American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 287 Reversal

Yes, this rare albino gorilla has a name, George. It was given by its breeder. Later, Hydra stole George and trained him into a violent behemoth.

Hydra has been selecting suitable animals from all over the world to train into violent behemoths, and George is just one of them.

George is not big in size, but he is very powerful and has a higher IQ than other violent behemoths. Pierce hid it in the big plane as a trump card.

Hydra had really made a lot of preparations for this day. Pierce would not allow himself to fail, and Hydra could not afford to fail.


George, a gorilla that is twelve meters tall and weighs nine tons, opens its big mouth and roars at Hellboy, which is a provocation.

"Poor guy, let me help you out."

Hellboy didn't waste any time. He swung the huge flaming sword and slashed hard at George. George immediately stepped back. Then, it opened its mouth and a ball of fire violently sprayed out at Hellboy.

"High temperature and violent behemoth."

Hellboy focused his gaze and split the flames with a sword. Then, the flaming giant sword spun in the air and slashed at George again. George grabbed the Quinjet next to him and smashed it hard at the Baron.

Hellboy turned around and blew up the Quinjet with a sword. George took the opportunity to jump up and hit Hellboy's chest with a fierce wind with his fist.

Hellboy blocked the King's Sword in front of him, and with a bang, the Baron flew out like a meteor.


Hellboy cursed, flapped his flame wings and flew back. George roared, and cooperated with Hydra and naval guns to block Hellboy on the deck, preventing him from entering the command room.


Pierce breathed a sigh of relief and asked impatiently: "Is the height enough?"

"It's enough. We are connecting with the Insight Satellite and locking the attack target."

Hydra on the space carrier replied. The screen in front of him was showing a map of the United States. A large number of red dots appeared on the map. At the same time, the numbers next to it soared crazily. That was the number of targets.

The space carrier has a quantum-level precision system that can accurately kill targets from the sky. As for the specific attack target, it is locked by the Insight Satellite based on an algorithm - the movie talks about DNA-level locking.

Nick Fury chose to implement the Insight Plan in order to destroy the enemy before it launched. He claimed: "This time, we are far ahead of the disaster."

"Harvest time is coming."

Andrew tapped his finger lightly, and the live broadcast shot was transferred to the screen of the space carrier.

Then, Melinda May said: "As you can see, Hydra is about to activate the space carrier to kill all targets. Currently, they have locked more than 700,000 targets, and the number is still soaring.

Some people may be wondering, what do they rely on to target? The answer is simple, it is Zola's algorithm.

The Zola algorithm, based on your past, that is, consumption records, bank statements, living habits, online comments, etc., predicts whether you will go against Hydra in the future. If so, they will shoot you in advance.

The editor-in-chief of Bugle TV, the deputy secretary of defense, and the Iowa City high school valedictorian were among their targets. "

"Thank you for your generous gift."

The audience yelled and cursed, is this still unreasonable? I didn't do anything and you're going to shoot me?

S.H.I.E.L.D., and HYDRA, all deserve to be damned, for actually spending money to research something like this that can kill people!

People hurriedly ran to the air-raid shelters. Ordinary buildings could not block the space carrier, and only the air-raid shelters were barely able to survive.

"Zola's algorithm? Destroy all targets hostile to Hydra?"

Nick Fury's expression was extremely ugly, and Carter sneered: "Isn't this what you want? To nip the enemy in the bud."

Nick Fury shouted: "I want to kill terrorists, supervillains, not civilians."

"Stop pretending, Fury, what you do is exactly the same as Hydra. You are only half a step away from Hydra. If you take that half step, you will become the most terrifying Hydra."

Carter shook his head, and Nick Fury was speechless. He changed the subject and said, "Why didn't you notify me earlier? If you had informed me earlier, the space carrier would never have had a chance to take off.

Well now, the superheroes can't stop the Helicarrier and millions of lives are about to be shot. "

"You are really good at shirking responsibility. Don't worry, we are not as incompetent as you."

Carter said disdainfully: "Everything is under control."

Nick Fury was stunned: "Under control?"

At the same time, the space carrier's counter stopped, and the final number was 1.25 million, which was the number of targets that Hydra wanted to eliminate in America.

