American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 263 Conquering the Inhumans

"This invasion war is almost over."

Andrew thought for a while and snatched Ronan's universal weapon hammer. This hammer is a high-tech weapon from the Kree Empire. It is very strong and has some special abilities. It is considered a good weapon.

"This power gem can't trick anyone anymore. Sure enough, old tricks can't be used all the time. New ones are needed."

Andrew sighed. With Thanos' wisdom, it was impossible not to guess that this power gem was fake - if it wasn't fake, Andrew would definitely snatch it away immediately.

Andrew wasted no time and used space energy to remove the power stone. He found that a lot of purple energy remained on the universal hammer and merged with the universal hammer.

"This hammer has been modified to increase the user's power. It is considered a quasi-magical weapon."

As the mechanical demon king, Andrew quickly figured out the ability of the universal hammer. After thinking about it, he changed the long-handled hammer into a short-handled hammer.

Then, Andrew threw the hammer to Steve in the circle and shouted: "A certain captain who says he doesn't care about Thor's hammer but secretly practices a set of combos, this hammer is for you."

Steve subconsciously caught the hammer, and then he asked in shock: "When did I secretly practice combos?"

Andrew smiled but said nothing, whether he had practiced or not, the audience knew it.

"Give Ronan his hammer back."

Seeing Steve holding Ronan's hammer, Koras was furious and rushed over with several Kree soldiers, slashing at Steve with their weapons.

Steve immediately raised his shield to block Colas' weapon, and then hit Colas in the face with a backhand hammer. Colas was sent flying more than ten meters away on the spot.

Steve's eyes lit up: "Wow, this hammer is really powerful."

Several other Kree soldiers saw this and all attacked. Steve threw his shield at one of the Kree soldiers, who flew backwards on the spot.

Then, the shield bounced back, Steve hit the shield with a hammer, and the shield flew towards another Kree soldier, knocking him unconscious.

"Good hammer."

Steve became more and more satisfied. He held the universal hammer and knocked down all the remaining Kree soldiers in two or three blows.

Everyone looked at Steve in surprise, and Tony complained: "Captain, how dare you say that you haven't secretly practiced combos?"

Natasha looked contemptuous: "I didn't expect that you, a captain like this, would actually covet Thor's hammer. Did you know? To Thor, the hammer is equal to his wife."

Steve was a little embarrassed, so he quickly changed the subject and said, "This hammer is so powerful. It not only greatly increases my strength, but also allows me to deform to a certain extent."

"Give it to you."

Andrew said, there is no need to be stingy with Steve, after all, he is the future Captain of Hell.

"Isn't this a little too expensive?"

Steve was a little hesitant. He would definitely not accept it if it were replaced with something else, but this hammer really suited his liking. More importantly, he had always wanted to improve his strength.

There is no way, Steve's strength is far behind.

"That hammer is nothing compared to this gem."

Andrew held up the power gem that shone with purple light and said - the power gem is wrapped in space energy and will not put a burden on Carol's body.

"What exactly is this gem? Why does it have the power to destroy the earth?"

Tony asked as he dealt with the Kree soldiers, leaving the others and the audience confused.

"It's time to share some common sense with you."

Andrew thought for a while and said: "During the Big Bang, six infinity stones were born, namely, time, space, reality, power, mind, and soul.

These six infinity stones have incredible power. If someone can master them at the same time, they can destroy the universe or wipe out half of the people in the universe with just a snap of their fingers. "

"So powerful?"

Everyone was shocked. Natasha thought of something and asked, "Angel, why did you give this example? Someone really wants to wipe out half of the universe, right?"

"Smart, in the universe, there is a terrifying existence called the Mad Titan Thanos. He and his legions have been causing massacres in the universe."

Andrew said: "Every time they go to a planet, they will kill half of the people on the planet, in the name of maintaining the balance of the universe."

Gamora sighed and said: "Thanos believes that the universe has too many people, and if this continues, the universe will be overwhelmed and destroyed sooner or later, so he wants to help maintain the balance of the universe and kill the excess people.

Half of the population of my planet was killed by Thanos. "

Everyone was shocked. There was such a...psychopath in the universe?

