American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 280 Insight Plan

"It's a very, very, very big problem."

Carter sighed and said: "Everyone, wait a moment, we will start right away. As a friendly reminder, please be mentally prepared."

"I'm a little nervous about what you said. Um, ma'am, you seem familiar?"

The Human Torch, who was pulled by Steve, asked. Susan heard the words and gave the Human Torch a fierce look. When was it? Are you still picking up girls, or are you using such old-fashioned methods?

The Human Torch shrugged innocently, this was really not a pick-up.

Carter smiled, turned and left without answering.

When Carol saw Spider-Woman, she walked over and asked in a low voice: "Isn't your boyfriend back yet?"

"not yet."

Spider-Woman complained: “Last month he said he was going to space to help a friend, and then he never came back.

The problem is, he often texts me, and I really want to ask him, which space operator is so powerful? You can send text messages and even start videos through space. "


Carol's eyes flashed. The last time the Guardians of the Galaxy defeated the Celestials, was that bastard Angel also involved?

Star-Lord's teases don't look like they can defeat the Celestials? Carol secretly sighed: "That guy is so mysterious."

Spider-Woman hesitated and whispered to Carol: "Captain Marvel, if you find out that your friend may destroy the earth in the future, what will you do?"

"Certainly try to prevent this from happening as much as possible."

Carol said: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about killing my friends, I'm talking about stopping my friends from destroying the earth. I never believe in any bullshit destiny."

"I understand what to do, thank you, Captain Marvel."

Spider-Woman nodded fiercely. She wanted to prevent Skye from becoming an Inhuman, so that Skye would not become the so-called destroyer of the earth.

At this time, a light lit up on the screen, and then Carter's voice sounded: "This is a person's memory picture. I know it is a bit cruel, but if you have any questions, please read it before talking."


The superheroes were stunned and turned their attention to the screen.

On the screen, Whitehall, who is the main perspective, is discussing with Pierce how to use the power of Cobra to eliminate superheroes.

At the end of the discussion, the two shouted at the same time: "Long live Hydra!"

"This is impossible. Hasn't Hydra been eliminated by the captain?"

Dr. Banner stood up and shouted in disbelief: "Also, that person is Pierce, Nick Fury's immediate boss. How could he be Hydra?"


Others were also shocked, this was completely beyond their expectations.

"I knew I should leave." Susan shook her head.

"Unfortunately, Hydra was not destroyed."

Carter walked out and sighed: "Through the Paperclip Project, they have continued to grow as a parasite in SHIELD. Now, there are more Hydra agents than SHIELD agents."

"Faq." "Shet."

Even the superheroes couldn't help but curse. Human Torch asked: "In other words, we are actually working for Hydra?"

Carter said: "It can be said that Hydra is actually the mysterious force that Nick Fury has been tracking. Unfortunately, he can't find anything, because Hydra is S.H.I.E.L.D., they are two sides of the same body."

"SHIELD shouts to protect the world every day, but in the end, they are the biggest threat to the world."

Everyone looked very ugly. At this time, the documentary continued to play - Whitehall was discussing the insight plan with Pierce.

"After the three space carriers take off, they will kill all those who threaten Hydra according to Zola's algorithm. By then, we, Hydra, will easily rule the world."

Pierce said: "S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, superheroes, and politicians who would resist us will all die. There is no place for them to survive in the new world."


The superheroes cursed again, and Dr. Reed exclaimed: "Project Insight is actually Hydra's plan to rule the world? Falk, I also designed a lot of things for them.

Also, the Insight Project will officially start in seven days. "

Carter nodded and said: "Yes, Hydra is preparing to massacre millions of opponents and rule the world in seven days."


Hellboy stopped smoking his cigar and said, "Isn't this too exaggerated? Killing millions of people at once, the devils are not as scary as you!"

"Not all humans are like this. Hydra is inherently evil."

Carter said: "Not only Pierce is Hydra, New York Commander John Garrett, Commando Captain Rumlow and others are also Hydra, and we must stop them."

"Then what are you waiting for? We will rush into SHIELD, no, Snake Shield headquarters immediately and kill them all."

Human Torch said angrily, as did the others, who felt they had been fooled.

Carter reassured: "Don't be anxious, this matter must be considered in the long term. Hydra is very large, even Senator Stern is one of their people."

"That Senator Stern who always gives Tony trouble?"

Dr. Banner took a breath, that was a powerful figure that even the president was afraid of.

"Yes, that's the one who has Hydra in SHIELD, the military, and politics."

