American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2613 Three Steps

Otsutsuki Kaguya is speechless, there is a 98% chance, what were you talking about so much before? A backup measure? There is a 98% chance that what kind of backup method is needed, is it possible that it will really fail?

The last time the God of Stars was conquered, the probability was 98%. Now that the God of Stars hears the word 98%, he has a psychological shadow.

Otsutsuki Kaguya glanced at Andrew, this guy was good at everything, but he just had a long mouth.

In the illusion, Hades was born. Unlike the original born god, Hades in this life was just an ordinary mortal.

It's not right to say ordinary, because Hades is the son of a general. He has enjoyed wealth and wealth since he was a child. Of course, Hades is a man who pursues his goals. Although he has no memory of his 'previous life', he still wants to do it. A big undertaking.

Doing a big business is not easy. For ordinary people, it is almost impossible. The most you can do is to rob with a gun and eat a lot of food. But for Hades, it couldn't be easier because he is the son of a general.

Moreover, Hades is eloquent and ranks first in the school in 'War Simulation'. Therefore, the country's top leaders trust him very much and believe that a tiger father has no son, and he will inherit his father's position and continue to protect the empire.

Only Hades' father felt that his son was not good enough and was too arrogant. The two father and son had many quarrels. In the end, Hades found a way to replace his father as the general of the empire and led the army into battle.

Then, uh, then Hades's entire army was annihilated, and hundreds of thousands of his troops were all buried alive, including himself.

This is the first life of Hades's illusion. After his death, he immediately enters the second life, which is still a complete life starting from a baby.

"Why do I feel like I've read this story before?"

Otsutsuki Kaguya looked at Andrew suspiciously, and Andrew said: "Have you seen it? There is also a story about Zhao Kuo's armchair war in the world of Naruto?"

"Zhao Kuo? It doesn't exist in the Naruto world, but it does in the real world. I saw it some time ago."

Otsutsuki Kaguya suddenly realized that for such a quiet and cool woman, her hobby was naturally to love books. During this time, she had read many books on the earth, so she knew the stories on paper.

Well, Kaguya Otsutsuki also watched Boruto, and she kind of wanted to beat people up.

"Yes, it is adapted from Zhao Kuo's story. In fact, I added all the famous loser stories on earth into the fantasy world."

Andrew smiled and said: "Next, Hades will continue to experience failure, failure, and failure again in the fantasy world."

"What's the use of this? Different lives will not have much impact on Hades, even if we are in a real illusion."

Otsutsuki Kaguya asked in confusion: "Moreover, what is the connection between letting Hades fail and conquering him?"

Andrew said: "I don't want to influence Hades's character, I just want to dispel Hades's idea of ​​becoming the God King. These failed experiences will let him know that he is not a qualified candidate for the God King. He can only be the younger brother." .

In this way, the difficulty of conquering will be greatly reduced, because if you are not the boss, you have to be the younger brother. As for who to be, that is another question.

To put it simply, it is like the difference between conquering Cao Cao and conquering Xu Chu. It is almost impossible to conquer Lao Cao, but it is really not difficult to conquer Xu Chu. "

After a pause, Andrew continued: "Don't think that I designed the process of the illusion. In fact, it was not the case. I only designed the main framework. Everything after that developed on its own based on Hades's choice.

For example, in the story about Zhao Kuo just now, Hades really failed. He was originally an armchair strategist. "

Kaguya Otsutsuki understood a little bit: "In other words, you just want Hades to recognize yourself in advance?"

"That's right, so this thing will definitely succeed, because none of this is fake."

Andrew smiled and said: "When Hades completes his reincarnation and confirms that I am not the boss, we can start the second step and let him choose me to be the boss."

Otsutsuki Kaguya nodded: "No wonder you said there is a 98% success rate. Step by step, the success rate is indeed not low."

"Of course. I never brag and always speak frankly."

Andrew said, Otsutsuki Kaguya snorted coldly, and said angrily: "That's it, it's quite rare for a scumbag like you to tell me that he has many girlfriends when we first meet him."

Although Otsutsuki Kaguya is already Andrew's woman, she still has some grudges against Andrew for having many women's affairs. This is normal. Who doesn't want his man to only pamper himself?

Andrew was thick-skinned and didn't take it seriously. He shrugged and said, "It's better than saying it later, Kaguya, with your character, you won't leave me even if I say it later, right?"

Otsutsuki Kaguya snorted and didn't answer. He usually doesn't get emotional, but once he gets emotional, he puts his heart and soul into it and naturally won't leave Andrew.

