American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 291 Snatching

"Don't worry, our target is the Terrigen Crystal and we won't hurt Pepper."

Jiaying said coldly, but there was something in her heart. Pepper is so important to Iron Man, should she be taken back and used as a hostage to threaten Iron Man?

Then, Jiaying, Gordon, and Lincoln took Pepper hostage and carefully walked into the laboratory.

Pepper regained some strength, and she asked in confusion: "Ms. Jiaying, why are you doing this? Aren't you and Tony friends?"

The last time Jiaying came to visit Tony, Pepper had met her.

"How can an alien and a human be friends?"

Jiaying sneered, and then, following Jarvis's prompts, she walked to the cabinet where the Terrigen crystal was stored.

The defense level of this high-tech cabinet is very high. Even the top thieves cannot steal the contents inside. Unfortunately, thieves have been hard to guard against since ancient times. For Pepper, Jarvis took the initiative to open the cabinet and remove the surrounding protection. .

Jiaying was very satisfied. She opened the cabinet and found that in addition to the Terrigen crystal, there was also a sealed glass jar with some strange liquid inside.

Jiaying asked: "Jarvis, what is that?"

Jarvis replied: "It's an alien virus that Mr. Stark isolated from the Terrigen crystal."

"Tony Stark actually isolated an alien virus? He is truly a super genius."

Jiaying was amazed. She hesitated and asked Lincoln to come over and move the glass jar, which might be useful for the hive, while she picked up the Terrigen crystal.

Lincoln went to move the glass jar, leaving Gordon alone with Pepper. Jarvis calculated and controlled three red lasers to shoot at Gordon at the same time.

At the same time, the mechanical arm and cleaning robot stood beside Pepper to protect her safety.

Gordon's expression changed and he hurriedly teleported to Jiaying's side. Then, several unmanned suits rushed into the laboratory and surrounded the three of Gordon.

Upon seeing this, Gordon disappeared with Jiaying and Lincoln, but was teleported back to the moon.

Although there was an accident, the goal has been achieved and there is no need to stay in the laboratory anymore.

As for the problem of hand and tail, the superheroes are busy and should not have time to pay attention to such trivial matters as 'stealing'. By the time they finish their work, Terrigen missiles have already exploded on the earth.

After being freed, Pepper breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly shouted to Jarvis: "Jarvis, inform Tony quickly that the alien virus has been stolen by aliens."

"It's worse than that, the Inhumans are ready to kill millions of humans."

Jarvis said while passing the information to Tony - Maximus had manipulated Lincoln's device. In addition to the virus, there was also a special piece of content that was previously sent to Jarvis's system.

"Killing millions of humans again?"

Pepper was stunned, isn't the earth too dangerous? Either destroy the world, or wipe out millions of human beings.

Pepper sighed: "I'm afraid Tony will have to be a superhero for the rest of his life."

Attilan, Jiaying delivers the Terrigen crystal and alien virus to Hive.

"well done."

Hive was very satisfied and said: "Give the alien virus to Maximus and let him make it into a missile. Maybe there will be a chance to use it in the future.

In addition, you go and tell him for me that I will see Terrigen Missile within half an hour, otherwise, he will become my food. "

"Yes, King!"

Jiaying took the order and left. Maximus looked at the alien virus with a speechless face. I finally managed to secretly separate the virus from the Terrigen crystal. In the blink of an eye, the people on earth 'sent' a large jar of alien virus. Star virus.

"It is said that people on earth like to seek death. It is indeed true. I hope it will not be used."

Maximus shook his head and began to build alien virus missiles.

"Another big gift package."

Andrew looked up at the moon and smiled slightly: "After this incident, the number of aliens will probably skyrocket, and by then, the earth will become even more lively.

Of course, this is a good thing, at least, for me. "

At SHIELD headquarters, while rushing to the warehouse, Tony fired virus darts at powerful opponents such as Rumlow, White Ghost, Bucky, and George Gorilla.

Hydra knew how terrifying the virus darts were and did not dare to take them head-on, so they all avoided them. As a result, the superheroes were unstoppable and quickly approached the warehouse area.

Upon seeing this, Pierce ordered: "Return all to the warehouse."

Rumlow and others breathed a sigh of relief and quickly retreated. Soon, most of the Hydras fled into the warehouse area, and then the superheroes chased them to the warehouse door.

Before the superheroes could do anything, more than ten cannon muzzles appeared in the warehouse area, and then a large number of round cannonballs were fired at everyone.

When Nick Fury saw the round cannonball, his expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly shouted: "Be careful, it's a vampire cannonball. After it explodes, a large amount of high-concentration vampire virus will come out. Once inhaled, you will immediately turn into a vampire."


When everyone heard the words 'Vampire Cannonball', their expressions changed drastically. Susan immediately raised her right hand and put a defensive shield in front of everyone.

The shell hit the defensive cover. It did not explode, but sunk deeply into it, as if the defensive cover was made of rubber.

