Chapter 306 Magic

"The Supreme Mage has been guarding the earth. Without her, the earth would have become the same as before, with demons, angels, and dimensional creatures running rampant."

Scarlett said: "The Supreme Mage and Karma Taj are the real guardians of the earth. However, they generally only deal with dimensional threats and rarely pay attention to the internal disputes on the earth."

Nick Fury, who was hiding in the dark, touched his nose. He always felt that Scarlett was pointing fingers at Sang Huai. Then, he sighed. He really failed and had no idea about the existence of Karma Taj.

Nick Fury secretly thought: "How many more secrets does the earth hide?"

"I apologize. I shouldn't have slandered the Supreme Mage. After a while, I will make a documentary for her to atone for her sins."

Tony apologized profusely and said, "However, it would be inappropriate for the Supreme Master to seal off Manhattan? There are more than one million innocent people in Manhattan."

"If we don't seal it, you will seal it yourself, or even use nuclear bombs to solve it."

Strange said: "Don't worry, after you set up checkpoints and isolation areas outside, I will open the portal and allow people in Manhattan to evacuate in an orderly manner.

In addition, if you can develop any instrument for detecting zombie viruses, I can integrate it into the formation. By then, people who do not have zombie viruses can leave the formation freely. "

"That's good. The National Defense Bureau will develop an instrument to detect zombie viruses as soon as possible."

Steve nodded and said, and others no longer objected. Considering the current situation, this is the best way to deal with it.

If this drags on any longer, those bastards in the military will definitely use the 'unmarketable' nuclear bombs.

"That's good."

Presidents Carter and Ellis also nodded. With Kamal Taj here, the option of nuclear bombs can be completely abandoned.

"New York continues to retreat. In addition, police and medical personnel are organized to establish checkpoints and isolation areas around Manhattan as quickly as possible."

Carter thought for a while and spoke to the Mayor of New York and Commissioner George through the holographic projection. The two nodded and directed the New York officials and police to get busy quickly.

At this time, Tony recognized Strange and asked in surprise: "Hey, wait, aren't you the former top surgeon Stephen Strange? Did your hand get cured?"

"Not before, I am still a top surgeon now. Speaking of which, Mr. Stark, I still owe you a thank you."

Strange said that his hands have been cured, but not with magic, but with the nanotechnology that reborn hell - the ancient one used magic books to make a deal with the devil.

The technology in Rebirth Hell is becoming more and more advanced, and the project department has developed a large number of projects, such as making people grow taller, making people bigger, etc., and harvesting more and more souls.

After Strange healed his hand, although he hesitated, he did not leave Karma Taj in the end. The reason is very simple. Being a mage does not mean that you cannot be a doctor. You can work part-time.

Steve asked: "Two mages, can you introduce your abilities? I'm not trying to find out your intelligence. I need to know your abilities so that I can plan my tactics."


Strange smiled, he cast a spell with both hands, and a large number of golden runes emerged from his palms and attached themselves to Steve.

Then, the golden runes disappear, and they will appear again when the host is attacked.

Strange said: "This is a protective spell. It can help you resist the bites and nail attacks of zombies, but its defense is not very strong and can only withstand a few times. In addition, it will not resist other attacks."

"Great, this is what we desperately need."

Everyone couldn't help but be overjoyed when they heard this. What they feared most was being infected by zombies. With the protective spell, their safety was greatly increased, just like wearing a special protective suit.

Strange continued: "In addition, I can quickly transfer the people. Captain, where should I transfer the people?"

"Quickly transfer people?"

Steve's eyes lit up and he said, "Move to Hell's Kitchen first."


Strange and Wang cast a spell together, and a golden wind swept through the surrounding streets and buildings. All the survivors inside disappeared, but they were transferred to the dock of Hell's Kitchen.

This is the magical wind of Vatum. The most magical thing about it is that it can only transfer the people you want to transfer. It is a high-level magic.

"Cool, where can I sign up for Karma Taj? I want to learn magic."

Rhodes shouted with bright eyes, and many people nodded at the same time. Kama Taj's magic is so cool that it has no friends. It can be said to turn decay into magic.

Strange did not answer Rhodes, his face was full of pride, as was the king beside him.

"I'm so familiar with this expression."

Muggle Hawkeye saw the expressions of the two men and rolled his eyes secretly.

Steve said happily: "Two mages, please move the survivors in the danger zone to Hell's Kitchen and Harlem. Max and Barton, you are responsible for protecting them so that they can cast spells with peace of mind."

"No problem, the New York Temple will fully provide me with magic power, and I can release transfer magic one after another."

Strange nodded and said, "As for protection, no need, just lend me a flying skateboard."