"The more infatuated a woman is, the more likely she is to be harmed by a scumbag."

Otsutsuki Kaguya shook her head, said nothing more about this aspect, and concentrated on watching the illusion.

As the illusion continues to reincarnate, Hades's confidence continues to decline, which can also be seen from his performance.

At the beginning, Hades worked tirelessly to do something big. After failing several times, not only did he not give up, but he became more intense and his methods became more radical. Then, he continued to fail, kept failing, and kept failing.

When reaching a critical point, Hades's tone was completely relieved, because he knew that he could not do big things. To be precise, he could not do big things personally.

Of course, Hades didn't want to live a dull life, so he chose to join other people's camp and achieve great things with them.

At this point, Andrew's first step was successfully completed. After countless reincarnations, Hades finally lost confidence and stopped being the boss. Instead, he chose to assist people with the same aspirations.

Next, Andrew had to lock this person on himself, so that Hades would surrender to him.

This was difficult, or very, very difficult. Fortunately, before entering the illusion, Hades hypnotized himself in his heart because of Andrew's design: This time I really surrendered and was loyal to Andrew.

Although it was only the most basic loyalty, it was enough. With this hint, Andrew could do a lot of things, and the entire difficulty coefficient directly changed from hell level to nightmare level.

In the illusion, Hades met a prince who looked exactly like Andrew. For some reason, he had a good impression of the other party, took the initiative to contact the other party, and then was convinced by the other party.

Next, Andrew took Hades to show off and fly - successfully defeated all enemies, became the new emperor, and unified the world.

"The greatest luck in my life is to follow the right person."

This was Hades's thought before he died. He, who had enjoyed a lifetime of wealth and glory, closed his eyes very contentedly.

The next second, Hades was born again. This time, the world was a sword and magic plane. The process was similar to the last time. However, Hades was miserable in the early stage, until he met Andrew, he began to make rapid progress.

In general, the routines of these reincarnations are the same - if you come alone, it's not good, but if you meet Andrew, you will be successful.

Kaguya Otsutsuki watched a few scenes and got a little bored. She asked, "Even so, it's impossible to make Hades loyal to you, right?

When these illusions are over, although Hades will be more fond of you, he is still a long way from being loyal and swearing allegiance to you.

After all, Hades is the Father God. These illusions can only give him hints and change his mind imperceptibly, but they can't make him obey you 100% like the God of Stars."

"This is just the second step."

Andrew smiled and said, "Hades, Zeus and other No. 5 compound trees have a fatal weakness. Do you know what it is?"

Kaguya Otsutsuki thought for a while and asked, "Not as insidious as you?"

Andrew looked at Kaguya Otsutsuki speechlessly. If you talk like this, you will be beaten, you know? He said: "No, it's because they were born too recently and their memories are very short, which means that they are easily affected by external memories."

"The problem is that the memory of the illusion will disappear every time. Even if it doesn't disappear, it's useless. At most, it will make Hades fall into confusion for a period of time. He is the Father God and will soon get rid of the influence of the memory."

Otsutsuki Kaguya shook his head. As the true God of the universe, the Father God naturally has many powerful places, not just strong strength.

"What if it is the memory of another Hades?"

Andrew smiled, raised his hand, and a ball of light appeared at his fingertips. He said: "This is the memory of Hades in the subsidiary world. That Hades is very loyal to Director Tianjian.

Hades' last illusion will be the memory of another Hades, and the memory of this illusion will not disappear.

Of course, Hades will not become another Hades, but the long memory of another self will undoubtedly affect his character, judgment, and loyalty.

The previous two layers of foreshadowing, plus the last layer of the ultimate, Hades will choose to surrender I, of course, am not 100% loyal, but as long as I don't fail, He will not betray me easily, and His loyalty is about 80.

If I fail, haha, not to mention Hades, even the God of Stars with a loyalty of 100% may not betray me.

Only you, Kaguya, and my other women will stay with me firmly no matter what the circumstances are. "

"If you don't add the words "my other women", I will be very touched."

Kaguya Otsutsuki complained speechlessly, and an idea suddenly popped up in his mind. If he died with Andrew and returned to nothingness together, would this be considered the ultimate romance? Moreover, Andrew will belong to Him forever in the future, and other women will have no share at all.

Of course, this is just an idea, and Kaguya Otsutsuki has no intention of realizing it at all, because Kaguya Otsutsuki is very afraid of death.

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