American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 283 Revealing the Truth

"SHIELD was a mistake, and today, we're going to make amends for that mistake."

Steve took a deep breath and asked the superheroes, "Are you ready?"

"It has been prepared for a long time."

Everyone shouted in unison that today, they helped the captain complete what he failed to accomplish seventy years ago.

To be honest, everyone was a little excited, as they seemed to have walked into history and completed the mission with Captain - most superheroes grew up watching Captain movies.

Steve nodded and said, "Very good, Scarlett, it's up to you."

Scarlett smiled and said: "No problem, as soon as the signal arrives, I will take everyone to teleport there immediately."

At SHIELD headquarters, Pierce, Nick Fury, Tony Stark, New York Commander John Garrett, Black Widow Natasha, Hawkeye Barton and others stood in the lobby, waiting for the five directors of the World Security Council arrival.

"Tony, why are you here? And why isn't the captain here?"

Nick Fury asked in confusion: "Two directors specifically mentioned the captain and wanted to take a photo with him. There was nothing they could do. Their children particularly liked the captain."

"I think their kids like me more."

Tony said nonchalantly: "I have put a lot of effort into the Insight Project, so of course I want to come. As for the captain, are you sure you told him about the Insight Project?"

"Told him, he said he doesn't like putting guns to people's heads."

Nick Fury said: "Maybe that's why he didn't come."

"We are not putting a gun to the people's heads, we are putting a gun to the disaster's head. Only in this way can we protect the people."

"History will prove that everything we did was correct," Pierce said.

Nick Fury, Natasha and others nodded, while Tony and Garrett snorted secretly at the same time, speaking more beautifully than singing.

"You Hydra, like history, will become losers."

Tony glanced at Pierce without any trace, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes: "Father, mother, I will avenge you soon. I will not let go of any murderer."

According to Whitehall's memory, it was Pierce who ordered Howard to be killed, and the person who carried out the task was a puppet called the Winter Soldier. They were all going to die.

Tony didn't know that the Winter Soldier was Captain America's good brother Bucky, and the memory retrieved was not complete, only partial.

Soon, the directors arrived. Seeing that the captain was not there, one director said disappointedly: "Isn't the captain here? It seems that my task cannot be completed."

Pierce smiled: "I think your children will like the Iron Man signed figure."

After a while of greetings, Nick Fury led everyone into the conference room. It is worth mentioning that Garrett did not follow him. He was responsible for the security outside.

In addition, all members of the commando team stood outside the conference room to protect the safety of the conference room.

In the conference room, Nick Fury couldn't wait to say: "Please allow the five directors to authorize us to officially start the Insight Project."

"We authorize you."

The five directors looked at each other and nodded in unison. Nick Fury took a deep breath, picked up the communicator and ordered: "Prepare to launch the space carrier."

The staff replied: "The aerospace carrier is officially launched. In five minutes, three aerospace carriers will take off at the same time."

"very good."

Everyone was very satisfied. Pierce poured everyone a glass of wine and said, "I wish the world will become safer and safer."

"I wish the world will become safer and safer."

Everyone said, at this moment, Hill's voice sounded from the radio: "Director, Bugle TV is broadcasting an emergency broadcast."

Cough cough cough…

Several directors choked on the wine on the spot, and Pierce's heart was beating wildly. He hurriedly took out heart disease medicine and took it. Shetter, why did you come at this time?

Nick Fury hurriedly said: "Hurry up and project the live broadcast on the screen."

Hill did as he was told, and soon, Melinda May's figure appeared on the screen. Nick Fury was overjoyed when he saw it. He said: "It's not Roxanne. In other words, it won't be a world-destroying disaster. Multi-city level.”

"That's good, that's good."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Tony was a little speechless. He complained: "When did even a city-level disaster become something worthy of celebration?"

"Starting from when the Earth was nearly destroyed twice."

Pierce sighed: "Fortunately, it's only a city level. If there is another world-destroying disaster, I might be scared to death."

"I guess I will too."

Nick Fury said: "This is why we must implement Plan Insight. I know that this plan is a bit excessive, but the disaster is even more extreme. We must find a way to protect ourselves."

The directors nodded, which is why they agreed to the insight plan.

On TV, Melinda May said in a low voice: "Today, I want to disclose something to everyone. I am not a real reporter. My true identity is Melinda May, a level 7 agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

More than two years ago, I was ordered by Nick Fury to work as an undercover agent at Bugle TV to investigate the intelligence sources of Bugle TV.

In fact, half of the staff at Clarion TV are Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. "


The audience was all dumbfounded. Melinda, the famous anti-SHIELD pioneer, was actually a senior SHIELD agent? Is this joke a little too big?

