American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 299 Harvest, follow-up

After leaving New York, Victor von Doom began to learn magic under the guidance of his mother Cynthia. He was not only a technological genius, but also a magic genius. In just one year, his magic attainments surpassed his mother's.

What's even more exaggerated is that during this year, Doom also gained the right to rule Latvinia and built it prosperously.

Wearing a green cape and looking evil and arrogant, Doom put down his cell phone, called the Minister of Defense over, and ordered: "Hydra will migrate to Eastern Europe, guard the country's gates, and don't let any of them in."

"Yes, Lord Doom."

The general did not doubt Doom's words at all, and agreed enthusiastically. It was obvious that he admired Doom very much.

In fact, many people in Latvinia worship Doom. A minister once said that in Latovinia, Doom decides everything, and his softest breath is also the law.

After the general left, Doom took out a photo of the Invisible Woman Susan. After a moment, he sighed and put the photo down. He would not have any entanglement with Susan until he completed the three things of the Devil.

Dr. Doom is a very proud man, and he will never break a promise.

"The Demon King of Hell?"

Dr. Doom leaned back on his chair and squinted his eyes slightly. He was indeed inferior to the Demon King of Hell now, but he might not be able to surpass the Demon King of Hell in the future.

In the reception hall of the entrance to Rebirth Hell, two groups of souls were fighting. A large number of new souls stood aside to watch the fun. At the same time, a robot held a microphone and reported the incident.

“These two groups of souls, one was Hydra and the other was S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, found each other and fought in the reception hall.

It was just a small fight at the beginning, but as more and more Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents came over, the fight continued to escalate, and now it has developed into a gang fight involving thousands of people.

Hey, isn't that Director Coulson of the Bald Nemesis Project? He actually secretly joined the battle and beat up a white-haired old man with magic props. It was really a deteriorating world and people's hearts were not as good as before.

Well, that white-haired old man seems to be the leader of Hydra, Pierce, so that’ll be fine..."

There have been two major disasters in Washington, and many S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra agents have signed soul contracts with Andrew.

After they die, they go to hell together, and then, when they turn around, they find that the person who killed them is right next to them. How can this be tolerated? As a result, a group fight broke out.

On the second floor of the reception hall, a robot with a monitor head asked Alice: "Alice, won't you stop them?"

Alice said: "Why stop them? After they finish the fight, each person will be fined 10,000 to supplement the fiscal revenue."


The monitor robot, Dr. Zola, secretly complained, you are a magical intelligence, why do you have such a dark heart? Who did you learn it from?

Before, Garrett sent Pierce's computer back to hell, and Andrew conveniently threw it to Alice.

It only took Alice three seconds to make Dr. Zola her follower. She had no choice but to do so. Dr. Zola was too afraid of death. Even if he became an artificial intelligence, he would still be afraid of death.

Alice said regretfully: "It's a pity that the floor is reinforced and cannot be damaged, otherwise more fines could be collected."

Dr. Zola wanted to roll his eyes, even though he had no eyes right now.

At this time, Howard rushed over. He pulled out Bucky who was crushing Rumlow and complained: "Why are you joining in the fun? Are you still fighting Hydra and SHIELD together?"

"I only fight HYDRA. They fight S.H.I.E.L.D. and I fight back."

Bucky said: "Hydra bastards have controlled me for decades, how can I not take revenge? Howard, don't pull me, I will go over and beat them up again.

Doesn't that man named Rumlow like pain? I'll teach him what real pain is, I'll break his bones into crossbones. "

"Okay, okay, if you have a chance in the future, let's go. I'll take you to get a better body. You can ask for whatever conditions you have."

Howard smiled and said: "You can choose between human form and animal form. In addition, you can also add some special parts."

Bucky's eyes lit up and he asked curiously: "Do robots feel that way?"

"Of course, our robot can even eat."

Howard chuckled, and Labaki went to register at the front. As he said, all grudges were over, and we would still be friends.

"By the way, after you finish picking up your body, I'll take you to watch a mobile ball game. It's super exciting."

Howard thought of something and said to Bucky: "You must be interested in joining our uniform team. We are lacking heroes like you. Trask's bastard robot team has defeated us several times this month.

There are also those black widows, each more ferocious than the last. Last time they teamed up and used spider robots to clear out all the teams. "

"Mobile ball game?"

