American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 303 Invasion

"In other words, I was dreaming about parallel universes? I understand. After I opened the quantum channel last month, I had quantum entanglement with the zombie universe, and thus I dreamed about the zombie universe."

Dr. Pym was stunned. He thought for a while and said: "The zombie universe also sensed our world, so it entered the quantum space to search.

In addition, the reason why I sensed Zombie Jenny before was because the quantum entanglement with the zombie universe remained in me.

The question is, why are zombies so smart? According to the memory in the dream, although the quantum virus zombies can use the abilities they had in life, they have little intelligence. "

"There may be someone controlling those zombies, someone who is proficient in quantum technology, otherwise it would be impossible to explain all this."

The old Wasp said: "Hank, we have two choices now. One is to find a way to return to our world and warn others, but I think it is too late.

Moreover, I am not sure I can find the way back. Hey, if I had a way, I would have gone back long ago.

The other one, go to the zombie universe to find out everything and solve the matter from the source. I have locked their universe. "

"Go to the zombie universe?"

Dr. Pym was stunned and asked: "Jenny, can you travel through the quantum realm at will?"

"I have lived in the quantum realm for nearly thirty years, and there have been great changes."

The old Wasp said, "Hank, which one should we choose?"

"Find a way to return to our world. Hope is in the lab. I can't let anything happen to her."

Dr. Pym replied without any hesitation that he wanted to save his daughter more than saving the world.

Without his daughter, what does the world exist or not have to do with him?

The old Wasp Girl hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay, let's find a way to go back together."

In the laboratory, the battle between Wasp and Darren continued. The two sides changed from close combat to long-range laser shooting, and many things around them were broken by them.

On the other side, the battle between Dr. Banner and Ava is also continuing. Dr. Banner is so strong that Ava can't hurt him at all, and he can't hurt Ava either. The fight between the two is quite... boring.

Bill initially persuaded the two not to fight, but then just shut up.

At this moment, the quantum channel lit up, the shuttle returned, and quickly grew in size.

"I want quantum energy."

Ava blurred and rushed towards the console. Dr. Banner hurriedly stopped her from controlling the instrument. On the other side, Darren returned to normal size, and the robotic arm behind him fired lasers at the shuttle one after another.

When Hope, the Wasp, saw Darren return to his original size, he immediately knew something was wrong and immediately fired a laser at Darren.

Darren was hit and retreated continuously. All the lasers he fired missed the target and did not hit the shuttle.

Immediately afterwards, the door of the shuttle opened, but what was inside was not Dr. Pym, but the zombie Iron Man wearing a nanosuit.

Zombie Iron Man stood up, and a large number of nanoparticles flew out of his body and merged with the quantum channel. The quantum channel glowed brightly and was activated at full strength.


Andrew and the Supreme Mage Ancient One sensed something was wrong at the same time and immediately turned their gaze over.

In the laboratory, Dr. Banner asked in shock: "Tony, why did you get into the shuttle? Also, why haven't I seen this suit of yours before?"

Zombie Iron Man opened his visor, revealing a mummified face. Then, he opened his leaking mouth and growled at Dr. Banner.

Dr. Banner was shocked. Just as he was about to do something, a laser was fired from Zombie Iron Man, blasting him away.

Then, Zombie Iron Man ignored Dr. Banner, glanced at everyone, and rushed towards Darren.

Maybe not go to Dr. Banner? The reason is simple. He can't bite. With Iron Man's teeth, how could he possibly bite Banner's skin?

"Ava, run, something bad is happening."

Seeing that something was wrong, Bill hurriedly shouted loudly. At this moment, zombie Janet appeared beside him out of thin air and threw him to the ground.

Then, zombie Janet opened her big mouth and bit Bill's neck hard, causing blood to flow out wildly.


Ava was shocked and rushed over and kicked zombie Janet away. Zombie Janet shrank in the air, flapped her wings and hit Ava.

Ava hurriedly dematerialized, and at this moment, a burst of quantum energy surged from zombie Janet's body, forcibly knocking Ava out of the derealization.

Then, Zombie Janet returned to normal size, threw Ava to the ground, and bit her neck fiercely with her big mouth.

Seeing that Ava was about to be bitten, at the critical moment, Bill, whose neck was bleeding, tried his best to knock the zombie Janet away. Then, he shouted: "Run, run..."

As soon as Bill shouted twice, he was knocked down again by Zombie Janet, and he quickly lost all movement.


Ava was grief-stricken. She hesitated, turned around and fled outside. She couldn't let Bill's sacrifice be in vain.

"What's going on? Why did it become like this? Where is dad, and, is that mom?"

The Wasp looked stunned and at a loss. As for Darren, he was no match for Zombie Iron Man, so he shrunk and fled outside.

Seeing this, Zombie Iron Man raised his hand, and a semicircular instrument composed of nanoparticles flew to Darren, forming a special force field to trap him inside.

