Chapter 301 Help

Just as the robber was about to escape, a stone made of ice shot at his back shoulder. The robber heard the noise and narrowly dodged. He turned his head and found that the person who shot at him was a man in a white masked uniform. man.

The robber looked unhappy: "It's these superheroes again."

"I'm the Ice Man. Put down your money bag and capture him without any help, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Frozen Hero shouted righteously, but unfortunately, the people around him looked confused, obviously they had never heard of Frozen Hero's name, which made Frozen Hero a little frustrated.

"I want to see how you can be so rude?"

The robber snorted coldly, raised his hand and waved it in the air, and a middle-aged man next to him flew up uncontrollably and hit the Frozen Man.

The Frozen Man was obviously inexperienced and didn't know how to deal with it. He was hit by the down-and-out man. The robber took the opportunity to escape. The Frozen Man hurriedly pushed the middle-aged down-and-out man away, got up and chased after him.

Andrew stood across the street looking at this scene and said: "There are more and more superheroes."

Andrew returned to Earth two months ago and is now shopping with Gwen, plus Captain Marvel returns to the universe the day after his return.

"There are also more and more super villains. What's more troublesome is that those superheroes are all newbies and often cause all kinds of troubles, such as destroying public property, injuring passers-by, etc., and sometimes they even resist arrest."

Gwen said with a headache. With more superheroes, not only did she not become idle, but she became busier and busier.

Andrew asked suspiciously: "Gwen, why do you know so much about these things?"

"I prefer watching the news."

Gwen smiled awkwardly and ran over to help the middle-aged man up. She asked, "Sir, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I'm just unlucky. First I was fired, and then I was thrown around as a weapon."

The down-and-out man sighed first, and then said optimistically: "But the problem is not big. If you are unlucky a few times, maybe..."

"It will be even worse."

Andrew added, and the depressed man's face darkened. He looked at Andrew and said, "Is meeting you a bad thing?"

Andrew looked at the familiar funny face in front of him and said with a smile: "I guess, sir, I know how to read faces. If nothing else, you will soon be able to..."

The down-and-out man Scott Long asked hopefully: "Will he get rich?"

"It doesn't take long to become a criminal," Andrew said.


Scott was speechless, and he said: "I am now convinced that it is bad luck to meet you."

After saying that, Scott patted the dust on his body and turned to leave. Gwen said angrily: "Andrew, how can you talk like this?"

"You think I'm kidding?"

Andrew shook his head and said, "I know this person. He is a good person. Unfortunately, he perfectly explains what it means that good people do not end well."

Gwen was surprised: "How do you say that?"

"His name is Scott Long. He is an electronics engineer. A few years ago, he discovered that his boss was cheating customers of their money."

Andrew said: "He has a sense of justice. He hacked into the company's servers to return the money to those customers and made it public."

Gwen's eyes lit up and she said, "Wow, a modern-day Robin Hood."

"Modern Robin Hood? Huh, he helped a lot of people, but what did he gain?"

Andrew sneered: "A few years in prison and a lot of fines. In addition, while he was in prison, his wife and daughter remarried to a policeman.

After he was released from prison, he was even worse. He couldn't find a job at all, and now he can't even pay his daughter's child support. "


Gwen was speechless. Isn't this too depressing? She asked: "Isn't there an organization that specializes in helping prisoners return to society?"

"What boss would hire a traitor?"

Andrew shrugged and said: "If nothing happens, in a few days, he will embark on the road of crime. By then, he will most likely be caught by the superheroes and put in prison again."

"I don't want to catch him."

Gwen secretly complained. She looked at Scott's back and couldn't help but sigh. Isn't this too tragic?

Andrew touched his chin and said: "Speaking of which, this is good material. A former hero was abandoned by society and became a prisoner again. This should earn a lot of tears."

Gwen gave Andrew a roll of her eyes. She thought about it and decided to help Scott Lang. No matter what, she couldn't let the hero bleed and shed tears.

Scott didn't know that someone was talking about him behind his back. He was in a very low mood at the moment. He had no choice but to do it. The situation was so bad that he couldn't even prepare a decent birthday gift for his daughter.

"I've changed my name, why do those bosses still know it's me?"

Scott looked puzzled, and Hank Pym, who tracked him through the ants, laughed: "Of course I reported it."

Yes, Scott was so unlucky because Hank Pym was secretly causing trouble.

I don't know whether it's luck or misfortune, but Dr. Pym selected Scott as the next generation of Ant-Man. He specially laid a plan for him. Now he is just waiting for Scott to go dark and become a criminal.

When the time comes, Scott will become his pawn and obediently help him steal information.

Scott became evil very quickly. That night, he decided to steal a wealthy family's house with three friends.