Bucky was stunned. Mechanical Hell had surprised him enough, but there was actually a competition? Isn't this hell a little too serious?

"The City of Mechanics is getting more and more lively."

Sensing the situation in the reception hall, Andrew smiled slightly and didn't care. Then, he began to count the harvest this time.

The harvest this time was mainly souls. Hydra was very powerful. After several consecutive crises, he harvested nearly 40 million souls, breaking the record again.

In addition to souls, this time Andrew also harvested artificial intelligence Zola, Winter Soldier Bucky, experimental material hive, alien viruses, and Carol's soul after death.

In addition, Andrew also has a big gain, that is, by pushing Garrett to a high position, it will be much easier to do things in the future.

"A lot of souls on earth have been harvested. Next, we need to increase investment in the interstellar sector."

Andrew secretly thought that before he became the Lord of Hell, he could not live without his soul. After becoming the Lord of Hell, he no longer had to worry about his soul, because even the River Styx in Hell was under his control.

Cleaning up the Hydra, cleaning up the raging rats, disinfecting to prevent the plague, auditing SHIELD agents, checking SHIELD accounts, in the midst of the busy schedule, the next day came.

At the White House, President Ellis held a press conference with Carter, Garrett and the superheroes who had not slept all night.

"With my command and help, the superheroes successfully crushed Hydra's conspiracy..."

President Ellis continued to praise himself for more than half an hour before he stopped. Then, he pointed at Carter and Garrett and announced:

"We will bury SHIELD and Hydra together, but disasters are increasing and the world needs an organization similar to SHIELD. After discussing with the presidents of various countries, I decided to establish the Alien and Disaster Defense Agency.

In order to prevent the recurrence of big bugs like Nick Fury, the Defense Agency will adopt a dual-director system. The new directors are Peggy Carter and John Garrett. Now, let them speak. "

"Aliens and the Disaster Defense Agency, a dual-director system?"

The reporters were very surprised and frantically took pictures of Carter and Garrett. The people were also a little surprised, but no one objected.

Carter is Captain America's girlfriend, a legend, and everyone trusts her. As for Garrett, he is the man who shot Pierce and saved the world.

"As an 80-year-old man, I don't really want to work. Anyway, I have a lot of pension."

Carter smiled and said: "But the world needs me, and I am obligated. I am here to assure you that aliens and the Disaster Defense Agency will never let you down like SHIELD."

The reporters were speechless. Over 80 years old? You look exactly the same as you did when you were twenty, okay? How do you maintain yourself?

After Carter spoke, Garrett said: "Next, the Defense Bureau's focus is to establish an organization and eliminate Hydra. The Defense Bureau and Hydra are inseparable and will never let go of a Hydra."

Everyone clapped and applauded Garrett, the old tough guy. The superheroes who knew the truth secretly pouted, "You are Hydra yourself, okay?"


The Hydras gnashed their teeth and vowed to kill Garrett to avenge Pierce.

"Both directors, how are you going to deal with the aliens? Yesterday, many new aliens were born. They not only destroyed a large number of public facilities, but also caused many casualties."

One reporter asked pointedly: "One of the aliens even caused the entire steel bridge to melt."

"He made an unintentional mistake. We will work with the Inhumans to solve the Inhumans' troubles."

Carter said: "If the aliens are willing, they can immigrate to Attilan, if not, they can continue to stay on Earth.

In addition, the Defense Bureau will set up a foreign affairs department to deal with foreign affairs. Please rest assured that foreigners will not be a problem and we will handle them properly. "

"We welcome aliens to join the Defense Agency and protect the earth together."

Garrett added next to him: "In addition, Inhumans can also become superheroes, and the Alien and Disaster Defense Agency will fully support superheroes, just like President Ellis."

President Ellis nodded with satisfaction, saying that Garrett was still a man. Then, Steve stepped forward on behalf of the superheroes to express their full support for the work of aliens and the Disaster Defense Agency.

The reporters applauded, and one reporter asked: "Excuse me, why is Iron Man not here for such an important matter?"

Steve couldn't help laughing and said: "It's not that he doesn't want to come, but that he can't live without the toilet now."

Everyone laughed together, Iron Man once again got a new title after Kidnapping Man and Crow Mouth - Toilet Man.

"Next, the number of superheroes will increase significantly."

