American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 319 The mastermind behind the scenes

Zombie Universe Earth, the Avengers' base by the river in the suburbs of New York.

A golden shuttle suddenly appeared on the quantum platform. Upon seeing this, the surrounding robot guards immediately surrounded it.

At this moment, a robot with red and blue skin, a yellow cloak, and a yellow gem inlaid between his eyebrows flew over and said, "Mr. Stark, Captain Steve, are you here?"

No one answered the robot, and the robot didn't take it seriously. He continued: "The gem on my head is the mind gem, which can sense the fluctuations of the mind. It's useless for you to hide next to the shuttle. I discovered you right away."


Tony cursed unhappily and controlled the shuttle to quickly grow in size. Then, a group of superheroes in uniforms flew out of the shuttle and confronted the robot.

Tony opened his visor and asked in a deep voice, "Are you the mastermind behind the zombie universe?"

"It seems that Mr. Stark, no matter which universe he is in, likes to do the dangerous behavior of opening his visor and speaking."

The robot said: "I have warned Mr. Stark in this universe many times that this is dangerous, but Mr. Stark did not listen at all.

As a result, the old Wasp took advantage of Mr. Stark's visor to open, jumped on his face, and turned him into a zombie. "

Tony's face was a little dark, and he immediately turned off his visor. Then, he asked, "You look familiar to me?"

The robot replied: "My name is Vision. In the past, I also had a name called Jarvis."

"It turns out to be Vision."

Andrew's statue looked at the familiar face of the other party and nodded secretly. From the moment the platform fired a yellow laser at him, he knew that the man behind it was either Vision or Ultron - the yellow laser was the power of the Mind Stone.

However, Andrew was a little confused, why would Vision do such a thing? Isn't this his style?

"Jarvis? Did I successfully turn you into a machine life?"

Tony's eyes lit up. He had been upgrading Jarvis and wanted to turn it into a real life. It seemed that he had succeeded in this world.

"Why do you feel a little excited? Tony, this is the mastermind behind this."

Dr. Banner shouted: "Jarvis, why did you send zombies to invade our universe?"

"Because of Mr. Stark's orders."

Vision said: "Also, please call me Vision. Although I am based on Jarvis, I am not Jarvis."

"Tony's order?"

Everyone looked at Tony, it turns out you are the culprit.

Hellboy complained: "I think it is necessary to kill this guy first, he might destroy our world."

"Agreed." Everyone nodded.

"Shut up."

Tony cursed angrily, and then he shouted to Vision: "I, Tony Stark, am the most handsome and charming superhero, and I will never order you to invade other universes."

Vision raised his hand and released a holographic projection. In the projection, Tony, who was turning into a zombie, shouted: "Vision, I can't survive. Do everything possible to save mankind and save the earth."

Tony snorted coldly: "I asked you to save the world, not destroy it. Could it be that the program I programmed can't even understand the words?"

"No, I'm saving the world."

Vision said: "After you died, I tried to save the world as much as possible, but the zombie virus spread too fast and there was nothing I could do. Soon, the whole world fell.

I gathered some survivors in an underground base and tried to protect their safety as much as possible. Unfortunately, an accident happened and the survivor base was destroyed and all humans turned into zombies. "

Tony asked again: "What does this have to do with your invasion of our universe?"

"Zombies do not mean death. If an antidote is developed, it may be able to help them return to normal."

Vision said: "So, I made a decision to spread the zombie virus throughout the universe."


Everyone was stunned. Tony thought for a while and said thoughtfully: "Do you want to use the power of the entire universe to develop an antidote for zombies?"

Vision nodded: "Yes, alien technology is much more powerful than ours. If we research it with all our strength, there is a high probability that we can develop a zombie antidote."

Spider-Man asked: "Why don't you discuss it with them, or ask them for help?"

"Spider-Man in any world is always so innocent."

Vision said: "If aliens know about this, they will not help us, they will only destroy the earth, there is no doubt about it."

Spider-Man scratched his head. Why did he feel like Vision was scolding him?

Dr. Banner asked: "Vision, do you know that your behavior may very well lead to the destruction of the entire universe?"

Vision answered very seriously: "My mission is to save mankind. In order to save mankind, I will try any method, even if this method may lead to the destruction of the universe."

Dr. Banner couldn't help but shake his head: "Tony, Vision is indeed your creation, and his ideas are as extreme as yours."

Vision said: "Dr. Banner, I was created by you and Mr. Stark. My mind is composed of you, Mr. Stark, Ultron, and the Mind Stone."