"Just this once, when I have enough money, I will set up my own stall and sell burritos. Ha, it's so funny. An electronic engineer sells burritos."

Scott sat in the car and comforted himself. Soon, they arrived at their destination. Scott, Louis and Dave got off the car together, and only Kurt stayed in the car.

"The monitor over there..."

Louis whispered to Scott, who was Hispanic and met Scott in prison.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded: "What are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

Everyone was startled and hurriedly turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound. At this sight, everyone's expressions suddenly changed, and they even wanted to run away.

Why did they react so much? Because it was Spider-Woman who was speaking, Spider-Woman hanging parallel to the wall.

The four people cursed in their hearts at the same time: "Shet, why are you not so lucky when buying lottery tickets? You actually meet Spider-Woman as soon as you go out?"

"Scott Long actually turned into a criminal?"

Gwen secretly complained that Andrew's mouth was definitely open. During the day, he said that Scott was going to become a criminal, but at night he really changed.

Gwen jumped down from the wall and asked, "There seems to be something wrong with you?"

"No, no, there is nothing wrong with us. We were passing by here and suddenly felt the need to urinate. We were going to borrow a toilet from the host's house."

Scott waved his hands repeatedly, others nodded, and Louis even said: "Yes, we are just going to borrow the bathroom. Spider-Woman, do you want to come with us?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Louis speechlessly, including Gwen. Where did this bunch of teases come from?

Gwen turned to look at Scott, and Scott's heart almost jumped into his throat. Dear Casey, we may have to say goodbye again. I hope that next time you come out, your teeth will have grown.

At this moment, Gwen asked in surprise: "Are you Mr. Scott Lang?"

Scott was stunned: "You know me?"

"I will always remember your heroic deeds a few years ago."

Gwen took out her mobile phone from behind, turned on the live broadcast and pointed it at herself and the astonished Scott. Then, she said to the camera: "Hello everyone, I am Spider-Woman, and this is Mr. Scott Lang next to me. What, you don’t know him?

He's a modern-day Robin Hood..."

Scott's whole body stiffened and he was extremely confused. What the hell is this? Why does Spider-Woman suddenly recognize her and admire her appearance?

More importantly, why was it broadcast live all of a sudden?

Not only was Scott confused, but Dr. Pym was also confused. The plan was about to start smoothly, why did Spider-Woman suddenly run out? This script is wrong.

Andrew looked at Gwen in the live broadcast room and instantly understood her thoughts. He couldn't help but shake his head: "Gwen, this girl, is becoming more and more interesting and mature, uh, mentally and physically."

As one of the most popular superheroes at the moment, there are a large number of fans in Gwen's live broadcast room. After listening to what Gwen said, they all applauded Scott. His behavior was indeed a hero.

"I'm actually not as good as you say, I just really can't stand it."

Faced with so many compliments, Scott was very embarrassed. Gwen said: "Mr. Scott, there are many people who want to know about your deeds. Do you have a mobile phone? Start a live broadcast on Kuaishou and introduce it to them."

"Quick live broadcast? This is true."

Scott nodded. On the second day after he was released from prison, KuaiDou was installed on his phone. There was nothing he could do about it. This software is a must-have for New Yorkers. It can save lives.

Under the guidance of Gwen and Louis, Scott quickly opened a live broadcast room. With Spider-Woman around, his live broadcast room instantly became popular, and the gifts kept coming.

Scott didn't quite understand the value of the gift. He sighed: "I was very miserable after I was released from prison. As soon as those bosses recognized me, they fired me immediately. I couldn't even work as an ice cream shop waiter. In desperation, I I can only come out..."

"This can't be said."

Louis and others gestured. If this was true, they would be knocked down by Spider-Woman and sent to the police station in the next second.

"I can only come out and borrow the toilet."

Scott reacted and quickly changed his words. The audience laughed, thinking he was joking.

Gwen said: "Mr. Scott, if you don't have a job, I think you can live broadcast on Kuaishou or shoot videos.

Your deeds are legendary, and you are an electronic engineer and can teach everyone a lot. I believe everyone will like you. "

"Live broadcast and shoot videos? Can you make money from this?"

Scott was stunned. He had just been released not long ago, so he didn't know much about this. After all, he was not shaking when he was locked in.

"of course."

Louis shouted hurriedly, how could he not make money with Spider-Woman helping to divert traffic? He said: "Spider-Woman, can you help Scott and shoot a simple video with him?"

"Spider-Woman and I are friends." Once this video comes out, are you afraid that you won't be able to attract fans?


Gwen smiled and said that she came here tonight just to help Scott and prevent the tragedy from happening.

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