Andrew looked at the screen and nodded. This is not a bad thing. The more superheroes there are, the more super villains there are.

This planet will become more and more lively.

At SHIELD Agent Academy, a group of students asked Garrett's adopted son Ward: "If SHIELD is gone, can we still be agents?"

Ward smiled and said, "Of course. After you graduate, you will join the Defense Bureau, no different from before."

The students couldn't help but be overjoyed, and surrounded Ward to ask questions one after another - Ward led people to save the college yesterday, and everyone trusted him.

After Ward dealt with these students, he walked up to a young man and woman and asked, "Leo Fitz? Gemma Simmons?"

"Yes, Mr. Ward, thank you very much for saving us yesterday."

Fitz nodded excitedly. He was a genius from the Science and Technology Department of the Secret Service Academy, an expert in engineering and weapons technology. He looked a little dull.

As for Simmons, she is a beautiful English woman majoring in biochemistry.

"You are welcome."

Ward smiled and said: "The Defense Bureau is in urgent need of talents. The superiors hope that you will graduate early and join the Defense Bureau. Are you willing?"

Fitz and Simmons looked at each other and nodded at the same time: "No problem, we are happy to join the Defense Bureau."

Ward nodded with satisfaction. Joining the Defense Bureau is equivalent to joining Rebirth Hell, there is no difference.

Nick Fury was first imprisoned in a dungeon under the White House. Later, the United Nations took him out of the White House and put him in a special, heavily guarded prison, where he was interrogated every day.

No matter how much evidence the investigators presented, Nick Fury refused to admit that he was corrupt. He kept saying one sentence over and over again: "It's all Hydra who is framing me. I am innocent. I, Nick Fury, have been innocent all my life. I have never been Not greedy for a penny."

The investigator gritted his teeth angrily and said, "Whether you admit it or not, you will never leave prison in your life."

Nick Fury dismissed this, and the prison that could hold him had not yet been born.

One night three days later, a guard walked up to Nick Fury's prison cell and smiled: "Old friend, how does it feel to change from the dignified director of SHIELD to a prisoner?"

"Did you come a little too late? Don't tell me, you are lost?"

Nick Fury said dissatisfied: "By the way, has the surveillance been completed?"

"Are you asking for help? Do you believe I just turned around and left?"

The guard, or Talos the Skrull, said angrily: "The surveillance has been completed. Come out, the number one corrupt criminal on earth, and I will take you away from the earth."

"I will not leave the earth."

Nick Fury shook his head and said: "I want to continue to stay on Earth. If you find a tribesman to help me go to jail, I will compensate him."

"Are you still going to stay on Earth?"

Talos was stunned: "Fury, don't tell me, you still want to make a comeback? With your current reputation, no one is willing to continue to follow you. Even Carol has a problem with you."

"I don't want to make a comeback. I just want to secretly investigate why there are so many disasters on the earth. In the past few days, I have thought about it carefully and feel that the disasters may be related to the devil."

Nick Fury said: "Also, the Angels, the Knights of Peace, and the Mysterious Man, they are full of mysteries and cannot be ignored.

Being locked up is not a bad thing, at least I can hide and investigate everything secretly. "

Talos shook his head and said: "Old friend, no one wants you to investigate these. Besides, judging from your past record, you are likely to cause trouble and not help."

Nick Fury has a very dark face. What kind of truth are he talking about? He said: "Stop talking nonsense and get me out quickly. This shabby place doesn't even have a separate toilet."


Talos had no choice but to follow Nick Fury's arrangement and find someone to come in and go to jail instead of him.

Nick Fury is officially hiding in darkness.

Time flies, three months later, it is now October 2011. The crisis caused by Hydra gradually dissipated, and New York, Los Angeles, and Washington gradually returned to normal.

At the same time, the aliens and the Disaster Defense Agency gradually got on the right track and continued to protect the earth in place of SHIELD. Compared with the overbearing SHIELD, their style was obviously much gentler.

Of course, this is also because supervision is relatively strict, and countries will never allow what happened before to happen again.

In a secret laboratory in Manhattan, New York, the old Ant-Man Hank Pym looked at the quantum space channel that was finally built and beamed with joy, Jenny, I will come to save you right away.


At this time, Dr. Pym's daughter Hope walked in and said solemnly: "Darren held a press conference and said that he has developed shrinking particles and will officially hold a product demonstration next month."

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