Is this too much for S.H.I.E.L.D.? Completely treating them like idiots.

"Half the staff are SHIELD agents?"

The employees of Bugle TV were all confused. Are we sure that Bugle TV is a branch of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Editor-in-Chief Jameson's jaw almost dropped in shock. He looked at the female secretary beside him who had just been hired some time ago and asked, "Don't you tell me that you are also a SHIELD agent?"

The female secretary didn't know why Melinda suddenly revealed her identity, but there was no point in concealing it at this time. She said, "A Level 2 SHIELD agent is reporting to you."


Jameson cursed loudly, but fortunately he was reluctant to spend money and didn't sneak into the other party, otherwise it would be terrible.

Sure enough, stingy people will not have bad luck.

At SHIELD headquarters, Nick Fury and others also looked shocked. Pierce asked: "Fury, did you arrange this?"

Nick Fury shook his head repeatedly: "No, why did Melinda reveal her identity suddenly? This shouldn't be the case. She is a very good agent."

On the screen, Melinda May continued: "I know there must be many people scolding me at this moment. Please listen to the rest of what I have to say. Today, there are many people you are going to scold, so please save your energy.

In fact, I joined SHIELD very early, and Ms. Carter taught me for a while. I have always been proud of being a SHIELD agent because I feel that I am protecting the world. "

"Protect the world?"

Many viewers are complaining: "The world will be safer without you SHIELD. How many disasters have you caused?"

"It wasn't until some time ago that I realized that I was wrong. There is no glory in my work because SHIELD has long been eroded by Hydra."

Melinda sighed and continued: "It's ridiculous to say that there are more Hydra agents than SHIELD agents within SHIELD.

And their leader is none other than the previous Director Pierce, the one who refused the Nobel Peace Prize.

Also, former director Jillian Malik, Senator Stern, are all Hydra. They are preparing to use three space carriers to kill millions of opponents...

SHIELD agents, pay attention to the people around you, anyone may be Hydra, please protect yourself..."

"Hydra is not dead yet. They have corrupted SHIELD? Are they planning to massacre millions of people?"

The audience was once again confused. Although they already knew that SHIELD was not a good thing, they did not expect that SHIELD would actually be a branch of Hydra?

God, is today April Fools' Day? Isn't this too exaggerated?

"Fuck, I told you before that SHIELD should be closed down."

Many people cursed, and then they took their families and fled to the air-raid shelter as quickly as possible.

"S.H.I.E.L.D.? Serpentis Shield?"

The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents looked at the screen, dumbfounded. How dare we have been working for Hydra? Also, what the hell is it that there are more HYDRA agents than S.H.I.E.L.D.

The agents put their hands on their waists and looked at their colleagues around them warily. Anyone could be an enemy, even if he just invited you to dinner yesterday.

In the White House, several Secret Service agents were taken down by the president's special bodyguards - they were all members of Hydra, preparing to kidnap President Ellis and make him surrender.

"Do you guys still have any conscience? I've been kidnapped twice, and you still want to kidnap me?"

President Ellis yelled that the reason he trusted Garrett so much was because Garrett told him that there was Hydra in the Secret Service.

"Your mission today is to eliminate Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. Next, according to the order, you will rush to each S.H.I.E.L.D. station separately. Anyone who dares to resist will be killed without mercy."

At the White House headquarters, a general ordered loudly: "Remember one principle, it is better to be in vain than to indulge. Do you understand?"


The soldiers shouted in unison and immediately got on the armored vehicle and set off.

Similar situations also occur in other countries, but unlike the United States, many countries in Europe are in chaos because there are many Hydras among the soldiers they organize.

Not to mention other places, SHIELD headquarters, Nick Fury heard that SHIELD was invaded by Hydra, and he was completely confused. He felt that his soul was flying in the sky, and he didn't know where he was or what he was doing.

"This is impossible. How could my S.H.I.E.L.D. be corroded by Hydra? I'm not a fool. If it was really corroded, how could I not notice it at all?"

The first thought that flashed through Nick Fury's mind was disbelief, but the second thought immediately brought him back to his senses:

"No, what Melinda said is probably true. No wonder I haven't been able to find out that mysterious force. They are Hydra, the Hydra lurking in SHIELD."

At this time, Nick Fury heard the name of the leader of Hydra, turned his head in disbelief, and asked Pierce: "Are you the leader of Hydra?"

One director shouted in alarm: "Commando team, come in quickly."

Hearing the shouts inside, Rumlow immediately led the heavily armed commando members into the conference room.

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