After eliminating the perfect target, they will control the space carrier to cruise around the world and kill other targets.

Pierce shouted excitedly: "Launch, long live Hydra."

"Long live Hydra."

The Hydra soldiers immediately pressed the button. Tony and other superheroes were blocked on the deck and had no time to stop them.

"It's over. Don't ever have me."

The audience's hearts sank and they kept praying in their hearts. At this moment, millions of people in North America and Europe were pulled into the illusion.

Because there were a large number of people, there were 10,000 people per floating island. Everyone looked around with astonishment on their faces. At this time, a cool-dressed succubus appeared in the sky and offered benefits to everyone.

"You are here because you are all on the list."

The succubus said with a smile on her face: "If you want to die, sign your soul to us after death, otherwise, you will be shot immediately."


Everyone yelled, damn Hydra, actually targeted me? I'm just an ordinary person, okay? At most, he just acts as a keyboard warrior on the Internet.

The big contract signing officially began. Andrew looked at the increasing number of contracts and nodded with satisfaction. Although it was not a global disaster, the gains were still considerable. He hoped that Hydra would continue its efforts, create greater glory, and reach new heights.

At this time, Howard wearing a steel suit and Hulk carrying a hammer came over. Howard said: "BOSS, I want to participate in the Battle of Washington. The grudge between me and Hydra must be settled.

I know that this will affect your harvest, and I am willing to contribute in exchange for this opportunity. "

Hulk also said: "I, contribute, go back and beat Banner."

"Hulk, if you want to go back, part of your contribution will be deducted."

Andrew smiled and said: "As for Howard, I will send you to SHIELD headquarters for free. I am not the kind of unkind devil."

"Thank you BOSS."

Howard was overjoyed, and so was Hulk. He didn't care about his contribution, he just wanted to hit Banner and let him know that he was just a weakling.

"Go ahead, you decide for yourself when to take action."

Andrew had no nonsense and waved the two of them to Washington.

At the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, just as the Space Carrier was about to launch, all the red dots on the screen suddenly disappeared, and then, the number of targets changed from millions to hundreds.

Then, all the turrets and energy guns of the space carrier turned around and aimed at the dinosaur army that was rushing towards this direction - all the people around them had evacuated.

"Launch, long live Iron Man."

Tony Stark grinned, and hundreds of energy rays densely shrouded the dinosaur army.

The violent dinosaur army was caught off guard. Many velociraptors and stegosaurs were penetrated by large-caliber energy cannons and fell to the ground screaming, struggling in pain.

The Tyrannosaurus rex and the Indominus rex were also beaten back, and the entire dinosaur army suffered heavy losses. At the same time, the surrounding buildings collapsed, raising dust all over the sky.

"how so?"

Pierce shouted in disbelief. One second he was waiting for all the enemies to be wiped out, and the next second the dinosaur army suddenly suffered heavy losses.

Sitwell looked at the screen and shouted: "The space carrier system has been invaded. It should be Tony Stark's fault."

"How could it be? Wasn't he blocked on the deck?"

Pierce shouted, and at this moment, a bright light flew out from the control room of a space carrier, standing proudly in the void.

"Captain Marvel."

Pierce and Nick Fury exclaimed at the same time. They suddenly understood that Captain Marvel did not really return to the universe. She left deliberately to lower Hydra's vigilance.

Previously, Tony and others attracted Hydra's attention. Captain Marvel entered the invisible state with the help of Susan. Then, she quietly flew into the control room and replaced the control chip.

"It turns out you were already prepared."

Nick Fury said bitterly. Unexpectedly, even Carol didn't believe him. It was really a betrayal.

"Of course we are prepared. Even if we cannot control the space carrier, Captain Marvel can easily destroy these three big guys. In her words, three seconds is enough."

Carter said that with Captain Marvel here, they have the confidence to launch the space carrier. They will not make fun of the lives of millions of people like SHIELD.

"Without even a defensive cover, the space carrier is nothing to alien warships. Its greatest purpose is to kill its own people."

Carol shook her head with disdain, what are humans best at? Best at destroying yourself.

"Captain Marvel, that's so cool."