"Killing planet after planet is too slow, so Thanos wants to snatch the Infinity Stones and snap his fingers to randomly wipe out half of all life in the universe. There is no pain, no privileges, and all living beings are equal. He calls this kindness."

Andrew said: "Loki and the Chitauri were sent to Earth by him, and Ronan is also his ally. Sooner or later, you will face him head-on."

"Is he the one who sent Loki?"

Everyone was shocked and angry, and finally found the mastermind behind the scenes. Tony came to his senses and asked: "You mean, there are infinite gems on the earth?"

Andrew said: "I don't know whether it is fortunate or unfortunate, but with this power stone, there are a total of four infinity stones on the earth."


Everyone was shocked. In this case, they and Thanos would definitely fight to the death.

No, he is determined to destroy half of all life on earth.

Whether it is the superheroes or the people, their hearts are heavy. Being targeted by such a madman is not a good thing.

"It feels like playing a game and finally knowing who the big boss is."

Tony shrugged, not afraid, but full of fighting spirit. He asked, "Angel, where are the Infinity Stones?"

"The popular science time is over,"

Andrew said: "Okay, I'll dodge, you can handle the rest by yourself."


Everyone secretly cursed, they hate this kind of guy who talks half and stays half, you might as well not say anything.

It's a pity that I can't beat this bastard, otherwise, I must make him look good.

Seeing that Andrew's consciousness was about to leave, Carol hurriedly asked: "Angel, what are you going to do with the power stone?"

"This is my business."

Andrew sent the power gem away casually. He was going to let the white-haired man fuse the power gem to create the most powerful power phantom.

Space, mind, power, Andrew already has three infinity stones.

Carol hesitated and asked: "Angel, I don't ask where those gems are, I just want to know if the owner of those gems can keep the gems?

I have heard about Thanos. If he really gets the six Infinity Stones, he will snap his damn fingers and wipe out the lives of half of the people in the universe. "

Andrew said with a half-smile: "The Space Stone and the Mind Stone are in the hands of SHIELD. I think they should feel that they can keep the Infinity Stones."

"In the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Carol was stunned. She thought of something and asked: "The Cosmic Cube is the space gem, right?"

"It's not easy. You finally know where your strength comes from."

Andrew shook his head and smoothly pulled the unconscious Black Bolt into the conscious space. Although the number of Inhumans was small, mosquitoes were still meat no matter how small they were. Since they happened to meet them, they collected them by the way.

He, Andrew, is a dedicated devil.

"SHIELD, two Infinity Stones?"

Carol had a big headache. It wasn't that she looked down on SHIELD, but SHIELD really couldn't keep the two Infinity Stones.

Once this news spreads to the universe, those careerists and space pirates will definitely swarm here.

At this time, Carol discovered something and asked in surprise: "Angel, aren't you leaving? Why haven't you returned your body to me?"

"You don't really think I will give my body back to you, do you?"

Andrew said with a sneer: "Do you think I put so much effort into studying your body?"

"What? Ghost Rider, what do you want to do?"

Carol asked in shock and anger. Everyone guessed wrong. The Ghost Rider had already fallen. He had been plotting against his own body.

"What I want to do, of course, is... study your body."

Andrew laughed loudly, and his consciousness left Carol. Carol was stunned for a moment, and then cursed, this bastard, is he playing tricks on her again?

"Don't give me a chance, otherwise I won't let you bastard have it easy."

Carol gritted her teeth and cursed, turned around and flew towards the Kree soldiers. These soldiers would become the tools for her to vent her anger.

In the space of consciousness, Black Bolt appeared on the floating island with a dull look on his face.

Andrew snapped his fingers, and Black Bolt was shocked and returned to normal. He looked at the human-shaped flame in front of him, gestured warily and asked, "Where is this place?"

"No one can understand your gestures."

Andrew said angrily: "You can speak, but this is the space of consciousness. Your ability cannot be used. Even if it can be used, it will be of no use to me."

"Conscious space?"

