American comics Lord of Hell

Chapter 2592 Underground Base

"King of Superpowers, I understand. I will try my best to prevent casualties among the people. The reason why I want to break through the Father God is for this."

Dave said passionately. The Void Demon looked at him in astonishment. What did Andrew just do? Why did Dave, who had lost his humanity, suddenly become the same as before?

"The King of Superpowers' methods are indeed extraordinary. He is worthy of being the man I want to sleep with but cannot sleep with." The Void Demon secretly sighed.

Andrew scratched his head and asked, "Dave, the reason you want to break through the Father God is not because you don't want to be abandoned by your wife?"

Dave's enthusiasm turned into embarrassment in an instant, and he stammered: "There is also a part of this reason, but most of it is for the people."

"Just a joke, don't be so excited."

Andrew laughed and said, "Stop talking nonsense, Dave, go back to the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau to prepare, Void Staff, you help him well, he just achieved the Father God, there will be some problems with control."

"Leave it to me, kid, don't think you can be arrogant after becoming the Father God, you are still just a half-bucket of water now."

The Void Staff said immediately. Although Dave achieved the Father God, he still treated the Void Staff with great respect. He responded and returned to the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau with the Void Staff to preside over the formation.

Dave is now the Father God, and can truly exert the power of the Void Staff. Coupled with the space transfer magic formation, it will definitely give those demon kings a surprise.

After dealing with the Void Demoness and Dave, Andrew asked Samantha and Pepper to return from the zombie universe, and then he called Ashley, Blair, and Earth Turtle together.

Andrew said: "Although you haven't broken through to the Father God, you have made great progress. If nothing unexpected happens, a disaster will happen tonight, so I called you back to prepare."

For Andrew's praise, except for the Earth Turtle who looked proud, everyone else was a little unhappy, and their eyes all looked at the Void Demoness.

Everyone knows the Void Demoness. This woman actually broke through to the Father God? It's so abominable that she got there first.

The Void Demon was very proud. She posed like a model and said, "I have average talent. The main reason I can break through is that the King of Superpowers has been helping me wholeheartedly. Otherwise, I would definitely not be able to break through."

"Do you think we will believe your provocation?"

Blair said disdainfully, "Seeing that you are so far away from the uncle, I know that you have never even touched the uncle's hand, otherwise you would have approached him long ago."

"Who said he didn't touch it? He obviously hit me with his hand, okay? He hit me with his palm, his fist, he hit me."

The Void Demon said angrily. Samantha and Pepper were speechless. Does this count as touching? By the way, why does this succubus feel a little miserable?

Then, Samantha and Pepper looked at Andrew in surprise. Has this guy changed his bad habits? There are beautiful women delivered to the door, but he doesn't want them?

"Okay, if you don't like her, then practice hard and strive to break through as soon as possible. If you don't break through, no matter how much you say, it's useless."

Andrew said: "Get ready, I'll go to Director Newman to discuss the specific details."

After that, Andrew didn't bother to pay attention to these things, and teleported away directly. The remaining five people and the turtle looked at each other. Except for the Earth Turtle, the other four women attacked the Void Demon at the same time.

It's just the Father God. Haven't they beaten him before? They didn't lose when they beat Duke Victor last time.

"You are so nice."

The Void Demon saw that they took the initiative to attack, and she was not surprised but happy. If they didn't take the initiative to attack, she really didn't dare to teach these four women a lesson. There was no way. If the King of Superpowers knew about this, he would definitely beat her.

But since these four women took the initiative to attack, it would not be her responsibility if something happened. The Void Demon grinned and started fighting with the four women.

The Earth Turtle was confused. Aren't they comrades-in-arms? Why did they suddenly start fighting? It thought about it and joined the battle to help Samantha and the others. The reason was very simple. It was familiar with these four women. It was called helping relatives instead of helping others.

Andrew actually knew about the battle here, but he didn't care. As long as there was no problem, he would just treat it as a competition. He found Director Newman and told him about the disaster.

"I'm afraid you'll find me now, because once you find me, there must be another disaster."

Director Newman looked at Andrew and sighed. Andrew said, "This is easy. I'll call you next time."

Director Newman was speechless. Was this about the phone? She exhaled and asked very competently: "What is the specific situation?"

"I don't know the specific situation, I only know that Conqueror Kang will launch a disaster tonight."

Andrew said: "In short, first secretly gather people and prepare. This disaster may be global. In addition, let the cities around the world that already have defense shields prepare to activate the defense shields.