Then, Susan grabbed her hand, and the defensive cover quickly deformed, wrapping all the shells inside. Then, the defensive cover quickly flew away with the shells.

"Well done, Invisible Woman."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time looked at Nick Fury with dissatisfaction. They were almost wiped out by the methods of SHIELD.

"This was originally used to deal with the violent behemoth."

Nick Fury said helplessly that he really put a lot of effort into dealing with the violent behemoth, but in the end, he got the advantage of Hydra.

"Invisible Woman, your abilities are getting stronger and stronger."

Pierce's voice came from the warehouse, and he said: "Unfortunately, it's useless. You will definitely lose today."

"Where did all this nonsense come from? Attack the warehouse and force them out."

Tony shouted, and everyone nodded, using missiles, energy beams, flames and other long-range means to bombard the warehouse.

At this moment, a defensive shield appeared out of thin air outside the warehouse, blocking all attacks.

"Defense shield?"

Everyone was shocked, Hydra actually mastered the defensive shield technology?

Everyone did not give up and continued to attack the defensive shield. Even Dr. Banner rushed over to join the attack.

Unfortunately, it was completely useless. This defensive shield was hopelessly strong. Even the attacks of superheroes could not cause it to fluctuate.

"You are a bunch of idiots."

At this time, a green avatar consisting of 0 and 1 numbers and wearing sunglasses appeared on the warehouse screen. He said with disdain: "You have only mastered the energy extraction technology I developed decades ago.

What is even more sad is that you have not made any progress at all. You have never succeeded in researching such a simple technology as using the Cosmic Cube to create a defensive shield. "

"A defensive shield made of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube? No wonder it's so strong. No wonder they dare to let the rats come here."

Everyone suddenly realized that with the strength of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, even Captain Marvel couldn't break it, right?

Only Nick Fury's eyes lit up. A defensive shield made by the Cosmic Cube?

Tony asked with an unhappy look on his face: "Who is this guy? I really want to beat him."

"He is Zora, the chief scientist of Hydra. Before he died, he transferred his memories to the Internet and became the first artificial intelligence."

Carter said: "He is a super genius who is super afraid of death. He betrayed Hydra at first and then became Hydra again."

"Ms. Carter, nice to see you again..."

Zola was talking when Nick Fury suddenly shouted: "Everyone, attack the defensive shield with all your strength."

"Director of SHIELD, you are still as stupid as ever. The Cosmic Cube is an endless source of energy. This shield will never be broken."

Zola sneered after hearing this, and Pierce also said: "Fury, don't tell me that you were hit so hard that you have memory problems?

In fact, if you are willing to join Hydra, I will be happy to train you again. You know, I have always been very optimistic about you. "

"Endless energy?"

Nick Fury laughed. That bullshit endless energy source. The Cosmic Cube is a vampire. It has swallowed up a lot of death row prisoners, vibranium, Adamantium alloy, and various technologies from him over the years.

"Listen to me, attack the defensive shield, it won't last long."

Nick Fury said confidently that it had been five days since the last recharge, and there was not much 'balance' left in the Rubik's Cube and it would not last long.

Ha, it’s time for others to have a taste of what it’s like to be tricked by the Rubik’s Cube.

"You can only treat a dead horse as a live doctor."

Everyone thought for a while and prepared to attack again. At this moment, Tony's expression suddenly changed drastically and he cursed loudly: "Thank you for your generous gift."

"what happened?"

Everyone hurriedly looked at Tony, would something happen again?

The audience is also on tenterhooks. The situation is bad enough now. Don't let it get worse.

"The Inhumans are controlled by Hydra's God Hive, which is preparing to launch Terrigen missiles towards Earth."

Tony said with an ugly face: "Once the missile explodes on the earth, millions of people will die, uh, maybe tens of millions, and they will also take away my alien virus."


Everyone was confused, why did a Hydra god suddenly show up? Also, tens of millions of people died? When did human life become so worthless?

"The Inhumans are controlled?"

Skye's expression changed drastically. She wondered how Jiaying was doing, would she be okay?

Skye smiled bitterly: "Jiaying has been persuading me that Attilan is the safest. But just after immigrating, Attilan was controlled by some god. I hope she is safe and sound."

Dr. Banner couldn't help shouting: "Tony, you just said a minute ago that those alien viruses are foolproof."

Tony's face was a little dark, and the slap in the face came too quickly. He defended: "It is indeed foolproof, but they despicably kidnapped Pepper. All my defensive methods were useless. This is not my fault. This is because the enemy is too great." mean."

"Damn it, Malik actually brought the hive back to Earth without permission?"

Pierce was also shocked when he heard the news. It was obvious that Gideon Malik wanted to compete with him for dominance.

Nick Fury yelled: "We can't waste time, communicating while attacking the shield."


Everyone nodded and attacked the defensive shield one after another. Unfortunately, the defensive shield remained motionless.

Pierce and Zola sneered at the same time, how could the defensive shield built by the Cosmic Cube be broken?

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