Black Bolt was stunned for a moment. He tried shouting to the side and found that there was really no onomatopoeia, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, Black Bolt turned back and asked, "Who are you and why did you drag me here?"

Andrew said: "I am the Demon King of Hell. Also, think about your previous memories."

"The Demon King of Hell?"

Black Bolt King became more and more shocked. At this moment, he remembered what happened before, and his expression suddenly changed drastically. He was actually wiped out of memory by Ronan and turned into a puppet?

"Once you leave this space of consciousness, you immediately return to your previous state."

Andrew said calmly: "What's worse is that the Dark Star is gone, which means you can't recover your memory.

In addition, the existence of the Inhumans has been leaked, and there will definitely be many people who want to take advantage of you. Without you, the Inhumans will not be able to stop those wolves, and they will be eaten sooner or later.

The only one who can help you and the Inhumans is me. "

Black Bolt looked a little ugly. He took a deep breath and asked, "Hell Demon King, what do you want?"

"I want you to lead the Inhumans to surrender to me, and sign a soul contract with me, and give me your soul after death."

Andrew said: "In exchange, I will help you return to normal and protect the Inhumans.

In addition, I will let Utopia help you develop the Inhumans. Utopia is my territory. As long as I am here, you don't have to worry about them annexing you. "

Black Bolt was shocked: "Are those mutants in Utopia yours?"

"Yes, I helped them build Utopia, and I was the one who teleported them to the moon."

Andrew said: "Black Bolt, you decide for yourself whether you agree or not. I won't force you. This is a deal."

Black Bolt suddenly fell into deep thought. After a moment, he asked: "To surrender to you, what do we need to do?"

"Have more kids," Andrew said.


Black Bolt looked confused. What the hell, the purpose of the Hell Demon to conquer them was to let them have more children?

“The more people there are, the more souls I gain.”

Andrew said: "In addition, the Inhumans must fight for me when necessary. This is your obligation as a subject."

Black Bolt asked tentatively: "Don't you need to sacrifice something?"

"Sacrifice? Don't worry, I don't play like a believer. If someone really sacrifices a living person to me, then he will definitely receive my thunder gift package."

Andrew said with a look of disgust, he is the devil of hell, not an evil god, eh, something seems a little wrong.

"That's good."

Black Bolt breathed a sigh of relief. He thought for a moment and asked, "Can I talk to Professor Charles?"

"You're being cautious."

Andrew smiled and pulled Professor Charles' consciousness into the illusion.

Black Bolt chatted with Professor Charles for a while, formally signed a soul contract with Andrew, and swore allegiance.

"very good."

Andrew nodded with satisfaction. He thought of something and said, "By the way, SHIELD should recruit you to contain the mutants. You can deal with them casually. If someone comes to your door and offers benefits, why not?

However, don't interfere with things on earth, as it may easily affect my collection of souls. "


Black Bolt was a little confused, but he still nodded, BOSS had the final say.

"Director Fury's paranoia is probably completely hopeless."

Professor Charles shook his head and said with a smile: "SHIELD has a lot of money anyway, so it's okay to cheat them."

Andrew looked at Professor Charles and said, "Professor, you have really changed."

"I used to have a huge mountain on my body, but now I feel relaxed."

Professor Charles smiled and said that he was obviously much more cheerful and younger than before - he used to be bitter and resentful, but now he is broad-minded and fat.

In fact, not only Professor Charles is like this, but other mutants are like this too. The deal with Andrew is their greatest luck.

This is also the reason why Black Bolt chose to surrender. He hopes that the Inhumans can live a happy life like the mutants.

As for the soul after death, what does it mean? The Inhumans don't believe in God.

In space, Black Bolt slowly opened his eyes, and then, a mechanical parrot appeared out of thin air on his shoulder.

This mechanical parrot is a gift given to him by the Demon King and can help him speak - Black Bolt has a chip in his head that controls the mechanical parrot.

Black Bolt turned around and saw that the fighting in the circle had stopped, and the Kree soldiers were either captured or killed.

"It's finally over."

Tony said, the superheroes looked at him expressionlessly, will you die if you don't speak? Such a genius scientist, why does he have a mouth?

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