American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 285 Absolute Order

"SHIELD and Hydra are two sides of the same coin? Okay, Ms. Carter, I will fully cooperate with you."

Nick Fury smiled bitterly and agreed. Carter was the first official director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and had enough authority to direct this matter, not to mention that she was appointed by the presidents of various countries.

"Very well, you and I will take command together and try to save SHIELD agents and destroy Hydra."

Carter said, and then the two gave orders to the agents through SHIELD's internal system.

Because Hydra would also receive the message, the orders given by Carter and the others were very simple, similar to protecting themselves, surrendering to the army, and rescuing a certain stronghold.

Although it is just a basic command, it is extremely important to SHIELD agents because they have found the backbone and know what they should do.

When the war between S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra was in full swing, Garrett's adopted son Ward led a group of masked agents to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Academy to rescue the students. They were all good prospects and could not be harmed by Hydra.

In addition, there is a pair of super geniuses in SHIELD Agent Academy. As we all know, a certain devil likes geniuses the most.

At the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, the battle was still fierce. At this time, hundreds of unmanned suits flew towards this direction from a short distance away, but the unmanned suit army rushed over to support them.

Scarlett's load capacity was limited, so the unmanned suit was hidden near SHIELD and was not teleported together.

Everyone was overjoyed to see the unmanned suit army. At this moment, with a violent roar, more than a dozen pterosaurs several times larger than an airplane flew towards this side. It was the violent roar. Behemoth.

"Come so fast?"

Tony's expression changed slightly and he said to Jarvis: "Control the unmanned suit to stop the pterosaurs. Don't let them come over."

"Yes, sir."

Jarvis immediately agreed, and soon, the unmanned suit and the pterosaur faced each other in the air.

Different from the last time, this time facing the violent behemoths, the unmanned suits were not defeated. On the one hand, they had been upgraded, from gunpowder weapons to energy weapons, and their performance had also been greatly improved.

On the other hand, there were far more unmanned suits than pterosaurs, and the two sides fought fiercely in the sky. From time to time, the blood of giant beasts and the remains of steel suits fell from the sky.

Seeing that the pterosaur was blocked, everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, Jarvis said: "Sir, a group of giants and violent dinosaurs are coming this way. The giants are expected to arrive in five minutes, and the violent dinosaurs are expected to arrive in ten minutes. arrive."

The Violent Giant and Violent Dinosaur were too big to be brought into the city, so they had been hiding outside the city. After receiving Pierce's order, they rushed here immediately.

Tony ordered: "Project them."

Jarvis immediately released two holographic projections. On the left were ten Hydra violent giants. They had flying jets on their backs, and their bodies were parallel to the ground. They flew straight towards the SHIELD headquarters. Although the speed was not very fast, it was still fast. Definitely not slow.

Some of these violent giants were wearing battle armor, and some were only wearing animal skins, with special weapons on their arms. They all looked excited. They had been preparing for so long, and it was finally their turn to play.

Yes, these violent giants have reason, and they are all fanatical believers of Hydra.

The projection on the right is of violent dinosaurs, including Tyrannosaurus rex, Indominus rex, Velociraptor, Stegosaurus, etc., the number of which is far more than that of violent giants. However, their strength is uneven. Tyrannosaurus rex and Indominus rex are the strongest, and the others are relatively weak. Be weaker.

Under the control of the nanobugs, these violent dinosaurs rushed towards the SHIELD headquarters like bulldozers. The buildings on the road were knocked down by them one after another, rumbling and collapsing, kicking up a lot of dust.

"Run quickly."

Many citizens of Washington died tragically as a result. The survivors ran away as fast as possible, wishing their parents had two more legs. Fortunately, the main purpose of the violent dinosaur was to hurry and did not hunt them down.

Andrew shook his head and did not send the Peace Knights to take action because more than half of the citizens of Washington had sold their souls to him—Washington had experienced two major disasters.


When President Ellis saw the raging dinosaur on the screen, he cursed and quickly prepared to evacuate. The situation was worse than he thought.

"Hopefully the superheroes win."

President Ellis prayed secretly, and the audience also prayed. The strength of Hydra was far beyond their imagination. Those violent monsters could easily destroy a city.

"The violent dinosaurs and the violent giants are really well prepared. Why are the villains so cautious these days? Will you die if you are careless?"

Tony cursed and asked through the communicator: "Dr. Banner, how long until you arrive?"

"About three minutes."

Dr. Banner controlled the Angry Mecha to fly quickly this way. Today, he, Bruce Banner, wanted to completely clear his name as a comedian.

He is a super genius with many PhDs!

"Okay, let's get rid of these Hydras before the giants arrive."

Steve shouted, and everyone nodded. At this moment, the ground shook violently, but the artificial lake was opening the gate. Then, the space carrier, protected by a group of steel suits, began to take off.