Although this time, most of them are internal attacks, it is definitely right to make more preparations."

"Leave these to me, I will arrange them, King of Superpowers, your mission is the most important. If they dare to take action, they must have a way to deal with you."

Director Newman said: "If you lose, no matter how much preparation we make, it will be useless."

Andrew smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will never lose."

"I was quite relieved, but after hearing this, I am not relieved at all."

Director Newman complained, then she shook her head and began to arrange various things. The huge war machine of the Disaster Countermeasures Bureau started to turn again.

While they were busy here, Hank was listening to the report from his subordinates in the manor. He asked in shock: "You mean, all preparations have been completed and the plan can be launched at any time? Didn't you say it will take a few more days?"

"We have completed all arrangements in advance. For example, poison gas bombs have been deployed in 32 major cities around the world."

The subordinate said excitedly: "As long as you, leader, go to the base and press the button, thirty-two gas bombs will explode, killing those damn superpowers in a short time.

In addition, the superpower puppet team has been formed and is protecting the base. Everyone in the superpower team is wearing protective clothing, so there is no need to worry about the harm of poisonous gas. "

The reason why you have to go to the underground base to activate the button is because the transmitter above the underground base is connected to the private satellite in the sky. This kind of thing cannot be done using the public network, right?

"Very good, I'll go to the underground base right away and notify the housekeeper, asking him to take the cheerleader and the five superpowers to meet me in the underground base."

Hank stood up and said excitedly. His men were a little shocked. He asked: "Chief, are you going to start tonight?"

"Of course it's tonight. Now that the preparations have been completed, what are we waiting for?"

Hank said: "Tell everyone that tonight is the end of the superpowers. Let everyone make all preparations and make sure there are no mistakes."

"Yes, chief."

The men shouted excitedly, yes, since the preparations have been completed, why not start right away? He immediately ordered down, and the entire organization moved quickly and began to make final preparations.

"Changed places?"

At the dock, the housekeeper heard the voice coming from the encrypted phone. He was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said to the driver: "We are not going back to the manor. We will go directly to the underground base."

"Yes, Butler Nick."

The driver immediately turned around. In the car behind them, Claire and five gangsters were sitting.

Claire looked at the five gangsters with a bit of fun. Before, they were excitedly waiting to receive the money, but in the end, even the 'goods' and people were all captured by the mastermind behind the scenes.

Although the five gangsters were unable to move now, they could see Claire's teasing eyes, and they felt aggrieved and resentful in their hearts. These people had no martial ethics. Not only did they default on their debts, they also packed them away together.

"Damn it, don't let me find a chance, otherwise I will never let them go."

The five gangsters gritted their teeth for a while, but unfortunately, they couldn't do anything now, they could only curse in their hearts.

Soon, the car arrived at an underground base that looked very sci-fi. Two teams of people were already waiting there. When the housekeeper came down, they all saluted him.

"Team one, take these five gangsters to the transformation room and turn them into our own."

The housekeeper waved his hand and said: "Team 2, take the cheerleader with me to see the master. He should be waiting impatiently."

"Yes, Butler Nick."

Everyone nodded, and then they started to take action. Claire was controlled by another superpower. Then, the superpower tied her to a cart and pushed her toward the inside of the base.

"These superpowers don't feel like living people, and they don't have any mood swings at all."

Claire was a little suspicious, and then thought to herself: "I'm finally going to meet the mastermind behind the scenes. Who is it? By the way, this seems to be the villain BOSS's lair. I won't run into anything big this time, right?"

Soon, the housekeeper took Claire to the hall, where many staff were busy. At the same time, there was a very powerful-looking Silver Samurai suit in the middle, and Hank was standing next to the Silver Samurai.

"Cheerleader, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Hank saw Claire and said hello with a smile. Claire was very surprised. How could the man behind the scenes be Hank Moss? Is this joke a bit too big?

Hank Moss is the patriarch of an old money family. His status is equivalent to that of an ancient prince, and he is one with the country. Why would such a person become a villain?

From this underground base, we know that this matter is by no means as simple as kidnapping a superhero and blowing up a street, but a big event.

Seeing Claire didn't speak, Hank frowned at first, then reacted and said: "Untie her mouth and let her speak."

"Yes, sir."

The housekeeper nodded and ordered to the superhuman on the side: "Let go of the restraints on her mouth."

The supernatural person's face was dull and his eyes were lifeless. After hearing this, he raised his hand and waved. Claire's mouth was freed again, but other parts were still imprisoned by an invisible force.

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