American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 30 Rejection


The people were frightened and fled toward the store and into the distance. The Blood God Lizard laughed loudly, and while fighting the chasing Iron Man, he used the blood light to devour blood crazily. Iron Man could not stop him at all.

"Huh, superhero."

Andrew shook his head, pulled those desperate and fearful people into the illusion, and began to sign the contract.

Everyone is afraid of death. This time, at least 80% of the people on the street chose to trade their souls after death to Andrew. Andrew nodded with satisfaction and used the Demon Teleportation Technique to teleport Howard, Teslak and a large number of robots to the street.

Howard and Teslak didn't waste any time and immediately attacked the Blood God Lizard. At the same time, a large number of robots descended from the sky and rescued people on the streets and in shops.

Tony was relieved when he saw this. He didn't bother to ask Howard about it and joined forces with them to attack.

"Get out of here!"

The blood god lizard opened its mouth and blasted a bloody light at Howard. Howard raised his shield to block the bloody light and slid back quickly, leaving two deep skid marks on the street.

"You vampires are uglier than mutants."

Teslak raised his hand, and a laser blasted out and penetrated the blood god lizard's chest. Unfortunately, the wound of the blood god lizard healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this, Teslak waved his arms and tried to cut the blood god lizard open, but as soon as he cut it halfway, the blood god lizard fled to the side. Then, with a flash of blood, his wound healed instantly.

"It's useless, I am God."

The Blood God Lizard laughed, suddenly appeared in front of Teslak, and pierced the opponent's steel chest with one claw like a sharp blade. Teslak didn't care, and turned his hands and feet into shackles to lock the Blood God Lizard.

Immediately afterwards, Teslak's whole body lit up with dazzling electric light, and the Blood God Lizard screamed in agony as it was electrocuted. It hurriedly consumed a large amount of energy and turned into blood to escape from Teslak's body.

At this time, Whitters, Spider-Man and others chased after him. Seeing this, the Blood God Lizard moved again. He had to continue sucking blood, otherwise he would not be able to fight these people.

Everyone had no choice but to continue chasing.

Wherever the Blood God Lizard goes, fear and despair spread. Andrew unceremoniously harvests the souls of the people, and at the same time sends robots to save people.

"This guy is so cooperative."

Andrew was very satisfied, but such a good thing should not last long, because Kama Taj would most likely take action. After all, the Blood God is on the magic side.

"Damn robot."

The blood god lizard roared angrily. Before he could swallow a few, the others were rescued. What was even more annoying was that the flies chased him again. He gritted his teeth and made a sound in the sky that could be heard throughout the city. The strange roar.

Hearing the roar, all the vampires and lizardmen in the city rushed toward the commercial street at the same time. Coulson immediately discovered the situation and reported:

"Director, Dickon is calling for vampires and lizardmen. There are still a lot of vampires. As for lizardmen, there are more than a dozen intact ones and dozens of semi-deformed ones."

"We must deal with Dickon before the vampires and lizard men arrive, let the police evacuate the surrounding people, and also post evacuation information on TV stations, Twitter, and TikTok."

Nick Fury shouted, "Inform Natasha and ask her to go to Ghost Rider for help. By the way, ask her to open the communication. I want to hear the conversation between her and Ghost Rider."

"Looking for Ghost Rider?"

Coulson was stunned, and Nick Fury said, "Just do it."

Rebirth Group, Natasha received the order and finally understood why Director Fury asked her to stay here. She didn't waste any time and immediately walked into the chairman's office.

Susan, who was watching the news with Andrew, turned to look at Natasha and asked in surprise: "Natalie, is something wrong?"

Natasha said straight to the point: "Hello, Mr. Wang, I am SHIELD agent Natasha Romanoff. The situation is urgent now. We hope you can save Manhattan."

"Are you an agent?"

Susan was dumbfounded and a little angry. Andrew clapped her hand and said, "I'm not interested. Also, you were fired without compensation."

Natasha said: "Mr. Wang, Manhattan is in urgent need of your help now, otherwise many people will die. As an angel, you cannot just watch innocent people being killed!"

"Moral kidnapping?"

Andrew smiled and said, "Okay, I remember your director is Nick Fury. You ask him to jump down from the building immediately. As long as he dies, I will rescue people immediately."

Natasha was stunned, and Andrew sneered: "If you don't want to, do you have any conscience? You are not willing to trade the lives of so many people for one person's life?"

Isn't it just moral kidnapping? Who wouldn't say the same thing?

Natasha was speechless. She looked at Susan, who had a sense of justice, and said, "Susan, the situation is very bad now. Many people are dead. Only the Ghost Rider can save New York."

Susan hesitated and said, "Natalie, Andrew can't take action at will, otherwise, he will lose control, and then the whole city will be ignited by him."

There is no doubt that this is Andrew's excuse, but it is very consistent with the setting of Ghost Rider.

"We can discuss the terms..."

Natasha was dubious. What else did she want to say? Andrew waved: "Leave, I won't help you. Both you and the previous director are full of sins. To be honest, if I transform, I will be the first to do it." You are the ones who will be burned to death.”

Natasha's face changed slightly, and she said: "I was once full of sins, but now I am working hard to atone for my sins. SHIELD has been protecting the world."

"To put it nicely, some sins cannot be expiated."

Andrew sneered: "I don't think a woman who once deliberately murdered a little girl and made her life worse than death would truly repent."

"You murder little girls?"

Susan exclaimed that in America, children's problems are high-voltage wires.

Natasha's face turned pale after being poked at the scar in her heart. She still had a certain conscience after all. At this time, she thought of something and asked in shock: "Wait a minute, you said that little girl is not dead, but that life is worse than death." ?”

Andrew asked: "No, you look a little disappointed?"

"Where is she?"

Natasha hurriedly asked, if Antonia is not dead, then what about Dreykov? Is he also dead?

Andrew shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"you do not know?"

Natasha almost cursed and said she didn't know in the middle of the spoiler. Are you kidding me?

"I can only see sin."

Andrew said: "Your organization is too evil. I will not cooperate with you, and you don't need to say those high-sounding words. Your organization is full of lies, especially your director, who is full of conspiracies and lies.

For example, he once said that he lost his left eye because he trusted the wrong person, but in fact, his left eye was scratched by a cat while he was petting it. "

Natasha was dumbfounded, and everyone in the S.H.I.E.L.D. branch was equally dumbfounded. Everyone stared at Nick Fury in stunned silence, and they could hear a pin drop.

Even with Nick Fury's thick skin, he was a little embarrassed at this time. Fortunately, he was a black man and others couldn't see his face. He said expressionlessly: "Don't you have to work?"

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