Steve said: "You can take my aircraft. As for protection, you still need protection. You are very important now and nothing can happen to it."

"Thank you very much."

Strange didn't refuse much. He quickly mastered the use of the aircraft and flew away on it.

The electro-optical man who turned into lightning and Barton, who was standing on the aircraft, followed closely to protect his safety.

As for the mage 'King', he did not leave with him, but stayed in place to release a protective spell specially designed to deal with zombies - specially improved by Ancient One.

"With the mage here, the casualties will be greatly reduced, which is great."

Steve was overjoyed and rearranged his tactics: "Organize people to move to Hell Kitchen and Harlem. In addition, set up defense lines and strongholds in front of Hell Kitchen and Harlem, and use heavy weapons to fight zombies.

The military is transporting heavy weapons into Manhattan as soon as possible. Fighters are not necessary for the time being, but the more tanks and armored vehicles the better, and the more artillery shells and the like, the better. "


Everyone nodded and acted quickly according to Steve's arrangement.

Soon, a large number of people from dangerous areas were transferred by Strange to Hell's Kitchen and Harlem. With everyone's help, people from other areas quickly retreated towards the two areas - in fact, they had already retreated quite a lot before.

The zombies were very angry about the disappearance of a large amount of 'food' and quickly spread around. Super heroes led special forces to stop them as much as possible.

Soldiers and policemen set up a defense line with cars in front of the two safety zones to block the incoming zombies. They were equipped with all kinds of heavy weapons.

At the same time, some people outside dispatched reinforcements, some transported heavy weapons, and some established checkpoints. Although there was some chaos, at least the system was functioning.

"New York is far more efficient than the rest of the country for the simple reason that they have very, very, very many disasters."

Andrew shook his head and thought to himself: "Everything is on track and we can start harvesting."

Following Andrew's thoughts, a large number of heavy robots fell from the sky and landed on the zombie-filled streets of Midtown.

The heavy robot's arms were composed of Gatling energy machine guns. Following the instructions, they all raised their arms and fired wildly at the zombies' heads. The zombies fell in pieces like wheat.

If there are too many zombies, the heavy robot will fire lasers from its chest to clear out a large area of ​​zombies.

These heavy robots are perfect killing machines. A large number of zombie souls pass through the soul magic circle and enter Andrew's little hell, becoming his possessions.

With the help of the heavy robot, everyone's pressure was greatly reduced, and they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"The Peace Knights are finally here, although they only come with a group of heavy robots with super firepower."

Tony said, at this moment, the zombie Iron Man who had been fighting with him suddenly left him and turned around and flew in the direction of Hell's Kitchen. He was stunned for a moment, and then hurried to catch up.

At the same time, Falcon, who was responsible for monitoring Manhattan, shouted: "All zombie superheroes are heading towards Hell's Kitchen, and they are gradually gathering together."

"Superheroes gather, intercept them."

Steve was startled and shouted hurriedly. Everyone nodded, and under the leadership of Steve, rushed towards the zombie superheroes.

"The controller behind the zombie horde wants to take on superheroes?"

Andrew's eyes flickered, he didn't say anything and followed Gwen forward.

From the moment he saw the movements of the zombie Doctor Strange, Andrew knew that there was a conscious controller behind the zombie army. However, he didn't care. To him, the other person was just a good person, a good person who kept sending souls to him.

It is worth mentioning that new superheroes (including Scott Lang) are also rushing towards zombie superheroes, some for justice, others for popularity.

Skye and the Inhuman team originally wanted to follow, but Carter asked them to monitor near the experimental building to avoid any accidents.

In addition, the three Strange people were still moving people away and did not follow them.

Soon, two groups of superheroes met. Without any nonsense, the two sides started fighting. Basically, everyone was catching each other and fighting, that is, they were fighting against the zombies themselves.

Because of the heavy robots, many unmanned suits were left empty-handed. Tony led seven unmanned suits to besiege the zombie Iron Man.

"So what about the nanosuit? I can't beat you one on one, but I can beat you in a group."

Tony said arrogantly, and Zombie Iron Man hurriedly summoned a nano defense shield to resist the energy attacks that kept coming from around him.

"I like your defensive shield technology."

Tony's eyes were bright, and he wanted to take off the opponent's suit and take it home for study.

"Tony, what you said before was so low."

Steve complained, he and zombie Steve smashed their shields at each other at the same time, the two shields hit each other with a bang, and then each fell to the ground.

Then, Steve rushed towards Zombie Steve holding a universal hammer. Zombie Steve looked at his empty hands, a little confused, why don't I have a hammer?

The next second, zombie Steve was blasted away by Steve with a hammer. Just as Steve was about to pursue him, a group of zombies surrounded him. He could only deal with these zombies first.

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