ring. The black flames on the blood god lizard's wound suddenly burned, completely wrapping the blood god lizard.

"Wow, this one is too cool and powerful, right?"

Spider-Man, who was dealing with the Lizard Man, couldn't help but shout, the Blood God Lizard, which so many of them couldn't take down, was actually easily defeated by the opponent?

The other superheroes were also shocked. It was obvious that this was a big boss.

Tony said unhappily: "Who is this guy? He can pretend better than me?"

The talkative Spider-Man asked: "Mr. Stark, when you say this, does it mean that you often pretend to be stupid?"

Tony glanced at Spider-Man and said contemptuously: "Stay away from me, you will lower my style."

Spider-Man took a look at the faded spider uniform with two patches on it, and continued to deal with the lizard man silently. He checked the clothes and found that the two were not on the same level.

Seeing Spider-Man in such a state of desolation, Tony felt a little guilty. Of course, it was impossible to apologize. He, Tony Stark, never apologized. He decided to order some polymer clothes and give them to Spider-Man, a good friend of the people of New York. Neighbors, things are not so miserable.

At this time, the blood god lizard's head escaped from the burning body and fled away. Andrew snorted coldly and controlled the chain to grab his head.

Then, Andrew grabbed the blood god lizard's head and said, "Look into my eyes."

The Blood God Lizard subconsciously looked at Andrew's eyes full of flames. In the next second, a lot of bad things he had done before came to his mind.

It is worth mentioning that Dickon himself has no soul, but Dr. Lizard does, and the two merged together, causing Dickon to be implicated and judged by the Eye of Judgment.

"I have done so many wrong things."

Before dying, Dr. Connors regained consciousness. He was filled with regret and chose to be freed. Dickon roared unwillingly: "I am not wrong. I am the supreme God. Who dares to judge me?"

No matter how loud Dickon shouted, it was useless. His sins turned into the fire of hell, burning his and Dr. Connors' consciousness into nothingness.

Dickon is dead, Dr. Connors is dead.

Andrew nodded with satisfaction and was about to take back his power. At this moment, a figure with a strong smell of blood appeared in the lizard's head. The figure roared: "How dare you ruin my business? Do you know who I am?" "

The person who came was Dracula, the ancestor of vampires. The blood god had deliberately set up this game. As a result, he was killed by others just at the beginning. This made him very angry and came in person to teach the other party a lesson.

"It doesn't matter who you are, what matters is, do you know who I am?"

Andrew sneered. At the same time, in Dracula's consciousness, Andrew's body swelled infinitely, like a giant standing tall on the sky, while Dracula was just a small ant at the foot of the giant.

Dracula froze and cursed in his heart: "Devil, this is the Demon. How could that bastard mess with a Demon?"

"Lord Demon King, I'm sorry to bother you, I'm leaving right now."

Dracula didn't hesitate and eliminated this consciousness immediately. Andrew snorted, "You must be decisive enough, otherwise I will follow the consciousness and blow up your body."

At the same time, the body of the blood god lizard was completely burned into nothingness by the hellfire. Andrew threw the lizard head to the blade and said: "It has the original blood of Dracula. You can see if you want it. Don't worry, his consciousness It has been completely erased by me.”

"Dracula's original blood?"

Blade was overjoyed and immediately took the lizard head away. This thing could help him kill more vampires.

Andrew looked around at everyone, without saying hello, and got on his Harley motorcycle to leave. He was going to take Susan for a ride and let her experience the feeling of riding the land and water.

Looking at Andrew's leaving figure, everyone had different expressions, including awe, gratitude, and fear.

"Ghost Rider is stronger than imagined. If he suddenly does evil, who will deal with him?"

Nick Fury, a veteran paranoid victim, flashed his eyes and shouted to everyone: "Okay, Dickon Firth is dead, let's work harder to get rid of the other lizards and vampires and end this damn night once and for all. "

"It's time to end."

Tony nodded. Just as he was about to take action, he noticed that the black suits and the robots were retreating. He couldn't help but ask, "Who are you? And why do you know about my father?"

"When you are not so bad, I will tell you my identity. By the way, remember to go for a physical examination. You are almost forty and don't even have a child. Howard is very angry down there."

Howard shouted and disappeared into the distance together with the robots.

"Whether I have a child is none of your business? Besides, I'm extremely normal."

Tony's nose was almost crooked with anger, especially when others looked at him suspiciously. By the way, it seems that they had never heard of rumors that Tony had an illegitimate child? Could it be...

Nick Fury shouted dissatisfied: "Do the right thing."

Everyone shrugged and speeded up cleaning up the lizards and vampires. At this moment, a blue cloud suddenly bloomed in the sky, and then, the blue mist quickly enveloped the entire New York.

As soon as they came into contact with the blue mist, the lizard men immediately fell to the ground in pain. Then, they shed their lizard bodies and gradually turned back into normal people.

Apparently, that blue mist is the antidote - as they fight, Gwen recreates the antidote and uses a device to release it.

Without the lizard people, the remaining vampires were not worth mentioning. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Tony said: "That little girl is nice, calm and decisive. I want to invite her to work in the Stark Group."

Whitters said with disdain: "Be kind and don't harm other girls."

Tony said angrily: "What are you talking about? Am I that kind of person?"

Everyone said in unison: "Yes!"

Tony's nose was really angry this time, and he left angrily to deal with other vampires.

Whitters and Blade were also about to leave. At this time, Barton stepped forward and said: "You two, SHIELD would like to invite you to join our team."

"I have been fighting vampires for most of my life. Do you know why I am still alive today?"

Whitters looked at Barton and cursed: "Because I never work with idiots. You SHIELD are the idiots among idiots."

Barton was a little embarrassed. He wanted to explain something, but Whitters flew away with the blade in one arm.

Nick Fury hesitated for a moment and did not let anyone track Whitters and Blade. He shouted: "Clean out all the vampires in New York City before dawn."

"Yes, Director."

The agents loudly agreed, and at this moment the death knell of vampires in North America was officially sounded.

On the rooftop of the Osborne Building, Gwen breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the device successfully fired the antidote. At this moment, she felt something bit her neck. She tried to take a picture of it, but she couldn't take a picture of anything.

Gwen didn't take it seriously. She just hoped that everything would calm down as soon as possible. After all, she was partly responsible for the lizard potion.

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