Seeing that the crisis was over, the audience clapped their hands excitedly. Sure enough, superheroes are still reliable.

By the way, I wonder if Ghost Rider will take over Captain Marvel again? If so, then everything would be simple. Everyone can drink beer and eat popcorn while waiting to watch the Ghost Rider show.

"Hurry up and investigate if the Ghost Rider is back?"

Pierce also thought about this problem and shouted in shock that he was not afraid of Captain Marvel, but he was really afraid of Ghost Rider.

That's not the same level at all.

The Hydra agent replied: "No trace of Ghost Rider has been found yet. He has been gone for almost a month. According to the intelligence we collected, he seems to have gone to an alien planet."

"That's good."

Pierce breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the Space Carrier in the sky, a flash of distress flashed in his eyes, and then ordered: "Evacuate the Space Carrier, detonate the nano bombs, and set the nano bugs to attack all Tony Stark's Battle clothes.”

The Hydra agent on the space carrier immediately obeyed: "Yes."

Then, Hydra agents parachuted out one after another. At the same time, along with three loud bangs, a large amount of green fog appeared inside the three space carriers.

These green mist are naturally nano bugs. They gnawed at the space carrier crazily. The energy pipeline of the space carrier was quickly destroyed. Whether it was the engine or the attack weapon, they all lost their energy and stopped.

Then, the space carrier began to fall downwards. Fortunately, there was an artificial lake below, and their fall would not affect innocent people.


Tony and others hurriedly escaped from the space carrier, and the steel suits also retreated with George and other Hydras.

"It fell again."

Nick Fury and Hill sighed at the same time. The space carrier seemed to be cursed, and every time it took off, it would inevitably fall.

Hill was even more disappointed. Where is the promised captain? The mothership fell down before I even got on it.

The top five directors also sighed. It was all money. They had invested at least hundreds of billions of dollars in the Insight Project, and all of it was gone in one fell swoop.

In mid-air, Tony couldn't help but curse: "Are you so cruel? Are you going to actually place nano bug bombs in the space carrier?"

"Before calculating victory, calculate defeat first. I have long envisioned the scene of the Space Carrier being occupied by superheroes."

Pierce snorted coldly: "We have made countless preparations for this operation and simulated many battle scenarios."

Garrett laughed: "So many villains have failed, of course we have to learn lessons."

"We are not villains, we are righteous."

Pierce snorted, thought for a moment, and said, "Start the Rampage Giant Rat Project."

Sitwell asked, "Which city to start with?"

Pierce said: "Start with Washington and Los Angeles, and five minutes later, start the arrangement of New York."


Sitwell nodded and started to set up.

In the sewers of Washington, a large number of rats gathered in dark places looking for food. At this moment, a red bomb buried in the garbage exploded, and a large amount of gas enveloped the rats.

After absorbing the gas, the rats rolled in pain on the ground. Then, their bodies swelled rapidly, and at the same time, their eyes lit up red, like monsters.

This is Pierce's plan for the violent giant rats - they arrange a large number of violent gas bombs in the sewers in advance and detonate them when necessary, turning the rats into violent creatures.

It is worth mentioning that there is a problem with these violent gases. They will wildly activate the potential of the rats, allowing them to have the strongest combat power in the shortest time, but after a day, they will all die.

Simply put, cannon fodder.

Hydra also has scientists. They not only copy, they also innovate.

"The arrangement has been started. According to predictions, in five minutes, these rats will complete their transformation and rush out of the sewer."

Sitwell said: "The special device we studied can attract rats. After they transform, they will rush to SHIELD headquarters crazily. By then, they will eat all the superheroes."

"well done.

Pierce nodded with satisfaction: "Even without the Insight Project, Hydra can still rule the world, unless they want to be eaten by rats."

Garrett asked in confusion: "Pierce, I can understand everything else. The question is, why not start directly from New York? Instead, start from Los Angeles first, and then start the arrangement in New York ten minutes later."

Pierce replied: "To distract the Peace Knights."

Thanks to Bai Yuti’s poem this week, Jerry, book friend 161115152424481, Baicai Laoyao, paying attention to you from afar, CH_ENg, and the reward of the unparalleled dream

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