Darren's expression changed, he hurriedly returned to normal size, and a laser blast blew up the instrument.

Before Darren could breathe a sigh of relief, Iron Man flew over and threw him to the ground, and then the two started wrestling on the ground.

Soon, Darren was defeated by Iron Man. Iron Man forcibly took off his helmet, opened his mouth and bit it, causing Darren to scream in agony.

"Hope, you run away."

Seeing that something was wrong, Dr. Banner rushed towards the instrument and shouted loudly - there was a big problem with the quantum channel, and he was going to destroy the quantum channel.

At this moment, a large number of zombies poured out of the quantum channel, led by the zombie captain. When he saw Dr. Banner's movements, he immediately threw his shield at Dr. Banner.

Dr. Banner hurriedly waved his shield and knocked it away. The zombie captain caught the flying shield and rushed towards Dr. Banner with zombie superheroes such as zombie Natasha, zombie Falcon, and zombie Spider-Man.

Dr. Banner's expression changed, and he quickly turned around and fled outside, with a group of zombies chasing after him.

"So many zombies?"

Hope didn't dare to stay any longer, so she shrunk and escaped through the ventilation duct. When the zombie Janet and the resurrected zombie Darren saw this, they immediately shrunk and chased after them.

The departure of the superheroes did not affect the operation of the quantum channel. More and more zombies emerged from the quantum channel. They roared and ran wildly outside.

The outside smells like food.

It is worth mentioning that the zombie Doctor Strange and the zombie 'King' did not leave. The two cast spells on the spot, and a large number of golden runes flew out to protect the surroundings.

Obviously, this is not the behavior of the two zombie mages themselves, but the people behind them controlling them to do this.

Andrew watched all this from a distance. He used magic to ask Gu Yi: "Supreme Mage, this thing seems to be the zombie parallel universe invading our world through the quantum realm."

Gu Yi smiled and said: "You asked the wrong person. I am a magician, not a scientist."

"Supreme Mage, you are too humble. Different paths lead to the same goal. Magic and science are both ways of understanding the essence of the world."

Andrew shook his head and asked: "Supreme Mage, according to what you see, do you want to stop this matter in advance?"

Ancient One said: "Weishan Emperor did not give me a warning, which means that this invasion is just a zombie invasion, and there will be no high-level beings involved."

"Just a simple zombie invasion? That's easy to handle."

Andrew thought for a while, then smashed a zombie's head in the air. Then, he grabbed the other person's soul and sensed it carefully.

"The soul is not contaminated, but it has the mark of a different universe."

Andrew was analyzing it, and suddenly, the will of hell sent him a message: "Throw the soul of the alien universe into the River Styx, and the River Styx will wash away the imprint of the alien universe on it.

The River Styx will then allocate the soul to your rebirth in Hell. "

Andrew was a little surprised, but then he understood that the will of hell was asking him to collect souls from other universes as much as possible.

"It seems that Hell's Will wants to make extra money, and it just so happens that I want to make it too."

Andrew laughed and said to Ancient One: "Supreme Mage, zombies can provide souls. I want to leave this portal and let them send more zombies over."

Gu Yi thought for a while and said, "Yes, but zombies cannot leave Manhattan Island. I will use magic to seal off the entire island. In addition, if the situation goes wrong, I will take action as soon as possible."


Andrew nodded in agreement. At this time, he noticed the Eye of Agamotto on Doctor Strange's neck, and asked Gu Yi: "Master Supreme, can the infinite stones from different universes be used in our universe?"

"Yes, but it will be suppressed by the infinite stones in this universe."

Ancient One said: "Infinite stones from different universes can only exert one-tenth of their power at most."

"Ten percent? That's easy."

Andrew nodded and broke off contact with Ancient One. He looked at the zombies that kept pouring out, and a smile flashed in his eyes. These souls were all his.

Not only are there many good villains, but there are also many good people in the parallel universe. They send their souls to him across thousands of mountains and rivers across the universe.

Andrew was moved again.

Dr. Pym's laboratory is located in midtown Manhattan. At this moment, on the street where the laboratory is located, Scott Lang is holding a selfie stick and saying to the audience in the live broadcast room: "I am applying for a job now. I am looking forward to the boss hearing me." The look on your face when you say your name.”

This is a show dreamed up by a funny foursome, The Modern Robin Hood Interview.

After this period of hard work, Scott Lang has become a small Internet celebrity with good income and fame. What makes him even more happy is that his daughter Kathy likes to watch his funny videos very much and likes them every day. .

This makes Scott Lang want to shoot videos 24 hours a day.

The audience said: "Do you think it is possible that the boss doesn't know you at all?"

"I think I'm still somewhat famous. This can be seen from the fact that I was often fired in the past."

Scott smiled bitterly and said, at this moment, a green figure suddenly broke through the window of the building in front and fell from above, hitting the ground with a bang, making a small hole in the ground.

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