Carter nodded: "By the way, Gideon Malik, the former director of the World Security Council, is the bastard who launched the nuclear bomb into New York, and he is also Hydra."

Everyone's expressions were very solemn. There were too many Hydras, right?

Carol frowned and asked, "I have a question, is Nick Fury a Hydra?"

"Do you even need to ask? It must be true. He doesn't look like a good person at first glance."

Human Torch snorted, and many people nodded, obviously having a very bad impression of Nick Fury.

Carter said: "I thought he was at first, but he wasn't, but both Pierce and Whitehall admired him very much and thought he was more Hydra than Hydra."

"More Hydra than Hydra?"

Everyone was speechless, Dr. Banner said: "In other words, he is a SHIELD agent who does not receive a salary from Hydra, but works desperately for Hydra? Shetter, he might as well be Hydra."

Carter said: "More or less, Hydra owes him a medal."

Everyone became more and more speechless. From this point of view, Nick Fury was quite pitiful.

Carroll said: "I know Fury. He has been protecting the people. I think we should inform him and let him work with us to deal with Hydra."

Carter shook his head: "No, although Nick Fury is not Hydra, he has committed very serious crimes, and he is also the target of our attack."

Carroll asked: "What very serious crime has he committed?"

Carter was well prepared and projected the collected ledgers onto the screen. She said: "According to our investigation, at least half of SHIELD's funds were misappropriated by him. He is the largest embezzler in the history of the earth."


Everyone looked at the ledgers with expressions of disbelief. The Fantastic Three and Electro were thinking about whether to go to SHIELD headquarters to unfurl banners to collect debts.

Nick Fury, give me back my hard-earned money!

The evidence was overwhelming, and Carol had nothing to say. She said, "Actually, I'm not very familiar with Fury. I've only met him a few times."

Everyone booed, they didn't expect you to be such a Captain Marvel.

"What are you going to do? We will fully cooperate with you. Hydra must die."

Susan said, and everyone nodded, Hydra is the public enemy of the world.

"Hydra is extremely powerful. Some leaders, even President Ellis, dare not deal with them easily."

Carter said she was not exaggerating. In "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.," President Ellis knew Gideon Malik was Hydra but still did not dare to deal with him.

America is run by capital.

Carter continued: "To eradicate them completely, they have to cause public outrage."

"You mean, let them execute the Insight Plan?"

Dr. Reed frowned: "Madam, this is very dangerous. Although the space carrier cannot deal with aliens, it is very scary to deal with earthlings."

"In other words, you have designed a trump card specifically to deal with people on Earth?"

Susan looked contemptuous: "Why would such a plan be passed?"

Dr. Reed said: "I'm just following orders from above. Nick Fury is very enthusiastic about this plan. Uh, let me confirm again. He is really not Hydra?"

Everyone was speechless, no wonder even Pierce praised Nick Fury as being more Hydra than Hydra.

"He really isn't."

Carter said: "Don't worry, Tony is ready. As long as the chip is put into the space carrier, it can in turn control the carrier. In short, we will never let Hydra harm the people.

As soon as the Space Carrier takes off, we immediately attack the SHIELD headquarters and capture Pierce and the backbone of Hydra. At the same time, we will use the Clarion TV station to make the truth known to the public. By then, Hydra will be dead. "

Dr. Banner asked, "What about the HYDRA agents outside of Washington?"

"They're handed over to the governments and Tony is meeting with the presidents."

Carter said: "We are going to let the presidents quietly assemble the troops, but not tell the soldiers what to do. When the truth is made public, those troops will immediately start to encircle Hydra and kill them all."

"This method is good."

Everyone nodded, and the Human Torch asked: "The question is, how can you tell if you are a Hydra agent or a SHIELD agent?"

Carter said decisively: "Don't distinguish, just take them all. If there is resistance, shoot them without mercy. If you want to eliminate Hydra, you must destroy SHIELD."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then nodded slowly. SHIELD had been infiltrated to such a degree that it was impossible not to eliminate it.

"Do as you say and I will fully cooperate."

Susan said again, and no one else objected, including Carol.


Seeing that the superheroes had no objections, Carter couldn't help but be happy, she said: "In the past few days, we quietly rushed to Washington to prepare.

If nothing else, the main force of Hydra is in Washington. By then, we will face the steel suit, the high-temperature man, and the violent behemoth. "

"Why is Hydra so much more powerful than SHIELD? Is Nick Fury really not the leader of Hydra?"

The Human Torch looked unhappy, but he was not afraid. If he wanted to fight, he would fight.

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