The Electro asked: "In other words, you are the product of Dr. Banner and Mr. Stark? Then who is the father and who is the mother?"

Everyone couldn't help but laugh. Tony and Dr. Banner had black lines on their heads. They didn't have to speak if they couldn't speak.

Tony asked Vision, "Your plan failed, didn't it?"

"Yes, even alien technology cannot develop an antidote."

Vision nodded and said: "Moreover, someone is secretly causing trouble and spreading the zombie virus to make the situation out of my control."

Everyone asked: "Who?"


Vision released a holographic projection of Thanos and said: "He is a madman, a madman who kills half and leaves the other half in the universe..."

Tony said: "We know him. He has been causing trouble on our earth and wants to wipe out the lives of half of the people in the universe."

"Now that you know it, it's easy to talk about it."

Vision said: "Thanos is very interested in the zombie virus. He asked his men to spread the zombie virus around. In a short period of time, the zombie virus spread throughout the universe.

Currently, the remaining people in the universe form an alliance to fight against the zombie virus and Thanos. By the way, Thor is in that alliance. "

"No wonder I haven't seen the zombie Thor."

Everyone was stunned, and Gwen asked: "Mr. Vision, I heard someone said that collecting six infinity stones can change everything, including destroying the universe. Have you ever tried to collect six infinity stones?"


Vision nodded, and he said: "The three infinite stones of power, reality, and space are all in Thanos' hands, and I can't defeat him even if I join forces with the zombies.

In addition, no one knows where the last Soul Stone is, not even Thanos. "

Dr. Reed asked: "You didn't give up when the alien plan failed, so you decided to introduce it to our universe?"

"That was a coincidence."

Vision said: "I never stopped researching zombie viruses. Later, I discovered that the Mind Stone could control zombies, so all the zombies became my subordinates and obeyed my orders.

Zombie viruses first came from the quantum realm, so I have been studying the quantum world. One day, when I activated the quantum channel, I sensed a wave of quantum entanglement.

I hurriedly used instruments to locate the quantum entanglement and found that it came from another universe.

I am very happy to send zombie superheroes to the quantum world to find your universe as soon as possible.

As for the reason, as before, I want to use your strength to develop an antidote to the zombie virus. "

Tony couldn't help but ask: "Why don't you just ask us for help? We won't destroy your world."

"Because the efficiency is too low, you alone cannot develop an antidote. Even if you can, it will take a long time."

Vision said: "I will use zombies to force your earth to go all out to research the antidote.

I never intended to destroy your world. I would just keep sending zombies to force you to put all your energy into researching the antidote.

Unfortunately, your strength is stronger than I thought. Both waves of attacks were blocked by you and could not spread to the whole world. "

Jessica snorted coldly: "Wow, do we want to thank you for your magnanimity and not destroying our world?"

"I just want to save my world."

Vision said: "If the earth cannot develop an antidote, I will spread the zombie virus to the universe again. This time, I will try to be careful not to let Thanos disrupt the situation."

Looking at the peaceful Vision, everyone felt a chill in their hearts. Tony shook his head and said, "Vision, you are still just a robot, not a real life, because you have no emotions."

"No feelings?"

Huan Vision's eyes flashed when he heard this, but he didn't explain anything. He said: "It's the same sentence, no matter what, I must complete my mission.

Mr. Stark, I knew you would come here since the alien spacecraft disappeared, so I withdrew all guards and waited for you to come. "

Ant-Man Scott suddenly realized: "No wonder it went so smoothly when I came here, so I said there was a problem."

Dr. Pym rolled his eyes and said, "You didn't say that."

Tony snorted: "Do you think you can kill us?"

"Of course I can beat you."

Vision nodded, and a large number of robots flew into the hall, densely surrounding everyone. A rough count showed that there were at least hundreds.

Everyone secretly cursed: "Xie Te."

"All the resources of the earth are under my control, and I use them to create a large number of robots."

Vision said: "Some aliens wanted to take revenge on the earth, but I defeated them with robots. After that, I turned them all into zombies.

Now, these alien zombies are on your earth. Without you, the earth cannot stop them. When the time comes, my plan will officially begin. "

Everyone looked a little ugly. They were plotting against the mastermind, and the mastermind behind the scenes was plotting against them. The third wave of attacks had probably begun.

"Mr. Stark, Dr. Banner, Dr. Pym, don't worry, I won't kill you. I will put you back to study the antidote."

Vision moved his head slightly and said: "As for the others, please stay in this universe for now. I will let you go when the matter is over."

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