Hill connected to Iron Man's communication and said anxiously: "The space carrier is about to take off. Once they rise to a high enough altitude, they will activate their attack devices and kill millions of people."

"Hill, it's great that you're fine."

Nick Fury was overjoyed when he heard Hill's voice, but Tony had no time to be polite. He asked: "Hill, did you find out where Pierce is?"

Hill shook his head: "No, there are not many monitors that I can control. Hydra has manipulated the server, and now most of the system is controlled by them."


Tony cursed. That bastard Garrett didn't know what he was doing. He never sent Pierce's location. He said: "Hill, you and Skye will contact each other and try to break through Hydra's control as soon as possible."


Hill nodded, and then Tony used the internal channel to whisper to everyone: "When the space carrier takes off, we will go to the space carrier to replace the chip according to the original plan.

At that time, the space carrier will become our weapon against the violent behemoth. "

The reason why he kept his voice low was because Tony knew that the camera of the Bugle TV station was facing here, even though he couldn't find where the camera was no matter how hard he looked.

Dr. Reed nodded: "Okay, Nick Fury has prepared a lot of weapons to deal with the violent behemoths on the space carrier, which is suitable for the current situation."

Others nodded, including a figure hidden above the clouds who was a key figure in the plan.

From the beginning, Tony and the others had no intention of preventing the space carrier from taking off.

At this time, an instrument was thrown down from the building above. Then, the instrument lit up, and a holographic projection fell in front of everyone, but it was Pierce.

Pierce looked at Carter and said with great surprise: "I didn't expect to see old friends again, young old friends."

Tony's eyes flashed and he whispered: "Jarvis, try to track Pierce's signal."

Carter said with an ugly face: "Pierce, what I regret most in my life is promoting you."

"No, you didn't promote me. You never liked my style. You just didn't stop me from becoming chief."

Pierce said, then he looked at Nick Fury and smiled: "In comparison, I really promoted Fury.

Fury, you know what? When I said I wanted to promote you to the position of chief, there was a lot of opposition both within SHIELD and Hydra.

Especially within Hydra, many people don't understand why I promoted a SHIELD agent to be the director of SHIELD. "

Everyone was a little speechless when they heard this. Is it surprising that a SHIELD agent becomes the director of SHIELD?

Nick Fury asked with a complicated expression: "Pierce, why did you choose me to be the mayor?"

"Because you are the most suitable candidate. You are ruthless enough, vicious enough, extreme enough, and unscrupulous enough. Although you are not Hydra, most of the things you do are in the interests of our Hydra."

Pierce said: "It turns out that there are more SHIELD agents than HYDRA agents. After you came to power, the number of HYDRA agents quickly exceeded SHIELD agents.

At the same time, we are developing crazily all over the world and we are everywhere.

This is why I promoted you and have been shielding you from troubles for decades. You are the number one contributor to the success of our Hydra. "

"The number one hero?"

Nick Fury's face was almost purple with anger. I, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., am the number one contributor to Hydra? Is there anything so humiliating?

Human Torch complained: "I think we need to get rid of this number one hero first."

"Agree." "Agree." Everyone nodded.

Tony sneered: "You don't take Hydra's salary, but you have made countless contributions to the development of Hydra. Nick Fury, you are really a great man."

Nick Fury was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He was angry not only with Pierce and Tony, but also with himself. Not only did he not discover Hydra, he also continued to help Hydra grow. He was not a hero, he was a sinner, the number one sinner.

It is worth mentioning that when Pierce was speaking, the battle between the superheroes and Hydra did not stop, but became more intense - the superheroes wanted to deal with Hydra as soon as possible.

At the same time, three space carriers slowly lifted into the sky, spraying flames. These three space carriers were much more powerful than the one in New York. Not to mention other things, even the engines had changed.

The New York ship had a turbine engine, which was prone to problems. Now it has a plasma engine, which is several times more powerful than before.

"I don't have much time, so I won't stop talking nonsense."

Pierce said to the superheroes and the audience in front of the screen: "Many of you have misunderstandings about us Hydra. I want to tell you that everything we Hydra do is not for power, but for absolute order. .

Only absolute order can completely end disasters and make mankind completely safe.

After we, Hydra, rule the world, we will gather all the power of the world to develop science and technology and military.

For example, we will build millions of steel suits. By then, most disasters will be easily crushed by us. Even if aliens invade, we will be able to repel them.

Compared with security, what are so-called freedom and personal interests? Freedom is actually the biggest lie, and order is the most important thing.

In the hands of our Hydra, the earth will become an interstellar civilization in less than ten years. In the hands of those idiots, let alone becoming an interstellar civilization, it will be fine if it does not destroy itself.

We, Hydra, are the real saviors. "

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